Apologies for the posting lag, it's taking me longer than expected to wrap my head around the next entry. Please use this space as an open thread, and I'll be updating tomorrow.
What you don't know can't hurt them
posted by Jeff Wells at 1:05 p.m.
Cautiously pessimistic Canadian author and satirist. My first novel, "Anxious Gravity," is published by Dundurn Press. A compilation of essays, "Rigorous Intuition," is published by Trine Day.
So I'm toying with a plan to secretly leave copies of Jeff's "The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11" around movie theaters showing this flight 93 celluloid atrocity. Inspired or pointless? Discuss!
Internet carriers would have a free hand to charge the likes of Google Inc., Yahoo Inc. and eBay Inc. extra for faster delivery of services to consumers under a bill approved by a House committee Wednesday. Companies will be able to pay to deliver preferred content to surfers. The vote, 42-12, brings a two-tier Internet one step closer to reality despite the wishes of a broad coalition of Web site operators and public interest groups which include the industry's biggest companies, including Google, Yahoo, eBay, Microsoft Corp. and Amazon.com that insist the fees will crush innovation.
The Web companies had hoped to amend Wednesday's legislation, thereby enshrining the status quo of "network neutrality," the catchphrase that has come to represent a system in which all Internet traffic is treated equally. But the effort failed when an amendment introduced by Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., was defeated 34-22 in a largely party line vote earlier in the day.
go here to sign a petition by moveon.org to stop this insane idea.
Save The Internet
2 days without posting and you apologize! Awesome, Jeff... Can't wait to read what you come up with next. I took the liberty of forwarding this site to a dear old friend working for G.E. press; I asked him to shoot you down on a point by point basis. He was very confident he'd have no trouble doing so after learning of a few of your contentions, and in fact bristled at the idea of anyone "on the internet" knowing anything much at all. Yet, this was months ago - I've yet to hear a retort, or anything at all. Fact checking that leads away from the island of Aruba? Seems to have silenced him.
Anonymous- I'd say it's inspired. I've had a similar idea but at grocery stores. They seem to have all sorts of leflets and such lying around. Also, go to Borders or whatnot and stick them in all the conservative douchebags' (Coulter, Hannity, et al) books. I don't know anything about publishing layout but if you come up with a good one maybe make a pdf of it that can be passed around.
Why do all the military and cops and fireman get all this atta-boy stuff about 911? They (norad/pilots) let this happen under their watch, on their shift. The police and firemen are witnesses allowing themselves to be silenced. Why not tell the story even under a gag order. The PR would be terrible if BushCo started throwing cops and firemen in the Gulag. It's time to sack-up and tell thier story.
Leave copies of the article
Maybe this is old news, it's the first time I've seen it...
Extract taken from the 18th edition of the Magazine, HEALTH, [April 2006]
- written by Jose Antonio Campoy.
The avian flu virus was discovered 9 years ago in Vietnam ?
In all these years the number of people who have died from it has scarcely reached the 100 mark?
It was the Americans who signalled the effectiveness of Tamiflu as a prophylactic measure ?
Tamiflu is scarcely capable of relieving some symptoms of common influenza ?
Its effectiveness has been questioned by the majority of the scientific community ?
Tamiflu is hardly capable of countering any illness related to an ALLEGED mutant virus like H55NI?
As at today's date, avian flu only affects birds ?
Do you know who marketed TAMIFLU?
The ROCHE Labs.
Do you know from whom ROCHE bought the patent for TAMIFLU in 1996 ?
Do you know who was the Chairman of GILEAD SCIENCES INC and is still its main shareholder today ?
DONALD RUMSFELD, the present USA Defence Secretary.
The basic ingredient of TAMIFLU is Star Anise ?
Do you know who is left with 90%of the world production of this ?
Sales of TAMIFLU exceeded 254 million in 2004 and more than 1000 million in 2005?
Do you know how many more millions ROCHE stands to gain if it continues with this fear campaign ?
In short, it is fair to say the following : Bush's friends decide that a product like TAMIFLU is the solution for a pandemic which has not yet happened and which has caused to date only 100 deaths worldwide.
