President Death

Bruegel's Triumph of Death, detail
Praise be to Nero's Neptune. The Titanic sails at dawn
And everybody's shouting "Which Side Are You On?" - Bob Dylan
How bad is it?
At least 20 oil rigs and platforms are missing in the Gulf of Mexico. "Over 91 percent of normal daily crude oil production in the Gulf - 1.5 million barrels - is now shut down, and more than 83 percent of natural gas production." Ten or more airports face closure on account of jet fuel shortages. Service stations, particularly in the South, are running dry, due to panic buying and pipeline ruptures.
And oh, yeah: the computer modeling of a hurricane expert at LSU suggests there are over 100,000 dead.
A baby dies at the Superdome. A "renegade" bus of refuges is turned away from their next football stadium of absurd resort. Police officers are lying shot on the street and helicopters are reportedly fired upon. A healthcare worker, trapped in a hospital, gets cut off on CNN when she breaks down and it gets uncomfortably real.
Fall was already going to be a time of crisis for the "King of Vacations." The Plame indictments, if there are to be any, are likely to come down in the next six weeks. The window to broaden the war was closing. What they needed this Fall was not a pretext. What they needed was a greater crisis.
Those who still think that politics matter will take what cold comfort they can get from the hit to Bush's popularity. But History has left them behind. Such a thing as popularity lost its relevance at least two stolen elections ago. There's no supply-side downside to the loss of life. The victims are mostly "marginal," of colour. Less mouths to shelter and feed. This century will see many more cullings, some allowed to happen, some made to happen, and some that just happen. And maybe something else.
If it's true - if it's more than hyperbolic metaphor to call certain forces demonic, and there is an occult hand in the glove of power - then we need to consider the magickal value of so many lives sacrificed. As I quoted previously, the Order of the Nine Angles' A Gift for the Prince describes how human sacrifice "releases energy":
...and it draws down dark forces or "entities." Such forces may then be used, by directing them toward a specific goal, or they may be allowed to disperse over the Earth in a natural way, such dispersal altering what is sometimes known as the "astral shell" around the Earth. This alteration, by the nature of sacrifice, is disruptive - that is, it tends toward Chaos. This is simply another way of saying that human sacrifice furthers the work of Satan.
What energies are being released today in the United States, and throughout much of the world, by the labours of the Cheney-Bush cabal? Why does death always dog their footsteps? And what else follows behind?
How bad will it get?
It won't be the water, but the fire next time.
There's something really wrong with what's going on in NOLA. Why are they dragging their heels when people are dying? Do dying people really shoot at helicopters or is that an excuse to stop aid? The death toll is obviously in the thousands but this is being kept quiet a little. The damage to the refineries is catastrophic for fuel supply for the rest of the year and undoubtedly will usher in a deep recession. Is this not the event we've all been scared of but in different clothing?
I don't think we can quite imagine how bad all of this really is. It is going to hit us all - in more ways than just gas prices. We have something way more valuable to Bush than money, we have SPIRIT.
We should all just line up like good little sheeple and start letting them suck it out.
It will only hurt for a second...
jesus christ -
this is soooooo going to hurt for longer than a second.
People who are waiting to get rescued DO NOT SHOOT at their rescuers. PERIOD. But, hey, what better excuse to NOT fly over those areas to help people???
Wonder who they got to recreate that damn footage -
oh yeah, it's gonna get bad - quick.
Please hold onto the bar and remain in your seats at all times.
FEMA suspends rescue operations - "too dangerous"
uh, because he is?
I mean come on, 90% of jest is truth. So why not go ahead and be blatant in your picture of "our leader"?
Judging from his behavior before he got into office, it would seem to me that regardless of what "they" wanted him to do, he would do whatever he damn well felt like.
Just check the records for his Rants and Rages, he is one hellofa potty mouth.
Hard to hide what is too obvious.
Loot guns... are these squirt guns? Water based weaponry?
I think there is some serious media spinning going on regarding the whole looting of guns crap. Oh, and I am SURE it's only the poor blacks that are looting the guns too... so, there, we don't have to go save them now...
god I hate this friggin country sometimes...
It is easy to profit when you know the race is rigged.
