"Must I paint you a picture?"

This is a weeping song
A song in which to weep
While all the men and women sleep - Nick Cave
Those who were awaiting Friday's court-ordered release of more, and still more grievous, images of inhumanity from Abu Ghraib know it didn't happen. (I wonder, could any have been surprised?) Here's the story, entitled "U.S. defies order to give up Abu Ghraib abuse photos":
Lawyers for the Defense Department are refusing to cooperate with a federal judge's order to release secret photographs and videotapes related to the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. The lawyers said in a letter sent to the federal court in Manhattan late Thursday that they would file a sealed brief explaining their reasons for not turning over the material, which they were to have released by Friday.
[In June, Judge Alvin Hellerstein] rejected arguments from the government that releasing the photographs would violate the Geneva Conventions because prisoners might be identified and "further humiliated," but he ordered any identifying features to be removed from the images.
In the letter sent Thursday, Sean Lane, an assistant U.S. attorney, said that the government was withholding the photographs because they "could result in harm to individuals" and that it would outline the reasons in a sealed brief to the court.
You see, it's quite simple really: it's the evidence of torture, not the torture itself - including, reportedly, child rape - that violates the prisoners' rights. It's their images which are protected by the Geneva Conventions. They themselves are not.
Such criminal contempt for law and common justice, such lunatic reasoning, suggests the question: Do they mean to drive every last, sane one of us mad? Maybe so. More than 20 years ago, during the - incredibly - relatively benign Reagan years, Bruce Cockburn sang "No adult of sound mind / Can be an innocent bystander." And that really drops us in it, doesn't it? Because we cannot consider ourselves truly informed unless we also shoulder the suspicious-looking rucksacks of empathetic knowledge. It bears down on us, knowing what we know, and not knowing what to do with it. And it's a burden which most of us must bear in virtual silence, surrounded by good people who remain blithely unaware of the abominations, the crystallization of unprecedented crises, and the ever-more bizarre vortex swirling about the All-Seeing Eye.
These days, it's almost enough to get you stopped on the subway.
America has already processed the softer scenes of prisoners set upon by dogs, stacked naked in pyramids, forced to perform sex acts on one-another, smeared in excrement and posed for electrocution. And the usual Americans have made peace with them, in their "freedom isn't free" subterfuge of every decent thing. Are they ready for the harder stuff? If not, after years of a concerted dulling of consciences, how much worse must they be?
From German television, via DailyKos, here is an artist's rendering of one such photograph, depicting the beating of an apparently naked eight-year old girl:

George Orwell wrote that "the nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them."
The images exist, and are as real as the torture they document. But since the government contends - and it must be with a delicious smirk - that their release would violate the Geneva Conventions, Americans may never see them.
Here's one image from Iraq which Americans are entitled to see: members of the 983rd Engineer Battalion of Camp Ramadi, posing in Rush Limbaugh's "Club G'itmo" wear. The t-shirts bear such slogans as "I Got My Free Koran and Prayer Rug at G'itmo":

"We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth in defence of our great nation, and rid the world of evil," said a member of US Special Forces on an Afghan hillside early in 2002, while consecrating a memorial to the victims of September 11. That's his mission.
Last year, Donald Rumseld said regarding the unreleased images, "I looked at them last night, and they're hard to believe.” They show acts "that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhumane." And yet the White House, led by Dick Cheney, is thwarting Republican efforts to regulate the treatment of detainees.
What is the mission, again?
Father, why are all the children weeping?
They are merely crying son
O, are they merely crying, father?
Yes, true weeping is yet to come
Hi Gale. You're right; it was fine for me just a while ago. I've checked the ezboard homepage, and it's giving the same error message, so it seems an across the board server issue. (Not that that's especially comforting.) Hopefully, whatever it is, will be corrected soon.
Same here. Can't get to the discussion board, and worried, "has it been shut down?"
EZBoard seems to be offline. Not terribly surprising, to me.
Great work, Jeff. Keep it up. In my own home country, "suspected suicide bombers" can now be shot five times in the head for being unseasonably dressed, and the press will respond with cant talk of "tragedy". (These were the same hacks who are still busily lynching the corpses of the four untried, unconvicted and conveniently-dead "suicide bombers" of July 7th.)
