Bodies of Intelligence

Oh when there's too much of nothing,
No one has control - Bob Dylan
I'll need to finish my thoughts from Thursday's post over the next day or two, because there seem to be some wheels coming off as some stars come right that, for however long, may shine light again upon some of Washington's most secret dark places.
First, as DailyKos convincingly argues, the true scandal of the Duke Cunningham hooker story is likely the gender of the hookers. There are some very carefully parsed statements regarding Brent Wilkes' Watergate "hospitality suites," such as the claim of the lawyer for Shirlington Limo's Chris Baker that his client was "never in attendance in any party where any women were being used for prostitution purposes."
Cunningham staked out ground in Congress as a particularly gross character, describing his 1998 prostate operation as "just not natural, unless maybe you’re Barney Frank.” Frank noted that Cunningham "tends to frequently blurt out stuff on gay issues. He seems to be more interested in discussing homosexuality than most homosexuals." Two years earlier Cunningham had baited Frank on the Massachusetts Democrat's own hooker scandal, cutting him off in debate with "Would you like to talk about prostitutes and basements?" (Interestingly, it was only the Barney Frank angle that found any traction in the press and with the general public following The Washington Times' flap of child hookers on the Hill stories in 1989.)
But Cunningham is himself deeply and unhappily closeted, according to Chris Crain of The Washington Blade:
Cunningham, who is married with grown children, has admitted to romantic, loving relationships with men, both during his Vietnam military service and as a civilian. That was the remarkable story that this publication reported two years ago, when Elizabeth Birch, the former Human Rights Campaign leader, inadvertently outed Cunningham at a gay rights forum.
Birch never mentioned Cunningham’s name, but she talked about a rabidly anti-gay congressman who asked to meet privately with her in the midst of a controversy over his use in a speech on the floor of the House the term "homos" to describe gays who have served in the military. Alone with Birch and an HRC staffer, the unnamed congressman shared that he had loved men during his life. In telling the story, Birch offered up a few too many details about the closeted congressman.
As for Porter Goss, Cannonfire does an excellent job of linking his abrupt resignation to an ongoing investigation of the Cunningham fiasco through CIA Executive Director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo's ties to Brent Wilkes.
The CIA, of course, is the genuine Mac Daddy of Capitol Hill prostitution. If Craig Spence could talk, he would, and so he can't. The Agency's interest in prostitution as a tool of blackmail and political leverage happened before at the Watergate, and may have even be closer to the truth of Nixon's fall than the "second-rate burglary." So to the degree Goss and Foggo may be involved, I think it's safe to assume it wasn't for their own personal "stress management."
Also, coincidentally or not, Jeff Gannon chose this of all weeks to acknowledge publically for the first time that yes, in fact, he is a gay man. The admission came during the panel session of the Equality Forum, and was apparently so difficult for him he had trouble forming the words, even before a largely gay audience.
Gannon was asked where he slept during his White House overnights, but he was saved from responding by the moderators. It was the decent thing to do.
Yeah, it looks like the shit is going to hit the fan big here, and the talk is of hookers. In the world of parapolitics you never know, but the sudden resignation without explanation signifies something big going on behind the scenes.
This is one of those deals that happen every so oten that gives civilians a glimpse of the Cold Civil War heating up in this country. This is the escalation of the war against the CIA by the Cheney Administration that has been raging since before Bush took the oath of office.
With all the recent points scored against the Cheney Administration by recently retired/fired analysts and operations folks, the ongoing Plame scandal, leaks from within and general insurrection by Company men and women everywhere against encroachments by Pentagon spies and rivals operating out of the John Negroponte's office, we will be seeing more blood drawn in the coming weeks. Porter Goss was fired because he couldn't get his people under control.
Jeff -
OT, but have you looked at all into the story that's on the wires of late regarding the Philippines judge who has "Mystic Dwarfs" advising him? Seems like it might lie on that patented Rigourous Intersection of the Government and the Weird.
