"The Master Approached"

They say you're usin' voodoo, I seen your feet walk by themselves
That god you been prayin' to
Is gonna give ya back what you're wishin' on someone else - Bob Dylan
In 1969, while cleaning the former office of a Los Angeles private detective named Earl LaFoon, the building manager found a canister of 16 mm colour movie labeled "Sirhan B Sirhan - 1967." It was a surveillance film, shot approximately half a year before Sirhan was charged with the murder of Robert F Kennedy, walking the streets of Pasadena.
Jonn Christian, co-author with William Turner of The Assassination of Robert F Kennedy, tracked down LaFoon and asked him about the film. The detective's story was rather fluid, first claiming it had been stolen, then denying that it was his, and finally abruptly ending the conversation by saying "You'll have to ask the Argonaut Insurance Company about this. That's all I have to say."
Argonaut had paid Sirhan a workman's compensation claim of $1,705 for injuries received in a fall from a horse while working at the Corona Ranch in 1966. Was Sirhan surveilled in a fishing expedition for insurance fraud? The relatively small amount involved and the fact Sirhan wasn't even claiming to be disabled render this conclusion suspect, especially since an Argonaut spokesman told Christian the company had nothing to do with it.
Sirhan was filmed without his knowledge shortly after he returned to his family home following an unexplained absence of three months, which had caused his mother extreme worry A veteran LAPD officer, who wished to remain nameless, told Turner and Christian that even the RFK task force Special Unit Senator could not account for the missing time.
Upon his return, one difference in Sirhan's character noted by those close to him was a deepened interest in the occult.
In the mid-60s Sirhan's ambition to become a jockey had led to work as a groomsman, which carried him into the orbit of an equestrian circle of privilege. The politics was far right, and the religion often had the gloss of conservative evangelicalism masking a fascination with the occult. William Thomas Rathke, a right-wing, 41-year old groom who actually had his own fundamentalist church, befriended Sirhan, but rather than talk about Jesus paradoxically began nurturing his interest in the occult. In a letter to Turner and Christian, Sirhan wrote that "We had many discussions on the occult - reincarnation, karma, clairvoyance, astral projection, the human aura. But I don't remember that we ever discussed politics."
In 1967 Rathke moved north to Livermore California, ostensibly to work at the Pleasanton Race Stables. Livermore, of course, was also home to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the principle contracting institutions for MKULTRA. (In 1965 the CIA had "entered into a Memorandum of Understanding" with Lawrence Livermore Laboratory to "perform a number of projects for the Office of Scientific Intelligence.")
Sirhan and Rathke kept in touch, and Rathke and Livermore remained on his mind. In his notebook of "automatic writing" following his three-month absence, he wrote "Sirhan Livermore Sirhan" and juxtaposed Rathke's name with the repetition of "Let us do it," "Master Kuthumi." "Illuminati" and "Northern Valley." "Kuthumi" is clearly a reference to Blavatsky's Secret Chief Koot Hoomi, and Livermore Valley is in Northern California. When asked by Turner and Christian, Sirhan said he had no awareness of the word "Illuminati," and could only say that Kuthumi "sounds familiar in occult literature."
At Sirhan's 1969 trial hypnotist Bernard Diamond testified that the case was "an astonishing instance of mail-order hypnsosis, dissociated trances and the mystical occultism of Rosicrucian mind power and black magic." This was the limited hang-out of the compromised Defense team: Sirhan was mind controlled, but it was self-induced. Rathke supported this position, even anticipated it, by having visited Sirhan and his family in LA several times in the months before the assassination, now voicing concerns in letters that if Sirhan didn't abandon his rituals he might "lose control and do something terrible." The supposedly evangelical Rathke also infiltrated a Theosophist group in early 1968 and expressed similar concerns to its members, reminiscent of the JFK assassination's Odio Incident which saw Silvia Odio told afterward by a companion of "Lee Oswald" that he was crazy and capable of killing the President.
Sirhan's now 62, and lost his 13th bid for parole last week. He was unrepresented, his lawyer Lawrence Teeter - his first lawyer to believe in his innocence - died last year. Most Americans who still mourn Robert Kennedy don't feel much charity for his convicted killer, but that's to misundertand history and misapprehend justice.