Global warming has been a foregone conclusion at the Pentagon for years. Read this 1997 Lawrence Livermore Laboratories-prepared paper for the 22nd International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies held August 20-23, 1997 in Sicily, Italy.
The title is
Global Warming and Ice Ages:
Prospects for Physics-based Modulation of Climate Change.
The authors include the 'father of the hydrogen bomb,' Edward Teller. The paper explains the need to diffuse 1% of sunlight to prevent the 'tipping of the canoe' and recommends using something that will surprise those who still use the knee-jerk skeptic phrase "conspiracy theories."
'Disaster management' under FEMA is the environmental division of the War-Profiteering State and will be used in the state-controlled media (Operation Mockingbird) to make the infantalized citizen clutch Big Brother's hand yet more tightly.
We are ethically compelled to find ways to educate those around us about what is going on under the CIA/Pentagon military occupation of the American people for the last 60 years.
We really are all in the same storm-tossed boat. Planetary emergency, indeed.
Where are all the FEMA detention centers and why aren't they using them (yet)?
Are we all destined to be rounded up in event facilities?
I agree for the most part. True colors rarely look well on a leader (please refer to the Nixon/Kennedy make-up session, lol).
BUT - let's look at it from this angle, since everything really is all about angles...
He doesn't need to care about true colors for support - since his "support" to win elections was imaginary to begin with, yes?
And - sure, he participated in a few photo ops to make the people sigh relief a couple of minutes... but then, poof out come the fangs again. He can't help it, it's innate. He can only do what is natural for him to do - so maybe it is an internal "job" to expose him, maybe someone just said, "to hell with this, he's going to keep being himself anyway, so HERE - here he is, in all his true color glory"... could it be? Who knows.
I just know from life experience, you CANNOT truly EVER photoshop someone into existance - eventually, someone notices the blurs and paste job.
Another thought: what do people want more than anything when they are faced with life or death (ok, usually)? A hero.
He is merely sitting by waiting to come in at the last second and play hero to these people.
Not only does it make him saviour, but it shows that HE really does hold the cards, that HE really is the one that can help/save/rescue/control you.
of course... that is only my opinion, and I have been wrong way more than right in my life.
If this is the kind of help we can expect in the future from the govt., then we are on our own! I am furious at the requests for the public to make donations! Why? when our country has so much money and it's their responsiblity to handle a American crisis of this proportion! That's what we pay them for. And where's the fucking Congress??
What should we expect from a brain/soul damaged idiot! I can only imagine what Jimmy Carter/ Bill Clinton are thinking right now. And it's getting worse by the day.
well, they are asking for our money so we won't have any.
plain as that.
big bro knows we will help our own.
we consider anyone suffering our own.
we will help them. and suffer a financial loss to do so.
then we need help. because we're broke. and jobless since we can't afford to drive to work anymore. and homeless because we lost our job we couldn't afford to drive to anymore.
ah shit, we all need a hero, huh?
Sociological stress tests.
That is the reason the PTB are withholding all support from the impact area. By denying the remaining marginal survivors any immediate support, anyone interested in observing the actions of the needy which follow would find him/herself with some valuable and very, very useful data in regards to the potential reactions of these people to events of this scale.
It is an experiment, one done with real people.
What else could explain it?
Sociological stress tests.
That is the reason the PTB are withholding all support from the impact area. By denying the remaining marginal survivors any immediate support, anyone interested in observing the actions of the needy which follow would find him/herself with some valuable and very, very useful data in regards to the potential reactions of these people to events of this scale.
It is an experiment, one done with real people.
What else could explain it?
Thanks Razorsmile for this link:
Worth the read people. READ IT.
The only comfort I get from this awful situation is that I now see that the NWO can't possibly round us all up and put us away. They are just inept.
I have figures in my possession that indicate a total maximum death toll of 410,000 Americans and a minimum death toll of 41,000 Americans.
This is from the last link posted.
This is so awful.
Interesting how the military can drill for nuclear attacks in the Carolinas but have only 5 ships to spare to help the city of New Orleans in its hour of need. Where are all those 600 ships Reagan mortgaged our nation's future for? Even if half are mothballed, you can't expect me to believe they don't have more than 5 ships to defend an American port city.
