The Confusion of Tongues

Do I understand your question, man,
Is it hopeless and forlorn? - Bob Dylan
Yesterday morning I was watching a streaming English-language news broadcast from Russia. (And I expect that's enough cause right there for the telecommunication giants to seek the end of the Internet as we know it.) The lead story was the press conference of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the main points hit by the Russia Today correspondent were Ahmadinejad's renouncing nuclear weapons as contrary to Islam and his reiteration of Iran's 30-year commitment to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, though Iran reserved the right to revisit its commitment if adherence to the treaty imperiled its sovereignty.
It was an unexpectedly optimistic piece. Ahmadinejad was allowed to speak at length and appeared relaxed and informed while fielding questions. If the excerpts were representative and the translation accurate, he appeared to be credibly attempting to defuse the crisis.
Naturally we need to compensate for spin whatever the source, and Russian news tailored for a foreign audience has a spin no less than Wolf Blitzer's Panic Room. Knowing that, I was still taken aback by the absolute unfamiliarity of the same press conference when soon after I started reading accounts of it in the Western media. The accent was almost entirely upon provocation, not concilation: the UN "lacks guts" to impose sanctions; "Defiant Iran in threat to quit nuclear treaty"; and "Iranian President insists 'Israel can not continue to live.'"
There's a Central Casting-like quality to Ahmadinejad's villainy. If he didn't exist the Pentagon would have had to create him to justify moving the goalpost to Tehren. And perhaps they did. (The election fraud, rule by crisis and religious fascism are certainly familiar enough. A reformist Iranian government was the war party's nightmare.) But did he really say that? Did he insist that Israel must die? The headline is drawn from this quote, provided without context: "We say that this fake regime cannot logically continue to live." To arrive at the headline, the government has to be conflated with the nation. Likewise we could say about the Bush administration, and with considerable accuracy, that "this fake regime cannot logically continue to survive." (Without knowing Farsi I'll presume that the original could be translated as either "to live" or "to survive.") And is that the same as saying America must die?
Ahmadinejad says the darnedest things, but perhaps, when translated, his rhetoric is subject to overinflation by parties interested in conflict.
But perhaps it doesn't matter. Does it matter that we've barely learned how to pronounce his name before he's become This Year's Hitler? It doesn't matter what anyone says at this suddenly late stage, past the fail safe point of arrested anticipation. Iran and the United States do not see the need to talk to each other, and the go-between media appears only to egg them on like a pack of jumpy kids itching for the stimulus of a good after-school fight. (How's June sound?)
All things being equal, a chorus of just one wise word, something like "Enough," should be sufficient now to deter the Bush regime which, judging by the politics alone, ought to be the most vulnerable since Nixon's circa 1974. But nothing's equal anymore, and American politics is putting on an ever-more piss-poor pantomime of representative government. The old vocabularies have expired. Throw their lexicons on the Lexus, and burn the Lexus. We need to learn a new language before we can speak this truth to that power.
Contrast the irani prime ministers reported statements with the us president's suggestion that he is prepared to rain holy nuclear fire down on iran.
Even if the prime ministers statements are as rash as they are presented, they are as nothing to that threatened by the president.
From reading the analysis on ICH it is clear the Iranian President's words are being deliberately distorted.
It is also clear that this deliberate and coordinated distortion is another glaring example of how the mainstream media in the west is simply just an arm of the government propaganda machine. I do not even bother to think of them as anything else now.
That said it is hard to figure out why the Iranian president is handing the axis of evil (the Israel, US & UK one) so much potential ammunition.
Or is he?
Maybe he is just going about doing and saying what he always did. The difference now is that the media spotlight of spin has been purposefully turned on him and away from Iraq.
But for some reason I get the feeling he is a willing baddie in this theatre. Not sure why but I have a hunch some deal has been cut over Iraq. Maybe Iran will get a piece of Iraq in some future carve up once the civil war has been finally ignited. (Although I am starting to wonder if the Iraqis will successfully avoid this trap.)