And in my parents' home country, Ireland, the CIA can now interrogate whomever they please.
Iraq, of course, and Guantanamao Bay, are now very low down the Fourth Estate's list of priorities. The British press has smaller fish to fry.
Sorrow's child steps in the water
Sorrow's child you follow after
Sorrow's child wades in deeper
Sorrow's child invites you under
--Nick Cave
How much does it cost to set up your own forum ? Privately owned, maintained etc.
Im sick of this crap lol.
such crushing horror.
what rough beast slouches its way toward Bethlehem to be born?
I would bet instead on the photos being "lost," much like Nixon's famous 18 minutes.
They simply never will be disgorged; they are the cud that the security state chews, patiently and serenely.
Should the courts cling to the fiction of an executive answerable to the judiciary, some new Oliver North will be found.
And that will be that.
I think ...
I think we should always keep in mind, that whatever the extent of the crimes and conspiracies of the current camp and the longer term establishment existing over the past decades or even century or more...
We need to remember they are not by any means the only sinister players in the park, or even on the field. There are doubtlessly many competing organizations and entities, of comparable, or greater competence and malevolence.
We have the neocons, and likely many other domestic 'interests'. Zionists. European illuminati. Billionaire Banking Lords. We need to remember that all that is 'Islamic' is not limited to wild-eyed fundamentalists and stereotypical mullahs and preposterous potentates.
Has the former USSR Communist politburo and KBG all retired now? What has Putin the cobra been up to all this time? He certainly strikes me as nobodies fool. At least not for Poppy and Son, anyway. And do you think the 6000 year old cultures of the far east might harbor some who know a few tricks? No time to look the link up now, but there are some articles out there about the stealthy and highly intelligent and effective economic and political war that China is waging and winning against the US.
The Big Picture? Anyone?
Working Class Hero Lyrics
John Lennon
As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
There's room at the top they're telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
Did Monkeyboy really say that to Bernstein (who btw is and always was military intelligence)?
I had to read it over twice.
That's a line that belongs in Mein Kampf. It really pulls the kid gloves off so we can see the brass knuckles.
I have been 'onto' the Bushes since Poppy was in office and consider myself devoid of illusions,but that quote...it really drove home to me that not to have stormed the White House and thrown that vile Pretender out after Bush v. Gore makes each one of us a Good German. What in God's name, or Buddha's or Shiva's or the goddess's, will we tell our grandchildren if we, and they, survive, about how we let this happen?
Like Job after the voice from the whirlwind I am humbled and abashed, but not by majesty, by the magnitude of the evil we have collaborated in out of our childishness, irresponsibility, greed and complacency.
Shame on us.
Hey, not only have we liberated the heroin in Afghanistan, we have devirginized a load of pre-pubescent children in Iraq. I´m not suprised they hate us for our freedoms....
Well, I hope someone is trying to track down and identify each and every one of those animals in that picture with the 8 year old. For them this war will never end. They'll come back to the US sometime, and I hope when they least expect it justice will be served.
"We will export death and violence to the four corners of the earth"
Jeff, please get this quote attributed properly. And those of you who see it elsewhere, correct it when you see it incorrectly attributed to Dubya.
It was originally said by either a member of a US Special Forces unit in Afghanistan or a CIA paramilitary unit there. Yes, it was in Woodward's Bush book. It keeps getting repeated as being Dubya's remark.
Much as those of us on the left would like to think that Bush said it, and certainly can believe he could say something like it, he didn't.
And if we can't get the fucking details right on something like this we and every one else will keep on getting ambushed and screwed by the Permanent Government.
