Bad medicine (Part One)

There's a lion in the road, there's a demon escaped,
There's a million dreams gone, there's a landscape being raped. - Bob Dylan
This has been no holiday week for me - far from it - and between work and familyI haven't had the time to post without getting sloppy about it. But I want at least to introduce a subject to which I mean to return early in the new year.
The subject's still taking shape for me, which is fine, because it's partly about shapeshifting. And that isn't to say it's about Reptoid Shapeshifters from Outer Space, because it isn't, except maybe to reframe that instead as a dark slice of pure Americana.
Because I'm thinking, rather, about Navajo witchcraft: the "bad medicine" of, let's call them, "left-hand path" medicine men. Specifically, yee naaldooshi: the "skinwalkers."
Anthropologist Dan Benyshek of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, quoted in Colm Kelleher and George Knapp's Hunt for the Skinwalker:
Skinwalkers are purely evil in intent. I'm no expert on it, but the general view is that skinwalkers do all sorts of terrible things - they make people sick, they commit murders. They are grave robbers and necrophiliacs. They are greedy and evil people who must kill a sibling or other relative to be initiated as a skinwalker. They supposedly can turn into wereanimals and can travel in supernatural ways.
I find it interesting that the initiation fee of killing a close relative is similar to the blood price exacted for admittance into high Satanic circles, and also the generational sacrifice of one's own children to ritual bondage and mind control.
Then there's John Perkins, the National Security Agency-recruit and author of the favourite liberal limited hang-out Confessions of an Economic Hitman, who is also the author of Shapeshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation, and leads workshops on the subject. Here's Perkins, in an interview with "Spirit of Maat":
For definitional purposes we can talk about Shapeshifting occurring on three different levels:
The first is cellular, and that is when a person of an indigenous culture shapeshifts into a plant or animal, or in our culture when a cancer grows in someone and then miraculously disappears.
The second level is personal Shapeshifting. That is when we decide to transform our personality -- and usually that means becoming more of what we most expect in ourselves. It might mean when a person honors themselves as a good writer or a better dancer or politician. It could also mean transforming an addiction.
During the process of writing the book Shapeshifting, I found that many people had the opinion that cellular shapeshifting, where people become jaguars and plants, was important years ago for indigenous peoples and cultures that had to escape from enemies in the forest, or hunt down buffalo and other animals -- but was not important in this day and age and probably doesn't occur anymore.
I disagree. I have seen a lot of very significant cellular Shapeshifting around the world. There are lamas in Tibet who fly across mountains and melt snow with the heat of their bodies, and shamans in the Amazon who become jaguars, and people in this country who miraculously get cured of cancers. I think cellular Shapeshifting is very important, because when we cellular Shapeshift, we realize that we really are one with everything.
Shapeshifting is not just Perkins' metaphor for adaptation and personal transformation. He believes - he claims to have witnessed - shapeshifting on a cellular level.
What am I trying to say? This is what I'm trying to say: we don't need to look to Alpha Draconis to find a culture of shapeshifting. Shapeshifting is as American as Cowboys and Indians, and even more so than Cowboys. Regardless of what we think about the subject, even if we say this cannot be so it can't be true, a living culture which holds such things both possible and essentially evil is indiginous to the United States, and in particular to the western lands which have seen so much bad medicine of late, from Los Almos to Jack Parsons and UFOs. And then there's the New Age shamanism of the NSA's Perkins.
Doug Hickman, a New Mexico educator, says in The Hunt for the Skinwalker that "the Navajo skinwalkers use mind control to make their victims do things to hurt themselves and even end their lives." Again, we've seen this before. Survivors of covert ritual abuse/mind control programs often need to have self-destruct alters reintegrated into their core personalities so they do not harm or kill themselves once the programming has been detected. I find such similarities more interesting, and possibly more important, than speculation as to whether human-to-animal shapeshifting is literally possible.
There's a ranch in Utah said by a local tribe to be "in the path of the skinwalker." After an embarrassment of weirdness terrorized its new owners in the mid-1990s - UFOs, boxy "chupas", cattle mutilations, orbs, anomalous entities and more (their first day, the family was visited by an oversized wolf that attacked a calf and could not be killed or even brought down by a point-blank barrage, whose tracks simply ended in the mud) - the property was purchased by a mysterious Las Vegas multimillionaire named Robert Bigelow, rumoured to have CIA ties. "Another rumor has it that the death of his son several years ago brought about his passionate interest in the paranormal." I'll have more to say about Bigelow and Skinwalker Ranch in Part Two.
Anonymous One,Jeff,I too stumbled on the story of the skinwalkers about a month ago,now it seems to be poping up in many blogs and sites.I am quite sure if these folks find something strange out there we won't be the first persons to be told,yea.And I wonder about Mr.Perkins,why he has been shoved onto the stage for us to ponder?This reminds me of the Fleetwood Mac song hypnotized,later.
I'd have an easier time accepting that visual accounts of shapeshifting were hypnotically or psychoactively induced. The active practice of cellular transformation sounds wholely infeasible to me but could refer to something like the stealth abilities discussed in Jon Ronson's 'The Men who Stare at Goats', in which people claim that they or others can become invisible to humans while in plainly in their sight. Accepting the feasibility of actual cellular transformation however, means throwing out every limitation imposed by science. Science fails to explain alot at this point, but it has explained and accomplished alot and in this case, every insight it offers into the possibility of actual shapeshifting indicates its impossibility. This is not to say only that science fails to explain or replicate cellular transformation. It is to say that science can prove (ultimately through testable, repeatable experiments) that in a normal environment, shapeshifting is impossible on a cellular, atomic, and subatomic level.
