Route 666

It's five in the morning, the post I've been drafting still isn't ready and I can't keep my eyes open any longer. So here's something else, while I get my act together:
2 Murders and Missing Cash in Iraq
The killing of Fern Holland, a young human rights worker from Oklahoma, remains as unsolved and mysterious as it was when her body was found riddled with bullets on a desolate stretch of road near one of Iraq's southern holy cities in March 2004.
Now, federal investigators in the United States are grappling with a second mystery: what happened to hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash issued by U.S. government authorities to Holland and Robert Zangas, a press officer who died in the same incident, in the days before their deaths?
Financial records from the American- run compound in Hilla, the south-central Iraqi city where Holland and Zangas were based, have disclosed that much or all of that money - issued for things like programs to train Iraqis in the workings of democratic governance and the building of women's rights centers that Holland was establishing in Iraq - was either missing or improperly accounted for immediately after their deaths.
Investigators are trying to determine whether that money was stolen as part of the web of bribery, kickbacks, theft and conspiracy that they have laid out in a series of indictments and court papers describing corruption by U.S. officials in Hilla in 2003 and 2004, according to officials involved in the inquiry. That corruption case, centered on reconstruction efforts, has led to four arrests, and more are expected.
Holland was the first US civilian to be murdered in Iraq. Two months later, the second was Nick Berg. For what it's worth, which may not be much, both were alumnists of Oklahoma University, where Berg's email account found it's way to Zacharias Moussaoui.
Berg was allegedly in Iraq on the business of repairing communication facilities, notably a radio tower near Abu Ghraib, and had as a business partner Aziz al-Taee, an Iraqi-emigre linked to Russian mafia. One of Berg's killers is heard to say "Do it quickly" in Russian.
I'm rambling, but here's the thing: Iraq has meant a massive transfer of wealth, much of it "lost" on the grey market. It's what pirates do, and they honour flags only for their convenience. Every last death in Iraq can be attributed to the profit-taking, though some, like Holland's and maybe Berg's, more directly than others.
By the way, if you saw the AP story on the weekend claiming Hugo Chavez seeks a referendum for a 25-year term and thought What the hell?, it was a hell of AP's design. Here's the truth.
What the hell kind of life is that Jeff? Why are we looking at these people? These corrupt shits who will never know what its like to love without fear...Or to give up you future for the love of a child. Because they have the money? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
What are they so afraid of????
I honestly hope you strive to answer this question: What is going on inside these people's heads? We all know this terrible shit is happening...But why? What is making them tick? Please let us know, you are smart, sir.
To quote the Wu-Tang C.R.E.A.M
"Cash rules everything around me, dollar, dollar bills y'all"
There is only one colour in this world and it is green.Multiculturalism is cultural marxism, order without liberty. Left/Right, Democrat/Republican is sooo last century. Read C.Hitchens tract on Clinton, his theory of political triangulation is profound.In short two buttocks, one anus and the same end result. Cynical? cardcarrying and proud. The rich will always be with us and rightly so but can someone tell me what benefits, actual or imagined exist after $10 million?
Re Nick Berg/Russian connection what is the source? most of the Woo Woos rant about american sneakers and obese captors etc His screams were real, why was he killed?
Michael Moore interviewed Nick Berg back before anyone knew who he was:
i think i have an answer anon 6:40:
the point for them is to be the ones running the show. in the end they want to be the ones running out with the money bags moments before the whole building collapses taking everyone else with it. for them, money = power. to you, its like 'whats the effing point? its green paper!'. but the thing is these guys aren't very cerebral when it comes to things like the ultimate value of money.
what i think is that honestly all it is for them is what gets them off. its more animalistic for them. they're like the bullys on the playgound in elementary school. they feel big and strong shoving around the nerds and the timid. and what allows them to multiply and have 'power' is the fear they instill in the others. so this makes these others afraid to speak up and fight back the bullys. the truth is though the bullys have NO power except for what fear grants them.
in order for them to maintain control they have to keep scaring you. they have to beat you into submission to keep control. they need you to hear certain things that makes it known they have a righ tto do what they do because they were wrongded. they rend up fear and strong emotions in order to make you stop thinking. when you thik about things, they get figured out. but there comes a time when fear no longer works and thats when they lsoe their power. and when you confront them with the real truth they get pissed off, thats when the killing starts but thats for another day.
"Why are 'they' scaring us away from the news?" Just finished reading this, and to me, it's proof positive that Professor Bed-Pan is still the compleat asshole!
Jeff – you are wicked bad today.
