
"The disease has just revealed its purpose. We don't have to worry about contagion anymore. I know what the disease wants. It wants to turn me into something else." - The Fly
Last year, California and Florida. Yesterday:
Doctors puzzled over bizarre infection surfacing in South Texas
If diseases like AIDS and bird flu scare you, wait until you hear what's next. Doctors are trying to find out what is causing a bizarre and mysterious infection that's surfaced in South Texas.
Morgellons disease is not yet known to kill, but if you were to get it, you might wish you were dead, as the symptoms are horrible.
"These people will have like beads of sweat but it's black, black and tarry," said Ginger Savely, a nurse practioner in Austin who treats a majority of these patients.
Patients get lesions that never heal. "Sometimes little black specks that come out of the lesions and sometimes little fibers," said Stephanie Bailey, Morgellons patient.
Patients say that's the worst symptom — strange fibers that pop out of your skin in different colors. "He'd have attacks and fibers would come out of his hands and fingers, white, black and sometimes red. Very, very painful," said Lisa Wilson, whose son Travis had Morgellon's disease.
While all of this is going on, it feels like bugs are crawling under your skin. So far more than 100 cases of Morgellons disease have been reported in South Texas. "It really has the makings of a horror movie in every way," Savely said.
As before, most medical professionals refuse to recognize the disease, calling it instead "Delusional Parasitosis." And what do I know? Perhaps they're right. Perhaps Travis Wilson was delusional, and his mother as well, when she tried and failed to remove a spaghetti-like fibre from a lesion in his chest. ("I knew he was going to kill himself, and there was nothing I could do to stop him," Lisa Wilson said.)
One sufferer, "Ever Hopeful", writes "I came down with Delusions of Parasitosis in 2001.... Oddly enough, my delusions, although mostly microscopic, are completely capable of being photographed."
Below is an image of one of the "starfish" she plucked from a lesion. "They don't really look like starfish," she says, "but I didn't want to call them spiders (staying away from the insect and arachnid vocabulary - somebody might think I really believed they were spiders)."

Austin Nurse Ginger Savely says, "Believe me, if I just randomly saw one of these patients in my office, I would think they were crazy too. But after you've heard the story of over 100 (patients) and they're all — down to the most minute detail — saying the exact same thing, that becomes quite impressive." Sound familiar? To me, it sounds like Dr Corydon Hammond's "Hypnosis in Multiple Personality Disorder: Ritual Abuse" - the Greenbaum Speech:
When you start to find the same highly esoteric information in different states and different countries, from Florida to California, you start to get an idea that there's something going on that is very large, very well coordinated, with a great deal of communication and sytematicness to what's happening.
According to the Morgellons Foundation, it has received reports of cases in every state, though the majority are clustered in California, Texas and Florida. There's much speculation, based in part upon the research of Will Thomas, that the disease is precipitated - and almost literally, precipitation - by the fall of aerosol polymer fibres allegedly found in chemtrail samples.
Regardless, both chemtrails and morgellons share something else: they both manifest things that shouldn't be, before our eyes and in our flesh, and are perhaps representative of either thought-forms of a fear that's only in our heads, or the expression of a eugenic will-to-death that is in the heads of others. Which is it? That artless debunker of 9/11 strawmen Benjamin Chertoff says there's nothing to worry about. Who's worried now?
I dunno. If this were a real phenomenon, it would seem difficult to keep hidden. Keep in mind that the medical establishment is not monolithic, it is populated by very ordinary people who might want to get the recognition that would come from publishing an interesting case study.
I believe that much of what you say is going on (even if I'm agnostic on whether it's being coordinated by worldy powers).
Moregellon's and chemtrails... well, I guess I just have to say, "let's see..."
its hard to remain calm after you read something like this. what the hell are we going to do??
Florida and Texas, Florida and Texas.
... on the other hand, I posted this comment (9:44 am) awhile back. Perhaps it all comes together as spiritual parasites manifest in the physical. Still, I'm a bit skeptical.
Jezus - I went to bed last night watching The Fly, a couple of hours after taking a picture of a big moonlit chemtrail. Uh huh - By the way, I didn't notice this yesterday, but the 'patient' in the Popular Mechanics illustration has a tattoo across his entire back. Does that seem odd?
This is a bio-weapons test being run on expendables at home prior to its military application overseas. (Iran, Iraq, North Korea--who knows?)
How do I know this to be true?
I don't. Call it inspired guesswork.
Isn't it just so obvious though?
Could 9/11 have been engineered in order to etirely clear the skies over the U.S. for some kind of covert chemtrail operation?
This older article suggests such a scenario...
After researching this for some months off & on (how many nightmares can you stand?) reading discussion groups of people who have this disease, and viewing scads of their microscope photographs, and freaking out, then calming down, freaking out again, I had to put it aside.
But my unscientific conclusion after reading through much too much pain and suffering from these poor folks is that it's either a) a bioweapon being tested on our own populace, just as someon above posted or b) horrific but unintended consequence of bio-engineering the spider-webby cloud-fiber-forming chemtrail mix. If it grows fine in upper atmosphere and at tremendous rates, why wouldn't it grow inside human hosts?
Whether it's organic or nanotech doesn't matter to people who have it.
Though I have to say the microscopic evidence seems to point to a very highly adaptive, resistant, multiple-life-cycle-stage parasitic nematode-like thing. Fire up your Rife machines and eat tons of sea salt. The terrifying Wyrm of Olde is back, whether by design or accident.
All those microbiologists were killed for a reason, and this could be one of the reasons...
I work in the world of substance abuse treatment and we recently had a client who was suffering from strnge fibers emerging from her skin....
she actually showed me the fibres...
Needless to say she was VERY distressed!
Once again Mr Wells takes us on a trip down the rabbit hole and it is a trip, enjoy this trip! Where do we go now? where do we go now, o sweet child o'mine? This is obviously an observable phenomena, a meme? an archetype? before Aids there was Arc,Grid and gay cancer.Randy Shilts " And the band played on" is still relevant in that it shows how a 'condition' is quantified and codified by the medical/pharma institutions.Nothing like this exists in Europe and yet recently in my peer group both children and parents have been hospitalised by a stomach flu/viral condition. In short is this Gaia clearing house or a malevolent intelligence? who knows ? we can only surmise.OT a few years back in Scotland a batch of infected heroin literally eat 16 junkies alive.All hail the new flesh indeed.Godbless to you and yours.
