The smoking scalp?
Last year, I noticed a presidential trend, that seemed unpresidentially fetishistic, and began collecting images.

And a new one for Wednesday morning, submitted by Webster:

Hey, I'm just sayin'....

To keep au courant with the President's knob polishing, consult julius.

And a new one for Wednesday morning, submitted by Webster:

Hey, I'm just sayin'....

To keep au courant with the President's knob polishing, consult julius.
There is absolutely NOTHING homoerotic about what Bush is doing in those pictures!
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
(btw, Jeff, James Wolcott linked to you on this post)
I've been WAITING for someone to notice this!!!! Another weird little Bush "coincidence"!!
Great catch; this should be all over the place, soon.
- mercury
I think it's incumbent upon us to check out the head of the mayor of Knoxville. Isn't he the guy who allegedly had an affair with Bush? And then Al Gore spent $1.5M to buy the file on the story from the National Enquirer in 1999?
Or something like that!
This is a really, REALLY horrible thought, but you know that Guckert/Gannon started his "job" at the White House around the time Ari Fleischer quit.
Well, Ari is bald, but Scottie isn't there yet.
So skinhead Gannon starts when bald Ari leaves?
You get where I'm going with this? Good, I'm glad you get it, because I can't finish the thought and keep my lunch down.
I have a shaven head too.
Bush wants to hit on me. Eeeeewwwwwww! Please pass the cerebral Clorox...
I have a shaven head too.
Bush wants to hit on me. Eeeeewwwwwww! Please pass the cerebral Clorox...
Just for the record, it would have been nice if you had mentioned you lifted that collection of pictures from my blog. I've been collecting those wacky pictures of Bush for almost a year; I even scanned some of those pictures from newspapers:
A courtesy link or mention would have been in order.
I'm just saying.
Just for the record, it would have been nice if you had mentioned you lifted that collection of pictures from my blog. I've been collecting those wacky pictures of Bush for almost a year; I even scanned some of those pictures from newspapers: courtesy link or mention would have been in order.
I'm just saying.
But here's the rub...
(second-long pause for pun to irritate)
is there a nexxus with Mehlman and McClellan (who 'Raw Story' reports hangs out in Austin, Tx. gay bars)?
Because I think, and this is just off the top of my head...
(another second-long pause, shoulders hunched, preparing to duck)
Those two guys have hair. (As does Ambassador Ashe (no relation to Arthur, a man of integrity and class, r.i.p.)
The Rev Moon, though, he _is_ flashing a little come-hither scalp...
Creationism, eugenics...why not phrenology?
that's damn funny.
dude, that is just wrong to lift someone else's hard work. I saw julius' pictures days before your post. way uncool. will not visit your blog again because of it.
I've been collecting these pics since this thread on DU, from March 04, where I post as Minstrel Boy. Check the properties of the pictures, I wasn't grabbing them from Julius.
I mean, this thread:
Bullshit, Jeff. Some of those pictures were scanned from newspapers (I did scan them myself), and some of them were sent from readers of my blog.
The fact that you took them from MY blog and hosted them in yours doesn't change the fact that you didn't acknowledge you got them from my site.
I started this collection in April 2004, as it's evident in my own blog. Now you suddenly claim you got them in March? Ridiculous.
Not cool, dude. Not cool at all.
And you original post from DU only lists one photo. At least recognize you got the rest from my blog, man!
There is a photo that looks like a younger, trimmer version of Guckert . May I ask where it is from and if it is possibly could actually be Guckert.
Oh, for god sakes! Why don't ya'll email your differences in private about where the pics came from. Be cool, don't forget who the enemy is.
Julius, I posted three or four pictures on that DU thread in March last year, and none of them were lifted from your site. Even if a pic is no longer visible, you should be able to confirm by checking the properties of the broken link.
Last summer I wrote a piece in a Canadian satirical magazine on Bush's fixation, with a number of images, and I didn't draw anything from your site. I didn't know of it.
If some images on my post are originally from yours, I honestly didn't know of it. Most were taken from google image searches without referencing the entire page, and after the magazine article appeared I was emailed a couple. I know I didn't see a webpage devoted to this topic.
I didn't act in bad faith, and I'm embarrassed by the appearance that I did, and I can see how it would look that way to you.
Because I can see you've put a lot of effort into your site, and I don't want this to fester, I'll add a link to you in the original post.
I understand. I don't want to make a huge feud out of this matter either. In these days, with Google and broadband, ideas flow quickly.