This drug doesn't even cure common influenza. The virus does not affect man in normal conditions.
RUMSFELD sells the TAMIFLU patent to Roche who pay him a fortune. ROCHE acquire 90% of the production of star anise, the basis of the antivirus.
The world's governments threaten a pandemic and buy industrial quantities of the product from ROCHE.
We end up paying for the medication and Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush do the business............
What I'm going to say might offend/bother some readers of this site, given its content related to RA and thus, in a general way, to sexual abuse of children. I hope saying that will give any surviviors of RA/sexual abuse a moment to brace themselves and so, perhaps not be surprised...
My thought: if the government wanted to discredit someone, what more effective way could there be than to accuse them of being a sexual preditor of kids?
Think about it a minute--the news story is usually: the person went to meet someone they [though it's usually a 'he'] thought was a child (always an FBI/law enforcement agent who posed as such on-line) after having contacted that person via internet chat rooms/e-mail. The FBI, etc. report finding incriminating content on the 'perp's' computer.
If you wanted to bring someone down, how hard would it be to fake that? If sophisticated/moderately able hackers can read whatever's on someone's computer, would it be much of a trick to plant material there? The meeting would/could be engineered as well.
In case it needs saying, I want to be clear that I don't for a second doubt that child porn is a raging epidemic, and I don't have any particular recent news story of someone being nabbed that I'm doubting.
Furthermore, I can't see any example of a leading political figure who was accused and brought down in this way. That, even though, from what we read here, there are many who legitimately SHOULD/COULD be accused
--but while I have no sympathy--NONE AT ALL--for anyone who is guilty of sexually abusing/molesting anyone else (child/man/woman/etc.) I'm wondering: is the standardized way such crimes are reported, and the revulsion such reports generate, an invitation to use such charges as a ready made tool for discrediting anyone?
What do you all think?
A related--but I'd say significantly different story--is the debate about such past incidents as the McMartin preschool case. I'm one who came to believe that situation was a hystrical fiction, but as I sat here, about to write this sentence I checked a few sites on it and am open to discussion.
(note: in the past I've raised issues/questions that have been covered elsewhere, earlier on this site. If that's so now, my apologies and please direct me to the appropriate entries/discussions)
i NEED my RI fix... it better be worht the wait.... nevermind, it ALWAYS is!
oh, and to "anonymous", with the idea about the CTG9/11 copies at Flight 93: INSPIRED.
Did anyone see this piece:
Ledeen arguing that the CIA is running it's ops through the Washington Post? I have read much about Watergate being a CIA coup, and we know that Woodward was former Naval Intelligence. But things are getting weird.
Just what the hell is it about Texas anyway!
(but hey, this is a nice piece for fomenting racial tension. Yes, cacaphony cranks on.)
It's my guess that all of this race-bating about illegal immigrants is little more than the typical Hegelian dialectic. I think that the illegal alien issue is going to be the impetus for a national ID card.
Just a piece of information: more people in the US have died from being hit by lightning in the US last year that have died from Bird Flu since it's inception. Could we make a few million selling lightning rods? Cheers, Connut
to anon 1:37
Inspired! "The Coincidence Theorists Guide" has great mojo.
So I'm toying with a plan to secretly leave copies of Jeff's "The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11" around movie theaters showing this flight 93 celluloid atrocity. Inspired or pointless? Discuss!
Well, if it's pointless, then that is the point !
I've been including small pictures of Kofi Annan in my monthly bills.
Next month it will be Moshe Dayan.
Street Cleaner, youve lost me. What is the point of including pictures of these particular two illustrious gentlemen?
pepsified thinker - they have and do - and all it takes is a rumor
I think the idea of leaving the Coincidence Theorist's guide is INSPIRED.
pepsified thinker: 1.) love the handle, 2.) the same thought has occurred to me
I discovered this site a couple of months ago and have become OBSESSED with it! When I saw that Jeff was taking some time to wrap his brain around something, I immediately thought THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD. In between posts I've been reading all the old posts and discussions under High Weirdness. This is the most sophisticated and intelligent community I've encountered on the web. To Jeff, and starroute, and pepsified thinker, to Professors Pan and Hex, to one human?, to the vast anonymousi: thanks so much for being so damned interesting!