From a CIA memorandum of 1954, originally published in Phil Melanson's The Robert F. Kennedy Assassination and reproduced in the July-August 1997 issue of Probe:
1. The ARTICHOKE Team visited [redacted] during period 8 January to 15 January 1954. The purpose of the visit was to give an evaluation of a hypothetical problem, namely: Can an individual of ****** descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?
a. The essential elements of the problem are as follows: (1) As a "trigger mechanism" for a bigger project, it was proposed that an individual of ****** descent approximately 35 years old, well educated, proficient in English and well established socially and politically in the ****** Government be induced under ARTICHOKE to perform an act, involuntarily, of attempted assassination against a prominent ****** politician or if necesssary, against an American official. The SUBJECT was formerly in [redacted] employ but has since terminated and is now employed with the *** Government. According to all available information, the SUBJECT would offer no further cooperation with [redacted.] Access to the SUBJECT would be extremely limited, probably limited to a single social meeting. Because the SUBJECT is a heavy drinker, it was proposed that the individual could be surreptitiously drugged through the medium of an alcholoic cocktail at a social party, ARTICHOKE applied and the SUBJECT induced to perform the act of attempted assassination at some later date. All the above was to be accomplished at one involuntary uncontrolled social meeting. After the act of attempted assassination was performed, it was assumed that the SUBJECT would be taken into custody by the *** Government and thereby "disposed of."
Qabbalists say that knowledge wears a false crown. Students of Deep Politics could say the same. Unlike Oswald and James Earl Ray, Sirhan's like us: he's alive. "Disposed of," but alive. Truth without justice - what is that?
If there were only Sirhan mentions of "Catcher in the Rye", like Chapman and Hinckley.
Still, the MK-ULTRA connection is weird-with-a-beard. Livermore has a VERY bad 'vibe', fo rmore than one reason. There's little doubt that the Indian name for the dominant feature of the area was translated by the Spanish as "Mt. Diablo".
Anonymous One,Frank Olson was connected with Operation Artichoke,he also made visits to the CIA'S station inside Germany.Located at I.G.F HQs in the 50's,where it was said they ran the first MKULTRA tests.To bad for us,they have this mind shit almost perfected to the point now, no one even notices.As my good friend from Hong Kong used to say "you can't wake a man who makes belive he's is a sleep",later.
What about Jerry Owen, the "Walking Bible"? He knew Sirhan and reportedly felt that RFK was to be silenced because he would pull troops out of Vietnam and "God would be angry."
from wikipedia:
"Sirhan was convicted and sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972 after the California Supreme Court in its People v. Anderson decision resulted in the invalidation of all pending death sentences imposed in California prior to 1972."
"Sirhan has been routinely eligible for parole, but as of 2006 parole had been denied 13 consecutive times. Currently he is confined at the California State Prison in Corcoran. Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter died on July 31, 2005 in Mexico. Sirhan was again refused parole on March 15, 2006. He did not attend the hearing nor did he appoint a new attorney to represent him. His next chance for parole will be in 2011."
but by then it may be too late..
Have nothing relevant to add about RFK, but I'm posting this disturbing view of life in Iraq by an Iraqi. I think it's worth about 4000 hrs. of Herr Bushski's "Things are really going swell" hyperbole & rhetoric.
It has been three years since the beginning of the war that marked the end of Iraq’s independence. Three years of occupation and bloodshed.
Spring should be about renewal and rebirth. For Iraqis, spring has been about reliving painful memories and preparing for future disasters. In many ways, this year is like 2003 prior to the war when we were stocking up on fuel, water, food and first aid supplies and medications. We're doing it again this year but now we don't discuss what we're stocking up for. Bombs and B-52's are so much easier to face than other possibilities.
I don’t think anyone imagined three years ago that things could be quite this bad today. The last few weeks have been ridden with tension. I’m so tired of it all- we’re all tired.