The Iranians are smart people and they know that the manufactured conflict with Iran is a massive help to the US/UK/Israel so why play along?
Would it not have been much smarter to let the focus remain on Iraq. What is in it for them in pursuing this strategy?
How about the confusion of cultures separated by cleanly delineated ethnic, social and geographical lines through the form of digital democratic, corporatistically databased "revolution"?
This he has to say about the erring on the side of humanity at all costs Riverbend:
"Riverbend, the Baleful Baathist of Baghdad, is sitting at home on the couch, her Doc Martens up on the coffee table, wondering what to write for her ONE BLOG ENTRY for the month of April. Later she'll walk down to the vegetable seller and call him a frikking murdering Shiite bastard. In the old days under UNCLE SADDAM, she tells him, his fingernails would have been pulled out by her friends."
See. I've never gotten that "Baathist streak" outta Riverbend. Yet somebody somewhere else has. Why? Why can't she just be another victim of empire and leave it at that? Are the numbers of victims not rife?
My fear, which isn't even a fear anymore, but rather a projection, is that there is a deep well of anatagonistic energy in the common American. This sweet fascist nectar is just now being tapped for the fresh stuff. These won't be your grandfather's anti-semites.
Jeff said;
"We need to learn a new language before we can speak this truth to that power."
Yes, a new language is needed.
As a long time student of current events and parapolitics, I find it interesting that rabble-rousers never do more than irritate our cultural beast. Our leverage to effect events will remain weak as long as we submit to the (formalized) mental conditioning systems that have defined human society since the Consul of Nicea. When at the Consul of Nicea, Jesus was declared to be God, the church became a means to enforce authority and inhibit 'enthusiasm', and therefore an agent of Ahriman.
Descartes, with his clever speculations, further codified this dualistic pretence, separating the spiritual and the physical, - thereby obscuring again the value of individual creative expressions of consciousness.
G-d is far off, “trust us say the authority figures, to explain to you how reality is”. As we learn to better examine our cultural conditioning systems we may notice proposals for improvement.
Our collective criteria for understanding do more to shape psychical expressions than any news tidbit or informed opinion. The ‘harsh critics’ out there are to be reminded that a consequent cannot prove the antecedent and therefore one expression of initial principles cannot be said to be inherently more valid than another. It is in this spirit that the following ‘rules’ for psychical conditioning are presented, a new set of Criteria for Understanding.
1. The spiritual and material is fundamentally the same.
2. Consciousness precedes Being; Being is congealed Consciousness.
3. Taking or presenting relative truth as being Absolute truth produces pathology.
4. Any particle is the agglutination of sub-particles that exhibit the proper combination of frequency, velocity, vector, and a cyclical balance between electro-magnetic attraction and static repulsion characteristics.
5. The manifest expression reflects the balance between order and liberty within consciousness.
Anonymous One,Jeff,I hope your news up in Canada isn't as programed as ours.Project MockingBird is working out nice,and a few of the other black projects are fitting into their places as planned.The next move in the big chess game will have to be checkmate,no way out.Merica has become "the Johnestown Cult",how many are ready to drink the coolaid? I meet more and more people that almost break down and cry when you show them the truth that is out there,"whats the frequency,Kenneth?",later.
I thought I'd try and get a comment in early before all our "friends" from Fort Meade start diluting your post....
This is apparantly the same M.O. being used against fired CIA officer Mary O. McCarthy. Although McCarthy has denied leaking classified information, most new organizations have started their "spin" cycle.
What scares me with their Ahmadinejad typecast, however, is who's next after we're done with this guy?!
At the same time, I tend to agree with "harry's" earlier comment (5:40 A.M.) that Ahmadinejad seems like a willing partner in this made for T.V. movie.
Just a thought but maybe Russia and China are helping Ahmadinejad with his decision making...just a thought.
It certainly does seem that Ahmedinejad is filling his role a bit too perfectly, but I suppose that's exactly the point of this post. Who's version of the 'Truth' do we accept here. I suspect none-of-the-above is the correct answer.
