9/11 in the Courts. Sort of. Almost.
Judge Richard Casey has dismissed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a defendant in six civil lawsuits which had accused them of "providing support to al-Qaida before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."
While the reason for his decision shows the limitations 9/11 justice may find in American courts - only the president, Casey says, has the authority to label a foreign nation a terrorist - I don't disagree with his ruling. The Saudis make excellent fall guys for those who balk, for whatever reason, at drawing the more reasonable, yet more troubling conclusions. Michael Moore, for one, has been a perfect "useful idiot" in the propogation of this limited hangout.
To Moore's thinking, the awful, hidden truth of 9/11 is that the White House "screwed up": Bush was "double-crossed" by his Saudi pals. And to get there, he needs to ignore or misrepresent virtually every salient fact of the event, and plays right into the neoconservatives' long-game with his "Saudis did it" drumbeat. (There's an excellent summary of materials on this at Oil Empire.) Because one day, you'd better believe it, Americans will be asked to get their hate on for Saudi Arabia. At some point, it will be important for the FoxNews America to know that 15 of the hijackers were Saudi nationals.
With regard to state-sponsorship of al Qaeda, Pakistan deserves to be on a list of defendants before Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda could be called a creature of the ISI, and the al Qaeda-ISI-CIA triangle is much more important than the price of Prince Bandar's cigars. (And speaking of the CIA, when is it going to be in the dock? For anything?)
By the way, I see that Stanley Hilton's $7 billion federal class action lawsuit against the Bush Administration for its complicity in the attacks has been thrown out. While I've been, and remain, skeptical of Hilton and his motives, it's interesting to note the ruling was based on the "Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity". "In other words, the suit was not dismissed because of lack of evidence, but rather because the judge reasoned that U.S. Citizens do not have the right to hold a sitting President accountable for anything, even if the charges include premeditated mass murder and premeditated acts of high treason."
9/11 needs to find its Jim Garrison.
While the reason for his decision shows the limitations 9/11 justice may find in American courts - only the president, Casey says, has the authority to label a foreign nation a terrorist - I don't disagree with his ruling. The Saudis make excellent fall guys for those who balk, for whatever reason, at drawing the more reasonable, yet more troubling conclusions. Michael Moore, for one, has been a perfect "useful idiot" in the propogation of this limited hangout.
To Moore's thinking, the awful, hidden truth of 9/11 is that the White House "screwed up": Bush was "double-crossed" by his Saudi pals. And to get there, he needs to ignore or misrepresent virtually every salient fact of the event, and plays right into the neoconservatives' long-game with his "Saudis did it" drumbeat. (There's an excellent summary of materials on this at Oil Empire.) Because one day, you'd better believe it, Americans will be asked to get their hate on for Saudi Arabia. At some point, it will be important for the FoxNews America to know that 15 of the hijackers were Saudi nationals.
With regard to state-sponsorship of al Qaeda, Pakistan deserves to be on a list of defendants before Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda could be called a creature of the ISI, and the al Qaeda-ISI-CIA triangle is much more important than the price of Prince Bandar's cigars. (And speaking of the CIA, when is it going to be in the dock? For anything?)
By the way, I see that Stanley Hilton's $7 billion federal class action lawsuit against the Bush Administration for its complicity in the attacks has been thrown out. While I've been, and remain, skeptical of Hilton and his motives, it's interesting to note the ruling was based on the "Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity". "In other words, the suit was not dismissed because of lack of evidence, but rather because the judge reasoned that U.S. Citizens do not have the right to hold a sitting President accountable for anything, even if the charges include premeditated mass murder and premeditated acts of high treason."
9/11 needs to find its Jim Garrison.
Speaking of Pakistan, looks like Al Qaeda is doing just fine in Karachi:
Karachi opens door to US forces
This suit will never make it to the appeals court because they are using circumstantial evidence and evidence with multiple interpretations. It's too bad, since it's obvious Bush et al either LIHOP or MIHOP.
They should stick to the facts rather than interpret with the premise they've already concluded (the same backwards method of interpretation Bush used for WMD in Iraq). Puffs of smoke could be caused by air pressure, a "mushroom cloud" is caused when a building falls down for ANY reason again due to air pressure, the "bump" on the plane is from poor quality video and can reasonably be interpreted as a reflection of sunlight--many planes have a sort of bump there, the witnesses saying they heard bombs could have been mistaking the sound of structural failure, Silverstein's "pull it" comment can easily be interpreted as him saying we "pulled" the firefighting operation etc. etc.
It's rather sad that Hilton does not want to be reasonable, and more sad is the people who think Bush et al were involved can't grasp the fact that much of the evidence they have is not evidence at all, and will never stand up in court. However, some of it is evidence, and if they can separate the wheat (like unprecedented insider trading) from the chaff they could have a strong case which they can build on, instead of jumping to pre-formed conclusions.
As you can see, "anonymous" is trying to discredit every little fact, no mean feat this, considering he's doing so, from deep inside Bush's anal comand post, and his thoughts come out of a methane headrush because he wears no mask`!
I thought he lost the case.
How bout Perry Mason?
(and btw can you sue based on something like "emotional abuse and causing great mental angush?")
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the judge reasoned that U.S. Citizens do not have the right to hold a sitting President accountable for anything, even if the charges include premeditated mass murder and premeditated acts of high treason."
wouldnt that mean that the president is "above" the law?.. I dont understand how the judge came up with that verdict... i am still very suspicious about waht really happened on 9-11.. i dont know if i can honestly trust "your" government. I will continue to look for evidence on why Bush should be held accountable for 9-11. i do think that "yopur" government is hiding important information from the public. How do you expect the people.. or me to believe that he did nothing wrong and all that is being said is because someone got fired. it dosent make any sense to me.. I will truly be satisfied if Bush took a polygraph test to prove his innocense. It only make sense to me..if you have nothing to hide then it shouldnt be a problem. if you have done right by your people then it shouldnt be a problem.. and if its not true then why are so many people who all were once citizens of america.. why are they going into hiding and are AFRAID of our government.. why are they being threatened and forced to keep what they knw private.. why do th government have so many "prjects that we dont know about and the ones that we know about why do we know so little of them... i dont want to be apart of a society where eerything is a secret!!!!
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cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
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