Three years and the electricity is worse than ever. The security situation has gone from bad to worse. The country feels like it’s on the brink of chaos once more- but a pre-planned, pre-fabricated chaos being led by religious militias and zealots.
School, college and work have been on again, off again affairs. It seems for every two days of work/school, there are five days of sitting at home waiting for the situation to improve. Right now college and school are on hold because the “arba3eeniya” or the “40th Day” is coming up- more black and green flags, mobs of men in black and latmiyas. We were told the children should try going back to school next Wednesday. I say “try” because prior to the much-awaited parliamentary meeting a couple of days ago, schools were out. After the Samarra mosque bombing, schools were out. The children have been at home this year more than they’ve been in school.
I’m especially worried about the Arba3eeniya this year. I’m worried we’ll see more of what happened to the Askari mosque in Samarra. Most Iraqis seem to agree that the whole thing was set up by those who had most to gain by driving Iraqis apart.
I’m sitting here trying to think what makes this year, 2006, so much worse than 2005 or 2004. It’s not the outward differences- things such as electricity, water, dilapidated buildings, broken streets and ugly concrete security walls. Those things are disturbing, but they are fixable. Iraqis have proved again and again that countries can be rebuilt. No- it’s not the obvious that fills us with foreboding.
The real fear is the mentality of so many people lately- the rift that seems to have worked it’s way through the very heart of the country, dividing people. It’s disheartening to talk to acquaintances- sophisticated, civilized people- and hear how Sunnis are like this, and Shia are like that… To watch people pick up their things to move to “Sunni neighborhoods” or “Shia neighborhoods”. How did this happen?
I read constantly analyses mostly written by foreigners or Iraqis who’ve been abroad for decades talking about how there was always a divide between Sunnis and Shia in Iraq (which, ironically, only becomes apparent when you're not actually living amongst Iraqis they claim)… but how under a dictator, nobody saw it or nobody wanted to see it. That is simply not true- if there was a divide, it was between the fanatics on both ends. The extreme Shia and extreme Sunnis. Most people simply didn’t go around making friends or socializing with neighbors based on their sect. People didn't care- you could ask that question, but everyone would look at you like you were silly and rude.
I'd really like to see more around here exploring what I feel is a really relevant-to-today topic: the connection between superficially Christian evangelical "Christofascism" on one hand and black occultism on the other.
Doesn't Satanism teach that the superior must manipulate the inferior through the use of myths and deception?
"He knew Sirhan and reportedly felt that RFK was to be silenced because he would pull troops out of Vietnam and "God would be angry.""
When a fascist faux-Christian says "God is angry," what they really mean is "I am angry, and I am God to you because I manipulate your silly little myths."
Now listen to Pat Robertson for a while, and shudder.
Don't forget Islamofascism too. Same thing. The black lodges use whatever the local mythology happens to be. Christ? Allah? Who cares... as long as the sheep follow.
so many names.
Dr. Herbert Spiegel keeps comming up, he was involved with the case that Sybil was based on.
I just found a vinyl record with sounds and interviews with witnesses to the RFK assassination.
It is called 'Y' and is on Solar Records - SLP-331
produced by Doug Moody.
The record includes an interview with LA coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi. Noguchi says the fatal wound was from point-blank at the right rear of RFK's head. That's where RFK's 'body guard' was, not Sirhan Sirhan. Dr. Noguchi was not allowed to testify at Sirhan's show trial. When examined, Sirhan showed evidence of being hypnotised and programmed to be at the place and time of the murder and this made him a patsy.
He was used as a pawn by the real killers.
Once RFK became the Democratic presidential candidate he would have gotten Secret Service protection and tried to roll back the CIA who hijacked our government and killed JFK when he resisted.
Almost all evidence of the RFK murder meant to continue the original crime of CIA-theft of our government has been destroyed.
And here I find in a used record shop evidence of one of the greatest crimes against the American people.
Keep your eyes open and save what you can for posterity. They are going to need all the clues they can get about what they are up against.
Who killed RFK and JFK? Aside from knowing the names of the accused, Sirhan and Oswald, we will NEVER really know!