I think it would be a cool thing if you add a link to my blog in your original post, as you offered. If you do so, I will also add a link to your blog from my own. Deal?
Thanks Julius, sounds good. I appreciate where you were coming from. All the best with your site.
Thanks to you too, Jeff. No hurt feelings. Good luck.
What about G. Gordon Liddy, isn't he also conspicuosly bald? And didn't he comment on Bush's protuberances after the "Mission Accomplished" stunt? Maybe this is a kind of homoerotic "skinhead" cult for the over forty set.
Who will fluff the president?
Your boy has a pretty mouth, not like my Scotty.
Deja vu all over again? Deliverance The Crawford Campers?
Omigaad Rob! Why didn't you warn me?! Where can I hide?!
and why does your clock say this was posted at 5.31am? It's 10.22am...
Isn't that the kind of thing that evangelists do? Put their hands on people heads and halleluja and god be with you kind of thing? Since G 23 Bush thinks he's Jesus, that would make sense.
Holden, if you haven't, please read my exchange with Julius above.
No need to fight, boys. There's plenty of odd pictures of Bush with bald guys to go around.Please keep up the good work, both of you!
Actual there is huge gay fetish for bald headed men have none of you been to Flickr.
The only head bush ever gets is from old bald-haeded guys !
Lauren D
A chto esche on schupat' lubit?
Tupim americanskim sootechestvennikam - privet iz zasnezhennoy Rossii!!!
Julius & Jeff - Thanks for posting these pictures for everyone to see. If nothing else, at least it will give us a good giggle.
However, I really wonder what it is that prompts a man to tough or rub a bald man's head. I've never felt the urge to do so, but if I did, I might ask once if it was ok - certainly not often enough to be photographed so many times doing it.
And quite frankly, I don't care if the entire Bush administration was flaming gay. I would just appreciate it if they would stop pretending being gay is the worst offense anyone could perpetrate in this world.
Ugh. Hypocrits - I can't stand 'em.
Bush rubs heads????
Oh please.
This is what the Left has resorted to? No wonder the Democratic party is floundering.
imatt -
"Resorted to?" Get a sense of humor. I mean, even Republicans in general must get a chuckle out of this!
That's fantastic:)))))))))))))) He is so funny:))))
Come out Georgie Jr.! Don’t let Mommy and Daddy and the Christian Funditards scare you into staying in the closet! If you like bald men, ditch the bitch and get some Gay Bear Luv!
I shave my male-pattern balding scalp from time to time. When it's bald, I'm shocked when some other dude feels the need to touch my head. I instinctively either knock their hands away with an effective Wing Chun motion, or I reach out and mess up the hair on their heads. I suppose both actions would get me some Secret Service attention, so I'll avoid being around Bush for now (shouldn't be hard since I'm too allergic to loyalty oaths to attend a "town hall" meeting and have too much journalism and too little gay male hooker experience to be in the press corps.)
A truly bald buddy of mine says a man's bald head should get the same treatment as a woman's breasts. We understand they're both interesting to look at, but you just don't go reaching out and touching them without permission.
Tania says CONGRATS to you.
From the Washington Post
Dan Froomkin's column "White House Daily Briefing"
Bush and the Bald
Wish George W. would be a guest on the Letterman show. The band could play "Bald Headed Lena" as Dubya pauses during his entrance to tenderly caress the smooth noggins of both Paul Shaffer AND Biff Henderson.
This looks like the laying on of hands to me.
Actually, I hear that Bush planned on going to School to live out his life long dream of cutting hair and was set to train for Super Cuts but at the last minute then decided Yale would be a better fit...Cut Taxes/Cut Hair? anyone see the resemblence???
You know its also been said on some other non partisan truly cutting edge and reputable blogospheres that the W has powers beyond human capacity. That he can read minds much like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost. ....Conspiracy theories? I think not.
Буш как был мудаком, так мудаком и останется!!!!!!!!!!
haha. I know it, it's something wrong with him :)
POLAND was here !!!
Bush it's a big joke for America from their COSMIC friends :D
Bush is a member of the super-secret Fondle Noggin Scalp Fetishist sect of the Trilateralist Taliban. So what's the big deal?
I suspect that it's more likely that "Bunnypants" is into demeaning anyone and everyone of the same gender that he can get his hands on due to a "male deficiency."
Hummingbird Eggs.
yoo rox...
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Maybe those bald heads remind him of really, really massive penises. Which, in Jeff Gannon's case, wouldn't rely strictly on metaphor.
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