Well, "it" has been around for decades (people have been claiming to have these symptoms for over 30 years, I understand).
I must admit I haven't researched this much, but I guess I'd like to know how this disease (or "disease" - I'm not convinced it's real yet) develops over the years? Other than causing pain and discomfort (highly subjective symptoms), it doesn't seem to do people much actual, physical harm? I mean, if it did, medical professionals would have to at least acknowledge that it were real!
Yes, people have been driven to suicide, but other things can cause that as well, such as paranoid schizophrenia, which incidentally often manifests itself in bizarre ideas of being infected with parasites and the like.
As no medical professional or scientist has been able to identify any kind of infectious agent in skin/fiber samples (unless "they" are hiding this information from us, of course), I have to remain skeptical.
And I have to say that I'm inclined to see this - as well as the "chemtrails" craze - as another example of how the Internet is not always an arena of empowering information-sharing or a source of enlightening knowledge.
Jeff, this gives the chills.
I am the Anonymous who posted previously about the white trails from jets above the city of Vancouver. That was last week. The weekend was cloudy. This week it was clearer but the trails were back Wed, Thurs and Fri.
Friday night was full moon and lo and behold walking around downtown about 11 pm looking at the beautiful full moon shining on the city, I saw wide North-South trail floating over the city, and a plane leaving a second new trail, both lit up by the moon. Otherwise the sky was brilliantly clear. These planes were at high (~20,000 ft altitude) but not regular cruising alt, flying north to south ie they are not landing in Vancouver, and there isn't much north of Vancouver for planes to be flying over the city.
Today, Saturday May 13, there are more trails being laid down, from north to south above Georgia Straight, they then drift over the city. The sky is hazy with natural clouds coming in from West.
I was walking around Granville Island and there are lots and lots of stringy agglomerations of this silly string, spidery web stuff floating in the water. I have a degree in Marine Biology, and this is not anything natural.
There is no doubt that there is something going on here. What it is ain't exactly clear.
For you Vancouver city, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island readers, tonight is another full moon, so keep your eyes open for the trails being laid. And go down to the water's edge and look at the stringy stuff in the water for yourselves.
To anon 5:10, and anyone else interested, I found these rather extradorinary and baffling images of chemtrails and fibers. Maybe someone more atuned to this subject can comment on these images.
How about a TinyUrl address for the above?
I hope that works.
To Anon 5:10 - I have a picture of one of last night's Vancouver trails. I'm heading out to Granville Island shortly to see if I can find what you see.
To Qutb - I honestly appreciate that you always keep your head.
Not to be a spoilsport, but does anyone have a picture of these fibers still attached to a person? All the pics I see are either of "detached" fibers or microscopic studies.
It seems like it would be more believable if you could see them in scale on a person's body.
One interesting character I came across while looking in to Morgellons is this one: Dr. W. John Martin. He proposes the existence of something he calls "stealth viruses", and links at least some of the symptoms of Morgellons Disease to this phenomenon. The following excerpt is from a paper he authored titled "Alternative cellular energy pigments mistaken for parasitic skin infestations" which can be downloaded at
A series of studies have been performed on pigmented materials collected from both dried perspiration and skin lesions of patients shown by cultures to be infected with stealth-adapted viruses. These studies have confirmed the overall similarities of these particles with those obtained from long-term cultures of stealth-adapted viruses. Specifically, the patient-derived particles are auto-fluorescent, electrostatic, occasionally magnetic, and have electron donating and electron accepting capacities. Readily visible particles are conglomerates of microscopic elements, yielding a very fine speckled pattern on fluorescent microscopy. The ferromagnetism of some of the particles can be easily demonstrated by their rotation in a liquid medium using a hand-held magnet (Fig. 1). Gas bubble formation has also been observed even in distilled water with patient's skin-derived particles (Fig. 2). Even more striking has been the formation of needle shaped structures similar to those seen in long-term cultures of stealth-adapted viruses (Fig. 3). Colorful auto-fluorescent fibers and thread-like structures can commonly be seen emerging from the more solid particles. Fibers and threads embedded in skin flakes from several patients can be viewed on internet at and related patients' directed sites.
He has some pretty impressive creds:
Dr. Martin received his medical training in Australia and was the chief of the Immunology/Molecular Pathology Unit at the LAC/USC (University of California) Medical Center as well as a professor of pathology at the USC School of Medicine. He was the former director of the Viral Oncology Branch of the FDA's (Federal Drug Administration) Bureau of Biologics which is the principal agency in charge of testing human vaccines. Before that, he worked at the National Cancer Institute.
But, he was stripped of his California state clinical laboratory license following a complaint filed by a patient. More details of this can be found from the source of the above paragraph on his credentials here:
So, is he just a quack? Though, it seems he must at least have had his stuff together once upon a time. Did he get too close to figuring something out? Or, is his work part of a compaign to waylay sufferers with false information or perhaps even to discourage more sincere research into certain diseases?
You do write about the spookiest stuff. This info is making my skin itch...
The invasion begins from within, perhaps, and not from without?
Only tangentially related to morgellons but totally related to Mr. Well's themes:
"One day I hope I can cook whole Mexcan," sighs Yamamoto. "Maybe baby Mexcan that mother sell to me. Then I make for my good friend Jon Kyl. I know Senator will like to eat Mexcan. He only like Mexcan when on his dinner plate."
I think the author of the piece doesn't really understand how deep a pit he's dived into, but now that the name and rough locations are out I think it's worth finding out:
Just how many mexicans has Jon Kyl eaten?
Only tangentially related to morgellons but totally related to Mr. Well's themes:
"One day I hope I can cook whole Mexcan," sighs Yamamoto. "Maybe baby Mexcan that mother sell to me. Then I make for my good friend Jon Kyl. I know Senator will like to eat Mexcan. He only like Mexcan when on his dinner plate."
I think the author of the piece doesn't really understand how deep a pit he's dived into, but now that the name and rough locations are out I think it's worth finding out:
Just how many mexicans has Jon Kyl (R-AZ) eaten?