Anonyous at 5:19am: Very cogent comment. I had the very same thoughts. If we accept Noguchi and his autopsy witnesses as being truthful, then it is obviously physically impossible for Sirhan to have been the killer. The position of Sirhan relative to RFK is caught on film and by many witnesses and is indisputable. That can only lead to the conclusion that RFK's assasination was the result of a conspiracy, too, like his brother JFK, and MLK. All of these supposed "lone nut" assasinations and attempted assasinations from the 1960's to 1980's seem to share a common MO, very similar to how serial murders are analyzed and solved. There are undoubtedly many damning gov't documents still kept secret and classified that would sew up the case, if anyone with real political power would dare to let the information come out.
For a shameless plug... Jim DiEugenio and I (Lisa Pease) wrote a series of articles on the case that appear in the anthology we co-edited, called "The Asssassinations" (available through Amazon.com and in most bookstores). Here's a link to some online articles, but many are truncated in the hopes you'll go get the book...
Remember how reagan was shot?
I saw this mad magzine years ago, in the 80s. It had one of those what really going on behind the scenes thingees.
There was a photo of reagan behind a podium talking and bush (sr)standing behind him.
The podium was erased so you could see what they reckoned was going on behind the scenes.
Reagan had a talk bubble and was saying, "Of Course I will support George for President in 1988."
The huge beserk rebel warthog (Bush) was holding a gun to his back.
Oh and I don't think he (reagan) was wearing trousers.
That cartoon has a whole new significance these days.
Hypnotism, the occult, Blavatsky, MK Ultra..here's a link to a 1963 pub that may have more than a passing influence..
Does anyone know if Sirhan is allowed to have visitors?
I would like to talk to him.
Does anyone know if Sirhan is allowed visitors?
I would like to talk with him.
I was always fascinated by the fact that TWO of Charlie Manson's gang, Squeaky Fromm and Sara Jane Moore, took shots at President Ford. The incidents were within two weeks of each other. It's an obvious display of mind control.
It's also fascinating to think what would have happened under President Rockefeller. That was the intent of those shootings, and the mind reels at the possibilities.
The feeling of individual powerlessness in the face of possible danger or uncertainty generally causes a rush to some group or another simply as a means of holding those fears at bay. Safety in numbers, or the herd instinct, if you will.
It is an altogether primitive and entirely predictable occurrence in many species including humans and isn't dependent on whether those fears have any basis in reality or not.
The fears themselves are sufficiently real or are impressed upon those affected as being real enough that they simply become overwhelmed and desperate to do something, perhaps even "anything" in order to escape them.
Now a very little known, undiscussed, and untaught fact from the annals of primate research has also shown that when that kind overwhelming fear is present or induced the rush for safety or protection is always towards the nearest dominant or authority figure... even when that figure itself may be the source of the fear that's being engendered. That last part is quite important incidentally.
Now these are all essentially instinctive behaviors which we all possess and respond to as part of our basic survival mechanism. They are the responses that simply kick-in to find some spot of relative safety or protection by some authority from which to more thoughtfully assess and analyize our situation. We can't and don't think about them because we simply don't have time to.
Now those impluses can be quite deliberately or artificially triggered, manipulated, or even unnaturally sustained by anyone who actually understands how they work.
When those impulses are triggered in the right kind of subject, (a willing or overly susceptable one), can cause them to do things that they wouldn't normally do,( or even think of doing), in an almost puppetlike fashion. This is because they wouldn't be "thinking" at the time but simply "responding" to a fear that had temporarily turned them into an automaton.
That overwhelming fear they are responding to can take the shape of whatever they have been told it does and the actions they've been directed to carry out will make it go away or save them from it. That was essentially what MK-ULTRA was all about.
That may very well be the genuine explaination for the Sihan, Chapman, and Hinkley cases where we either have unstable individuals or individuals who have become temporarily unstable and appear to be responding to some kind of delusion but it does not seem to conform to being one of their own making.
There is always the possibility that such delusions might be the product of their own disturbed imaginations but the real import of their actions lies in the fact that others, and most significantly, high placed and powerfull others stood to benefit from their crimes whereas they themselves never did in any way at all. None apparently had any particular hatred, grudge or even a fear of the victims themselves.
