Shop now open
Myself, I'm more a No Logo kinda guy, but I've had a few requests for this, so I've opened a Cafe Press shop here. And like someone I compulsively quote once wrote, "a man's gonna do what he has to do when he's got a hungry mouth to feed."
A proper post coming as time allows. Thanks for all the nice words.
A proper post coming as time allows. Thanks for all the nice words.

Damn, Jeff, that is one scary looking logo.
Can I really walk around with Dick Cheney and a swastika on my shirt here in the good ol's USA???
I don't know but I will try cause Poppa's gotta buy baby food and woolies with footies for the cold winter to come.
When I am flush I will be buying some for sure (if that EVER happens) - but that is one hellified T Shirt and logo if I EVER saw one.
Very Happy for your new bundle of joy to you and to the Momma. Must be a special woman. Special baby too.
My Dad, who was into mystical Christianity and Tibetan Buddhism (he was an anthroposophist) said that we choose our parents for the karmic lessons we need to experience. So therein is a special blessing. If you think about the idea that this baby chose you and your wife - what an awesome thing that is. How cool. Especially these days when we live in such interesting times.
May you all have many blessings,
yeah, i don't know that i have th eguts to walk around with a swastika on my shirt, just because it will absolutely not be understood. but i'll definitely be picking up one of the other ones.
any plans of making a shirt with just a plain "RIGOROUS INTUION" on it? no image?
congrats on the baby! and congrats on an incredible blog.
"yeah, i don't know that i have the guts to walk around with a swastika on my shirt"
Me neither. And I don't know if it would take guts to do that or a lack of sense. I may have to modify that one.
"any plans of making a shirt with just a plain "RIGOROUS INTUION" on it? no image?"
No plans, but since you asked, I'll try to get one together.
I have always loved your graphics and I plan to buy two of your t-shirts. I like the Cheney-swastika image so much that not only will I wear it proudly but I plan to put it on my blog (which is read by at least six people) in a plug for Rigorous Intuition and your Cafe Press products. Please don't modify that one until I get one.
What do ya think about (with large, easy to read letters) a simple: "what you don't know, can't hurt them"? That could certainly mess with some minds! No pic or anything else that would distract from that thought provoking message.
p.s. front and back... I often am only able to catch the back of people's shirts.
hi jeff,
thanks for writing back to my replies. i think something like the slogan and the title, like on the "womens' cap t-shirt" would be great.
i like the large mug alot.
Here, here I'd buy a t-shirt with just "Rigorous Intuition" on it.
Not sure I want Pat "Assassinator" Robertson on a tee, really. Even if he is dissovling...LOL.
the heck of it is, some young neo-fascists, with their inverted 'bad' is cool attitude, and not understanding the context, may take the shirt logo the wrong way, and actually think it represents some bizarre Cheney cult. Come to think of it, Cheney himself might find it flattering, perhaps even inpiring.
Sorry, this is just an honest thought, not intended as negative.
waycool graphics, Jeff
surfin' the apocalypse
after the Prince Harry fluff
Swastikas are a fashion accessory
"the heck of it is, some young neo-fascists, with their inverted 'bad' is cool attitude..."
Absolutely. I know it should be obvious, but I was struck by how dark the images are, and I was conflicted about making them too attractive. I don't want to sell evil. That's what the bad guys do. And they have powerful imagery. It makes for unpredictable alchemy when we play with it. Tim Robbins wouldn't authorize a Bob Roberts soundtrack because he didn't want fascists to adopt his songs without the ironic context of the film.
Maybe I need to add some hopeful imagery to the mix.
I think you should use the image with Bush and the twin towers interspersed with Oswald. Thought that one was very effective. I think the simple shirt with just the logo and slogan (what you don't know...) would also be very effective.
I noticed the eye logo etched into the right eye. Sorry for sounding like a nimrod but what is that suppose to mean? I have tried to find some "real" concrete info on it with no luck. Also, if you know what it means with a scorpian emblazed below it I would be most grateful. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hey, leave the swastika. Symbols only mean what you want them to.
I think what you have on there is relatively lame (not your best graphics, too cartoony) and way too negative. If I walk around touting RI on a shirt, I want the message to be positive, a call to awareness and sedition.
In the next week or so, I'll try to photoshop some things as suggestions for you.
Anonymous 3:54 -
Get bent. Calling what Jeff has done with those things "relatively lame" is certainly in line with your "positive" method of thinking. Please jump on the MAC and PhotoShop Jeff something worthwhile, since it's obvious from his writings he ain't much for thinking for himself...
JEFF: I think they're awesome. There should be NO butterflies and puppies on those items - that's NOT the reality you've helped so many of us see.
Maybe the idea of just the RI on it, that's fine, but don't change any of what's there, just add the plain RI Tee (etc.) to it. PLLLLlleeeeasssseeee
If I had a ton of money, I KNOW where it would be spent today! I love that stuff... I am breaking my damn piggy bank.