Street Cleaner, youve lost me. What is the point of including pictures of these particular two illustrious gentlemen?
Here's a possible little 'gateway' for you, Mr./Ms. Anonymous:
What a news day. Earlier this morning, stories started to break about the hospitality suites run by Duke Cunningham bribers Brent Wilkes and Mitchell Wade. One suite was at the Watergate, then the Westin Grand. Yes, there are prostitutes and limosuines involved. Now, some speculate Porter Goss (and possibly Dusty Foggo) may have been around during some of these parties...
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme...
Hey tall Jeff - I know you are very tall, extremely intelligent, and have a great sense of humor, but I can't help it...you have been replaced. I am now in love with Stephen Colbert. Romance languages do promote pre-marital sex and we must put a stop to it!!!
What is the point of including pictures of these particular two illustrious gentlemen?
Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough the first time, Ms./Mr. Anonymous, I said small pictures.
They are in fact, very small pictures. Perhaps a bit smaller than a spider stamp.
Jeff - are you tall? How tall are you?
You know you have groupies in Cincy, OH don't you? We luvvvvvvv Jeff Wells (but we love your lovely wife too because she keeps Jeff happy and smart).
Bye-bye Fox News, hello Faux News!
By Ben Tanosborn
Online Journal Guest Writer
Such a joke. A "snow-job" would be the opposite of what we've been getting on Fox 'News' for the last near decade.
CNN=Fox news=CNBC=MSNBC=everything
The "snow job" is in Canada with Jeff.
I went to the movies last night. I saw the Sentinel. It sucked. So I stayed to see Silent Hill. It sucked.
When is art going to start imatating real life? Life is more entertaining than fiction if you pay attention. No one pays attention that's the problem.
Did anyone see this piece:
Thanks for this anon: very good stuff.
Jeff: a piece on the Italian connnection with re to M Ledeen, Niger forgeries, British SS, P-2, etc etc would be good: you're probably one of the few people who could pull all of this together.
Jeff..just a couple of suggestions I've made before and feel are important enough to make once more. Please put your date stamp on.
Blogger offers many programs to track the bloggers and may be of some value. Here is a sample from another blogger.com site
OH...they visit all the time.
Here's info on the last 100 visits.
1 United States Las Vegas, Nevada 1,968
2 United States Denton, Texas 930
United States Weehawken, New Jersey 854
United States Nicholasville, Kentucky 561
United States San Ramon, California 2,348
United States Auburn, Alabama 281
United States Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 776
United States Castaic, California 2,147
United States Saint Paul, Minnesota 1,206
United States Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 988
United States Mount Laurel, New Jersey 782
United States San Ramon, California 2,348
United States San Acacia, New Mexico 1,495
United States Las Vegas, Nevada 1,968
United States Castaic, California 2,147
United States Richardson, Texas 904
United States Reston, Virginia 659
United States 1,029
United States Denton, Texas 930
United States Akron, Ohio 759
Singapore 10,227
United States Pensacola, Florida 333
United States Las Vegas, Nevada 1,968
United States Denton, Texas 930
The point is "the medium is the message" and that is all I have to say about that.
I strongly believe that they should close the border to Mexico. On one condition, which is you close it not only to people but to resources. If you say you want to close it to people but not resources, what you're saying, one thing, is that you're a racist asshole, but another thing you're saying is - I don't want you but I want the coffee that's grown on the land that used to be yours.
Why is this migration taking place? It's not taking place because suddenly a bunch of people from Guatemala decide they want to take an eco-tour of the strawberry fields in the San Joaquin valley. It's because their communities are being destroyed through the theft of the land. If you don't want these people moving up here then don't steal those people's lands, pretty simple solution.
Derrick Jensen
This is my first post in the comments here, just want to say I love the work done here, it is all very thorough and most of all reasonable and logical. I have been catching up on old writings here and am struck by the clarity of your analysis.