Another peculiarity at least from the standpoint of political assissinations is that fleeing the scene, resisting arrest, suicide, or allowing themselves to be taken alive in order to boldly or proudly proclaim some political point or revel in the noteriety is also entirely absent but not in most others committed by what we'd actually consider to be quite "deranged" individuals.
They were all quite docile in the face of changing or trying to change the world in such an unexpected and brutally forcefull way and hardly interested or even aware of what those changes might even be. It's almost as if some ordeal was ended or relieved with the firing of the shots and some kind of cloud of confusion envelops how it was that they were the ones to actually fire them.
As to whether they were "programmed"? There's more than enough passing strangeness to their cases suggest that that's exactly what they were.
Unrelated to RFK specifically but regarding the wider focus of the site:
Anyone read "Hitherby Dragons", a fantasy "webcomic without pictures" by RPG writer Rebecca Bergstrom? (imago.hitherby.com) I'm working my way through it at the moment - it's superficially cheerful and wacky, but it's very serious philosophically, dealing with the theological problem of evil. The series draws from just about every conceivable human mythology, but a deep and recurring core theme is ritual child abuse: specifically, in the fantasy mythology of the series, "emptying people to create gods" through the use of psychological and physical torture. In one story, a character creates a god to hide the experience of pain (including her memory of abuse) from herself.
I'm still reading the series (and it's still being written), so I haven't figured out yet just *why* this particular incarnation of evil was chosen as the theme. I'm not sure that Bergstrom would consider herself a literal believer in the strong form of the MKULTRA/SRA mythos as described on sites like this. But the resonances are quite specific and very interesting to me.
Maybe I've just become sensitised to the occult-intelligence mind control / ESP / abuse nexus scenario from my fringe research, and maybe the paranoid mind naturally drifts to thinking about abuses so dark. If Hitherby Dragons is based on core themes of mythology (and it seems to be), perhaps ritualised child abuse in the pursuit of power is a very, very old story indeed, not something spawned from the CIA.
But the mythos is out there elsewhere in recent pop culture, and not just in Chris Carter properties. The recent Joss Whedon Firefly TV series and movie Serenity is another example of the MKULTRA scenario reappearing in very thin disguise. A central character, River Tam, undergoes a black government mind-control program while at a school for gifted teenagers, aiming to create both a hyponotically-programmed assassin and psychic powers. Of course, in science fiction this kind of stuff happens every day, but this is a very specific form of the story, with hardly even the serial numbers filed off.
Does such wide retelling of the meme in pop-lit mean that the MKULTRA/SRA story is necessarily *true*? Or just that these are dark and horrible times and we subconsiously *want* such a horrible idea to be true, for entertainment's sake?
Excellent observations anon 6:12
anon 2:40
'I'd really like to see more around here exploring what I feel is a really relevant-to-today topic: the connection between superficially Christian evangelical "Christofascism" on one hand and black occultism on the other.'
The connection is found within the absolutist mentality of the practitioner. If achieving the chosen imperative is seen as important enough, black magic simply becomes another tool.
We are all influenced by resonance to 'powers and principalities'. 'Salvationists', in their attempt to gain the prize will do what they are told. This is to follow the static principle, Ahriman, or order without liberty.
Most people on this blog, myself included, are on the other side of this coin and are more influenced by the light bringer or Lucifer. I want to be the coin, to be saved through Christ by balancing order and liberty.
Do not believe, -observe. Peace.
The bit with raining frogs in MAGNOLIA, and the other symbolism in that movie has me wanting to watch that movie again--I'm wondering if the entire movie is related to issues discussed here, or if it's just the story-line of the kid/gameshow host. And then there's the Tom Cruise involvement and the Scientology/L Ron Hubbard connection. If 'we' (myself & wife) watch it again, I hope I can use it to raise issues with her--she winces when I bring up conspiracy theory stuff, but 'JFK' was O.K. with her--maybe mainstream movies are less threatening than websites.