From The Asian Reporter, V16, #16 (April 18, 2006), page 2.
"Psychic" judge didn’t foresee getting fired
MANILA, The Philippines (AP) — A Philippine judge who claims to possess supernatural powers, including the ability to see into the future, apparently hasn’t mastered those forces — he failed to foresee his own dismissal. The Supreme Court said it sacked Judge Florentino Floro, who worked in the Manila suburb of Malabon, after psychiatric and psychological tests concluded he was not fit for the job. Floro, who told a courtroom that he has psychic visions, also claimed he can appear in two places at once and is able to inflict pain on corrupt officials using his paranormal powers, the Supreme Court said in a statement. It said Floro admitted he believes in duwendes — a Tagalog word that means mystic dwarfs — and that he has a covenant with his dwarf friends Luis, Armand, and Angel. "His mental problems, for now, appear to render him unfit for the delicate task of dispensing justice," the Supreme Court said."
And given some of the weird occurences of little leprechaun-y dwarves in some of the UFO sightings you've written about here, it seemed a little too "RigInt" not to pass on to you.
Hello Jeff,
Another great post. I think it is a sign of the wheels coming off this administration. Noone wants to stay in a sinking ship. maybe it is a scandal regarding prostitutes, maybe it is just a man who is resigning in disgust because the criminal Bush administration is about to fall. I have never seen such discontent in both the military and the intelligence communities. This regime shows no respect for its own people, let alone the citizens of the United States. There is trouble brewing when the head of the CIA resigns unexpectedly and Bush just does nothing and shows no concern as USUAL.
I know this if off topic, but I wondered if you have any thoughts on or have written anything previously on Rennes le Chateau. I have become very interested in this recently. Thanks for any information and thanks for a great blog. I look forward to every new post. I am completely hooked on this site. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK JEFF
Oh yes, one more thing, I think Jeff Gannon is the key to the final downfall of the Bushmonster and his despicable administration. I hope the other shoe drops FAST.
Shep Smith of Fox News and Bill Kristol seem to agree that "Somthing popped this week" in order for Porter Goss to suddenly step down.
Does Bill have an inside track on this one?
Another possible angle is that Goss's role has always been that of cover-up guy. He played a major part a few years back in making sure the CIA-cocaine hearings didn't go anywhere. His House Intel Committee was deeply involved in 2003 in trying to squash the Iraq intel investigations. (It accused the CIA of being responsible for the failures on WMD information just one day before the CIA asked for an investigation of the Plame outing.) And there have been other examples as well.
When Goss was appointed CIA director, I felt fairly sure that would be his primary role -- and that the purges were at most an aspect or a side benefit of some major cover-up activity. So the fact that it has all backfired, and that Goss seems incapable of stemming the tide of CIA and former CIA whistleblower leaks, may be his real crime in the eyes of the White House.
I'm not saying he isn't implicated in Hookergate -- but that may be more in the nature of an excuse for deep-sixing him than a primary cause.
Of course, if this true, the question then becomes what secrets are they still sitting on and what are they prepared to do to keep them from getting out.
Two heads of the CIA gone under this administration. Hmmm.
The very important question no one seems to be asking is whom does the CIA really serve lately?
And who’s the “DJ” for this very public game of "musical chairs"?
The simultaneous Goss/Straw evacuation is no coincidence…
this is interesting...
- mercury
Dusty Foggo, Nine Fingers, hookers at the Watergate,a regug-linked mob killing down in Florida, venal politcos, gay right-wing operatives, plane-loads full of coke, poker, Elmer Gantry-esque Evangelicals, wives on the take, cozy corporate funded jaunts, cocktail-weenie addicted journos, blackmail, arm-twisting, pay-to-play, gov’t contracts-to-kickbacks to repubs, ex-con millionaires running limos and voting machine companies,...
I would say “CALLING ED McBAIN!!!”( or at least Carl Hiasson) but these crimes and misdemeanors are just the tip of the iceburg, so who we gonna call?