I just wrote to my senator Dianne Feinstein, the authoritarian Democratic Zionist, about the issue because I felt I had to do SOMETHING. The child rape stories are just way too disturbing. Here's the letter:
Dear Senator Feinstein:
I have just read about the photos and videos of our soldiers raping children in Abu Ghiraib which the Bush Administration refuses to release even though a judge has ordered them to do just that. At the same time, our national deficit is going through the roof thanks to the ongoing illegitimate invasion of Iraq and the "permanent" tax cuts that continue to go to the least needy amongst us. The recent renewal of the "Patriot Act," with your help, continues to take away more of our civil liberties while not making any of us one bit safer. The top advisor to the President, Karl Rove, along with a coterie of other villains, outs a CIA agent's identity and then lies about it for two years.
With all this going on, what do I hear from you, Senator? That you're awfully upset with the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for voting against berthing the U.S.S. Iowa in the port. Never mind that you're supposed to be a senator for ALL of California, and that Stockton probably needs a big, clunky tourist attraction more than San Francisco. It's the fact that I haven't heard a single word from you on any of those other atrocities that is truly disturbing. Use your position for good, for a change. You might find it refreshing.
Are you saying Woodward is lying ?
Jeff did attribute the quote accurately IMO.
I will happily stand corrected.
Woodward didn't attribute the quote to Bush, if I remember correctly. I believe it was a Special Forces soldier in Afghanistan who said it. I think it's the last sentence in the book (Bush at War)
Ashamed to say I got it wrong: the quote is correctly attributed to a member of Special Forces, consecrating a 9/11 memorial in Afghanistan.
Thanks to those who pointed out the error. I don't want to perpetuate falsehoods. I'll correct the post.
Thanks to all of your for articulating so well my outrage and sorrow. Jeff: I so agree with you regarding how it feels to ingest, literally, into all levels of your being, this type of information then not know what to do with it? AG, I certainly hope you are correct in asserting that the pictures will be leaked. My prayer is that not only are they leaked but that justice be served.
And SFMike, great idea to write your senator. I get overwhelmed so easily in all of this, but, in spite of the fact I live in the Southwestern Ohio cesspool that spawned Ken Blackwell and a dazzling array of congressional cud chewers, I can begin taking action one step at a time. And I'd like to appropriate your first paragraph if I may. It's outstanding. OK. Thanks again to you Jeff and all of you posters.
Seems a little bizarre.
A 9/11 memorial in AFGHANISTAN? Are tears of sympathy expected to well in Afghani eyes? No. It must be to perpetually remind American forces and administrators how justified it all is.
Yeah, they're gonna get ridda Evil.
BY the way, I have similar problems to others here in accessing the RI discussion board. Actually, it isn't merely the ezboard, it's your entire right sidebar, with links to previous posts and other sites, that often goes missing. Sometimes reloading the page helps, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes clicking on "comments" as if to add a comment helps; sometimes it doesn't. It's been a problem ever since I first encountered the board.
Sorry, I was leaving the house and I thought I had included a link to the "We will export death" remark in context.
You can read it here:
You know Bush couldn't have told a story that involved. It's "hard work." ;)
I am particularly interested in the reports of sexual-themed psychological torture and manipulation of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (I've written more in depth about it here). Why, for instance, are U.S. military personnel staging elaborate sex scenes as part of their PSYOPS?
From The New Yorker, July 11 & 18th, 2005:
...He was taken into an interrogation room whose door was open to an adjacent room filled with computers. Military police shackled him to the floor, he said. In the computer room, a naked man and woman were having sex on a table. Afterward, he said, the man put on his clothes and started to question him, telling him that if he cooperated, he, too, could have sex with his "girlfriend."
This seems more like a psychological experiment than a method of rewarding a prisoner. What Muslim man, after all, would find such a spectacle stimulating and not horribly offensive?
More hints from an article in The Guardian:
Yeah, the beast in man really came out at Abu Ghraib," he said.
"You mean in the photographs?" I asked.
"Everywhere," he said. "The senior leadership were screwing around with the lower ranks ... "
I told Joseph I didn't understand what he meant.
He said, "The senior leaders were having sex with the lower ranks. The detainees were raping each other."
And from the same article:
An aide to Condoleezza Rice, the White House national security adviser, visited the prison, to inform the interrogators sternly that they weren't getting useful enough information from the detainees. "Then," Joseph said, "a whole platoon of Guantánamo people arrived. The word got around. 'Oh God, the Gitmo guys are here.' Bam! There they were. They took the place over." Perhaps Guantánamo Bay was Experimental Lab Mark 1, and whatever esoteric techniques worked there were exported to Abu Ghraib.