Which again brings me to ask: how do we spread the word about RA, and MKULTRA-type stuff? I remember being dubious in past discussions when others made the case for conspiracies--maybe it's a question of gradually leading folks to look at things, as was true for me.
Jeff, could we start a thread for that, maybe? Of how we came to 'buy in' to the reality of deep politics and so on? That might be a resource/starting point for folks like me who are hoping to bring someone else to see things as they do. (If I don't see otherwise, I'll go to the discussion boards and start that thread--but if anyone sees this and cares to add their two cents...)
Also though--this is, again, as always, one of those great posts and discussions--thanks to all, and especially to you, Jeff, for hosting this.
If the 'sheep' aren't getting it from watching last nights' "SOUTH PARK", they're never gonna get it!
Sirhan decides who gets to visit him. One can't just go there and ask to see him. He doesn't see many people, especially after what Moldea did to him. (Moldea lied in his book and said he gave Sirhan a chance to review everything in it. But he didn't tell Sirhan he was going to use McCowan's story, which Sirhan vigorously denies, of his purported confession). Sirhan wanted to sue, but Larry Teeter didn't want to pursue that.
But, of course, sounder, you don't want to read or hear what Lucifer's Creator-GOD has to say about "him" in the Bible. From the mainstream Christian POV, he loses, we win. I think it was casually mentioned in a little known book called "The Apocalypse of Saint John". I'm not quite sure, so I'll have to check it out with the J-word guy, and see what he has to say about it.
anon 10:29
I do not buy the idea that G-d must stoop so low as to battle anything.
When at the Consul of Nicea, Jesus was declared to be God, the church became a means to enforce authority and inhibit 'enthusiasm', and therefore an agent of Ahriman. The Lucifiric tradition grows out of the felt need to speak freely when speaking freely can get you killed.
Ahriman and Lucifer may be G-ds necessary helpers who teach us through contrasts. They may even find redemption as implied by an old Jewish prayer that ends with...."and all the children of flesh will call upon thy name, when thou wilt turn unto thyself all the wicked of the earth."
Anyway the mainstream POV does not provide salvation as the literal reading is shallow and asks one to destroy others of G-ds creation. I think more likely G-d wishes for me to embrace the whole creation, rather than for me to decide what, of G-ds creation, should exist and what should be destroyed.
What's up with all these supposed Bible-Belters constantly up-to-their-ears involved with religious ideas that are supposed to be anathema to them?
Two other notable examples:
Tommy Hicks, the Billy Graham of the 1950s, who filled a stadium in Buenos Aries as part of his international "crusade", took time out of his busy schedule to host a seance for Juan and Evita Peron, where he allegedly conjured the spirit of San Martin. (Details in the biography Peron, by Prof. Joseph Page. )
More recently, who arranged for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon to host George W. Bush's first Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C., on Inauguration Day, January 19, 2001?
Doug Wead, ostensibly the most Fundamentalist Evangelical of all of George W. Bush's spiritual advisers.
(ref: American Dynasty, by Kevin Phillips, p.234. )
What up?
Those who organized the gatherings of over 500,000 concerned human beings Saturday last are to be congratulated with gusto.
Reasonable men and women, like those who gathered over their concern for Immigration Policies that are egregious and politically motivated, would agree, from the available evidence, that 9.11 was an Inside Job. Those are the same standards DOJ offers to jury's in criminal courts!
The Patriot Act was rushed into being by our elected officials who didn't even take the time to read the Act before they voted it in. The Act came about as a direct result of 9.11, and being an Inside Job, it should be seen as null and void as it was born out of treason and deceit. The Act affects all immigrants, including the so called illegals who number over 13,000,000.
We have seen what happened when we angered 13,000,000 Sunni Muslims in Iraq!
Beyond the Act, the same people who are responsible for planning and facilitating 9.11 are the ones framing the Immigration Policies and it's enforcement.
And, these same people fabricated "slam dunk" intelligence in order for Congress to provide the President with War Powers Acts for preemptive attacks on Iraq in violation of the Nuremberg Findings.
Crimes against Peace and Crimes against Humanity are the ultimate war crimes which we established in 1945.
Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson was appointed by President Truman to be the Chief Prosecutor at the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany and in his opening statement to the jury he said: "The standards by which we judge these defendants today are the same standards by which we shall be judged tomorrow".
Then we hanged them.
So, can you trust the current administration, who violates US Law, Constitutional Law, International Law, with the authority to impose and enforce Immigration Law?
The organizers that brought together over half a million people to raise their voices for democracy and freedom have shown the rest of America that all it takes is unity of purpose for the truth to be free again.
Welcome to America.
The pattern continues...
Sirhan fervently embraced the realm of the mind: self-hypnosis, mind control, mysticism. He practiced the mental projection of images and ideas. He frequented one Pasadena bookstore that specialized in the occult and got a part-time job at another. There he read books he could not afford to buy, books with titles like The Laws of Mental Domination, Thought Power: Its Control and Culture and Meditations on the Occult Life: The Hidden Power.
"Sirhan also joined the Rosicrucians, a self-described ‘ancient mystical order.' In May 1968 he paid $20 to join after seeing an ad in a newspaper."
After putting Sirhan under hypnosis several times, Diamond concluded that Sirhan had previously been hypnotized, probably self-hypnotized, and that those self-induced trances led to the assassination.
"With absolutely no knowledge or awareness of what was actually happening in his Rosicrucian and occult experiments," Diamond explained, "[Sirhan] was gradually programming himself . . . for the coming assassination." The programming took place in "his unconscious mind" while "in his conscious mind there was no awareness of such a plan." Diamond accepted Sirhan's claim that he had not planned to kill RFK June 4, 1968 but had found himself by happenstance at the Ambassador Hotel. There "the mirrors in the hotel lobby, the flashing lights, the general confusion" put him "back in his trances" and in this "almost accidentally induced twilight state he actually executed the crime."
Sirhan (stated he) stopped in and overheard that there were several larger parties going on at the Ambassador Hotel, a short distance away. He made his way to the Ambassador.
There he downed several Tom Collins drinks. He wandered around, then went back to his car. Deciding he was too drunk to drive, he went back to the hotel to get some coffee to sober up. Around a coffee urn, he saw a "beautiful" young woman.
The defendant claimed he next remembered "being choked." He had no memory of getting his gun from his car but said he "must have..."
It's interesting Sirhan was a groomer. I had heard that he said he "... did it for a mustang..."
The monstrous horrors of the tech of mind control is somewhat understood by me. I am familiar with Fritz Springmeir's explanation of this abomination. He explained that there are about 2 million people in the USA that are mind programmed. Shock induced trauma is the key to mind control. To be programmed to forget an act of murder is an exceptional weapon. 2 million is a lot of people. Members of the clergy are prime suspects of MK Ultra or any type of sadistic mind control op. Because of the perfect cover they have being men of God. Control is key right?
It's just not the carnal killings but the spiritual manipulating of people as well. The implications of this possible reality makes my mind spasm. An Oswald kill pales somewhat in comparison to the effectiveness of respectable people in society influencing others to back individuals who plan MK Ultra type murders secretly. That due to the clergy's leadership we have honored the very men in high places who are clearly involved with this kind of mind programing that leads to murder. How many murders have taken place in the world with this tech?
Scientists who manipulate the weather for the common good may also be mind controlled to forget how they have increased the intensity of hurricanes and other supernatural events. Totally occultic mind set behind mind control. No doubt about it. Satanic secret societies networking with each other from the top down.
The attempted murder of Reagan leads me to consider MK Ultra programming was involved. The man behind that gun is free. No fussing with parole. There was no reason for him to dislike the president. Or maybe the former director of MK Ultra mind control had his minions program John Jr to murder Reagan. Or at least scare him.
However you look at it mind control is sinister. Then there are liars as well faking mental disorders to get away with murder. I remember Jeffrey Dahmer and his confessing to be born again as a Christian with no remorse for the victims families. Here is another potential victim of mind control handlers having power over a man. This use of tech is effective and seemingly unstoppable and we are being influenced by supposedly decent people in society not to care at all about it.