By the way Jeff, I love it when you train you laser keyboard on these hypocrites.
my take? gannon is not a lure but a warning.
he has so likely been involved with numerous guys on the hill, possibly within the press, and his role (not that he had a clue) was to get out front enough to remind his, er, buddies that there are goodson them. and he at least was in a, hm, position to make a lot of folks, er, uncomfortable.
lifting the lid on the cunningham scene might be yet another warning rather than an expose. i mean, for cryin' out loud, wilkes and wade are both walkin' in the free world, up to their eyeballs with highly questionable CIA backgrounds, so we're to believe they're just now 'confessing' this dirty laundry to the feds? gimme a break. the whole thing smacks of orchestration. even jack straw's dismissal; he has been making serious noises against the iran plans, so he surely had to go. and ya gotta know blair is up to his pointy little ears with the boys, you know. didn't i hear the rumor that gannon boasted somewhere that he had serviced the PM?
given that this is all about who's got the power, we're likely to see a great deal of posturing and threats in the form of "news" for a good while now. what will be interesting is just how low these folks will stoop to shake up their various opponents. tanking plames role with iran contraband weapons will likely seem like child's play.
This Militarization, the elimination of independent CIA capabilities is tied in with all sorts of nefarious commercial skeletons in the closet, particularly with competitive intelligence and market manipulation. These revenue sources were much preferred to Yalie 9-month interlopers and their ilk than to hardcore black ops involving Noriega and narco dollars preferred by the gangsters in uniform. The uneasy marriage is over. The problem is the unruly children in both camps and to what degree family laundry will be aired in public.
They'd rather have it all out in the open.There has been talk that competitive intel "excercises" among company prodigies yielded unexpected WHIG communiques that are widely believed to have been legally shared in extramural investigations.The parties involved to a large degree have resigned, retired or taken reassignment.The legal time bomb is still ticking. Cheney and Mr. Flightsuit know it. Their paranoia over a growing number of domestic enemies is well founded. It's written all over Bush's face. But Cheney is and always has been the causus belli the reason d'etre of this Administration. Intercepted Foreign intel assessments of Mr. Cheney as "megalomaniacal" and "delusional" were met with circumspect dismissal by analysts unfortunate enough to be in that position. Privately,among agency assessors, there has emerged numerous assessments of the Vice President, characterizing Cheney variously as having "impaired reality testing", "messianic", "Napoleonic", "unhinged" and similar to "Hitler in the Bunker".
So now the neighbors are in on the act. These morons have not only presided over the rising influence of Iran, unsettling Peking re global oil markets and Indian nuclear proliferation at China's back door, Cheney's now taking pot shots at the Russians and looking to clip Russian Oil interests.World War III indeed. A completely rhetorical Question:
Where is a lone gunman when you need him???
Also, anybody else thinking these poker games were rigged to put cash into official's pockets?
I've been "out" my whole adult life, but as a teenager struggling with my sexuality I developed "the eye test" to seek out other people who were "like me." Some people might call this GAYDAR. At this point in my life it is pretty fine-tuned. I don't know what the libel laws are in Canada and what I can and can't write here, but there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that there are very high-up politicos that are as queer as I am. It takes one to know one and you can't change those eyes!
"Of course, if this true, the question then becomes what secrets are they still sitting on and what are they prepared to do to keep them from getting out."
1. The secret that 911 wasn't done by Muslims at all.
2. The secret that 911 WAS done by people who want us to THINK it was done by Muslims.
3. The secret that 911 was done primarily, albeit not exclusively, by Mossad and other Israeli and American Zionist Jews.
4. The secret that the whole US government and media are currently owned by those same people, who stay in control by a decades-in-production
program of bribery and blackmail, and by a propaganda onslaught of such a scale that it actually appears to be skewing culture itself. This propaganda includes, as just one relatively small but very key element, the standard story of the so-called "Holocaust."