If thousands of people die in New Orleans, it's because powerful government, business interests and bureacrats want it that way. Period. Check the insider trading before the storm hit to see who made a bundle off all this death and misery. That will tell you who had an interest in things being this bad.
I have to apply the Fermi Paradox here, in reference to search-and-rescue:
Where is everybody?
Ahhh the Fermi principle...
Good question Razor.
You'll recall that a W aide snidely accused reporter Ron Suskind of being a member of a “reality-based community” consisting of people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.”
The Bushie went on, “That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to study what we do.”
This was interpreted by Ron Suskind as referring to W's 'faith-based' even though the Bushie spoke of 21st century imperial-reality.
Seems the W aide was quite an accurate prognosticator. No wonder W wears a "What Me Worry" grin.
Be brave -- don't get sucked into the "Dark Side's" fear and hate.
Where's Cheney?
Maybe nobody was in charge.
Just listened to Democracy Now and heard that two conservative papers (New Hampshire and Biloxi) have had editorials on the lack of help or coordination from the federal government.
People are still stranded alone and in huge groups and many are dieing. Total breakdown of every system used to help in rescue efforts. It seems that homeland security had nothing to do with helping people in the "homeland" and security was only about making money.
I know there are many who are helping others despite the lack of coordination on the isle of hell, but this could have been so much less horrific if we still had a national guard and a government that worked at all, even a little bit.
What happens next?
1. Bush is impeached, dies, is killed or is forced to resign.Possible.
2. Bush stays in office and it becomes (as is happening now) apparent that he and Cheney and the administration are not functional and that they only serve themselves and not "the People". The administration would then have to take some drastic military measures to keep most U.S. citizens in line. Does the government and the elite cabal (for lack of a better name) really have enough humans to do that? Are there enough citizens who would help them?
I have an idea, let's all move to someplace like Belize, we can be ex-pat'ed and eventually citizens of the country; we'll take all the hard work, money, education that we've earned with us, and help turn the 3rd world into something better...
while the US slowly becomes a big brother run lower class shit hole, with a raging turd on hand to run the place.
if only it were realistically possible to leave this friggin place - of course now we couldn't afford the airfare - jet fuel's gotta be expensive as hell.
just an idea
it seems obvious to me that the reason they're letting the true colors show, is because they know something bigger is soon going to happen and they won't have to worry about being accountable. like the original post said, the next that comes is fire - the nukes that will seal what 9.11 started.
Oh man, that has been in the back of my mind too. I hope to God we're wrong.
Not sure if you guys know about it, but this appears to be about the only blog from within New Orleans still going (or was up until recently).
The deaths of the innocent don't necessarily work to the advantage of their executioners.
I posted something the other day at the ezboard (though the last I looked, nobody had commented on it), suggesting that the the spiritual power of all the soldiers who have died in Iraq is being channeled through Cindy Sheehan -- and that this is what the magical/symbolic arm-wrestling over the field of crosses has been about.
The ghosts of New Orleans are notoriously uncontrollable. I see no reason why Bush/Cheney should expect to get any real advantage out of them.
Besides that, there is the matter of the Mandate of Heaven:
When the Chou defeated the Shang in 1115 B.C. and began one of the longest dynasties in Chinese history (1115-221 B.C.), they were faced with the problem most usurpers faced when instituting a new government: how do you convince people that you are the proper people for the job of governing? This problem of legitimation is compounded by the fact that the authority is gained through conquest, which means that anyone with an army can legitimately take power, which means that people with armies start getting ideas as happened in Rome between 170-270 A. D. The Chou developed a political theory to justify their conquest and their usurpation of the emperorship in a doctrine called t'ien ming, or the "mandate" or "decree of Heaven."
In its early form, this political theory asserted that Heaven, T'ien, was primarily interested in the welfare of human beings. For this reason it has established governors and rulers who assume the responsibility for the welfare of their people. It mandates that certain people be in charge; while they rule justly, fairly, and wisely, Heaven maintains that certain rulers or dynasties remain in power. If a dynasty or ruler ceases to rule justly or wisely and begins to rule only with its own self-interests at heart, then Heaven removes the mandate from that ruler or mandate and passes it on to another family, who are then required to revolt and overthrow the dynasty. How does one know if the Mandate has passed to another dynasty? It is made evident by the fortunes of war.