Old Times, Good Times, cont:
Strong influence was brought to bear on chief of police, Ed Davis, to remove all official protection for Senator Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel. Arrangements were made for the Ace Guard Service to supply three... guards at the hotel to guard the Senator after his victory speech. One of these was Thane Eugene Cesar, a known Kennedy hater and friend of a group of Southern California Minutemen.
He held a drink--a Tom Collins--in his right hand while his left hand was beating a steady rhythm against his leg to the drum beat of "Happy Days Are Here Again," being played over and over again on the loudspeaker system.
Finally, the music came to a halt. The people in the audience were relatively quiet as Senator Kennedy was going to speak. "Mayor Yorty has just sent me a message that we have been here too long already." The audience roared with laughter--except for Sirhan--knowing Yorty was a Republican. Bobby Kennedy lifted up his V-shaped fingers, and the crowd roared once more. "On to Chicago! Let's win there!" he shouted.
The crush of the crowd was so great that Kennedy and his entourage were quickly being diverted through the service pantry. Yes, Sirhan could see the maitre d' as he gripped Kennedy's right hand and led him through the gold curtain behind the stage and down into the pantry.
I guess I'll go home now, thought Sirhan, draining the last of his drink. He felt dizzy--it was his second drink and he was small. Not tough like his brother, Munir. Or his war veteran brothers. Just a lousy loser. A dropout loser who's not even an American.
"My, I'm feeling a bit woozy," said a voice beside him. Sirhan turned to face a pretty young brunette--about twenty--wearing a polka-dot cocktail dress. "Could you get me some coffee?" she asked, smiling at Sirhan.
Suddenly, Sirhan remembered he had left something important in his car. He ran over to a cocktail server and snatched a Styrofoam cup of coffee from the tray and brought it back to the girl. "Here, take this," he told her, "I have to go outside."
Sirhan was parked near the servant's entrance, and it took him less than a minute to reach his car. He opened the trunk and took out a small handgun. He tucked it inside his belt strap and covered it with his sweater. Then he ran back into the hotel and headed straight for the pantry where his friend worked. Maybe George is working tonight, thought Sirhan, forgetting the gun for the moment. The lights were having a kaleidoscopic effect on his perception. It was like an acid trip, but he felt a concentrating strength gathering from somewhere deep inside. Kennedy. I need to see Kennedy.
Sirhan was standing beside the large stainless steel serving carts, about twenty feet away from the senator, when he suddenly reached inside his belt and pulled out the Iver Johnson .22 caliber. Illuminati. Hero of my people! RFK must die! "Kennedy, you son of a bitch!" shouted Sirhan, and he fired two rapid shots. Bobby reeled backwards, flinging his right arm in front of his face for protection.
Eight more shots rang out in rapid succession, and several people grabbed for Sirhan, but he was infused with inhuman power. DeSalvo. Illuminati hero. Kill Kennedy! Bobby grabbed the clip-on necktie of a security guard as he fell backwards to the concrete floor. His arms and legs were splayed out in a Christ-like pose...
Afterward, there were bullet wounds and bullet holes to be accounted for, to the approximate number of ten bullets. Sirhan's only weapon was a revolver which only chambered eight rounds...
One of the ways this incongruity was dealt with by the Los Angeles Police Department's "Special Unit Senator" task force, in its inimitable way, was to excise all of the pantry's wooden door frames and panels that had bullet holes in them, then remove and burn them before the investigation was completed.
This same Special Unit Senator (SUS) also disposed of a sleeve from RFK's jacket which
might have provided additional evidence as to the direction of the bullets...
The two top operatives in SUS just happened to be two Los Angeles Police officers named Manny Pena and Enrique "Hank" Hernandez. Both of these men had not only worked for the LAPD, but they had also worked for the CIA in Central and South America...
RFK's bodyguard- Thane Eugene Caesar- had worked for Lockheed at its Burbank facility... Caesar was carrying a 22 Cal. Iver Johnson -- the exact gun that Sirhan used.
Coroner Naguchi testified that the fatal shot to RFK was fired from a distance of less than one inch from the back of Senator Kennedy's right ear...
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