I've been thinking, regarding this whole mess of distraction and disinformation, that the best way to approach this is not to say 'Ahmedinejad said/did' or 'Bush said/did'. We should be thinking in terms of 'Fox News has presented Ahmedinejad thusly...' or 'CNN has portrayed Bush as...'. I don't know if there's ever been such a thing as truly objective journalism (I'm tempted to say that it is inherently impossible), but it certainly doesn't exist anywhere today that I've seen. It's not possible to seperate the message and the messenger when it comes to this stuff.
John Pilger's recent piece The First Casualty of War has this quote:
The oldest cliché is that truth is the first casualty of war. I disagree. Journalism is the first casualty. Not only that: it has become a weapon of war, a virulent censorship that goes unrecognized in the United States, Britain, and other democracies; censorship by omission, whose power is such that, in war, it can mean the difference between life and death for people in faraway countries, such as Iraq.
And, as far as the situation with Iran, I saw the following article that gives an entirely different perspective -- that the idea of bombing Iran is simply a red herring -- that the plan is to make huge profits off of the oil in Iran through what's called Production-Sharing Agreements (PSAs).
Sweet Deals: Behind the Iran 'crisis'
I must admit that I'm finding it extremely difficult to read between the lines -- is Sy Hersh just plain wrong? Is he being used? I hope so.
Or, maybe it's all true -- we'll both bomb Iran AND enter into those PSAs when there's a "stable government" there. Insanity.
-- manxkat
i don't even watch the major nightly news shows anymore, its just thick with fear, desperation and a few giggles at the end. elizabeth vargas is the biggest shill. absolutely destroyed World News Tonight. screw her and her 'grace'. its not grace, its brain numbing blissful ignorance.
and now we get katie couric on cbs, oh yippee!
its the implementation of the nanny state in america. the soothing mothers to serenely lull america into sleep. 'don't worry children it'll ALL be ok in the end'
Have you ever woundered that this is all planned to happen?
For the One World Government to be created, there must be a need for it. There must be chaos, war, hunger, poverty, death. Only in a position of vulnerability, of tiredness, of fear will human kind accept this One World Government. Why is the United Nations playing the "good guy" and the US playing the "bad guy"?This is the conditioning of the colective counsciousness:
"(...)We possess detailed descriptions of the methods used by the Communist police for dealing with political prisoners. From the moment he is taken into custody, the victim is subjected systematically to many kinds of physical and psychological stress. He is badly fed, he is made extremely uncomfortable, he is not allowed to sleep for more than a few hours each night. And all the time he is kept in a state of suspense, uncertainty and acute apprehension. Day after day -- or rather night after night, for these Pavlovian policemen understand the value of fatigue as an intensifier of suggestibility -- he is questioned, often for many hours at a stretch, by interrogators who do their best to frighten, confuse and bewilder him. After a few weeks or months of such treatment, his brain goes on strike and he confesses whatever it is that his captors want him to confess. Then, if he is to be converted rather than shot, he is offered the comfort of hope. If he will but accept the true faith, he can yet be saved -- not, of course, in the next life (for, officially, there is no next life), but in this.(...)"
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
the news has really turned propagandistic in the last few weeks with iran. they make it sound like war will start tomorrow. i just don't believe a thing they say, it makes no sense to me that the iranian president would say such irresponsible things on a public international scale unless he is a puppet or being entirely misrepresented. we tried the puppet thing with the shah and we all know how that ended in 1979.
the media keep saying things about how iran wants to expand its nuclear program without specifying if its the nuclear energy program or a nuclear warhead program. the way they say it makes you think 'they're makin nukes!?'
and then they go on and on everyday with these new explosively inflammatory comments made by ahmadinejad, that as i said before are incredibly irresponsible: it makes no sense.
then we have the bin laden tape and the thing in egypt.
then theres iraq in civil war.
and hamas in palestine.
and a dead sharon.
boy things cartainly worked out in their favor eh?