5. The secret that those same people, who currently own the US government, are in turn owned by ? ? ? ? ? (Maybe no one, but I doubt it. I just don't think Tel Aviv is the real top of the pile.)
In short, the secrets they're still sitting on are the same secrets not discussed on this blog!
To be read in an ominous voice: "Coincidence . . . or CONSPIRACY?" It's a real question, however.
These secret topics are the *REAL* UFO's flying around in Jeff's space.
(Unacknowledged Forbidden Objects-of-inquiry!)
Very interesting theory from the Daily Heretic,, from this past Friday…
“Is Bush I again running an operation designed to break the Neocon grip on his son? Remember, Bush I really disliked Israel and they disliked him. He also disliked Rumsfeld and Cheney. And Goss made a lot of enemies at the CIA, many of which HAD to be Bush I allies.”
“So the question remains, who is protecting Patrick Fitzgerald as he prepares to indict Karl Rove? Who is protecting the retired generals who have ripped Rumsfeld? Why has the FBI felt secure enough to pursue the AIPAC Spy investigation? Who, for that matter, felt secure enough to invite Stephen Colbert to do the White House Press Dinner?”
There’s definitely a profound battle going on “just” underneath the radar screen that is threatening to explode again.
Is there another "9/11" on the horizon?
hi jeff, folks,
entirely OT but:
It's been the curse of the USS Enterprise and the Klingons' favoured weapon. But back on Earth, mathematicians claim to have worked out how to make a cloaking device to render objects invisible.
An outline for the device is described in a scientific paper published today in which the authors reveal how objects placed close to a material called a superlens appear to vanish.
Even in the world of science fiction, the technology is not perfect, and nor is the device proposed by Graeme Milton at Utah University and Nicolae-Alexandru Nicorovici at Sydney University of Technology. According to their calculations, the device would only work at certain frequencies of light, and only if the object is within close range of the superlens…
the next event will probably be bio. watch M:I:3 til the end and you'll see what i mean. were talkin END GAME here. theres no macguffin here.
today on CNBC president bush just declared the war on terror as 'World War III'.
yesterday russia accused cheney of starting the 'Second Cold War'. because of a speech he gave.
porter goss resigns do to 'unfortunate events' lets say.
they only have a few more cards left to play before the bad things start happening.
Le Vrai
(Off Topic. Well, sort of...)
Credit card companies in the United States are invoking something called the 'Office of Foreign Assets Control Policy.' This Treasury Department policy, according to a few customer service supervisors who I directly spoke with, states that 'Iraq and Afghanistan are enemies of the United States of America' and 'Iraqi and Afghanistani Nationals are enemies of the United States of America.' These are direct quotes from Credit Card company customer services representatives. You can figure out how the rest of the conversation went. This is an obvious misinterpretation of above said policy, either through intentional idiocy or it may perhaps very well be a systematic distortion which is symptomatic of a larger malaise or severe case of cognitive dissonance. A corporation is considered a legal 'person' or entity in the United States. It has similar rights as a real human being might. Theoretically, if one is to enter into or continue a 'relationship' with this other 'person,' then the other in the 'relationship' should be able to inquire as to the past and present history of said other 'person' or corporation. Otherwise, one is perhaps just engaging in a loveless solicitation of prostitution or fetishizing over pornography--which just consists of this other 'person's' (or corporations) 'product.'
Yeah, it's all coming to a head. Not mentioned here is the uprising started this week in San Salvador Antenco, Mexico (go to for details)that is curiously related to all the protests occuring around the US.
As for Goss, an excerpt from Brian Ross:
"The allegations include descriptions of Washington, D.C. poker parties in hotel suites, where prostitutes were brought by limousine as part of the entertainment.
No comment from the owner of the limousine company, a man with a long criminal record who just happened to get a $20 million contract to provide limousine service for the Department of Homeland Security."