"I at first hoped he was joking, but Yamamoto was not smiling."
Anonymous at 5:10 : I'm the other anon Vancouver resident that saw the same contrails you reported about last week. Did you look at the Nova program I linked to and read about how contrails are formed in certain altitudes/temperature zones? If you're suggesting that there are mysterious airplanes crisscrossing Vancouver airspace seeding artificial chemical compounds in the sky, then shouldn't a definitive contrail be manifest every time a so-called "chemtrail" is left behind? So those contrails that dissapated shortly after their creation last week can't be chemtrails, correct?
As I said, I'm very skeptical that there is a chemtrail agenda when there is good scientific proof explaining why contrails generated by normal everyday aircraft are lingering in our skies. You may be seeing a conspiracy when there is none. Look into that Nova show for an alternative explanation why contrails are abundant.
Jeff, great article. Creepy stuff. Never heard of this kind of condition before reading about it today. I looked at a couple of the suggested links and the blogspot site; so the jury's still out as to whether this is a honest to God medical malady or the paranoid fears of hypochondiacs. Still, creepy stuff. Reminded me of the old UFO story about angel hair, the gooey stuff left behind after a couple of UFO sightings in the 50s and 60s.
BTW, as long as we have a number of Vancouverites on here interested in paranormal/fringe stuff: has anyone else heard the stories about mutilated cats found in the Lower Mainland? I've heard friend of a friend stories of people finding cats but I could never find out what kind of state the animal was recovered in. A couple of Google searches turn up reports of dead cats found with multilation consistent with cattle multilations.
We've got it all weird out here on the West Coast.
Thanks very much for the Yamamoto article, anon. That's deserving of its own post. I've started a thread about it on the discussion board here.
Y'know, normally I like a scary bedtime story.......
On a closer read I'm having second thoughts about the Yamamoto piece being genuine. He says the mayor of Phoenix likes Mexican leg muscle "better than osso buco"? It's not the mayor's cannibalism I can't buy, it's the chef's indiscretion.
I'm the anon who posted it. My first thought was hoax, and I'm not convinced it's not a hoax yet, but my line of reasoning goes something like this:
If you take the story at face value, the takeaway is that the Yamamoto fellow is just completely bonkers: the horrible asian accent makes it more comical sounding but the dialog's clearly that of someone clearly off his rocker. It's entirely possible that the following happend:
(a) Yamamoto is bonkers, is tired of doding around the shadows, or just wanted to talk a bit
(b) Yamamoto gives the restaurant critic fellow a call
(c) The Phoenix world is small enough that of course the food critic's heard of this yamamoto and figures 'why not' take him up on the offer?
(d) Food critic guy gets there, and has a heck of a strange time, not necessarily fully cognizant of how truly bizarre his experience is: (after all, this is a guy who claims to have been unable to turn down the opportunity to eat mexican kidney).
The food critic fellow seems a lot like the kind of guy who'd be easy to push arond. It strikes me as an unfunny hoax that names too many famous names for the new times -- they're usualy the 'muckrakers' and are pretty good about fact-checking their investigative stores -- and the chef as portrayed seems mad enough (pure concentrated ego running through his veins) to not have thought through the implications of telling about his exploits.....
On the other hand, it looks like the author's been interested in trying to break into comedy writing:
This is one where my brain says hoax but gut says its true...
Another nice link to a story about Morgellon's ... with nifty photo
Minneapolis, Minnesota... chemtrail paradise! The jets appear in the morning and begin laying down trails in parallel lines, then perpendicular grids; by early afternoon they diffuse across the entire sky, creating an artificial cloud cover.
People don't look up at the sky anymore... they're too busy fucking with their ipods and zombie-chatting into their cell-phones.
You can stop chemtrails by building orgonite chembusters. They punch a blue hole in the sky right through the chemtrails, and makes it so they don't stick in the skies anymore. People all over the world are deploying orgonite in this way and it's working, so please check it out! We have a way to fight back!
That chef thing is definitely a joke. Everyone here knows that people can and do get away with such things, but you still can't openly brag about it in the media--for now at least.
I don't see how the existence of Morgellon's can be in doubt after all the people that have come forward (with physical evidence) about it. The state of America's health care system is ridiculous--how many people here have trouble or know someone who has had trouble getting adequate care, attention, explanation, or respect from their doctors? Pretty much all of us?
I've never seen any conclusive proof about chem trails, but why would people all of a sudden be watching the sky so closely if there was nothing to see? I sure don't remember the sky looking like it does now ten-fifteen years ago.
Sorry to be naive but what are chemtrails; whose doing them and whose questioning it? (I know that the media has largely thrown in the towel re asking real questions but this sounds so obvious)
Finally, is this just a North American thing? (I'm in the UK)
Hey, Jeff..
As you know, I spent some time as a moderator on the CTC board until certain...problems occured making remaining in that community essentially a wasted effort. Regardless of that, I spent the better part of last year extensively scouring the net for chemtrail info as well as taking a vast amount of my own images that I shared until a couple of months ago.
Whether chemtrails are a clandestine particulate distribution activity or just another symptom of radiative forcing(man-made climate change), I don't subscribe to a relationship between Morgellon's and the trails. I say this because the chaotic distribution of particulate matter(and winds in general) in the stratosphere where these trails originate make establishing a definitive ground target all but impossible. To have any sort of accuracy with a ground-based target would require releasing in the troposphere, where as far as I know, no one has ever seen trails form.
This doesn't mean it isn't possible, of course, but having spent the time I did, I'm convinced it's not.
This takes absolutely nothing away from the horror that is Morgellon's, and I've followed that as well this last year in complete mortification.
I don't know wtf that stuff is.
I do know that the areas that have had the breakouts are pretty tight geographically speaking. This suggests earth-bound vector to me. I don't know if you've found your way here yet, but if not, take a look at the forum, which has several links to external sites from members who have taken countless images of the disease, both on and off the skin. Of singular nature for those that are in a state of heavy affliction, I noticed that they all have a very disturbing tendancy to 'dumb down' severely, both emotionally and intellectually, often showing extreme typos in their posts, which are difficult to bear continued readings..You really empathize with these people and what's happening to them.