While complete alterations of form seem highly implausible, Michell and Rickard's "Phenomena" does have a section on "bodily elongation," which seems to be related to stigmata and most often occurs among religious ecstatics, mediums, or in connection with poltergeist phenomena.
The cases they cite include elongations of the limbs or neck, swelling of the limbs or torso, and displacement of ribs or shoulder blades. And they conclude by saying, "We have no dobut that spontaneous cases of elongation or bodily distortion have,within the context of different mythologies, coincided, or given rise to, genuine beliefs in transmogrification and shape-shifting. Perhaps a more gentle form of this can be seen in the occasional alterations to voice, face and posture of mediums during seances and priests during exorcism."
Why assume that shape-shifting is essentially evil.
European gods and saints and warriors did it all the time. Some did it with evil intent, some with good , some just to stretch themselves..
In legends of early Christianity a period of shape shifting could be undertaken as a form of penance for serious sin. You did not gain the ability to shape shift through evil deeds. You took on the difficult life of an animal as a way to atone for mortal sin, self-administered karma.
In the Sweeney cycle of poems shape-shifting is a way of escaping from a world that has become too painful, a means of coping with post tramatic stress. He becomes a bird.
The ability to shape-shift is something many people would sell their souls for, but that does not make it evil, anymore than the ability to play guitar is evil.
Please look after the wife and kid, your personal affairs; first things first.
I'll wait.
Look forward to your continuing blogging next year Jeff. Was just relistening to your GRASSY KNOLL interview last night. Can't wait to hear you on my friend Robert Larson's OUT THE RABBILE HOLE radio show soon.
On shapeshifting, there are some very interesting accounts and information you might find interesting in my friend Rob Riggs' book "In The Big Thicket -
On The Trail of the Wild Man".
Also, I believe Bob Bigelow helped get Art Bell on the air.
Regarding PHENOMENA and "elongation" of the human form - reminds me of Jacques Vallee's recounting of a spontaneous healing case he called "An Inch of Instant Bone".
Elfis SMiles
Hi Jeff,
I think that the NSA/shapeshifting link is no mere accident. Especially when you consider recent revelations about the spying activities of the NSA and the Bush administration. This is a tangible transmogrification of a Constitutional Republic into a communist-style police state, right before our very eyes.
Interestingly enough, your NSA new age guru was featured in a recent article about the chupacabra listed in of all places PRAVDA. See the thread of continuity there?
As a fan of UFO and related phenomenon since I was 11 (my 11th birthday, I received a briefcase full of books on the paranormal), I grow increasingly disturbed at the involvement of this type of story about a single source of funding at the heart of so many of the most interesting research efforts. Lawrence Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, and now these folks.
It's possible they are simply "studying" these phenomena, in awe like the rest of us, hoping that maybe some military application might be discovered. However, I lean very heavily right now toward the idea that they are "creating" the phenomena, or at least heavily, heavily shaping their interpretation.
This latest post is about the last nail in my own personal coffin for the belief that alien abduction is not a mind control exercise of some kind. It makes me even less happy to remember that many abductees receive "lessons" from the aliens, and they often claim that most of the "lesson" is not accessible to them consciously. So to what end are these lessons?
While I don't discount the paranormal aspect to these things, much of this can certainly be explained, in theory anyway, as a concerted effort to promote the story of alien interaction on earth. I think that the truism of the CIA that they always have "a second reason for everything they do" is true here, as well.
The alien abduction screen memories may be to cover mind control research as well as to promote a message that will help to shape a worldview among elements of certain aspects of society that the end is near and there's nothing we can do about it but trust our space brothers or those who have access to their instructions.
"It's a cookbook," indeed.
And how do we know that "big brother" hasn't invested some of our tax dollars in this site?.....
Annonymous 12:35, how do we know that "big brother" hasn't invested some of our tax dollars in the disinfo boiler room you post from?
here's his company - seems to be into the whole "space tourism" idea...
Regarding shapeshifting: A friend of mine originally from Nigeria claims he saw Dubya back in the late '90's prior to his "election" during a visit to his country. Apparently, Dubya was invited to watch a voodoo demonstration in which a 10 year old boy's head was hacked clean off in a ritual dance ceremony, only to be magically re-attached seconds later. According to my friend, Dubya didn't quite know what to make of the event. Also, my friend declined the opportunity to make this story public, fearing certain retribution.
Regarding ritual abuse: Over the past month, I've noticed little stickers left around the city I live in (Seattle) that read as follows:
Sparkle Girl
Alterity 101
...beneath which is a small picture of a semi-automatic rifle.
The stickers were placed on common surfaces: electrical boxes, metal bridge railings, lamp posts, etc. Having been reading up on RA here on your site Jeff, as well as in other places, I put 2 and 2 together, and concluded these are likely to be triggers. So I tore them down...wherever I saw them. It's of course beyond my control to prevent such "trigger seeding," but it's not beyond my control to take the one's I do see down.
Speaking of space, I thought this from Dave McGowan's most recent newsletter was interesting. Don't know what to think about it.