Funny true story….my niece, who is going to 6 years old on 6/6/06, was being a little devil this weekend when she tried to pull the communion veil off my other niece who was making her first communion on Saturday. But then I thought to myself, “self…it’s a fake post Vatican II sacrament so maybe the “little devil” was not really a little devil at all, but a little angle. Later my niece communicant/transponder (who is also my God child) refused to have her picture taken with the priest. Secretly I was so proud of her!
Don’t worry…I played along with the whole charade at Mass (aka mess) thing so as not to upset my mother. I love my mommy and I don’t want to make her mad even though she is not exactly engaged with reality.
Oh man check me out...
"little devil" IS the opposite to "white smoke, dark skies" (and may I add "big lies")
I love Synchronicity. Leave it to the Police to enforce the law!
"Both were alumnists of Oklahoma University ..."
Makes me want to take a look (okay, to have Jeff take a look) at the student who blew himself up outside of an Oklahoma football game last year. What the hell is going on down there?
What kind of 'person' is this?
DynCorp IPO following contract wins
"With a growing backlog, stellar contract-win rate and favorable industry trends supporting continued growth and margin-expansion opportunities, DynCorp's fundamental prospects appear bright," Renaissance Capital said in its featured IPO column.
DynCorp runs a $2 billion civilian police program in 12 countries -- including Iraq and Afghanistan -- to train and offer logistics support to the local police and assist them with infrastructure and reconstruction.
Looking for a comprehensive list of companies doing business in Iraq/Green Zone. Thanks.
Now that you are a father you will appreciate the shared "special" with your child. The other day I was listening to this song w/ headphones on…it was not audible to my little girl.
She walked in from another room and tapped me on the shoulder, so I stopped the music and took off my headphones and she said “mommy, clocks last forever…did you know that mommy?”
It’s a beautiful song.
You thought Oklahoma was only about football?? ;-) We're a hotbed of "comspiracies" out here. Check into OU President David Boren's "Intelligence" credentials -- and that maybe one of the 9-11 tickets was purchased at the OU Library?!? Some of us even remember see Atta and the boys roaming around town.
Florida Profit
Annual report incorrectly filed on 3/22. Corrected report required ASAP.
This company is an absolutely beautiful wreck
Atta boys!
I have to agree with dugoboy on the motivation for these monsters being the lust for power. As anyone who's ever fired a gun knows (even just target shooting), there's quite a rush associated with the knowledge that you hold in your hands the power of life and death over pretty much any living thing in your vacinity. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that because of this, we need to take away all the guns. As a matter of fact (and I think this might have been covered a while back during the whole 'Cheney's got a Gun' non-scandal), part of the bonding experience that hunters experience has to do with the fact that you're very literaly trusting every armed person in your party with your life. Anyway, imagine the rush you must get ordering people into war, or holding your fiinger over the 'Nucular' button.
There is a similar rush to be had by lying or stealing, which is closely related to the rush obtained by gambling (and these jokers are gambling for the highest of stakes).
In any case, it does boil down to the fact that these people get their jollies by manipulating other people through fear and deceit.
The quote from the link to the Chavez story - "In other words, many members of the opposition aren't really interested in trying to win elections because they know that they lack popular support. Many in the opposition prefer, instead, to try to create the impression internationally that Venezuela's electoral process is illegitimate" - made me think of the U.S. Democrats in 2000 and 2004.
The problem with associating the Democrats with the Opposition party in Venezuela is that the Democrats actually DO have more popular support than the Repulicans. Of course, that means very little when the margins of support are so slim between the two parties. And when only about half of eligible voters actually vote. And when there's no meaningful way to challenge election returns. And when (as in the 2000 election), you can officially win the popular vote but still loose the election. And when the choice consists of two players that have already been pre-approved by the PTB. And.... Oh, never mind.
Jeff - remember when you said "to hell with death"
Let's don't talk about death today let's talk about peeps. It's about children and omens?
What is it that everybody's favorite Catholic starred in...SIGNS? Well, I guess he also starred in Conspiracy Theory and made a cameo in the Passion. So those are acceptable topics today as well. But no death. To hell with death.
How about you cool it, aye. I would rather see one good post every 2 weeks, than have you pushing yourself into sleep deficit. Really we will live, and we will still be here whenever you get the next post out.
Not meaning to tell you what to do, just saying what I would bet 90% of your readership would agree with. (the other 10% are selfish efers and therefore don't count)
Here is a little something to bear in mind: I did read somewhere not too long ago that brain cells are refreshed and new ones are generated while we sleep. So not only does fatigue immediately reduce ones mental accuity, but chronic sleep deficit will literally bring on brain atrophy. Furthermore, the mind can be overworked causing synaptic burnout and neuro-chemical depletion.