I'm glad you brought it up; Morgellon's hasn't seen a shred of the attention it should merit. While I disagree about it's point of origin suggested here, I think there is much to scrutinize. The Morgellon's people are very much aware of the deathwave that occured in the microbiology field the last couple of years, by the way..
I wouldn't look up for this answer; I'd look to places like Plum Island, which some people have accused of being ground zero for Lyme's Disease, an apparent relative to Morgellon's..
The airborne webstrands are an entirely different discussion. I watched that happen proffusely the last seven months. For those who are curious about them, you'll most frequently see the strands coming down on days where the sky is distinctly cloudless; there appears to be a relationship there, but I have been unable to figure it out completely. I had a GUT about the chemtrails and felt I had it all figured out, but when CTC was destroyed from the inside out, I lost the most appropriate community to breach what I had come to understand. I'd bring it up in your forum, but I really don't feel like arguiing about it with other headstrong members that have thier own convictions about it.
The unfortunate truth is that it's redundant what any one of us believes they are..As horrendous as Morgellon's is, at least it's something substantial that can be collected, placed under a microscope, and studied although I believe that those who may have been able to identify it were included in the microbiology department's Great Purge..
Please dig deeper. You have my email if you'd like me to coordinate with you further on either subject. I'd hate to see my daughter suffer what these people are suffering.
Just saw the forum thread, and a couple people beat me to a few things..
Morgellons is very old. The symptoms were described in Europe hundreds of years ago. At that time it was thought to follow outbreaks of the plague.
I wonder if the fibers are the body's misguided attempt to heal the lesions, something like the strings of protein it produces in attempt to quickly strengthen torn muscles.
JEFF: looky here;
1:17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
the Revelation
18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Steps to hypnosis on 9/11:
Willingly hypnotizable subjects - stage hypnotists always pick the first people to raise their hands, basically everyone who voted for Bush in 2000.
2) Focused attention - first plane hits, everyone turns on TV, pays rapt attention, just like watching a pendulum.
3) Rapid induction - sudden shock of watching 2nd plane hit generates immediate altered state of consciousness.
4) Trance deepening - usually done by having the subject walk down a flight of stairs in their mind, on 9/11 repeated news reports of people running down the steps in the towers, then followed by the actual towers coming down, repeat on TV as often as possible to further deepen trance all afternoon.
5) Test depth of trance - usually done with a pin to check numbness of skin, on 9/11 done with collapse of WTC 7.
6) Post-hypnotic suggestion - at mention of 9/11 will squawk with fear, rather like a chicken, minus the silly arm flapping, substitute flag waving instead.
Really rather brilliant application of basic group hypnosis principles.
Makes the Sheeple stark Roving mad,
The End of Civilization:
I tried to post this at benotdeceived, but could not cut and paste.
Dear Christians,
Depths of delusions indeed. Personal pretences first, so you can place or dismiss me your choice.
My etiological pretences derive from some mental experiments done while a teenager. In short, I took note that while I felt smarter than most folk in my small town, I felt blessed to realize most ‘knowledge’ was hearsay, and ignorance (my own) was pervasive.
The preacher for our fundamentalist church talked about the blind leading the blind, and I thought, ‘Well who is going to admit that they are blind? Not the preacher, certainly. I saw forms designed to induce conformity, yet if taken differently these forms could reveal substance of a nature more useful than the conventional interpretation.
I became a junkie for finding what is behind door number three.
It has been gratifying to find validation in William Blake and Abraham Heschel, although similar ideas floated in my mind long before contact with them.
I do not buy the idea that G-d must stoop so low as to battle anything.
When at the Consul of Nicea, Jesus was declared to be G-d, the church became a means to enforce authority and inhibit 'enthusiasm', and therefore an agent of the static principle or Ahriman. The Lucifiric tradition grows out of the felt need to speak freely when speaking freely can get you killed.
Ahriman and Lucifer may be G-ds necessary helpers who teach us through contrasts. They may even find redemption as implied by an old Jewish prayer that ends with...."and all the children of flesh will call upon thy name, when thou wilt turn unto thyself all the wicked of the earth."
Anyway the mainstream POV does not provide salvation as the literal reading is shallow and asks one to destroy others of G-ds creation. I think more likely G-d wishes for me to embrace the whole creation, rather than for me to decide what should exist and what should be destroyed.
Finally, for, to be saved through Christ to be more than words, there must be functional means to accomplish this. I maintain that by balancing order and liberty we can remove the garbage from our heads and realize something more close to our infinite potential.
Please, help your creator make Armageddon metaphorical; allow your old mental worlds to be destroyed.
Love to all
It's spelled g o d, not g-d! There is no "-" in the word god!
The traditional Jewish etiology maintains that the name of G-d cannot be spoken, because its existence lies beyond the limits of our categories.
I choose to show respect in this manner. So if you please, allow me my ‘quirky’ expression and I will leave plenty of room for yours.
Care to take a bite out of a more substantial element within the preceding post?
yeh, Orgonite! good to see you're still around!
random two cents: let's be careful not assign the Dark Ones more powers than They possess ... e.g. barium in the bloodstream, conducting pulsed energy waves.
the recent curtailment of the life span of a U.S. microbiologist probably has nothing to do with chemtrails.
Has anyone, even once, heard a tv or radio weatherman/meteorologist mention the trails seen in the sky? When they say cloud cover will be appearing do they mention that planes are flying back and forth creating a grid in the sky just outside our windows? That giant X's are being displayed by the more creative pilots?
It is so true that humans don't look up anymore. They are indeed busy with their ipods and cell phones and otherwise blindered lives.
Not only are "they" modifying the weather, I have no doubt disease can be raining down on us from above. One need only think about the blankets innoculated with small pox that were handed out to Native Americans so many decades ago. And the AIDS virus. Started when an African man accidently shared blood with a monkey? Isn't that the accepted story about AIDS?
And as far as weather modification goes, just how much modification can "they" create? Increased hurricane intensity and damage? Ability to modify the course of the storm? (See HAARP.}
But don't get mad or fearful. We have to have No Fear and believe we will be immune to what we can know with our mind and spirit. Our work is in getting others to wake up, look up and also not be afraid. Our fear is "their" biggest asset. Hypnotize, mesmerize, hoodwink, deceive and terrorize - "their" tools.