This seems to be a tough time to be a conspiracy theorist. I was just reading the other day, over at, how one of the crackpot theories ( that I have openly endorsed is about to be exposed as the crazed ramblings of a madman:
A European spacecraft now orbiting the Moon could turn out to be a time machine of sorts as it photographs old landing sites of Soviet robotic probes and the areas where American Apollo crews set down and explored. New imagery of old Apollo touchdown spots, from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) SMART-1 probe, might put to rest conspiratorial thoughts that U.S. astronauts didn’t go the distance and scuff up the lunar landscape. NASA carried out six piloted landings on the Moon in the time period 1969 through 1972. Fringe theorists have said images of the waving flag -- on a Moon with no atmosphere -- and other oddities show that NASA never really went to the Moon. (
"Fringe theorists" with “conspiratorial thoughts”? That seems rather harsh, but I guess if the guys over at have the goods to now expose the crackpot theorists for the fools that they are, then they have earned their smug attitude. After all, the head of the ESA Science Program purportedly "told that the SMART-1 orbiter circling the Moon has already covered the Apollo 11, 16, and 17 landing sites, as well as spots where the former Soviet Union’s Luna 16 and Luna 20 automated vehicles plopped down. The images have not yet been released.”
Uh oh! This could really suck! It would appear that my exposure as a tinfoil-hat-wearing fruitcake is imminent. Faced with such a situation, what is a fringe theorist to do? Expunge all references to fake moon landings from my website and indignantly argue that I never endorsed such a boneheaded notion? Quietly slink away in shame, only to later reemerge under a clever pseudonym? Or maybe, throwing caution to the wind, call's bluff and proudly proclaim, once again, that the notion that we sent astronauts to the moon in the late 1960s is laughably absurd?
I think I'll go with that last option, especially since I couldn’t help noticing that the piece was posted back on March 4, and as near as I can ascertain, inquiring minds around the world are still waiting for the release of the fabled new images. And it’s been, you know, over nine months, so I'm guessing that it's going to be a pretty long wait.
In completely unrelated news, NASA issued a curious report in June of this year that read, in part, as follows:
NASA's Vision for Space Exploration calls for a return to the Moon as preparation for even longer journeys to Mars and beyond. But there's a potential showstopper: radiation. Space beyond low-Earth orbit is awash with intense radiation from the Sun and from deep galactic sources such as supernovas. Astronauts en route to the Moon and Mars are going to be exposed to this radiation, increasing their risk of getting cancer and other maladies. Finding a good shield is important. (
Now, a person with questionable cognitive skills, such as myself, might assume that finding a good radiation shield would have been important back in the Apollo days as well. I mean, surely we must have solved this little technical problem back in the sixties, because we obviously couldn't have sent our boys to the moon without a suitable radiation shield. Right?
This is all a little confusing to me. On the one hand, we have a bold claim that new photographic evidence exists proving that man has indeed walked on the moon. But on the other hand, we have an acknowledgement straight from the horse’s mouth that even now, nearly forty years after the fact, and with technology having advanced by light-years during that forty years, we still haven't figured out how to make manned space travel possible.
The only reasonable explanation that I can come up with is that space radiation must have only become a problem in recent years. In the ‘60s and early ‘70s, space was apparently relatively free of radiation, allowing unshielded Apollo rockets to cruise about without a care in the world, while crew members primarily busied themselves with trying to figure out how to capture all the stems and seeds that were floating around the capsule as a result of cleaning their stash of low-grade ‘60s marijuana. It was just a different solar system back in those days. As aging hippies like to say, if you remember the solar system of the sixties, you weren’t really flying around in it.
If it proves not to be the case that this space radiation “showstopper” is a new development, then I guess what probably happened is that we did indeed have the technology back in the '60s to send men to the moon, but at some point during the intervening decades, that technology was simply lost. Maybe the information was stored on a single PC that suffered a major hard-drive crash, destroying all the precious data.
Oh wait … that can't be right, come to think of it, because we didn't even have PCs back in the day. But we had lots of other cool stuff, like rotary telephones, and transistor radios, and Brownie cameras, and ‘electric football’ games, and black-and-white televisions that received up to 13 channels without the use of a remote control device. So it’s easy to see how, with cutting-edge technology like that, we might have been a little more advanced in the ‘60s in the field of space travel than we are today.
What probably happened was that an overzealous night custodian simply threw the data away. The conversation around the NASA water cooler the next day probably went something like this: "Holy shit! Has anyone seen the file that I left on my desk last night?! That was the only copy of the secret formula that I devised for building a space radiation shield! Do you realize that it could be forty years or more before someone else can duplicate it? My ass is so fired if I can’t find that file!”
I’m sure the boys at NASA, with all their fancy book learnin’ and all, can explain why it is that we now need a space radiation shield when we did just fine without one in the ‘60s. I’ll be waiting patiently for that explanation.
* * * * * *
Other interesting news in this letter at
"And how do we know that "big brother" hasn't invested some of our tax dollars in this site?"
I guess the only people who could really know are myself, my family and big brother. And maybe not even my family. But since on the Net saying "take my word for it" is even more useless than usual, readers' need to exercise their own judgement and intuition, here and everywhere else.
That last comment was nice, and at the crux of a lesson try and share with everybody. My problem is that I've hit a wall. Being what I consider a true skeptic (the only thing I claim to be 100% is a monotheist, as I've seen enough 'proof' to satisfy me), my mind is awash with a strange matrix of the way things could be, possibilties that I cannot intuit the truth of...
I have a couple questons for you personnally I've been dying to ask for a while now, if you'll indulge me.
What is your belief system? Theist, atheist, agnostic? I've gathered that extra-dimensional entites are part of your belief system, but are any of them GOOD? What role (if any) do you think consciousness has in the scheme of things...
Sorry if the question is rude or redundant, but I am constantly impressed with your ability to draw rather sane conclusions from such buried and misinterpreted information, and I always find myself wondering about your underlying belief system.