Okay, while this bit of info is not the main event re Goss, it does beg some answers as to why a career criminal is employed by the DHS; is getting 20M; and is transporting prostitutes (male?)? Is this why we're working four months of the year to pay our taxes?? Bet your next withholding that this owner could supply the names of the hookers, who could in turn tell just who did what to whom and when. Of course, this revelation will most likely be trumped up to national security privledge before it's released to the public. Perhaps, the enterprising criminal-owner has already has taped the entertainment. Somehow the name Gannon/Goesch seems the only thing missing - oh, he showed up this week, too. Where's that book he promised last year?
Now, let's discuss the promised Bird Flu....
Updated: 5:40 p.m. ET May 4, 2006
"SINGAPORE - People who have been infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus might be especially susceptible to avian viruses because they are genetically predisposed to them, leading disease experts suggested on Thursday."
Okay, call me cynical, but this little gem, can you say "eugenics"?, plus the endless "news" this week about bird flu is giving me the unthinkable idea that certain people are scheduled for a dirt nap soon. And, so soon after the purging of New Orleans' blacks.
yea i did forget to mention the immigration protest distraction scheme. the plan there is to fuel race war, i kid you not. theres talk about how many latino organizations are funded by the ford foundation. i can't find the link ut heres an interesting article by lou dobbs.
Dobbs: Radical groups taking control of immigrant movement
its interesting in that he kind of disparages his own employer for being complicit in spinning the whole thing in a happy fuzzy light. but i do have a problem with the way he characterizes ANSWER but no ones perfect.
but alas the day of may 1st wasn't as hectic as it was supposed to be.
It's a little more complicated than Lou Dobbs and a diversion. American interests are evicting the communal farmers, as in Wall Mart and Archer Daniel Midland (ADM), in a country impoverished by generations of corrupt government. In prearranged deals with Fox and Bush, NAFTA, etc., these people are then "encouraged" to go north. Meanwhile, the communist/neocons (and other groups) are financing the protests (do you really believe the cost of buses and organization was organic?) for their vision of a Balkanized America. Yes, the Ford Foundation has been financing The Council of La Raza, Brown Berets, and Maldef, the legal arm and springboard for politicians, since the 1950's. Every school in California has an operating MECHA group that is part and parcel of these groups propagandizing generations of Latinos at taxpayers expense. What the end game is, I don't know. But, I do know that these illegal Mexicans, generally illiterate, are being used and fed a load as are the legal citizens. The general plan is to united Mexico, American and Canada into one big happy union wherein we can all be reamed by the neocons. Some think it's a corporate dream come true, some a Zionist plot to enslave the Gentiles - pick your poison.
The immigration protests are not JUST a diversion. I believe they are - proof of this is that on May 2 not a WORD about Iraq was on the front page of the Phoenix newspaper - but there's more. In a time when Americans have doubt about their leaders and their country itself, what a nice thing to show us all: look at how many millions of people want to live in our wonderful country. See, we still are the BEST in the world if all of these immigrants want to come here. Look, they even DIE to get here. America is the BEST!!! Rah, rah, rah...
A friend of mine who has talked to a few police officers from different jurisdictions has told me that the most common "call" that the cops go out on isn't car theft, burglary or domestic violence, it's BOTCHED SUICIDES. We don't hear about this in the MSM. So, why are so many people dying to LEAVE America?
re this comment by anon 7:58 PM: "There’s definitely a profound battle going on “just” underneath the radar screen that is threatening to explode again."
xymphora has an interesting take on the goss/foggo debacle:
"Goss, Foggo, and the honeytrap
From Cannonfire:
“Larry Johnson claims that his sources tell him that Goss did not partake of the hookers at chateau Wilkes. Here's a thought: What if Goss, old spook that he is, helped set up the sting, in order to entrap his fellow congressmen? Maybe he's a mack, not a john. After all, someone had to introduce those legislators to spooked-up ‘businessmen’ Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade...”
