Monday, December 06, 2004

The Fallujah Ghetto

Bush is not Hitler, and the United States is not Nazi Germany, so stop saying that.

I'm talking to you, Boston Globe:

Returning Fallujans will face clampdown

FALLUJAH, Iraq -- The US military is drawing up plans to keep insurgents from regaining control of this battle-scarred city, but returning residents may find that the measures make Fallujah look more like a police state than the democracy they have been promised.

Under the plans, troops would funnel Fallujans to so-called citizen processing centers on the outskirts of the city to compile a database of their identities through DNA testing and retina scans. Residents would receive badges displaying their home addresses that they must wear at all times. Buses would ferry them into the city, where cars, the deadliest tool of suicide bombers, would be banned.


One idea that has stirred debate among Marine officers would require all men to work, for pay, in military-style battalions. Depending on their skills, they would be assigned jobs in construction, waterworks, or rubble-clearing platoons.


[Lieutenant Colonel Dave Bellon, intelligence officer for the First Regimental Combat Team] asserted that previous attempts to win trust from Iraqis suspicious of US intentions had telegraphed weakness by asking, " 'What are your needs? What are your emotional needs?' All this Oprah [stuff]," he said. "They want to figure out who the dominant tribe is and say, 'I'm with you.' We need to be the benevolent, dominant tribe."


Most Fallujans have not heard about the US plans. But for some people in a city that has long opposed the occupation, any presence of the Americans, and the restrictions they bring, feels threatening.

"When the insurgents were here, we felt safe," said Ammar Ahmed, 19, a biology student at Anbar University. "At least I could move freely in the city; now I cannot."

And from a transcript of Tom Brokaw's final broadcast last week, this:

REPORTER: "So far the plan is for most of the city's 250,000 residents to return in stages and first only a few thousand will be let in. They'll be fingerprinted, given a retina scan and then an ID card, which will only allow them to travel around their homes or to nearby aid centers which are now being built. The Marines will be authorized to use deadly force against those breaking the rules....Tom?"

BROKAW: "Richard, what's the latest on the election?"

An audio clip of the above exchange can be heard here, courtesy of Alex Jones.

I've had my problems with Jones, largely down to his style, which could give paranoia a bad name. My all too Canadian reserve has found him clownish, and caused me to back away as though cornered by a loud-mouthed hysteric at an office party, who'd broken his promise to have just one. More seriously, I've thought Jones somewhat indiscriminate with his sources and the facts.

But damn, if he isn't right more often than not. And these are the times befitting hysteria, and a voice like Jones. Perhaps it's time to hang up the reserve, and begin sounding as crazy as the news merits. "Remain calm" is usually bad advice, anyway.

By way of saying "Sorry, eh?" I'll give Jones the last word:

In 1999 I traveled to Oakland California to cover the Marine Corps execution of Operation Urban Warrior. Thousands of Marines opnely trained to biometrically scan American citizens, seperate the men, women and children in a concentration camp environment, and conduct interrogations. Video in my film, Police State 2000 shows Marine Corps officers questioning role-players who were posing as American resistance fighters. Loudspeakers informed the population of the mock camp filled with hundreds of role-players, that if they tried to escape or resist they would be killed.

Now the public consciousness is so seared that an NBC reporter can just nonchalantly talk about an instant death penalty for anyone that doesn't have their biometric card in order or that strays off pre-determined paths on their way to authorized destinations. The Nazis did the same thing in the Polish ghettos. This is total seige, it is the highest expression of pure martial law. ID cards are now being issued across Iraq, the entire country and its 23 million inhabitants are simply being straight-jacketed so the Globalists can continue the oldest form of total war - seige - upon them.

From thousands of credible reports, from reporters on the ground, we know that Iraq is now descending into a black hole. And I want all of the soft, decadent, bloated, demon-possessed, Neo-Con followers to enjoy themselves. Sit in your easy chairs, cheer the slaughter of over a hundred thousand innocent people. Feel like you're part of this global iron fist. Look at it from your coddled position and know - you don't have to fear the CIA controlled Al-CIAda, you had better fear your Globalist masters because they don't give a damn about you. I've got the government documents, I've got the video. The government's been training to do this to you for a long time. So cheer like it's a football game. Cheer the death of all those innocent children. And know that through your weakness and your lack of historical understanding, you have allowed America to lose its soul. Now prepare to reap what you sow. And as your Globalist owners are raping the hell out of you financially, spiritually, mentally, I know you're so weak-minded you'll thank them for it and blame some imaginary turban-headed bogeyman.


Blogger spooked said...

Spot-on post, Jeff.

You're right about Jones, but this time he's right.

It is fucking bloody appalling. I do hope so much the neocons are enjoying this!

11:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking the link to the Boston Globe (and the photo) reminded me of something that's been bothering me for decades: The US helmet.

I think the eerie design was first unveiled during Reagan's assault on Grenada...seems to be when I first recall it while at university.

Symbols are chosen for a reason. The helmet is meant to scare the shit out of's one of the reason's the Egyptians used that shape - to spook the Israeli's - and the same statement was made by those South American nations that used it for their battalions.

Think of any of the Commonwealth or US troops who were killed in Europe during 1939-45; if they suddenly were dropped back in to a modern US military unit, they'd start shooting like crazy...or wonder...'gee, I guess the Nazis won...'.

12:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jones is and always has been a hysterical buffooon. He discredits himself by including so much questionable material. He's clearly his own man, so even if there are issues of who funds his program or who feeds him deliberate disinformation, it's still a personal judgment issue. For tracking American Nazism, I personally prefer Dave Emory ( who is odd, idiosyncratic and perhaps overly conspiratorial in his own way, but in any case not a hysterical blowhard.

7:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how I got here but am glad I came across your blog. Thx.

Steve @

5:26 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

cara menyembuhkan kelamin bernanah obat penyembuh kencing nanah alami obat penyakit kencing nanah pengobatan ampuh penyakit kencing pengobatan spesialis kelamin keluar penyerbu kencing nanah jimat penyembuh kencing nanah

5:12 p.m.  
Blogger Pengobatan Ambeien Wasir said...

Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!

3:59 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

cara mengobati kemaluan keluar nanah obat kemaluan keluar nanah ujung kemaluan keluar nanah obat penis keluar nanah kelamin pria keluar nanah obat kelamin pria keluar nanah obat kelamin pria keluar nanah mengapa alat kelamin keluar nanah kemaluan laki laki keluar nanah kemaluan keluar nanah kemaluan keluar cairan nanah mengapa kemaluan keluar nanah cairan nanah keluar dari kemaluan kencing perih dan keluar cairan nanah cairan nanah keluar dari kemaluan pria mengapa cairan nanah keluar dari kemaluan kemaluan pria keluar nanah penyebab kemaluan keluar cairan nanah cara mengobati kemaluan keluar nanah kemaluan keluar nanah di sertai perih saat kencing mengobati kemaluan keluar nanah pada pria mengobati kemaluan keluar cairan nanah pada pria mengobati kelamin keluar nanah mengobati kemaluan pria yang keluar nanah

2:33 p.m.  
Blogger kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ***************************

10:01 p.m.  
Blogger kLINIK oBAT mANJUR said...

Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................

7:32 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien gejala wasir obat alami ambeien obat herbal wasir obat ambeien tanpa operasi obat wasir herbal obat alami wasir cara mengobati ambeien tanpa operasi obat ambeien herbal obat wasir tanpa operasi cara mengobati wasir tanpa operasi obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien

6:14 p.m.  

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