On the subject of astronauts and space radiation . . .
If memory serves me, it was announced when the original astronauts were chosen that NASA was deliberately selecting men in their late thirties who already had children because of the risk of radiation damage to their reproductive cells. (The Soviets, whose astronauts were younger, were assumed to have no such compunctions.)
Using the threat of radiation damage to prove that men couldn't have landed on the moon in the 1960's is like using the threat of scurvy to prove that Columbus couldn't have discovered America in 1492. (Or, for that matter, the threat of hearing loss to prove that the early 21st century couldn't have invented iPods.)
Human beings have this pattern where the braver and stupider among us tend to do things first, just because they can, and only then figure out how to make it safe enough for everybody.
Interesting stuff, Jeff.
Sometimes I look up these shadowy characters in namebase (dot org) to see who they might have connections to.
Bob Bigelow doesn't show up there, but his top employee PhD Colonel John Alexander sure does -
connections galore to govt. psi programs.. hmmm..
Looks like you're barking up the right tree as usual.
"What is your belief system?"
That's a hard one to answer for several reasons, but chiefly because it's not particularly systematic these days. I will say that I believe Whatever Is is finally irreducible to system or doctrine, and may be best apprehended by poetry and informed imagination. (For instance, I think Leonard Cohen's description of the human condition as a tangle of matter and ghost is more spot on than anything else I've read.)
"I've gathered that extra-dimensional entites are part of your belief system, but are any of them GOOD?"
Again, I don't know that I'd call it a belief system, because I try to keep my conclusions about such things as provisional as the phenomena warrants, though I think the record of entity encounters strongly suggests characteristics of deception and menace. The mystery is so big there is almost certainly benign aspects to it, but I think the the pattern of deception, and the stakes, make suspicion a prudent response.
Regardless of what we think about the subject, even if we say this cannot be so it can't be true, a living culture which holds such things both possible and essentially evil is indiginous to the United States, and in particular to the western lands which have seen so much bad medicine of late...
America is not a young land.
It is old...
and dirty and evil.
Before the settlers,
before the Indians.
The evil is there waiting.
David Cronenberg/WSB, Naked Lunch (1991)
I'd like to shapeshift into a dragon and go to Washington. Can you picture me flying low down the Washington mall chasing Tom DeLay, lighting his pants on fire? LOL!
Just in case anyone might have missed out on it, 1981's 'Wolfen' touched on the Indian Shapeshifting thing with some ambivelance, and is the only movie I'm aware of that even examines native shapeshifting aside from the occassional references to the Wendigo, which don't really gell with the current topic.
Wolfen was a very interesting film and an easy rental if you haven't seen it.
I'd like to shapeshift into a giant vagina. Stuff all the Washington monuments and politician filled government buildings inside me. Then have it aborted.
Kim Huffman
WB played a rerun on "Supernatural" tonight called "Skin", it was about a Shapeshifter; I didn't see the whole thing, so I don't know if they mentioned skinwalkers...I wonder if Jeff knew this episode would be replaying tonight?
On another note, Perkin's interview mentioned flying Tibetan lamas and their ability to raise their body temperature. Those aren't really shapeshifting phenomena. The latter phenomenon is called Tummo (gTum mo) and has actually been verified and studied a bit by Herbert Benson (I think that's his name -- it's the guy that came up with the Relaxation Response) of Harvard. It's part of a yoga system and many Western investigators have wrongly assumed that it originated in Tibet and was something that Tibetan yogis learned in order to meditate in the harsh cold winters without relying on having to hunt for firewood (or yak dung to burn for warmth). But in reality it originated in India -- the heat aspect of the practice is just a bonus side-effect for yogis in the cold of Tibet; it must have been miserable for the ancient yogis in India, because heat is always a physical manifestation of success in the yoga. It's Sanskrit name is Candali Yoga. It hasn't been sufficiently explained, though I think that Benson hypothesized that the practitioners somehow are metabolizing something called "brown fat", whatever that is.
About the moon "landings", check out Eric Hufschmid's PDF report on the technology of 1969:
It's blatantly impossible for such a feat. Hufschmid did a scathing video on 911 called Painful Questions as well, focusing on Building 7 which obviously came down with demolitions. The big conspiracy is actually constant lying and deceiving.
Neem Karoli Baba, the reknowned Indian saint who was introduced to the west by Ram Dass was once asked about siddhis or spirtual powers. He is said to have replied, "Siddhis are pigs**t!" This may seem ironic insofar as he was said to have had a great many miraculous powers. I think that what he was getting at was that any kind of miraculous power, be it psychic, or pertaining to the ability to transform oneself into a variey of shapes and sizes, are essentially of no value if one is using them in the service of the ego or for personal gain.
I recently had a conversation with someone I consider to be a "wise woman". We were talking about how it was possible that a person could be capable of transmitting spiritual or esoteric teachings on a very high level and still be fundamentally off or inflicting harm on other humans. It was her contention that the distortion is often, and most probably, related to a failure of the teacher or transmitter to have resolved fundamental psychodynamic issues that most likely have their roots in early childhood. I beleive that there are a great many people who have been able to access higher states of conciousness and have the ability to perform miraculous feats but are fndamentally damaged psychologically. (There is some speculation that they may be able to access these states because of damge inflicted upon them at a young age but this is a topic for another post.)
It really does bring me back to asking the question, "What is the motivation?" The ability to discern between someone who is motivated by their own narcisissm and underlying insecurity and someone who is motivated by their desire to serve in a compassionate and humble way is an important quality to cultivate. I find it neccesary to check in with myself regarding my own motivation often and am amazed at how subtle and deceptive the ego can be.