Booman at the Booman Tribune recently posted an article about one aspect of what he referred to as a Slow Motion Coup. I think he touches onto one of those seeing-the-forest-for-the-trees moments by his suggestion that we are witnessing a slow motion coup.
The war inside Langley has been underway since Bush and Co. came to town and has been well documented. Students of Deep Politics (as apt a term for this field of study if I ever saw one) knew the appointments of Porter Goss at CIA and John "Death Squad" Negroponte as Director of National Intelligence were as stark a message as could be sent to the intelligence community.
Have those intel community elements hooked up with retired generals and others to apply coordinated pressure? Everything happening recently seems to indicate our Living In Interesting Times.
The players have been setting their pieces on the grand chess board for some time, and lots of danger surrounds our country on all sides. I sincerely hope the defenders of our Constitution carry the day because if they do not it may take decades or longer to get what is lost back.
Cannot locate another source for this story. On US House site: ‘document has been relocated.’ Not a peep out of the NYT or WaPo.
House votes 397-21 for “Iran Freedom Support Act”
After everything that has been exposed…the lies, the profiteering, the long list of war crimes, 397 ‘Representatives’ gave Bush the go ahead on attacking Iran. Only 21 Patriots voted Nay.
Pisces Iscariot:
IANA epidemiologist, but I've glanced at The Flu Wiki and the discussions prior to the wiki's launch on Daily Kos. From what I understand, the big risk with bird flu is *not* the form it's currently in now. That form is apparently reasonably bad to humans (though it's hard to tell - China is alleged to be underreporting cases that don't lead to death, and if there is in fact a much wider unreported infected group who are recovering ok then that would seem to be good news) - but yes, the total numbers of deaths are currently tiny. The thing that makes it not a risk *JUST YET* is that it's not easily transmissible between humans, you have to get it from direct contact with infected poultry. Still worrying since birds are a big part of the food supply, I would imagine.
BUT, what's scary isn't the form it's in now, but that it might mutate into a more easily transmissible form. Since it's been quietly spreading around the world via the bird population (making it hard to control migrations), the chance of a mutation arising which is easily human-transmissible would seem to be rising with each new country whose bird population gets infected.
It's sorta like the virus is walking past our house and whistling, rattling the keys in the lock, trying all the windows. It *might* just walk on past and we'll all breathe a sigh of relief if so. Or it might find one open and decide to give it a shot. Either way, it's a good time to take a look at our cities' emergency preparedness (and national health) plans and see whether we come up to scratch. I'm pretty sure we don't. It's hard to test for these things and disaster preparedness is very very easy to overlook.
The other problem is that even an event like the 1918 flu could be much more dangerous now that the world economy is much more interconnected, local neighbourhood communities are fading away, inventories are low, and we rely more on instant shipping and 'just-in-time' manufacturing. A pandemic wouldn't necessarily in itself have to kill that many people to be a *major* economic spanner in the works - especially if it hits worldwide. A disaster in one city, like New Orleans, can go spectacularly wrong but usually can be handled with national or international resources. A simultaneous world-wide event - that's something else.
And this isn't about hawking Tamiflu, since the health care professionals who seem the most vocally worried about bird flu seem also to be saying that antivirals really won't do anything to stop an epidemic. It's governments that are stockpiling Tamiflu 'just sorta in case' because it's the only useful thing they can appear to be doing. But putting money into basic healthcare systems and neighbourhood community support / economic development networks would probably be far more effective, and also provide benefits without needing a disaster to pay off.
I hope that there are still going to be people reading this thread despite Jeff's publishing of a new post!
I have gone completely "tv-free" for quite awhile now and I DO believe that there is a positive "difference" on every mental, or conscious level (even unconscious) to be gained. I feel better able to discern real dots from illusory ones, and how to connect them!
I say to EVERYONE: turn off the TV! It isn't entertainment, it IS programming.
Ledeen arguing that the CIA is running it's ops through the Washington Post?
Excellent Kos Diary on Ledeen and Italian Futurism:
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