And don't think programs like NOVA and other Discovery and Learning shows are not propaganda. The tv is a massive propaganda tool! Once you realize this, it's SO obvious.
To other Vancouver anon So those contrails that dissapated shortly after their creation last week can't be chemtrails, correct?
Yes, can't argue with that. I am not operating from assumption. As you noted contrails form in special conditions - when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. However, it is the pattern of flight, and creation of trails that is getting my attention, as well as reading other people's longstanding observations of the same. Also, whether chem- or con-trail, they create cloud cover, which is in itself pernicious.
Rense is reporting that chemtrail
fibers contain red and white
blood cells. How is this possible
if its not a man made pathogen?
Please correct the "it's" mistake in the lead quote from The Fly: it mars your otherwise remarkably splendid prose.
Thank you for your continued great work. (BTW, my wife just remarked "Is that Jeff? Tell him hi. I feel like we have a roommate!)
--anal grammarian
Thanks! I firmly believe taht (sic) good form in a message greatly enhances it's (ouch!) credibility. And yours is a message that needs to be heard far and wide.
--anal grammarian
p.s. I at some point and another poster recently referenced Silko's "Almanac of the Dead." If you haven't already read it, I think you would find much of use in it. Think of it as the Great (Native) American Novel.
You should check out Scott Steven's website for photos and stories about chemtrails. .
Morgellons is real. I have it. I spent 5 grand getting tested. And I had to go around normal MD's. My insurance carrier said I was suffering from delusions. That is until I was tested at an independant doctors. Now they're about to get sued as I have all the tests to prove it. Toxicology, blood, urine, etc. There is no doubt it is from chemtrails or aerosols.
Anyone who still believes these lingering trails are "condensation" needs to either get their head examined, or admit they work for cointel. Condensation only forms in specific conditions above 33,000 feet. These trails are way below that threshold.
And one last thing, I know for a fact that NASA and FEMA are heavily involved in cointel on the net. That is why sites like CTC go under.
The anon doubting Thomas Vancouver guy back again to comment on some of the contrail/chemtrail posters:
To Anon @ 4:15, you said "And don't think programs like NOVA and other Discovery and Learning shows are not propaganda. The tv is a massive propaganda tool! Once you realize this, it's SO obvious.
Uh, no. I don't think that all of television is controlled propaganda. I admit that I have some strong doubts about *some* of the Discovery Channel programs about UFOs, like the recent "Strangest UFO Stories Ever" series, which smacked of sensationalism and had next to zero content about hard evidence supporting the existence of these craft. Some of those programs may even be part of a disinformation tactic, I'm open to that. But one hard fact that you don't seem to understand is that *THOUSANDS* of contrails are formed every single day over the world's skies. Don't believe me? Go Google some satellite photographs of Europe, North America on an average day. Jetliners create contrails. Now, could some of these planes be part of a sinister agenda to spread chemicals in the air? Sure, OK, it's a possibility -- but I've seen no evidence to back it up. There are scores of military reports and radar data contacts backing up UFO claims, not counting eyewitness reports and photographs. Where's the smoking gun evidence for chemtrails? If you're best evidence is to say that there's more contrails than ever, well, duh! Every decade the percentage of aircraft travelling in the skies has grown, so that's where the contrails are coming from!
If the chemtrail faction wants to be taken seriously, there has to be better evidence for their claims than simply pointing at the clouds in the sky.
Anon @ 6:06: Thanks for at least agreeing that not all these alledged contrails are evil chemtrails.
To Dr. Bombay @ 7:01: I take what Rense reports very lightly. For years he's been on a pro-Ernst Zundel campaign when Zundel's claims of there not being a Holocaust has been proven to be full of holes. Rense is also guilty of posting justy abotu every conspiracy theory side and not sifting through it all to weed the seed from the chaft. I'd like to see his report on chemtrails containing human matter and where it originated from.
To Anon @ 2:04 AM: Thanks for the website recommendation, I'll check it out next. Again, I would like you to stop and consider that all contrails are not being created by evil chemical sprewing aircraft. Contrails are a real thing being generated by everyday aircraft, and it's seems to be affecting our climate. The chemtrail theory needs hard evidence for it to advance out of the realm of the Loch Ness Monster for me, and I'm a guy that's open to just about everything including trying out some of this Orgonite...
If it is a biological weapon being tested, I wonder if other ritual abuse/mind control survivors have the horribley gut-wrenching reaction of *literally* feeling like I'm going to vomit reading this. My stuff was pretty recent, too.
This strongly reminds me of some of the far creepier stuff from Dean Koontz, who obviously has- a fair bit of nasty inside knowledge, and not- in a positive way.
I’m somewhat sceptical as well. I can identify what is in some of the pictures (meaning I am sure in my own mind but why should anyone else believe me, I am not qualified in that area) - vegetable matter, organic junk, lint, etc. However, it is so that Morgellon’s has been around for a long time, and that there are cases, afaik, not only in the US.
I wanted to tell a story. About 20 years ago, my then boyfriend, a competely healthy and upbeat young man with no psychiatric history (or indeed any medical history) turned, within the space of 3 days into a desperate jibbering slip of humanity, scratching endlessly, unable to sleep or eat.
His complaint: he had *something* running under his skin, all over his body, except for his head. There was, of course, absolutely nothing to be seen, except skin damaged by scratching and what looked like ‘allergic reaction’, or ‘inflammation’, red plaques, etc. - some places suppurating...
A series of doctors, including famous dermatologists at a large University hospital, all made similar diagnoses: idiopathic formication, etc. etc. meaning either, its psychological, or for some who did not like that kind of cop-out, we don’t know. Of course, he was quite crazy by about 5 days after onset, and often drunk as well, as alcohol was the only medication that knocked him out and let his ‘sleep’ for a few hours. He did not make a good impression. None of the pills or unguents prescribed (as all prescribed something) had any effect whatsoever. Blood, urine, stool tests showed - nothing.