And from the NY Post:
Iraq's feared Abu Ghraib jail was one big sex romp - sometimes by candlelight with an audience watching, U.S. troops said yesterday....
"There were lots of affairs. There was all kinds of adultery and alcoholism and all kinds of crap going on," said Dave Bischel, a National Guardsman with the 870th Military Police unit, who returned home from Abu Ghraib last month.
"There was a bed found in one of the abandoned buildings. There was a mattress on the ground. They had chairs all circled around it and candles all over the place," said Bischel, adding the chairs were "obviously for an audience."
A freaking mattress and candles? Who's watching, and who's performing, I wonder?
Sexual trauma has been a tool in the torturer/mind controller's arsenal at least since the advent of MKULTRA. And it looks to me like the techniques are being to put to use against a new generation of victims. The fact that the word "experiment" has been used more than once by journalists digging into Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo is not a coincidence.
From today's Undernews, at http://prorev.com/indexa.htm
BOSTON HERALD, May 8th, 2004 - Signaling the worst revelations are yet to come, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said the additional photos show "acts that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhuman." . . . The unreleased images show American soldiers beating one prisoner almost to death, apparently raping a female prisoner, acting inappropriately with a dead body, and taping Iraqi guards raping young boys, according to NBC News.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the scandal is "going to get worse" and warned that the most "disturbing" revelations haven't yet been made public."The American public needs to understand, we're talking about rape and murder here," he said. "We're not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience; we're talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges."
SEYMOUR HERSH - "...The women were passing messages saying "Please come and kill me, because of what's happened". Basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys/children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. The worst about all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking..."
I hope somebody saves us here in the USA, because it's plain that our elected representative bodies aren't up to the task.
How do you have that information and not act immediately and decisively to end the horror, ensuring that it never happens again?
Moral cowardice is rampant in both parties.
Somehwere lost in all this horror is the fact that the supposed justification for it all is a hoax.
The justification for the resort to torture by US covert operations was summed up long ago, in A. J. Langguth's 1978 historical narrative of Dan Mitrione and the Uruguayan dirty war, Hidden Terrors, page 141-142:
"...another popular instructor settled the queasiness of one Brazilian student with an anecdote. The police officer, who was promoted many times since his student days, remembered it years afterward.
"If anyone ever asks you what you do to prisoners", the U.S. adviser began, "tell them this story. right now, as we're talking, my fellow policemen are holding a man involved in a kidnapping. He and two of his accomplices took a five-year-old blonde girl who belongs to a businessman in this city. They're saying that if they don't get two million dollars, they will kill that little child at noon.
"We picked up the man while he was leaving instructions. We've had him now for ten hours, and he's told us nothing. The businessman doesn't have two million. He's wealthy but not in that league. The deadline is getting closer. What do we do next?"
"There is no little girl", the Brazilian student said.
"The person who asked you the question can't be sure of that. Somewhere every week or month if not every day, police officers have to face that kind of problem. It might not be a little girl. It might be a policeman standing on a corner that some nut has decided to shoot. But it's the same principle.
"And if the person who asked you about torture doesn't agree that you should use any means to find out where that little girl is being held, then don't answer any more of his questions, because he'll never understand what you tell him anyway.
"He's got his mind made up, and he hates the police so much that he'd sacrifice an innocent child to put you in the wrong."
There is the argument. You can make what you will of its presentation. Note that in a hypothetical sense there's a semblance of alegitimate appeal present- concocted though it may be. Above all, in the hypothetical scenario presented the justification for the torture is sought through communicating a sense of acute urgency. Specific information is urgently required, before it's too late...
Which is, for the most part, utterly lacking in the present-day cases of the detainess at Guantnamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.
What possible plots could they be aware of, months into their detention?
I posit that one of the functions of the long-term detentions is, in Edward Hunter's term, brainwashing- reprogrammng, in the operant conditioning sense, using many of the same techniques pioneered by the Soviets and North Koreans.