"One way or another, we became conscious of language—not as a way of communicating, but of constructing something. As if it were a pleasure more than a duty. In the underground, unlike the world of bourgeois intellectuals, the word is not what is most valued. It is relegated to a secondary position. It was when we got to the indigenous communities that language hit us, like a catapult. Then you realize that you lack the words to express many things, and that obliges you to work on language...
We went out into the world in the same way that we went out into literature. I think this marked us. We didn’t look out at the world through a news-wire but through a novel, an essay or a poem. That made us very different. That was the prism through which my parents wanted me to view the world, as others might choose the prism of the media, or a dark prism to stop you seeing what’s happening."
- SUBCOMANDANTE INSURGENTE MARCOS, June 2001, in an interview by García Márquez and Roberto Pombo
Thank you Sounder for the definition of a "new language". Sounds very much like William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Within his writing is the philosophy of a balance between order and liberty, reason and creativity. We must recognize the power of 'divide and conquer'.
We must also have no fear. Everyone who writes in this blog "I'm afraid" or "I fear" are feeding the beast. We must see the enemy in ourselves. Our power is in our 'knowing' not merely thinking.
My personal problem today is handling the constant rejection from friends and family because I 'know' and they're too afraid to know or even to look. Therefore they reject the messenger. I'm trying to span that gulf and create a bridge.
I'm very thankful that I finally do 'know' because I'm more comfortable knowing than not understanding. I understand why there's so much suffering in the world. I know more now than at any time when I used to watch TV and read the local paper. And thank you to all who blog/dialogue and create this community of like-minded people. Too bad we can't have one big BBQ/potluck party with all the regulars of this blog. Thanks to Jeff for creating it.
I agree with "Sounder" and "Luposapien" to some extent while disagreeing with "Harry," "Paul," "Ericswan," and "Kin."
As we've read here before, the most effective lies are half-truths. Just as jokes tend to contain underlying elements of truth, I believe most of what the journalists, editors, and media owners give us often contains such a mix, but based on sufficient facts so that slander and libel suits are rarely forthcoming. Sometimes, however, the reporters are right, and it is the source of the news that has the power to manipulate "truth" and perceived reality. Goering and Hitler, anyone?
This reminds me of another "w.," euGene Scott... "The picture's the thing." People ought to start considering beliefs and knowledge on a contingent basis, with the critical thinking abilities to accept a truth or assertion that is better founded than the one they have. As it stands, verisimilitude appears to be the standard of acceptance by John Public--that and convenience.
Simply because our media sources contain a mix of truth and lies does not logically mean that nothing they have reported about Ahmadinejad is true or even that the context was misrepresented. Surely one world leader with the financial means is as adept at manipulation of the public via the media as another.
Here, the reader is perhaps best off adopting a stance such that we accept the reports as contingently true until a superior report with better facts comes through. When the risks are high, such as those that we might have to deal with a fanatical fundamentalist regime with nuclear capabilities demands both the greatest awareness as well as the greatest scrutiny.
That means it cannot be simply written off and ignored. What if Ahmadinejad is manipulating the Iranian people just as much as American institutions are manipulating us? What if we all buy into it?
The inability to move outside a dualistic or dialectic truth structure is a great weakness. Either he is a new "little Hitler" or he isn't. We fail to consider the different ways he may or may not be like demagogues of the past.
With rising oil prices and a planet in the balance, the situation is unique, increasing uncertainty and anxiety, further pushing people towards accepting simple truths that fail to caputre the nuances of "reality."
That is as frightening to me as the anonymous ignoramuses who post their irrelevant views in this forum. Nonetheless, some are warnings to us of how easily many people will accept convenient, simple statements of truth and support anybody who appears successful and "in the know" enough to improve their perceived problems.
If we protest, we must demand more information in the process, not decry the lies of the media and politicians with the simple-minded attitude of "whatever you say, we believe the opposite." Read enough, and you will be left with no truths to hold on to at all.
Former CIA Angola Task Force director turned whistleblower John Stockwell tells of how a CIA-generated fake story about Cuban soldiers raping Angolan women was played up for weeks in the American presstitute papers. This would be in 1975 or 1976. The CIA newspaper fable climaxed with the capture of the Cuban villains and the raped women forming the firing squad that executed them. I remember reading this story at the time and wondering what the US was doing in Angola so soon after fleeing Vietnam. Stockwell wondered too and quit after the debacle.