I just recieved the invitation for the 2006
Burning Man celebration. The theme for this year is Hope! and Fear! Most appropriate.
Be honest and kind, stay awake and pay attention...that's my advice for these for these amazingly wierd and beautiful times.
This piece makes me wonder about just who is Jeff. First he has many insightful articles citing lots of facts, then there's the other extreme on stuff like shapeshifting or ghosts with no facts, but just what he's been "thinking" about lately. It's his right to do it, it's his blog. And I'm open to anything, but on fantastic claims I do prefer some solid evidence or I'm skeptical by nature. Speculating is one thing, discussing reality is another.
But I ask is that ego that allows him to print what he's "thinking," not what he knows? Or is he involved in government disinfo? (like after hurricane Katrina government crimes, Luis Farrakhan suddenly as if on cue was given prime air time by all major network talk shows to clearly denounce the government for blowing up the levees and much more, which while totally true, discredited the truth by associating it with a discredited loony extremist paid government provacateur, Mr. Farrakhan).
So are we who believe 911 was an inside job at risk of in the future being lumped in with shapeshifting and such things and thus discredit our 911 message?
I don't know I'm just asking, but in my opinion, if you're just thinking about this, why not wait until you do know, one way or the other, then provide the facts for that conclusion.
"I think that when we begin speculation about these things it is the beginning of our wakening from the dream of life." George Russell, The Candle of Vision, 1918, from Jeff.
Regarding "Sparkle Girl" stickers:
Sparkle Girl is a self-described student political group based at the University of Washington. They're apparently dedicated to the idea that stating their political beliefs plainly isn't as much fun as designing weird little stickers, posters, etc. From what I've seen, it's apparently more of a 60s protest nostalgia group than anything.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
#1 sniffer and others -- the pattern is showing. Don't wear the same talking points memo to the prom.
"Sincerely" framing Jeff in the context of being a possible dupe or a disinfo agent, while sidewise invoking building seven (who gaf at this point?) in this ritualistic rhetoric in the service of weak gumbo.
I see it.
Scooby snacks and black licorice, Jeff.
Dear Sepka I am not on the board but saw your question there,read celtic literature Christian and pagan to learn about the various social uses of shape-shifting, including penance.
It can work simply as a metaphor for life as hermit or an outlaw , of couse, but the stories treat it as physical event not that out of the ordinary.
In translations from celtic languages shape-shifting is a reward , a punishment,a courtship display, a symptom of nervous collapse,a compulsion,a means of escape, a pleasant or unpleasant way to spend some time. It was taken for granted and intertwined with all aspects of life.
There is a whole cycle of poems about Sweeney, who choses to live and suffer as an animal. There are many translations. You could probably find them in libraries or on the internet. They are very good poetry .
I think that a large part of what Jeff does is a matter of gaining higher perspective.
Over and over, when you read about the most innovative artist and scientists, you find that they were following some sort of occult belief system which had no firm basis in fact, and may even have been entirely whacked, but which somehow made the work for which we remember them possible. (For example, Isaac Newton with his alchemy and his interpretations of the Book of Revelations.)
I've tried for years to understand why this should be so. The rationalist approach has always been to either try to cover up these non-rational interests or to pooh-pooh them -- along the lines of, "If only Newton hadn't frittered away half his time on Biblical prophecies, we could have had relativity and quantum theory by 1715."
But it doesn't seem to work that way. The sticking-to-business scientists never produce works of genius. The grounded-in-reality artists are limited to society portraits and scenic landscapes. An attempt to see things from a higher level seems to be crucial in the development of new insights -- and it doesn't much matter what that larger belief system is or even whether it bears any relationship to objective truth.
The other thing to keep in mind is that it isn't necessarily possible to tell at the time which part of a creative thinker's belief system is going to be accepted down the line as True and which part will be considered at best a useful catalytic error. As a result, a certain amount of trust and tolerance is called for while the creative process is underway.
Ultimately, it's a matter of "by their fruits ye shall know them." I'm highly interested in the fruits of Jeff's venture into non-orthodox thinking. I have neither the ability nor the desire myself to try to separate out the "true" bits from the useful errors. And above all, I think it's important not to censor the process while it's underway.
Jeff, you know what would be awesome? If you could get a screen grab or two of the skinwalker that Viggo Mortenson kept flashing on in the excellent movie The Indian Runner. (One of my all time faves everyone should see) With your style of art, I'm sure you could come up with am amazing collage with that creepy Indian witchdoctor skinwalker that haunted Viggo.
YOu will notice a lot of these travellers in pinkish translucent bubbles popping in and around chemtrail clouds. Just keep looking around for a few minutes and you'll see them.
With each day that passes that we remain passive, silent and indifferent, becoming submissive to further corporatist control over our lives, we are helping to cement the unforgiving future of our progeny and of a once great nation.
Sepka --
Thanks for the info re: "Sparkle Girl", which is corroborated here:
Regarding the stickers:
What's up with "Alterity 101" ?
And the submachine gun icon?
Do you KNOW that the SG to which you refer are the same dudes pasting these stickers around?
Because to me, these stickers convey no information whatsoever -- so what's the point of plastering them up and down a busy streetcorner?
Just asking.