After about 3 weeks he was banging his head against the walls and begging me to help him kill himself. I would not give up and was considering all kinds of ideas. One was extreme cold - we had high mountains close by. Another was the sea - you never know. I also insisted on more doctors, just more, more - and lying to them about the previous ones. He refused psychiatric hospitalisation, and I agreed with that, I thought he would die. So for more doctors, I though of our old family doctor, who had been my mother’s doctor. He was, in any case, a caring and understanding man, and not some snotty expert. I called. He was winding up his practice - he was 70 - but still open. He said, take a cab, I’ll wait. So I got G into a cab - by this time I could almost carry him.
This doctor did what no other had done. He undressed G tenderly and completely, as if he were a baby. He laid him down on an examination table, and examined him minutely, all over. He used a magnifying glass and something like a jeweler’s loupe. At one point, he closed his eyes and felt G’s skin through his fingers (he had not put on gloves.) Then he asked me to strip, and looked me over. He examined bits of skin and so on under his microscope. He asked a few questions. He was calm, his papery white hands kind. He scratched his own head. he gazed out the window. We were quiet.
The he said: You have mange. (With a magnifying glass you can see the parasites easily.)
He explained to me all that had to be done and wrote out a long prescription, after consulting some dusty books. I had trouble filling the prescription, but it was done in 12 hours.
2 days later G was as before, and eating 7 meals a day.
Now I’m not suggesting Morgellons patients have mange (though one or another might, it need not be as spectacular as it was with G.) Morgellon’s bothers me mostly because I think it should be easy to settled - Science is well equipped to describe it really thoroughly.
For the curious, where G caught mange was impossible to determine. We lived in a town and had no contact with animals at all. Why I did not catch it also remained a mystery.
Re Anon,
The info regarding red and white blood cells found in chem-trail samples was sent to the E.P.A
months ago for conformation. Thier
responce? Nothing but silence.
I just saw the article on this on and then I came to your site and saw that you had it too! My first thought after reading it at Alex Jones' site was chemtrails, because of the descriptions of filamentous, particualte matter being associated with them. It almost sounds like some crazy nano-tech, bio-tech hybrid organism. Very creepy. Even creepier is the number to the suicide hotline on the front page of the Morgellon's site.
Oft recommended advice is to "follow the money", and Morgellons makes Money
Here's a couple of shots I've taken over the last few weeks, if interested:
To the Brit who asked what chemtrails were and are they just a USA thing. For Gawd's sake man, don't let the side down. I have been looking at thses chemtrails for years over London. Just go outside on the next sunny day and watch those highflying aircraft crisscrossing the sky. They don't follow the usual civilian aircraft flightpaths and fly much, much higher and faster. After a while the sky hazes over and a sunny morning becomes an overcast afternoon. Look up!
for anyone there reading and suffering... one month of dreams of being eaten by bugs, for what it's worth: i've been meditating on being consumed by cleansing fire instead, and the nightmares went away.
also, organizationally, ri'ers, are you using some sort of tag for photo sharing? might be useful to tag things on flickr "rigorousintuition" or somesuch so that we can find illustrations...
OMG. WTF. Come on.
Well, the only thing that makes sense is that this is Hell.
This phenomenon sounds like the morlocks, those creatures from H. G. Wells:
Does anyone out there know what "morgellons" is supposed to mean? I thought it was named after a person but apparently not. It's certainly a name to inspire dread-- a nod to the poster who wrote that anything with "morg" in it can't be good. . .
Just wanted to say, 2 weeks ago I saw a plane laying a chemtrail around 6:10 am. At a certain point it stopped laying the chemical and continued on with a contrail following a short way behind it. One Sunday morning about three months ago I saw two chemtrails, running parallel across the entire sky, from horizon to horizon. I often see them, some parallel, some crisscrossed and some in sunray configurations. I live near Niagara Falls, Ontario. Iroquois prophets speak of "webs in the sky", I wondered what they were talking about, now I know.
Please, let's not jump to conclusions. Megallen's probably has nothing to do with Chemtrails and everything to do with changing ecology effectuated by global warming. Below is a link to a CBS television station in Florida that did a four part invesigative series on Moregellon's. 20 patients had skin scrapings taken and 18 were found to have collembola which are little critters that live in the soil everywhere. They clean up by eating decaying matter and fungi. They are very sensitive to changes in their environment. They like moist places. One species in the arctic has been found to have already been affected by glacial meling. While changes in the environment may explain the rise in cases, the fact that these critters have been around a long time may also explain the cases of Morgellan's contracted decades ago.
Sorry, very long link--had to break it
to fit in this space.
This disease is caused by a stray target (nondisclosed) of proteomic research done under a C3 Permit. This target was created for research on artificial skin, wound dressing, cancer, with spinoffs for the commercial, military, etc industries.
Chemtrails may be a part of this but not in the way that so many are talking about. Because this targets release is such a huge mistake, those that know about it have labored to correct it without alerting the populace to it. It may become known that the chemtrail issue is simply a large scale "pest control" program. But again the chemtrail issue is only a small part of this problem. Indeed the disease itself is a small part of this problem.
"What You fight is a lenient triangle of academia, medics, pharmaceutical industry, military and booming technology.
All like to know and work on effects of this type pathogen, but nobody will ever mention the facts.
You really think that all money involved to combat disease is used to combat disease?
Basically disease funds research and is also impetus of industry, hence economy."
So it seems the same people we ask for a cure are the same as who created and released this experimental target.
As far as contagion, yes it is contagious/infectious or both. It is also latent and persistant. it took over a year for my girlfriend to become symptomatic, so the question is how long this may lay dormant.
According to those that made the video, this target has become commensal and is differentiating.
commensal- Of, relating to, or characterized by a symbiotic relationship in which one species is benefited while the other is unaffected.
differentiating-To make different by alteration or modification.
so the symptoms shown by this group affected by "morgellons" is likely only a small group of people showing these particular symptoms while a large percentage of the population is infact infected but simply showing other sets of symptoms and diagnoses.
Here is something to consider:
1 The medical world, esp. big pharm. are huge industries. The goal of industry, all industry, is profit. so in a nutshell. Industry=generation of $ with profit as goal
3 research depends on budget.
4 biomedical AND pharm. Industries provide the majority of research groups with their budget.