I don't mind repeating myself:
Fascism is a male domination cult. War is killing people to steal their stuff.
Military intelligence has honed the black art of bringing out the worst in people
to harness the energy of predictable behaviors for control and profit.
From Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to Ronald Reagan-era School of the Americas military dictatorship manuals,
the suppression and control of We the People by the military and its moneyed henchmen is the primary goal of 'our government.'
This black art of fascism is a conspiracy carried out by the Pentagon, CIA and other alphabet agencies, and corporate weasels intended to
demoralize, divide, deceive, exploit, and destroy
the masses for the profits of the few.
Crimes against humanity that were once attributed to the Devil
are now the job description for the National inSecurity State
since 1947.
Fortunately, some of us don't get used to the smell of sulphur.
Anon 9.39am
Re Ft. Meade.
It took 17 posts?
A high-level Iranian delegation was rumored to have secretly met with US negotiators just 2 weeks ago, though how much negotiation took place is anyone's guess. More like coordination. Both sides have invested too much in this little charade to back down now. The old strauss/qutb dog & pony show, but now its for keeps.
From today's SMC on the Iran info-op:
Dramatic structure lies at the heart of any good psy-op and refers to the narrative components into which it, like any good fable, can be broken down into.
In the initial phase termed exposition, the background information that is needed to understand the story properly is beaten into the heads of the targeted population per incessant repetition. Such information includes basic information such as the protagonist, the antagonist, the basic purported conflict including an overly articulated threat scenario, and the setting.
The exposition ends with the inciting moment, which is the single incident in the story's action without which there would be no story. The inciting moment sets the remainder of the story in motion beginning with the second act.
We now find ourselves at the junction between the exposition phase ending in an inciting moment and the transition into the second act's rising action. This junction revolves completely around culminating Security Council antics - and at that, John Bolton is the right man with the right stuff to ensure a smooth and unimpeded transition into the action phase of this prewritten script.
There will be no resolution of any synthetic conflict at this point, no matter what the Iranians do or don't do. Conflict is what we want and what this psy-op is all about. The predetermined agenda to attack and destabilize Iran is being laboriously pretexted - and we are the target of this pretexting psy-op - not Iran. Psychological warfare has been declared against you.
H.M. (Humanity) Wins, and Ronald Stark:
You are both right on in your analyses and conclusions. Read today's IHT screed by Zbig Breszinski against any invasion of Iran. His is the summum bonum erzatz expression of faux internal opposition the plan that's already been signed off on, to make it kosher for the masses to accept US aggression when the shit comes down. I mean, c'mon, wink wink, nod nod, ZB complaining about the immorality of bombing Iran? This is the guy who created "alCIAduh" in 1979 fer Crysakes, who along with PNAC longed for the precipitating crisis to spark the long war. Now we are supposed to believe that he's railing against the next stage of what is partly his baby? I think not.
23skidoo, who are you kidding to say that any rich man can buy equal access to the world's mainstream media, which is the only thing the masses watch or listen to? If what you say is so then why is it that all the msm, alJazeera included, are only skewed one way, and all helping the plan along? Guess again. Were you born yesterday, or the day before? Or are you just blowing smoke?
April 21, 2006
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
It is more effective to manage society by mind control than by physical coercion. The events of 9-11 and the "war on terror" mostly are exercises in mass brainwashing.
German psychiatrist Kurt Lewin, who became director of the elite-sponsored Tavistock Institute in 1932, developed the thinking behind 9-11. In the book "Mind Control World Control" (1997) Jim Keith writes:
"Lewin is credited with much of the original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing applying the results of repeated trauma and torture [of individuals] in mind control to society at large."
"If terror can be induced on a widespread basis into a society, Lewin has stated, then society reverts to a tabula rasa, a blank slate, a situation where control can easily be instituted from an external point."