Rumsfeld, Myers, Sanchez, et al. are seeking to manufacture double agent infiltrators from some of the prisoners, as they've they've been short on volunteers, particularly Arabic speakers.
There's also the product of creating generalized outrage and enmity in the Islamic world, to prime the pump for a theatre-wide/global war...
Mr. Wells, I'm not as well informed as so many other of the posters here, so let me just say how grateful I am for your persistance and fortitude in writing of these monstrosities without compromise.
Even if you don't change anything except a few minds that don't matter to the powers that be anyhow, you'll be able to look God in the eye and say that you absolutely refused to go along with any of it.
Keep kicking at that fucking darkness even if it breaks your feet.
I too believe that Abu Ghraib's mission was to do psychological experiments and create dissociative personalities who could be released back out into their societies eventually as covert agents...covert even from themselves.
Don't even forget that one of Tim McVeigh's visitors in prison was one of the doctors involved in MK/ULTRA.
For my money, McVeigh was a programmed operative.
Deep in the woods,
deep in the woods,
deep in the woods
a funeral is SWINGIN!
The worms ...trace their cruel design,
spellin' D.I.E into her skin.
Yeah, I recognise that girl,
I took her from rags
right through to STITCHES!
(Deep in the woods-Nick Cave)
The Big Picture? Anyone?
Followers of the left-hand path occupy top positions of the 'pyramidal control organizations' of the world, who struggle with one another as crime bosses in a big crime family, but are all clear as to who are the fleecers and who are the fleecees.
Well-intentioned dupes staff each and every pyramidal control system (patriotic GI's, devout Catholics, devout Muslims, park-cleaning Masons, etc.), unable to imagine that the folks at the top of THEIR pyramid could ever do anything wrong.
Badness is sliced up and compartmentalized as much as possible, so that getting a look at the Big Picture is very difficult. Especially if you are afflicted with Cognitive Dissonance from being programmed to believe the lie from the moment of your birth - programmed by people who THEMSELVES don't know it's a lie.
The Machiavellian few at the top - know and ENJOY it.
"Seems a little bizarre.
A 9/11 memorial in AFGHANISTAN? Are tears of sympathy expected to well in Afghani eyes? No. It must be to perpetually remind American forces and administrators how justified it all is."
Kind of like chiseling the Mt. Rushmore monument into the heart of the sacred Black Hills. Deliberate debasement, power stealing, "resistance is futile" Borg-behavior.
With the value-add of feeding the "I'm freeing these people!" denial of the yellow-ribbon do-gooders.
regarding brainwashing and the Nth Koreans, there is evidence that the US were into it long before the Korean War but used the war to expand brainwashing/dissociative research into the more general medical profession with the reasoning that now there is an URGENT NEED to understand it and defend ourselves from this brainwashing.
True the Koreans used it and sourced it from the Russians and the Chinese who themselves, in turn, got it from the Russians.
What most do not understand is that the Russian Commiunists got it from the Russian Orthodox Church who in turn got it from the Roman Catholic Church courtesy of the various Inquisitions.
My hypothesis is that the generational satanists got it directly from the Roman Inquisitions and have in the second half of the 20th Century been co-opted into the various CIA programs because of their expertise in this area. We have full circle now of occult knowledge and practices that join Church, State, Occult/Secret Societies, spy agencies etc. and BIG MONEY who run the spy agencies which historically, in Europe at least, grew out of the International Banks.
This is the loop that investigation of organised pedophilia and ritual abuse threatens to unravel.
Hang in there Jeff!
I just assumed they were "creating" some more manchurian candidates for future actions.
I remember a movie about a Nazi Concentration victim played by the wonderful actress who was Lisa in the movie DAVID AND LISA.
Her first name was Janet and there was an incredibly moving scene where she describes the Nazis forcing her brother to have sex with her and when he couldn't they shot him.
How much more evidence that we are living out the continuation of the Third Reich by the Bush Crime Family and Skull and Bones Illuminati with the CIA Operation Paperclip helping the Nazis who did human experimentation INCLUDING MENGELES to get to Argentina and then on to America and CIA MK-ULTRA programs.