Talk of the "Alterity 101" has reminded me of the "Toynbee Tiles." Heard of them? Enigmatic plastic plaques baked into streets over the US and South America. They say "Toynbee ideas in Kubrick's 2001 resurrect dead on planet Jupiter." Good site about them here:
\Al*ter"i*ty\, n. [F. alt['e]rit['e].] The state or quality of being other; a being otherwise. [R.]
very ironic to the thread in question
It's pretty funny to see people get their pants in a wad (yes-that means you #1 sniffer)over what you share with us. Whether it's true, not true, too true, it's nice to know that us humans can still debate about our existence.
Now if I could 've gotten my ex-wife to think like Starroute, I'd still be married.
For a creepy, updated take on Skinwalkers, I recommend Glenn Morris' books - Path Notes of an American Ninja Master and Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master.
To weird and complex to go into here, but just scan the Amazon reviews of his books to get a good idea of his practice.
disinfo ...for courtesy's sake, or just to be understood, private baby babble is little help:
"Scooby snacks and black licorice, Jeff" ??? OR "while sidewise invoking building seven (who gaf at this point?) in this ritualistic rhetoric in the service of weak gumbo." ??? AND "the pattern is showing. Don't wear the same talking points memo to the prom."
Got me there I guess (translation anyone?)
D.I. has I.nfo written all over him. And he $ells book$.
I love it here. I come real often to check for new posts by Jeff. I think those of us who adapt are those folks who know there is high weirdness in this world - things that can not be explained. Concrete (black and white thinkers) need to find another sand box or make a fast trip to the grip store (borrowed that one from Dave McGowan). S T R E T C H and open your mind! Jeff's abilities are awesome. Many of the guest posters are just as awesome.
There is "high weirdness" and then there is a higher greatness. Both are seeks you and the other YOU must seek.
Jeff Wells is gifted. There is truth and beauty to be found in cautious pessimism.
Introibo Ad Altare Dei
television child said:
Do you KNOW that the SG to which you refer are the same dudes pasting these stickers around?
Because to me, these stickers convey no information whatsoever
I'm not certain, no. I'm going by the principle of looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
They say "Sparkle Girl"; they're in Seattle; they contain emotionally loaded imagery; and they look like they *should* mean something, but defy analysis.
My guess is that this is what the Sparkle Girl people consider consciousness raising. The best way to be sure would be to contact them and ask.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
Dear Jeff,
For the poetry I would like to recommend this to you and everybody who might be interested:
especially the part : Canto Eight
The World of Falsehood, the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness
as it comes nearest to the theme of your blog.Thank you for your inspiration and work.
David Icke introduced me to the topics Jeff has been writing about. Ritual child sex abuse and the Bush Crime family for starters. It's my understanding that D.I. was a typical soccer player turned tv sportscaster until he went to South America and had a vision induced by a Native American drug experience. He described it as like breaking through to another dimension. He came back and was interviewed on British tv wearing a turquois jumpsuit. He appeared to be out of his mind. He, according to his own story, was ridiculed and humiliated for some time after that - literally made fun of. He speaks of it as a terrible period for him and his family. It took some time for him to gather a following. Regarding the lizard thing - I just remember that Princess Diana was quoted as saying, "they're not human" regarding the royal family. Actually I wonder about anyone who writes or speaks about this material who hasn't been suicided -why are they allowed to keep reporting? What critical step do the Gary Webbs and Hunter Thompsons take before they're silenced. Are those who are allowed to write and speak on these topics all possible "disinfo agents"?
Re: David Icke
Actually, Icke merely had a recent breakthrough in realization following an ayahuasca trip he was invited to take after the remote South American resort called him asking him to come down and speak since so many of their visitors report seeing reptilians while on ayahuasca.
Icke had been writing books on this stuff for years before he ever tried any hallucinogens. He says he never smoked marijuana or ate psilocybin mushrooms or any such things until his ayahuasca experience, after which he wrote the book "Tales from the Time Loop" and more recently "Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion", both stemming from concepts he realized while on this trip.
Before any of this, he wrote several books based on what he claims was a wholly organic experience following a string of synchronicities which seemed to steer him straight to the incident he had in Central America, which may be the source of your confusion. It was there that he feels he received a communique from a higher intelligence who informed him that he would be writing a formidable series of books in a short amount of time, which he then proceeded to do.
I wish I could link to his own words on the topic, but his site seems to be in a transitional state and the links have all been changed to point to a notice about the site transition rather than any of the content, which is unfortunate.
I suppose it's possible that the higher intelligence which commanded his conscious attention and drove him to write these books could have been black agents with thought-projection tech who are on orders to begin the "Revelation of the Method" a la the bad guy's pre-mortem diatribe in every James Bond film ever, but who knows.
This is why learning true discernment is very important. If it speaks to you and activates your heart and/or crown chakra, it's probably a safe bet. If it makes you feel afraid, it's probably meant to.
I know one thing for sure, Icke won't talk about orgonite in his books, and has told those that inquire or suggest it that he won't mention such things because he believes we can "think" our way out of this whole situation (e.g., changing the holograms around us).
Credo Mutwa, the official historian and shaman of the Zulu nation, has been interviewed by Icke on the Zulu's intimate knowledge of reptilian shapeshifters, and the video is available through Icke's web site.
Credo is also good friends with a prolific and selfless orgonite gifter in South Africa named Georg Ritschl, who has introduced him to orgonite which was received quite openly and intuitively by Credo.
This is especially unfortuante considering he's also friendly with David Icke, who has the ear of the majority of people of this planet who know the score and would want to do something about it, like deploy orgonite in their regions to help stop the global genocide agenda.
Icke is very polarizing, especially among the orgonite community, who generally regard him as either a paid disinformant or a useful dupe. After all, the best disinformation is 90% true...