Now this Mandate is not equivalent to fate or destiny, it is more of an imperative. Humans are free to rule unjustly, they are free to harm the people they rule over; their rule, however, will come to a swift end as Heaven passes on its mandate to another family.
Eventually this concept would gain a wider application in ancient China. By Confucius' time, the t'ien ming applied to everyone and their obligations to see to the welfare of the people they are related to. The Mandate of Heaven, through which Heaven worked out its efforts to guarantee the well-being of humanity, applied to each and every obligation and action one took and so represented what might be called the moral order of the universe. Allied with this idea was the concept ming, or destiny. Heaven also ruled the physical world: earthquakes, sickness, wealth, rain, etc, but it ruled the physical world directly. All things that happen in the physical world are the direct result of Heaven's actions and are completely out of human control. The proper venue for human action, then, is in the realm of t'ien ming . These two concepts, t'ien ming, or the moral order of the universe, and ming, or the physical order of the universe, combined make the Tao, or "Way" of Heaven.
The administration would then have to take some drastic military measures to keep most U.S. citizens in line. Does the government and the elite cabal (for lack of a better name) really have enough humans to do that? Are there enough citizens who would help them?
Check for a mass of "humanity" that would gleefully imprison and torture their fellow Americans.
"I don't understand why the spin machine was running on idle for at least two days, while Bush's rating are going down fast. Could it be a kind of "PR sabotage" from within the ranks? Or is Bush so convinced of his impending doom that he can't be brought to even pretend that he cares..."
Neither - it is purely intentional, everything is scripted. "Get the bad Bushmob, who is acting alone!" is a rearguard action being fought by the people who employ said Bushmob.
And by a lot of alternative web sites who claim to seek the truth, but would really rather obfuscate the fact that Bushmob does NOT act alone, but rather works FOR the people who run things who aren't on CNN for your rubification every night.
"Bad Bushmob, acted alone!' Say it like a parrot. It's the mantra of porkloin stooge Time Magazine cover boy Michael Moore, fercryinoutloud.
When people will grasp that what leader is in the White House no longer has anything to do with the advancement of the New World Order agenda, I don't know.
I suppose (Bonesman) "John Kerry would have saved us!" is something
some people actually thing might be true.
Not suggesting the chimp is a Good Guy. Rather affirming that we are in a play, a great big play, and Dubyah is one of the actors in that play.
Oh, they're getting aggressive mileage out of the 'Bad Cop', and will ride his reign out as long as the Sheeple tolerate it. When it's about to break, he'll be sold out/put to pasture, and a 'better Cop' foisted in his place.
Starroute: Thanks for the brilliant post, connecting ghosts with Cindy Sheehan and New Orleans. I'm feeling the same thing these days. And thanks for the "Mandate of Heaven" quote. I've been reading Voltaire lately and the only religions he doesn't seem to despise are the Quakers and the Confucians because instead of focusing on "theology," they focus on "ethical behavior."
Bush is Cursed
Submitted by Bob Fertik on September 1, 2005 - 12:30am.George W. Bush
Just think of all the things Bush has lost:
* The World Trade Center
* Worldwide sympathy for America
* Osama Bin Laden
* Clinton's budget surplus
* Clinton's cheap gas ($1.15 average over 8 years!)
* Iraq
* Iran
* North Korea
* and now New Orleans
There must be an explanation. Is Bush cursed?
Rockin' post Anonymous (6.53), thanks for the reminder: Bush junta: puppets.
On another track, i think the post-Katrina failure of the State to come peoples aid is a knife to the guts of Great Society/New Deal ideals.
People can bitch all they like about how wrong that might be, whether there is intentionality or time to blame yet etc, but don't forget the primary lesson: you CAN'T rely on the State to save you.
Thats not a class issue, nor good-governence/race/political/conspiracy issues, its an apparent fact. Plan accordingly.
Rockin' post Anonymous (6.53), thanks for the reminder: Bush junta: puppets.
On another track, i think the post-Katrina failure of the State to come peoples aid is a knife to the guts of Great Society/New Deal ideals.