So hey, knock-off BEFORE it gets late. The post will wait another day, and it will be even better for it. Balance of family/friends/rest vs. work is KEY.
I think your friends out here would all agree with me.
Oh, and for hell sakes, don't be a caffiene abuser.
Yes Jeff - what Concerned chum said.
You know, so many priceless things seem to burn after May Day. BIG fires on May 3rd. I wonder if it's because of Canadian income tax day.
I'm glad people worked so hard to put Jacksonville back together. After all these years it's still a labor of love, work in progress.
The St. John's river which runs thru Jax used to be called "The River May." So naturally when a big ship goes down in the St. John's River it's literally sinko de Mayo.
Peeps are funny. I didn't get enough at the Egg Hunt. Some people think they are "barf" but those people usually don't like anything sweet w/ lots of sugar.
Kids love them though...I mean really, what kind of person doesn't love peeps. Some who loves death and taxes probably. Ha!
Here is an item I just came across; which may not be directly OT, but it sure is about a culture "going of the rails like a crazy train".
David Bowie:
“Rock has always been the devil’s music. . . I believe rock and roll is dangerous . . . I feel we’re only heralding something even darker than ourselves.” (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)
Anonymous 3:16 pm:
The fact is that the exit polls, especially of the 2004 election, showed the Democratic candidates won. Subsequent public opinion polls have shown Bush barely to have achieved 50% approval at his best time, except briefly after the 9/11 attack. That just demonstrates Bush has never really had the support of a majority of Americans in any election. You are merely trying to propogate your pathetic BS to an audience which mostly has nothing but contempt for you disgusting trolls.
Jeff, I just a post at DailyKOS which blew my mind in much the same way that you do here.
The amazing thing is that he is connecting 911 to Foggo, Goss and a whole bunch of dirty GOP tricks. This is ground floor operational type of stuff. I have a giddy feeling that this is what may crack the whole rotten egg open!
The FBI Busts Goss, Wilkes, and the GOP Domestic Spy Industry by leveymg
Rawstory carried a link yesterday to reports that lobbyists working on behalf of Pakistan had persuaded the 9/11 Commission to drop key references to the link between that country's military and intelligence services with the network that financed al-Qaeda. Newspapers in India and Pakistan published these reports earlier this week.(see, *links below)
If true, this would NOT be the first time the 9/11 Commission deleted information embarrassing to countries accused of harboring and financing terrorists. At the time of the publication of the Commission's report in 2004, the panel was widely criticized for the 27-page gap that was redacted from the public version. That section reportedly dealt with Saudi funding sources for the 9/11 attack. According to the new reports, similar types of information about Pakistani links to the hijacking were omitted from the final report.
leveymg's diary :: ::
The articles that have appeared in recent days accuse unnamed members of the Commission or its staff of bowing to lobbyists working for Parvez Musharrif regime.
If these reports are confirmed, it may prompt a reexamination of the files related to 9/11 and would force an official inquiry into the work of the Commissioners, who have been under question for their refusal to incorporate any reference to a Pentagon surveillance program codenamed Able Danger. Officers assigned to that DoD project claim they identified at least four of the 9/11 hijackers months before the attacks occurred. Commission Co-Chairs Lee Hamilton and Tom Keane defended the decision to omit reference to that program, dismissing the Able Danger findings as "historically insignificant."
The covert funding and technology flows to Pakistan's nuclear program, and its international proliferation under A..Q. Khan, are particularly sensitive issues to both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. had that nuclear program under surveillance for decades, and during that time, certain American policy-makers appear to have acted in complicity with some aspects of the program. It has been widely known within U.S. intelligence that the same international financial network that funded Khan's nuclear proliferation was also a funding source for al-Qaeda.
Just to put my giddiness in perspective, because the quotes above are not really new news...
read the DailyKOS piece ..
it sketches the first broad outlines (that i have seen yet) of privatized intelligence contracting at NSA, CIA, DIA and links to GOP spying on political enemies. There is also speculation of an online database of GOP "enemies" (RI must be on this list) which is live and contains the fruits of intel gathering from public sources!
That there are foreign elements involved with these contractors ie Pak, Saudi, Turkey (a la Sibel Edmonds), makes this dyno-mite. This means US intel is flowing out through contractors to organized GOP crime and foreign entities.
More than anything, the extent of this web of contractors, political interests, foreign entities, really makes it more possible to imagine how 911 could have been carried out with public intel, how public intel could've been obfuscated, and how perpetrators could've covered tracks. For example, apparently this is well known in Washington but a private contractor was the source of infamous (discredited) aluminum tube intel. This is the CIA within the CIA we've been looking for!
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