Jeff --
"Toybees Ideas" seems like it could likely be a case of obsessive art-in-motion by a serious traveler...
Maybe I'm paranoid and reading too much into things. Still, "Alterity 101" seems like a potentially loaded phrase to me.
Sepka -- thanks for the tip: I'll give SG a buzz and see what's up.
In meantime, I'll try to just keep one finger on the dial :)
Orgonite, I was glad to see you mention Credo Mutwa. I think it's unfortunate he's known to most in the West only via Icke. I think Mutwa's shamanic experiences and intuitions go far deeper and ring much truer - though they may be even stranger - than Icke's Reptoids from Outer Space. Bill Chalker, in his Hair of the Alien, includes very interesting conversations with Mutwa.
"I think that when we begin speculation about these things it is the beginning of our wakening from the dream of life."
George Russell, The Candle of Vision
-perhaps, but IMO it seems as if we have a hard-wired inability to follow certain facts to thier logical conclusions; we experience things that tell us the world is not 'concrete', even to the point of proving this in physics, yet bail out when we approach the truth: that the world is basically an agreed-upon illusion, and that phenomena like MIB are our own essence reminding us that we agreed to this bit-part because "nothing happens" on the other side'...
Here are a few more "Skinwalker Ranch" oddities...
Another visitor to the ranch... along with Gorman and his son, say they saw a large blurry "something" moving through the trees. The visitor has been meditating when this thing showed up. It swiftly moved from the trees, across the pasture, covering 100 yards in seconds, and when it reached the man, it let out a ferocious roar, something akin to a large bear, a roar loud enough to be heard hundreds of yards away. But this was no bear. It was, according to the Gormans, nearly invisible, resembling the camouflaged being in the movie Predator. The visitor was so scared, he grabbed on to Gorman and wouldn't let go. He left the ranch and has never returned.
Other creatures and beings were also seen, including exotic, multicolored birds that were certainly not native to the region and could not be identified...
As if those visual experiences weren't enough, the family claims its other senses were also challenged by assorted weird events. They often were overwhelmed by strong musk odors. The pastures would unexplainably light up at night like a football stadium. They claim to have seen shafts of light that seemingly emanated from the ground, They (and others) say they heard what sounded like heavy machinery operating under the earth. And they heard voices. Tom, his son and his nephew remember hearing a loud, disembodied conversation in some unintelligible language. The disembodied male voices spoke in what the witnesses say was a mocking tone and sounded like they were emanating from 20 or more feet above their heads, but they saw nothing. The dogs accompanying the three witnesses growled and barked at the voices, then took off in a panic.
There were physical manifestations that aren't easily explained. While checking on his herd in the third homestead, Gorman noticed that someone had dug up his pasture. Hundreds of pounds of soil had been scooped out of the ground. The edges of the hole resembled perfect, concentric circles, as if someone had dropped a gigantic cookie cutter on the pasture. Several smaller scoop marks were also found...
Interesting blog. Here's a link to an old news article on 'Skinwalker Ranch' now deleted but preserved on the Internet Archives.
Sorry about the loooongg URL. I broke it up, as I thought it may get clipped otherwise.
You mentioned 'Satanic' orders again. It's been bugging me since I started reading posts here. It seems to me that you are talking about ritual magic generally, which is by no means the same thing as Satanism, which is essentially either
a) a modern 'religion' consisting of different groups and individuals united only by opposition to Christianity.
b) a smokescreen to destract people from thinking to hard about the true nature of the rituals being discussed.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find that powerful people are engaged in ritual magic of the very darkest kind, but I'd like to know to whom different groups are linked, rather than whitewashing the whole thing under a satanic blanket. After all, even the old testament of the bible contains human sacrifice and rape. That's general (evil) magic.
But, are there several competing groups or ... Well, how unified is all this? Just because people practise dubious magical rituals doesn't mean they are necessary in league, although the role of the CIA is certainly interesting.
Also, what is it with all the anonominiacal posters popping up and with accusations of disinformation? I'd be interested to know what was posted that caused this response. It does seem a little suspect to me.
Oh, and all the best for the new year!
Jeff, and readers of this blog....
May you all have the happiest New Year!
And may all of our aspirations for peace and happiness come to fruition!
May we not become tired or bored with our work in the direction of finding truth and fulfilling the needs of those in sorrow who depend on us!
May every be joyful!
Happy New Year!
jeff and all, please read this:
sorry for crashing the thread, but i think it's a breakthrough having such a damning list all in one place.
I am a westerner who practises "shamanism" or whatever you wish to call it.
Jeff I enjoy your post and am actually into the idea you have about a "Hellboy" type invocation.
However I get a bit irritated at what seems to be the lumping of all "weirdness" into the "evil from hell" box.
I have done "shape shifting", and it is a strange experience, as are all shamanic practises and shamanic communication with "world serpents" or "DNA serpents".
Not all entities have no right to be invoked. Many are an expression of human DNA (the same DNA as all life) and its potentialities.
However shamans have a specific role:
healing the sick, protecting their tribe or culture (by the bringing of law and consulting with "spirits", as well as magical war) and maintaining the role of humans on earth.
That (humanity's) role is the balancing of the energies of creation, so as to maintain life.
The powers that be (trying to rule the world) are always searching in ancient knowledge for more power and more chances to inflict it on others, however as they are exposed to the power we represent (the power of what most in the west refer to as God), their attempts at destroying this world are being undermined.
They are unable to see this, but even if they could they are helpless against it.