People can bitch all they like about how wrong that might be, whether there is intentionality or time to blame yet etc, but don't forget the primary lesson: you CAN'T rely on the State to save you.
Thats not a class issue, nor good-governence/race/political/conspiracy issues, its an apparent fact. Plan accordingly.
Rockin' post Anonymous (6.53), thanks for the reminder: Bush junta: puppets.
On another track, i think the post-Katrina failure of the State to come peoples aid is a knife to the guts of Great Society/New Deal ideals.
People can bitch all they like about how wrong that might be, whether there is intentionality or time to blame yet etc, but don't forget the primary lesson: you CAN'T rely on the State to save you.
Thats not a class issue, nor good-governence/race/political/conspiracy issues, its an apparent fact. Plan accordingly.
Rockin' post Anonymous (6.53), thanks for the reminder: Bush junta: puppets.
On another track, i think the post-Katrina failure of the State to come peoples aid is a knife to the guts of Great Society/New Deal ideals.
People can bitch all they like about how wrong that might be, whether there is intentionality or time to blame yet etc, but don't forget the primary lesson: you CAN'T rely on the State to save you.
Thats not a class issue, nor good-governence/race/political/conspiracy issues, its an apparent fact. Plan accordingly.
ANON 6:53PM:
'rubification', ... that's good. How about 'pigeonization'?
Recall this quote attributed to a primary pigeonmaster, Baron Rothschild,
"Give me control of the currency and I care not who makes the laws."
Does the Bush administration control the currency? Of course not. They are mere employees of the Kaball who quietly and all but anonymously owns and runs the worlds reserve banking system.
Go on children, go on back to your Bush bashing. That's right, Big Bad Bush. In fact, the pigeonmasters probably prefer the president not be too popular, lest he become a little too bold, as Adolph did.
No, Bush's smug complacency probably stems directly from his sense of confidence as to how pleased his masters are with his service.
And the pigeonmasters smug confidence probably stems from the fact that their black-hole reserve banking system is doing a phenomenal job inhaling the earth's wealth while the pigeons blink and coo at the TV and peck at each other.
Just heard a NOLA law enforcement official say that over 100 people died in flooded St. Bernard Parish from LACK OF WATER!!!!!!!!!!
It's been reported that NBC is hiring Blackwater Security to protect it's reporters. Imagine the footage, "we just shot some looters coming for our cameras." after a couple of weeks have past, expect the looter meme to become the only label accepted by officialdom. why are they letting it get this bad? some reasons come immediately to mind:
-as Jeff said, there is a culling and looting function that is being doubtless executed by the same mafias tied to KBR in the Kennedy years.
-this is a live experiment that is being studied by all of the meteorologists working for the Pentagon's Yoda.
-Wherever destruction is grave, there is the potential profit of reconstruction. Wont that be easier more small-holders dying and desperate?
-DHS, FEMA, and NorthCom are all sitting back, taking notes. they have more to gain by letting the experiment proceed, but when they step in, they will be heros. Bush is toast, and as they chase him out of town, all of the military incursions into civilian affairs that were hoped for will be written in stone. this could even be a ploy by the generals for this exact reason: even on Air-America, they're begging for the armed services to step into the breach. Bet that this scandal will be spun this way, just like 9-11 was heard as a call for unlimited CIA, DIA, SSB, NSS & DHS operations. the slaughter and "chaos" (?) in the Gulf Coast are the true birth pangs of Northern Commands limitless command and budget authority. you can be sure that DHS and FEMA will spend the next year hyping their duties and obligations. there might even be a white wash commission to make it all official.
-don't forget the Dominionist, who are going to have a field day with this. they may begin their official merger with the militias soon enough.
and don't underestimate the sympathy factor. we're gonna need a lot of 'tragedies' to justify our world domination. Gas is going to be so pricey, you can almost hear Iran panting and racing back into the cross-hairs, no matter what's in their centrifuges.
sorry pete but the 'america as nation' sympathy factor is nil.
the horror that these poor people who got stuck there are experiencing is beyond my comprehension and i feel nothing but sympathy and good will towards them, but the peoples of the world have watched helpless whilst america has propelled the entire biosphere towards oblivion.
and the 'free-market', me me me ideology that america so successfully incubated and forced onto the world is coming home to roost in the actions of individuals.
i bet the last time the south got hit real bad in the early part of the century the community commitment to the common good was 1000% stronger.
yes, comm, belonging equally to or shared equally by
Sheesh. I like hanging out with you guys, but you sure do put your faith in a bunch of false gods at times. Have we all been so corrupted by scientific psuedo-objectivity that we think the ultimate power in the universe is mechanical manipulation?