Therefore all research is controlled for self serving reasons, with very few exceptions to this rule. example-Dr. John Martin, dr schwartz. NOTE: both of these DR.'s have been "beat up" by others in their industry
5 laboratory and other research results are shared only if they are part of subsidized research. This represents capital investment on the part of industry.
So... It is safe to assume that unfavorable research will not be funded.
6 There are many out there who's work is either shut down or suddenly has funds cut because of controversy or negitive effects on industry profit margin.
Even the MRF has stated many times as to how difficult and long of a process it is gaining funding.
so how do these relate to the initial conclusions based on the video?
tamtam states that this element(organism) is genetically manipulated. if proven so.. How would this benefit industry? the reality is the result would devistate the industry. AND, if screening of this pathogen is not forced, who would perform this task?.
tamtam states highly genetically manipulated specie has become commensal AND DIFFERENTIATES--this means a single pathogen is able to cause several seemingly different diseases.
DISEASE=$ for Industry. there are no arguments here concerning this fact
And Generally speaking.....
Degenerative disease is of our day, meaning new and emerging. In deed, the exploitation of an otherwise healthy body is becoming very common.
To cure is not profitable, but to treat the effects(symptoms) is now everyday life and generating BILLIONS on top OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS by simply selling symptom suppressive drugs for the life of who needs them.
tamtam states that this bug will most likely link to many of these types of diseases and other antibiotic resistent maladies of our day. All of them ENORMOUS capital machines.
Hence, until a money machine equal to the current one is thought of or discovered that would also benifits us, the infected, funding for research will never be granted.
If one pathogen is worth a billion dollars, Then a differentiating pathogen must be worth many billions of $.
This bug is a money maker.
watch the video again at and understand that the interaction with the human body shown in the video is EXACTLY what those suffering from it can show anyone patient enough to look carefully.
Ther are herbal treatments:
Topical: Neem Oil, tea tree
Internally tincture combination:
Black walnut
*all three must be taken together.
A colon detox is recommended.
I saw a story about this Mellgeon (skin Parasites) disease on Channel 2 LA. There are a couple of herbal parasite treatments that is worth a try. I am not a doctor, but I have been working with herbs for years, and will soon enter school to become a homeopathic doctor.
Neem seed Oil -
Neem seed oil has been very effectively used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine to assist in the healing of topical skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne, burns and tinea
I have purchased Neem seed oil products at "Whole Food Market" and the Vitamin Shoppe". You can also take Neem tincture.
Tea Tree oil, and castor oil are good as well.
I would also take the following tincture ( Wormwood, Black Walnut & cloves) to cleanse the body of parasites. You can buy "Parasite detox at most health food stores.
The herbs you need are:
* Black Walnut Green Tincture
* Wormwood Tincture
* Cloves Tincture
If you use them together you will rid yourself of all these parasites. They must be used together as a single treatment. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. So all the herbs should be used together as a single treatment
Black Walnut hulls (Juglans nigra)
Actions: Tonic, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, mild stimulant, deep immune activator, antioxidant.
Common Use: Fresh black walnut hulls have long been considered a powerful remedy for expelling worms and parasites from the body; it contains rich organic iodine and tannins which contain strong antiseptic properties. Also, shown to have oxygenating abilities which may help burn up excess toxins and fatty materials and cleanse the blood. Indicated in a variety of skin problems.
Wormwood Herb (Artemesia absinthum)
Actions: Anthelmintic, vermifuge, bitter tonic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, parasiticide.
Common Use: The bitter action of this herb stimulates the digestive system, helping indigestion, especially when caused by gastric juice problems. Also one of the best herbs available for treating worm infestations and parasites. Due to the general tonic action it will be of benefit in many diverse conditions because it benefits the body in general. This herb is also included in Hulda Clark's anti-parasite program.
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) freshly ground
Actions: Stimulant, carminative, aromatic, antibacterial, antiseptic, stomachic, parasiticide, rubefacient.
Common Use: Cloves are said to have a positive effect on stomach ulcers, it may be used to lessen nausea, vomiting and flatulence and to stimulate the digestive system. It has powerful local antiseptic and mild anesthetic actions. Cloves contain sesquiterpenes; these have been shown to have significant activity in inducing the detoxifying enzyme glutathione S-transferase in mouse liver and small intestine; the ability of natural anticarcinogens to induce such detoxifying enzymes correlates well with their ability to inhibit chemical carcinogenesis. Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D., in her book "The Cure for all Cancers", says,"[cloves have a great parasite killing ability]; nothing else known can kill the eggs of parasites in the body.
More Herbs to consider are list below:
BENEFICIAL PROPERTIES: This lesser known herb has a long history of indigenous use as an antimicrobial. It has also been used in Ancient China for cooling the system down and topical treatments. Usnea contains usnic acid which has shown antiviral, antiprotozoal, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. It has also recently shown tumor inhibiting effects [1]. Usnic acid is used not only as a pure substance but as a preservative as well in creams, toothpastes, deodorant and sunscreens [2]. It is also said to be effective against Trichomonas and Chlamydia which are vaginal infections [3].
Sheep Sorrel herb (Rumex acetosella)
Actions: Alterative, diuretic, anthelmintic, antineoplastic, antilithic, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, parasiticide, stomachic, tonic.