Be aware that shamanism, shapeshifting and various occult practises are what defines us as humans and are the precursors to our culture today. That culture, however flawed it is, it is also capable of great good.
Some one said their is high weirdness and higher greatness, but the high weirdness supports the higher greatness in a way few understand.
Jeff the techniques are interchangeable, but you either serve life or you serve anti life.
Anti life has been attacking life on earth since day one. The satanic child abusers are just following that (traiterous) tradition.
It is painful for the victims, but even now the earth is gathering to rid itself of those abominations (or something).
There are evn those that shape shift and hunt the so called "reptillians", they do so in reptillian form believe it or not.
That is because the form is an achetype of power.
The intention of the form and the free will that directs it determines the consequences of its use.
No thing is intrinsically evil.
In the hypotheses section of the book, I found the quote from someone on a DMT trip recieving messages from "reptiles" deep in his brain to be interesting, especially in light of David Icke's rather odd theories. Perhaps Icke isn't right in a literal sense but in a symbolic one.
Thanks Jeff for the answer to my queston about your belef system.
To all of you (even you trolls) have a wonderful year full of kindness both given and received.
On a side note, I've been thinking about something recently... There's alot of speculaton about some kind of endtimes scenario happening in December of 2012 (mostly due to mesoamerican cultural influence, I think), but if you combine that little bit of thought with the christian 7 year apocolypse, that would mean the clock started just over a week ago. This is the only place could think to share such a thought, though I don't think it's exactly on-topic, sorry.
I think weirdo nutcase weaves a proper story.
There is a distinction between using mana to heal and using it for ill; for ill is sorcery and carries a cost.
One might wonder why there are hooves on the roof at 3am when playing with the threads.
Meanwhile, think about how much obvious evil takes place without the "high weird."
Depleted Uranium, for example.
Fleetwood's "Hypnotized" is a beautiful song. I gotta get their latest album, I heard it's pretty good.
I just finished reading Perkins and am now re-reading it. For now I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. First, this is a man in a compartmentalized operation who tells only what he knows directly from his compartment. That's all, but that's enough to get people asking the right questions. Limited hangout it may be, but limited hangouts are useful. They open mental doors to further inquiry. Also, put yourself in his shoes. Even if he knows more than he's telling, telling everything you know can be hazardous not only to your own health but your loved ones'. Notice that he bent over backwards to repeat that "it's not a conspiracy... I am not talking conspiracy theories." That is the required disclaimer in order to get published and taken seriously. Say it's not a conspiracy, even when it obviously is.
I tend to view a lot of New Ageism with alarm, especially the shamanism and channeling stuff. HE could very well be sincere in thinking that this stuff will save the world. So I'm keeping an open mind on perkins.
mr e
There's plenty of heated Reptilian discussion and much more over at
"Throughout its evolution, the human brain has acquired three components that progressively appeared and became superimposed...
"The most primitive is the archipallium or primitive core. It corresponds to the reptile brain, also called "R-complex".
"The primitive one is responsible for self preservation. It is there that the mechanisms of aggression and repetitive behavior are developed. It is there that occur the instinctive reactions of the so-called reflex arcs and the commands which allow some involuntary actions and the control of certain visceral functions (cardiac, pulmonary, intestinal, etc), indispensable to the preservation of life.
"The development of the olfactory bulbs and their connections made possible an accurate analysis of olfactory stimuli and the improvement of answers oriented by odors, such as approach, attack, flight and mating.
"It is also in the R-complex that started the first manifestations of the phenomena of ritualism, by means of which the animal tries to define its hierarchic position inside the group..."
Neomonk said:
There's alot of speculaton about some kind of endtimes scenario happening in December of 2012 (mostly due to mesoamerican cultural influence, I think), but if you combine that little bit of thought with the christian 7 year apocolypse, that would mean the clock started just over a week ago.
Neomonk, you may appreciate the work of jasgrave333 called Armageddon December 10, 2005 wherein he predicted (back in July) the beginning of the end to be on Dec 10, and was rewarded on that day with what seems to be a personalized message just for him.
Aside from this, you may appreciate further research into the topic of 2012, namely the end of the Mayan calendar on Dec 21 of that year. There are certainly many things which are known about this date which are not debatable (well beyond the Meso-american connection), but the rest is speculative (although the speculation, much like the same which occurs here, seems to gain solidity with each passing day).
See the required reading in the links column of the Enterprise Mission Drydock blog, then check out the comments over there.
You may also be very interested in the work of Goro Adachi over at Entemenanki.
If you have difficulty following any of this material, perhaps Robert Anton Wilson's teriffic Cosmic Trigger series would be a useful primer. If that's too much for you, back up to his Illuminatus trilogy and start from there. Aside from being a very entertaining read, it can help train the mind to think in synchronicities.
EVERYONE shapeshifts. from a sperm & egg until you are decomposed dirt in the ground its one big giant cellular shapeshift lol....
the idea that some folks can actually control this process with their mind is pretty feasable IMO.
why not? seriously, what has science "proved" that makes shapeshifting impossible? the mental projection as well, but really what is ANYTHING besides mental projections....
i suspect (aka know) that the so called material world is a bit more malleable than we are led to believe....
Thanks Orgonite for the information. I've yet to check the links out yet because I wanted to express my thanks immediatly for such a full answer.
You're quite welcome. Just pay it forward and inform others.
And please, for the love of shameless plugs about things for the good of humanity, learn how to make orgonite and why.
Yes, most the bloggers are stucking to skinwalkers at least in a post. The whole idea of shapeshifting is really bad.
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