If we really do think that, I guess we can't help but freak out.
The question we should be asking instead is where does power *really* come from -- and it isn't out of the barrel of a gun, or anything like it.
I see legitimate power as having a tripartite base. One leg of the tripod is what I was referring to above as the Mandate of Heaven. In more recent times, it's gone by such names as Progress and Evolution. It has to do with aligning yourself with the cosmic arrow, with whatever emergent trends are presently emerging and whatever non-zero sums are presently summing.
The second leg of the tripod is the Will of the People, or government by the consent of the governed. This isn't small-p "people" in the fragmented, selfish, short-sighted sense. This is "The People," an aware, foresighted collective entity with more intelligence than any of its individual members.
And the third leg is something that isn't easy to describe in modern terms but might best be called the Wisdom of the Elders -- the most profound insights of the most selfless, prophetic, and just among us.
Those of us who still more-or-less consider ourselves to be on the left have had a rough sixty years or so of it because even though we *knew* we were the good guys, everything seemed to be running against us. After a couple of generations of that, it gets easy to assume the triumph of evil.
But however good we may have been in some personal moral sense, we haven't had the weight of The People behind us, and it's becoming apparent in retrospect that we haven't had the Mandate of Heaven, either. I mean, if nothing else, just see what a shambles the Democratic Party has become.
But how could the Mandate of Heaven possibly have been on the side of the Republicans? The party of Nixon and George Bush?
Well, in the cosmic scheme of things, it may have been necessary for the United States to be run by exactly the sort of bastards that have been in the driver's seat and to have been used for exactly the sort of false purposes to which they have turned it.
For example -- to offer only one minor and short-term example -- it may have been required to get the planet out of the recent 500-year span of lopsided European dominance and back onto a more even keel.
I said "in retrospect" just above because until very recently I would have found this thought intolerable. If you had told me in 1994 that it was necessary for Gingrich and all to take over and trash everything that I regarded as true and holy, I would have been horrified. If you had said that their heirs of Roosevelt had stumbled into a blind alley and only the heirs of Reagan could lead us back to the light, I would have run in the opposite direction.
But what if all those things are precisely true?
Another way that we in the West tend to mislead ourselves is by assuming that our gods -- or god-equivalents -- have to be moral entities as we ourselves understand morality. This is a prejudice that began about the time the Greeks grew weary of the scandaous behavior of Ares and Aphrodite and culminated in the monotheistic God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. But it never worked in a philosophical sense, and it doesn't scale very well to the universe as we currently envision it.
So what if the "gods" are those beings -- or cosmogenetic principles -- which do not what is good, but what is necessary. That which corresponds to the inevitable-yet-always-improvisational development of the universe? And what if all of us are their tools? -- either gladly (in which case the relationship can be one of mutual delight) or blindly and selfishly (in which case they will use us to the extent of our suitability and descard us when our utility is over.)
If so, and if Bush et al have been self-occupied tools of the gods, then they may well find that Odin is about to show up in the middle of the battle and demand the return of that sword he loaned them.
I wish I could just stay away from this blog...but I can't.
October 8th, folks. Mark your calendars. The "first woe" as foretold by Revelations. How do I know? Would you believe me if I told you? I know I wouldn't. It doesn't matter and I'm not about to reveal my identity. Just mark the calendar and get your life in some semblance of order.
Humanity has been politically manipulated by behind-the-scenes puppetteers far longer than most people are aware. I've posted some excerpt from The Karma of Untruthfulness at the Data Dump
I find it funny that people who talk about false gods turn right around and in the next sentence pay homage to the most false gods of them all. Evolution is merely the occult concept of 'becoming' or 'transformation' dressed up in technocratic legalese. Remember that the Royal Masonic Society was at the forefront of pushing this theory into prominence.