Exactly what I thought on hearing the story. Goss and Foggo are both old CIA hands, and know how the game is played. Neither would be stupid enough to fall into such an obvious ‘honeytrap’, and the most likely scenario, if Foggo is involved, is that he set it up (“Foggo, who occasionally hosted the poker parties at his house in northern Virginia, is under investigation by the CIA's inspector general to determine whether he helped Wilkes gain CIA contracts.”; see also here, for a certain kind of CIA take, a kind I frankly don’t put much trust in, on the matter of Goss and Foggo). Since the quick timing indicates that Goss was fired on very short notice, and Foggo may be resigning, you have to wonder whether Goss tried to use Foggo’s blackmail pictures to gain some ground on the White House in the ongoing CIA-Cheney turf wars, and Cheney proved again that he is the biggest sumabitch around (Goss on the resignation: “it's one of those mysteries”). The odd firing by Goss of Mary McCarthy – fired for leaking to the press when she probably didn’t leak – probably has something to do with this. If you read between the lines a bit, you can see that there are indications that Goss is an old hand at using sexual blackmail to deal with his political obstacles."
any takers?
jc, pure speculation here, but this whole thing could be interpreted in a way that puts Goss in a better light- what you say about Goss being too savvy to fall for honeypots applies here- perhaps he simply refused to go along with plans for Iran, so they gave him a choice: get with the program or slink along home.
As I ssid, pure speculation, but what with Hayden being next in line, it kinda makes you wonder.
I have to side with the poster who points out that Bush Sr. has a "huge hidden hand" betwixt the CIA and FBI kafuffle. The FBI has been releasing all of it's UFO files and the Tesla database which points to his communications with aliens has been out there for awhile.
The CIA was created to deal with aliens. The FBI was told to keep their fingers out of that pie as it was not a domestic issue. Ergo, we have hi-tech takeover by the CIA using Tesla's alien inspired EMP, etc. and the FBI left scratching at chicken feed.
heres another take on why goss was removed:
Behind the Goss toss
A little-known White House advisory board convinced a reluctant President Bush to launch yet another high-profile shakeup of the nation's intelligence community and can CIA Director Porter Goss, sources said yesterday.
Bush had already gotten an earful from Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte on the shortcomings of Goss, but the final push came from the "very alarmed" President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, intelligence and Congressional sources said.
Anonymous One,why don't the neo cons have a good old"night of the long knifes"? Come to think of it they killed alot of the homo's that night.How bout the "Duke Cunninghamster" comment about Barney Franks basement,the last time I heard someone speak on that was Paul Bonacci.Paul seemed to be able to discribe it down to the pictures on the walls.Just about everyone in government has been tainted,just how much is the question,later.
Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.
Based on DeCamp's riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, "Conspiracy of Silence" begins with the shut-down of Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing. When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.
So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up? Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary. Thanks to the wonderful power of the Internet, three different links below take you to this eye-opening documentary. Other links provide detailed information about the case, reliable media coverage, and places to order DeCamp's revealing book, The Franklin Cover-up.
Beware that you may find yourself becoming angry or upset while watching "Conspiracy of Silence." Many people do. However, I invite you to consider that each of us, myself included, has at times in our life acted out of selfish motives when it comes to sexuality and ended up hurting others in one way or another. Let us take this information not only as a call to stop this kind of abuse at the nationwide level, but also as a call to examine our own sexual relationships and make a commitment to deep honesty and integrity in our own lives around this most sensitive issue. Thanks for caring, and may we all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for our world.
With best wishes,
Fred Burks for the Team
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
"Conspiracy of Silence" (55 minutes) is available for free viewing at the three links below: - best quality of these three (free Windows Media Player required) - "Conspiracy of Silence" on Google Video - see note below
Note: The final link above includes a copy of the front page of the Washington Times with a top headline and story published on the Franklin case. Scroll down and click on the images to read the full story. DeCamp's commentary on "Conspiracy of Silence" and more can be found below the newspaper articles there. Or for another easy-to-read copy of the Times article, click here.