Common Use: Throughout the centuries, the sorrels have appeared in historical archives as a folk remedy for cancer in both Europe and America. In the late 1740's, legislation was introduced in Williamsburg, Virginia, that permitted Mrs. Mary Johnson to use this plant as a treatment for cancer. In the 1868 Canadian Pharmacy Journal, the leaves of both the sheep sorrel and the taller common sorrel (Rumex acetosa) were included in the list of Canadian medicinal plants. In 1926, the National Cancer Institute received a recipe from Canada citing an old Indian cure for cancer using a paste made with bread and the juice of sheep sorrel, applied externally. Thus, it would appear from early literature that the sorrels were used to treat cancer. Sorrel contains a high amount of nutrients including chlorophyll. Chlorophyll closely resembles hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood, but has at its center a magnesium atom, whereas hemoglobin has an iron atom, and both carry oxygen to every cell of the organism. The chlorophyll molecules that carry oxygen through the bloodstream may do the following: inhibit chromosome damage to effectively block cancer, reduce the damage of radiation burns, kill germs and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, strengthen the cell walls which may; improve the vascular system, heart function, intestines, lungs and uterus, aid in the removal of foreign deposits from the walls of blood vessels, remove inflammation of the pancreas, purify the liver and increase the body's ability to utilize oxygen by raising the oxygen level in the tissue cells. Sheep sorrel is also high in oxalic acid. Dr. N.W. Walker tells us that the human body produces a small amount of oxalic acid every 24 hours and it is excreted through the kidneys. Dr. Edward E. Shook believes that oxalic acid is a powerful oxidizing acid that rouses the human system into activity. It readily combines with calcium to aid in its digestive assimilation and stimulates the peristaltic action of the intestines, thus helping sluggish, prolapsed intestines to regain their normal functions. Oxalic acid also seems to promote faster blood coagulation time, which makes it valuable for hemorrhages. Sheep sorrel has been known to prevent the spread of contagious diseases such as the plague and has overcome fevers caused by cholera and malaria. Its most important healing elements may be chlorophyll and oxalic acid; there is however, much research still to be done to discover the hidden mysteries that make this ubiquitous little plant so vital. This herb is also included in Rene Caisse's Essiac formula.
Quassia wood chips (Picaraena exselsa v. sp.)
Actions: Bitter tonic, anthelmintic, sialagogue, parasiticide.
Common Use: Quassia is an excellent remedy in dyspeptic conditions due to lack of tone. The quassinoid bitter principles stimulate the taste receptors, causing a reflex increase in the secretion of saliva and gastric juices and thus stimulating the appetite. They also strengthen the contractility of smooth muscle such as the gall bladder, promoting bile flow. It has also been used in the expulsion of threadworms, and is included in Hulda Clark's anti-parasite program.
Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale)
Actions: Stimulant, carminative, rubefacient, diaphoretic, stomachic, sialagogue, antioxidant.
Common Use: Ginger may be helpful as a stimulant of the peripheral circulation in cases of bad circulation, chilblains and cramps. It is also used as a remedy for digestive problems, sore throats and as a promoter of perspiration in treating fevers. Japanese researchers have discovered cardiac-tonic principles in ginger root. It is also said to be used with other herbs to enhance their effectiveness.
Alfalfa whole herb and leaf (Medicago sativa)
Actions: Nutritive, tonic, alterative, depurative.
Common Uses: Alfalfa leaves are a very rich source of many valuable nutritients including protein, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, all the known vitamins, trace minerals, carotene, chlorophyll and more. It is helpful for every condition of the body whether it be maintaining or regaining health.
oltimeybioman makes a call:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
(404) 639-3311
June 1, 2006
Dan Rutz of the CDC on the phone.
The CDC has chosen a head researcher to lead a group, currently in the process of assemblage, to investigate Morgellon's.
Here's a very lucid person with a dry sense of humor, an Intel microscope, and continuing to keep an open mind about possibilities:
Exactly What Morgellon's IS...
whether natural or unnatural mutation, whether something very old awakened in the environment or something very new released, whether a unique complex of the known come together naturally or unnaturally, whether something that has been going on under the radar and is just now coming to light or something that really is a recent novel addition to the scene
...the, "kind," with the physical evidences that has prompted formation of a CDC group dedicated to finding out, hopefully will be known sooner rather than later.
Debunkin' it here:
A Tale of Two Survivors:
The name of that 400 year old disorder was chosen by the founder of the Morgellons Research Foundation. She built upon it through a made up case definition she comprised through surveying people who registered on her MRF website. She set forth launching this campaign for the purpose of hoping she can do away with delusional parasitosis diagnoses, and in turn, what did she do...all the victims of delusional parasitosis believe they are dying from this imaginary disease. Suicides, self-poisonings, self-mutilations, child neglect and animal neglect (resulting in the deaths of pets), are commonplace among the people suffering this disorder. Things are helluva mess, and I wish the Surgeon General, and Animal Rights, would act on it.
The real syndrome (not "morgellons disease", because there is no such thing), is often classified into three types according to the underlying condition:
1. Primary Psychotic Delusional Parasitosis (Delusional Parasitosis is the Sole Psychological Disturbance):
* patients otherwise behave normally
* reason in a rational manner
2. Secondary Functional Delusional Parasitosis
where there is an Underlying Psychiatric Condition, including:
* schizophrenia
* paranoia
* depression
* anxiety disorders
* obsessional states
3. Secondary Organic Delusional Parasitosis
where there is an Underlying Physical Illness present, including:
* drug abuse
* hypothyroidism
* cancer
* cerebrovascular disease
* tuberculosis
* neurologic disorders
* vitamin B12 deficiency
* diabetes mellitus
My fiancee and I were:
No. 3. Secondary Organic Delusional Parasitosis
where there is an Underlying Physical Illness present
My deductive reasoning leads me to have the opinion that delusional parasitosis diagnoses have been prevalent among chronic lyme disease patients due to the associated neuropsychological effects of late-stage lyme disease.
Try a Hulda Clark type Zapper. and lots of black walnut hull tincture (according to H. Clark) and wormwood etc. If its a biological agent then this should clean you, but remember to eat fresh yogurt culture to replace what you kill in your system. (the zapper kills it all except your own cells). GL!
I just did a very simple post about morgellons on my blog, please lend a hand in the comments if you want to help focus the discussion and guide people to more information. My post is just a basic intro with links.
Whoa there, that last Anonymous. Wanna talk about it?
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This isnt the only blog on this issue spammed so much that discussion ceases. Ask yourself why this would be done. This is a very big problem, and does not appear to be going away anytime soon.
I went to bed last night watching The Fly, a couple of hours after taking a picture of a big moonlit chemtrail. Uh huh - By the way, I didn't notice this yesterday, but the 'patient' in the Popular Mechanics illustration has a tattoo across his entire back.
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orI wish there were more sympathetic readers responding to this. I am also a victim of this horrible syndrome and it is PAINFUL beyond belief. Very large splinter-like things pop out of my skin along with hard white spine-like things. I've seen the fibers, worms and other things come out of my skin. My 11 year old daughter has seen them pop out as well and unfortunately the scars are here to stay.
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