As far as the possibility of Bush and his fellow puppets actually doing the Lord's work, there may be a point there - SOMEBODY has to enable the rise of the Antichrist. Otherwise Revelation would turn out to be not a blueprint for global depopulation that the powers that be are working on, but a bad acid trip from a primitive fanatic from 2000 years ago.
The Visionary Robert Levers.
Your words about human sacrifices ring true, Jeff, and that was the first thought that crossed my mind on September 11. The people now herded together into stadiums are pitifully vulnerable. I'd be surprised if a worse disaster doesn't strike one or more of these sites.
Speaking of occult forces, FWIW, New Orleans when it was still standing was home to a huge amount of Voodoo activity (or Voudoun, for the politically correct).
Anonymous @ 2:20 AM said...
October 8th, folks. Mark your calendars. The "first woe" as foretold by Revelations.
Can someone please tell me what this person is talking about?
There's a huge difference between stupidity and incompetence and conspiratorial malice. A hurricane hit New Orleans. The Democrat mayor was not up to the job. The Republican governor was not up to the job. FEMA failed. Believe it or not, George Bush is not an evil genius plotting world domination. He's just a dumb president.
Natural disasters are NATURAL. Bush did not create the hurricane. He didn't create the poverty in New Orleans, either. New Orleans has always been a mess, and tourists have ignored the misery for a hundred years. Now, the world pretends to be shocked?
Conspiracy theorists abound, but do they ever accomplish anything other than entertaining themselves? While waiting for the nuclear attack that, supposedly, Bush and the rest know is coming, perhaps they can explain why Bush would be involved in anything of the sort. Because he's bored? Because he wants his daughters to grow additional limbs and give birth to children without any?
It's all ridiculous, and everyone, including Michael Moore, knows it. People love to get mad and blame SOMEBODY when things go wrong.
The real blame belongs to the million or so selfish people of New Orleans who fled without helping anybody or giving a thought to those left behind. Who left tens of thousands of their own dogs, cats, and other "pets" to fend for themselves. Who left hospitals full of patients, and orphanages full of children, and crumbling neighborhoods full of poor people. Who saved themselves at the expense of others.
President death. That is the perfect moniker for him. While there are many, many things that have gone horribly wrong as stated by the anonymous commentator whose comments precede these, know this fact: Hurricane Katrina did not destroy New Orleans. I got up extra early on the day it hit and saw that truth. It was line item vetoing by President death that gutted the ability to even properly maintain the levee system on Lake Pontchartrain. It was the wanton destruction of the barrier coastal wetlands that allowed the waters to surge into the lake.
Do you think that President death has visions of THOUSANDS of people scrambling for their very lives even up into their attics as the water surged and drowned them? I think he does and it cheers the cockles of his cold, cold heart.
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the arabs are not your enemy america
this war benefits only the jews
bring your marines home
round a few of the good ones up and go get that raggle taggle bunch of bastards from the white house and pentagon and string em up
Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Wanita
Obat Kutil Kelamin
Obat Kutil Kelamin Ampuh
Obat Kutil Kelamin Tanpa Operasi
Wasir atau ambeien adalah penyakit yang terjadi pada bagian anus, jenis wasir atau ambeien sendiri ada dua yaitu wasir atau ambeien dalam dan wasir atau ambeien luar. Dalam penangananya sendiri wasir atau ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan dua jalan yaitu pengobatan medis dan pengobatan non medis atau pengobatan alternatif. Pengobatan alternatif disini salah satu pilihanya adalah dengan menggunakan tanaman herbal atau dengan ramuan tradisional. Ambeclear dan Salep Salwa adalah hasil pengolahan tanaman herbal daun ungu, kunyit putih, dan mahkota dewa yang telah terbukti ampuh mengatasi wasir atau ambeien baik wasir stadium satu, stadium dua, stadium tiga maupun stadium akhir atau stadium empat. Wasir berdarah, wasir yang telah kronis, semua dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan obat ini selain ampuh obat ini juga aman dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping apapun bagi penggunanya sehingga obat ambeclear ini aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita wasir yang sedang hamil maupun menyusui.
berhitung yuk......... 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ...............................
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