Look at or download the 1977 MK-ULTRA SENATE HEARINGS online while you still can.
There are many Yahoo Groups that allow people to post long articles and there is a feature on every Yahoo Group that is a chatroom but you have to set up a time for chatting and I've never used it.
It only takes a few minutes to set up your own Yahoo Group and someone more computer savvy than me could figure out how to use the chatroom feature.
I have uploaded a lot of photos and paintings, mainly of gymnasts but I also have flyers on my New World Order site.
Anyone who can figure out how to use the chatrooms since EZ Board is down is welcome to post at or set up the chatroom at any of my sites below.
Also Rep. Conyers has had some problems with his blog, the day before the Downing Street Memo rallies and parties no one posted from 6pm to 8pm and others have had problems accessing it and complained about sites dealing with Cheney's asking for plans for nuclear war with Iran have been disappearing fast.
I was booted off the Internet when trying to read the comments on the Iran crises on Daily Kos by AOL and have had so many computer problems I have started a Word Pad file to keep track of the times and cut and paste the messages of why certain sites aren't available or why my signature on petitions or posts can't be posted, usually because of my browser, which never happened before and I have one screen name with Exploiter and one with Foxfire.
http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/ShaposhnikovaEra/ (new, still building)
http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/NadiaAndFriends/ (used all of space, about 74 members)
with some photos or paintings of Natalya Shaposhnikova, Nelli Kim, Olga Korbut and Mostapanova, Eberle, etc. under FILES to the left of site.
http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/YelenaDavidova/ (used all of ample space, about 65 members)
Need to work on the rest - spent too much time on the above group sites:
Not as many people as should have went to the Downing Street Memos rallies and parties but their are some links and photos on Rep. John Conyers' blog.
If you are sickened by this perverted Bush Regime please support Rep. Conyers by visiting his blog often and posting underneath the first thread which is reserved for the hosts and participants in the DSM house parties.
Please also visit Sibel Edmonds site JUST A CITIZEN.com. She was the FBI translator whose testimony was censored from the bogus 911 Commission Report chaired by long time bush family contributor Keane.
Ms. Edmonds is still not allowed to speak and is under gag order but manages to ask some very sharp questions to get people to think about the most important aspects of the motive and means by which the 911 atrocities were done.
Senators Waxman and Leahy have pdf letters to Ms. Edmonds on her site about her redacted testimony and the group she started to protect government Whistleblowers.
She asks people to post the name of her site on blogs and messageboards and has an article titled I'M JUST GAGGED, I'M NOT DEAD, YET.
I think she is worried and if we do not support the Whistleblowers we do know about when an opportunity comes, how can we expect any more people like those who leaked The Downing Street Memos to risk themselves when people will not even sign petitions or visit sites of people trying to get the truth out.
Many of the 911 site participants have been holding large Meet-Ups for years in case the Internet is taken away.
Before the Presidential "election' a mainstream site had an article that Bushco has a plan to ban the Internet except for government use because of "National Security" called Operation Clarity.
They may allow some businesses to use the Internet if they can prove it is necessary but is really just another ploy to extort money from small businesses and corporations.
The following linked material presented for entertainment purposes only; of course such things never happen outside of dystopic fantastic fiction:
(esp. re. CACI)
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Great blog man!
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Penderita Penyakit kondiloma atau Kutil Kelamin yang telah terinveksi disarankan untuk segera melakukan pengobatan secepat mungkin sebelum Virus HPV penyebab kutil kelamin makin banyak berkembang biak di dalam sel darah makin lama dibiarkan akan memperparah kondisi organ vital karena kutil kelamin akan terus membesar sehingga terlihat seperti jengger ayam untuk penderita yang baru tertular kurang dari satu bulan biasanya akan lebih cepat ditanggulangi obat kutil kelamin Paling ampuh dari De Nature dan terbaik ada hanya di http://obatkutildikemaluan.blogdetik.com/ untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil pada kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" AlamiAdalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan (BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.
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