"Put another way: By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control. Lewin maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to an 'early childhood situation.' He termed this societal chaos 'fluidity.'" (Page 44)
Elite planners designed Sept. 11 for its shock value. In the aftermath, they were able to impose a security crackdown, a costly military build-up and a war in Afghanistan and Iraq on a stunned population.
Keith cites another Tavistock researcher Dr. William Sargent author of "Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing" (1957): "Various types of beliefs can be implanted after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by ...deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement." (48)
This blueprint was laid out long before Sept. 11, 2001. The official story of that tragedy doesn't bear scrutiny. There was no wreckage at the Pentagon. All three buildings were demolished by explosives. Our "leaders" are accomplices to the murder of over 3000 Americans and the destruction of an American icon. The plan is to fold the US into a "world government" controlled by London-based central bankers. Our cultural, economic and political elite is complicit in the ongoing cover up.
Most political and cultural events are contrived by the elite for their psychological effect. JFK could have been disposed of in more humane ways. (He had many health problems.) Instead, for its shock value, they shot him down , in Mort Sahls' words, "like a dog in the street."
Jim Keith: "The Kennedy assassination was a British Intelligence, i.e. Tavistock hit, and its purpose was to shock the American consciousness into a near-comatose state for reprogramming, the standard Tavistock modus operandi." (p.143)
The same can be said for the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. It all climaxed with the beatings of demonstrators at the 1968 Chicago Democratic convention. After that, my generation turned inward as we were programmed to do. "Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out" said CIA funded pied piper Timothy Leary.
["I mean who was I supposed to work for, the KGB?" Leary quipped. (Keith p.99) Leary didn’t realize that there wasn't a big difference.]
Many young people became "dead heads" after Jerry Garcia's Grateful Dead. Keith writes:
"An FBI internal memo from 1968 mentions the employment of the Grateful Dead as an avenue 'to channel youth dissent and rebellion into more benign and non-threatening directions.' [They] performed a vital service in distracting many young persons into drugs and mysticism, rather than politics." (179)
Keith goes on to document CIA connections to the creation of mind control cults used to create "controlled chaos." These include the Symbionese Liberation Army, Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Scientology, the Unification Church, Son of Sam and Heaven's Gate. The John Lennon assassination also ties in. (183)
To bring the picture up to date, add the murder of Princess Diana, Columbine, the blowing of the levees in New Orleans, the burning of Black churches, and the bird flu scare. What we have is an ongoing secret war by the central bankers against society, a drumbeat of psychological torture designed to keep society off balance or zoned out.
The most significant thing about our life is that we are victims of elite mind control. We have been trained to be apathetic, trivia-minded and self absorbed. Apart from the political shocks, we are hardly aware of the vicious attack on our natural heterosexuality by a psy-op known as "feminism" masquerading as womens rights.
We get our values, identity, meaning and love from our family roles. Women were brainwashed to abandon the female role and compete for the male role. A woman who dedicated herself to husband, home and children was stigmatized. This is part of the long-term elite program to eliminate the institutions of marriage and family.
According to this web site, "Tavistock Institute has developed such power in the USA, that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock, or one of its subsidiaries." Read how Tavistock directs hundreds of elite think tanks and corporations in the United States. The degree of elite coordination is breath taking.
For example, Century 21 has a new ad where a real estate agent is greeting a middle class Chinese couple arriving to settle in America. The voice-over says something like: "This is the shape of the future. We are agents of change."
Obviously this ad will not appeal to Americans looking for a realtor. Rather, it conditions them to embrace immigration. Central banker dupes and lackeys have used the term "change agents" to describe themselves for decades.
Mankind is in the grip of a satanic force and is sinking into a coma. Our "leaders" work for an occult cabal of super rich perverts and criminals who secretly plot the end of Western Civilization and world tyranny. They see us as animals to be trained or culled.
The good news is that the animals "owe" them a lot of money for their fiat currency. So if we can tune out their madness, we can relax. The chaos is controlled. Wars are all orchestrated and they love money too much to destroy us, at least not yet.