Dozens of media articles on the Franklin case which led to "Conspiracy of Silence:"
For an excellent website filled with information about the Franklin case:
Lots of strange internet attacks happening, strange "trolls" showing up at forums starting divide and conquer wars. And for all of the other "woo-woos" out there (myself included) comets coming, rapture coming, and the strange reverse speech follower Peggy Kane last post saying that the game is up, the evil ones are leaving on a great ship hidden in the ocean (hmm right where the comets are supposed to hit). And that the "net" will burn and we will finally be able to see for the first time.
May is sure ramping up quick!
“Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together”
Every Judas needs a little Matchbox romance to get them out of Parrot Ice Lost and back in the swing. There’s always a clear path home even after a 4/22. Don’t hang yourself Judas. She can hear you through the angel you don’t know; she’s not a voodoo child, she uses “Spanish castle magic.” We know you weren’t there when he told that story, that wasn’t your voice it was Ali.
Judas is not who you are.
You are your mother’s son
If you don’t go to Portugal before mother’s day the voice of the angel you do know will go silent forever and the gates of Heaven will close.
She is of Heaven
Get frey of Geof he is 123.
The voice over talent is the only way:
"Kepeth this child, al be it foul or fayr, And eek my wyf, unto myn hoom-cominge." –Chaucer
At this point, do the details even matter anymore. I think I've reached the point where I don't care who's playing who (or pimping who). I think we're gonna have to flush 2 or 3 times to get it all to go down...
Fame is a bee. / It has a song / It has a sting / Ah, too, it has a wing.
-Emily Dickinson, "poet, priest of nothing"
The sting of fame is the butterfly caught in the spider’s web:
The only answer for the king of pain is to rip out the wings inside his head:
Every little thing she does is magic.
Luposapien said...
At this point, do the details even matter anymore. I think I've reached the point where I don't care who's playing who (or pimping who). I think we're gonna have to flush 2 or 3 times to get it all to go down...
Yeah, lot of crap to swim through. Recall, Rove's MO: constantly changing "reality", to keep oppenents offbalance and playing catchup, throwing up chafe, spreading disinfo (also "good" info), bait and switch (with sacrificial lambs ie crybaby Cunningham), intimidation of the media to bog them down, hijacking agendas (Christian right), etc. But keep dogging them, as they are only human, and make mistakes.
I thought this was a useful observation: Anonymous said... 7:31 PM I've been "out" my whole adult life, but as a teenager struggling with my sexuality I developed "the eye test" to seek out other people who were "like me." Some people might call this GAYDAR. Don't Rove and McClellan have those eyes? and if you look closely, doesn't GW too?
lll said... my take? gannon is not a lure but a warning.....lifting the lid on the cunningham scene might be yet another warning rather than an expose.
Gannon is chafe, sacrificial lamb .. whether he is Johnny Gosche or not (and why the heck can't his mother definitely establish this??)
Anonymous said... 7:26 AM Shep Smith of Fox News and Bill Kristol seem to agree that "Somthing popped this week" in order for Porter Goss to suddenly step down.
I saw this last week.. very odd, cryptic and cleary indicative of inside knowledge and stated purposely and worth considering in more detail. (video
All of this sudden, high level, apparently confused movement has some structure within the "flight forward" theory, originally credited to Nazis, where major advances are sought, to take advantage of the confusion, and in spite of, impending disclosure and capture.
Who is about to apprehend the Bush admin? Some good suggestions:
Tate said... Several people have mentioned the "coincidence" of Jack Straw and Goss being fired on the same day and what it might mean for Iran.
Jack Straw could have had enough, he has always struck me as a Colin Powell type, ideologically but not psychologically akin to his cohorts and so perhaps tried to move on Blair, along with Gordon Brown (who has a very longstanding claim on Blair's position) And then, there are more likely candidates...