Going to try to add this link to my blog soon, if that's ok?
Hope you guys are all wonderful!
2subjects: a link and T's
1. link,good stuff here, just discovered, spot on commentaries.
Sample: 9/8/2005
The Photo and the Photo-Op
"A favorite Dostoevsky line of the Rude Pundit's goes something like this: Once something is thought, it cannot be unthought. Once you've seen the images, once the idea has crept into your head that Bush's smirking boobery is a defining factor in how devastating all of this is, you can't unthink it. Sure, you can listen to the rambling bullshit artists of the right spew and sputter, trying to tell you that what you know is real is actually fake, that up is down, that you have to put those bad, bad thoughts aside so we can attack the poor and the Democrats. But maybe, just maybe, you know now that when Bush makes a show of appearing with his cabinet to declare that he's gonna take action, it's just more flimflam, more sleight of hand, more deception - look over there so that he can pull a bouquet from his threadbare sleeve.
There's bodies under the polluted, shit-filled waters of New Orleans. Thousands of them. And whether we see them or not (and that's an issue for another day), we know they're there. Bush will bribe and cajole the survivors, but they were in the pictures. They stepped on the corpses trying to rescue themselves or others. And there's no amount of fakery and photo-ops that'll change that reality."
I woudn't wear it as a T, in normal walkaday moments; althought it's a very arresting image, it's to busy imo for a T.
I think it'd work great as a protest flag tho, the kind carried by protesters in protest marches.
Anonymous 3:07 PM:
eye logo etched into the right eye
must be in referance to eye ontop of pyramid, e.i. nwo.
scorpian emblazed below it
probably indicative of the dvl's tail.
too bad that the swastika had to be dragged thru the mud in history by the nazi's; i've always found it quite attractant, the pre-nazi uses of it were numerous, inclusive it being used in native american symbology.
I believe the "swastika you" are referring to as the "nice one" was an inverted/flipped design as used by the native American Indians.
eye = eye of horus
Anonymous 11:24 PM
"I believe the "swastika you" are referring to as the "nice one" was an inverted/flipped design as used by the native American Indians."
that's the one and both; also,
i've read that the swastika as used by the nazis, the opposite of ones used in native american cultures, were also used in a symbolic benevolent manner, pre-germany 30's-40's.
"nice one"; do you doubt there's an inherent attractivness to the symbol, either forms?
Are you also reading in this section i'm wondering. I don't know how to post post's on the board.
Under "How much time" i wanted to place this post; like everything else i've referred to, i caught it simply surfing.
Seems to provide a new look on things, brought back to memory a book and movie that in a way echo some of the things she says here, a work of Mark Twain's (not well known work of his?) "The Mysterious Stranger"
she also has a blog......
Please don't change the Cheney/swastika design! It's supposed to be scary, and this one sure enough is.
Give us other choices, but please don't censor our choices. That's what the other side--the dark one--is doing.
Update from Cafe Press - the products featuring the Cheney image have been suspended pending review. I imagine because of the swastika.
or cheney ?
Nice products, and a great idea. The designs shown were not among my favourites, however. (Later I'll check back through your blog and recommend the ones that are.) In general, I'd suggest choosing simpler designs so the T-shirts and buttons can convey the message at a glance. We might not want a passer-by stopping for 20 minutes to peruse the collage on our shirt! For coffee mugs, size is more the limiting factor.
Shopping bags, fanny packs, notepads or binders or mouse pads might also be good products for you. Personally, I never buy T-shirts with a round neckline - prefer V-neck or tank top.
I don't have the Cafe Press page still open, so I can't check back to see if the products had your URL. But if they didn't, they should!
I've been wanting to see a piece of artwork showing Mike Brown as Horseman of the Apocalypse. Of course, that's less important now that he has resigned his FEMA post, but he still has a job in government.
I'm glad to see that a service like Cafe Press now exists. I was enormously frustrated a few years ago, during another product opportunity window, that I didn't have the resources to quickly churn out some mugs and shirts with Dubya's face over the words "Not a Moron."
I can't think of a better image than Isabel's Eye.
regarding cafepresses' reviewing of the image, perhaps of the swastika, i found this along the way, online and apperently in book form, from a place in B.C.
"Scholars agree that for the first three hundred years of the infant Christian religion the Swastika was the only form of cross used in the catacombs and early churches."
to overcome such adversity in our day to day lives with our government in the bussiness of taking over nations that do not belong to us. With having said that I believe that to protest our gov's. agenda we need to as a nation not to allow them to divide us, maybe a cenario like this one the K.K.K. and the Black Panthers protest together on the same street, city, state, time of day, the in the know Republicans and Democrats, the catholics and the prodestants,and last but not least you and I, the proud to be an American with out no attention to race color or creed I've had my hands slap on other blogs about talking points I truly hope this statement is not one of them:(
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