Anonymous said... 7:58 PM reported the Daily Heretic piece “Is Bush I again running an operation designed to break the Neocon grip on his son?
as well as,
"Been there, done that: Talk of a U.S. strike on Iran is eerily reminiscent of the run-up to the Iraq war." By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Zbigniew Brzezinski was national security advisor to President Carter from 1977 to 1981. April 23, 2006
suggest that these oldtimers are moving to purge some loose ends and provacateurs within the movement. Oh, they aren't good guys, just cleaning house. i don't for a moment, believe that Brzezinski would is abandoning all of his previous writing, which underpins the reason to control the middle east and Iran. Its just the way it is done that is in question now.
Johnny Castle is a lamb.
This is funny.
Hey, Blogbart, Anonymous 7:31 here...
Yes, chubby Rove and GW have "the eyes" along with Scott McClellan. Tony Blair has the eyes BIG TIME.
Sorry folks, Michael Jackson doesn't have "the eyes."
Re : Anonymous said...
The very important question no one seems to be asking is whom does the CIA really serve lately?
And who’s the “DJ” for this very public game of "musical chairs"?
The simultaneous Goss/Straw evacuation is no coincidence…
2:44 PM
--and to Ill, who said...
“ we're to believe they're just now 'confessing' this dirty laundry to the feds? gimme a break. the whole thing smacks of orchestration.”
5:33 PM
I wasn’t quite ‘there’ yet--hadn’t fully, clearly formed them to myself, but these were the questions/thoughts I was trying to get to--thanks for posting them better than I’d have been able.
Also-- to Uncle $cam
--I liked your angles on this, thanks!
There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't's my soul up there.
Jack son does not have "the eyes"
This is a great game for smart kids. Barbie is so pretty and she takes care of the horses, but especially the ponies.
Swallow games is the only company that tells you the secret cheats to advancing...carrots for the ponies and LOTS of sugar cubes to tame the wild horses.
It's fun!
"Blair has the eyes"...In his younger days at his law chambers, Blair was called Miranda by his workmates. Why did the disgraced homosexual Peter Mandelson keep coming back into government and then eventually end up being nominated by Blair for the top job in Europe? Just how close was he to Blair?
Remember the toothpaste?
Many were equally puzzled when the prime minister transferred his allegiance so smoothly to George Bush. Well, relatively smoothly. The body language at their first meeting at Camp David three years ago was hardly warm.
There the conservative Texas oil man in his trademark bomber jacket was asked what he had in common with this Oxford-educated social democrat in jumper and jeans with hands jammed into his pockets like a teenager on a first date. Both men looked goofily at each other for a second before Mr Bush famously revealed that they shared the same taste in toothpaste.
Anybody want to explain what that was about?
What kind of toothpaste ... oh no, don't no one go there ..........
And now it has been reported that Bush may have pushed Straw out.
This message is to the man in the red suit. The man deep inside. The place inside where you really are. The place in your being where you are yourself.
Well, I see you standin' there
with your finger in the air.
Everything we do, you wanna leave it up to you.
Who do you think you are?
You think you are a star?
Tryin' to run the town, always tryin' to put us down.
Well, you think that you're right,
You think you're out of sight.
Tell me something, mister, why'd you have to make us so uptight?
Well, you say you've been tryin'.
You know that you're lyin'.
I think you need some groovin'; who do you think you're foolin' now?
Well, you better start changin',
Your life needs rearrangin'.
You better do some talkin', or you better do some walkin' now.
Yeah, you think that you're right.
You think you're out of sight.
Tell me something, mister, why'd you have to make us so uptight?
I know what you're doing,
All that you been doin' wrong.
I don't know what you're feelin',
Oh, but you been feelin' long.
Well, you think that you're right.
Tell me something, mister, why'd you have to make us so uptight?
Oh Yeah!
What You're Doing ----- written by Rush.
I'm thinkin' I might mail this to him.
I made a mistake wrong post. I'm going to post it on the right one. Sorry.
Martini & R
LOL over that photo captioned "Now close friends." As real news such photojournalism leaves much to be desired, but as something to make me LMAO it's invaluable media coverage.
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