Related my "How the Elite Play God"
and New Orleans: The Strategy for World Government
and John Kerry and the Art of Brainwashing
Are people aware that the iranian president has been misrepresented in the english language press in some of his statements:
An important antidote to MEMRI propaganda
Anonymous 9:49 -
I can believe Brzezinski doesn't want another war. All these people are out for profit, but they have different ideas about how to go about it. A lot of the figures associated with Bush Sr. seem to be more interested at this point in stability and deal-making than in chaos and looting. Now that the Soviet Union is out of the way, they'd be perfectly happy to have a clutch of small but prosperous nations in the Middle East and Central Asia to exploit. Bush Jr.'s plans disrupt trade and stir up anti-American feeling and the "realists" can't be happy about that.
The soviet union was never in the way to begin with. Who do you think financed it? Er, uh Wall Street and the City of London. Read some of Antony Sutton for starters. This is old news.
If all they wanted were some pliant countries to exploit they could have had that decades ago. No, I'm sorry, they revel in chaos and the degredation of humankind. Ordo ab chao ain't just a slogan. It's a long-term Luciferian strategy.
Get the full horror of it straight in your mind.
To clarify:
The Soviet Union was never “in the way” to begin with, having been financed by Wall Street and the City of London. Read some Antony Sutton, late of Stanford U., for starters. This is old news. War is far more profitable when all sides of the conflict are stage-managed by the same financier/provocateurs, as has been the case now for the past 250 years, give or take.
If all these advocates of demonocracy wanted were some pliable client nation-states to exploit, they could have had that decades ago and been done with it and be on permanent vacation. But they are not about that. They are about the total degradation of humankind in furtherance of their sick, Luciferian agenda. Ordo Ab Chao isn’t just a slogan. It’s a long term geo-political cum metaphysical strategy.
The last words of Colonel Kurtz characterized it well.
To anon. 12:39
My etiological pretences derive from some mental experiments done while a teenager. In short, I took note that while I felt smarter than most folk in my small town, I felt blessed to realize most ‘knowledge’ was hearsay, and ignorance (my own) was pervasive.
The preacher for our fundamentalist church talked about the blind leading the blind, and I thought, ‘Well who is going to admit that they are blind? Not the preacher, certainly. I saw forms designed to induce conformity, yet if taken differently these forms could reveal substance of a nature more useful than the conventional interpretation.
I became a junkie for finding what is behind door number three.
It has been gratifying to find validation in William Blake and Abraham Heschel, although similar ideas floated in my mind long before contact with them.
hey jeff i think you need to work on an inspiring article, something like giving us examples of actions that are being taken that are helpful, but whatever haha.
but to the point i want to make now: the truth is we all have the power to slow down their juggernaut at an incredibly fast pace when people realize how powerful they really are. not to sound irrationally nationalist but americans, each american has vast power granted by the US constitution to control their own destiny. it is written in it that we have every justifiable right to protect ourselves, against tyranny in every form. so what i'm trying to say is every american are as powerful as they are allowed to be as written in the constitution, which goes far.
so we then have these elites who wish to control everything because they worship power, lets call it their religion. their religion tells them 'prosperity by all means necessary'. and then you have america since by its very inception is all about maintaining inalienable inherent human rights.
so theres been a clash, always i'd say. over time americans have literally been culled into a herd mentality. 65% of adult americans are overweight, and 90% i believe have TVs. i think this is indicative of something. its systematic programming.
and look where we are today in April 2006. the most fascistic presidency on record (for this country) on the verge of declaring war on a 3rd country in less than 5 years because of a state orchestrated implosion of some of the tallest buildings on earth 5 years ago designed to terrorize the people of the country to walk into an open dictatership.
i dunno what else to say.
i just noticed we've had all this terrorist crap in the last few days. i ask you, is it a coincidence that the new 911 movie comes out in 2 days?
that some story popped up today about how a lone respresentative won't vote to appove a memorial of the very thing that this new movie is about?
Sharon knew who controls American government and it's lil'puppet politicians. The world isn't mad at America so much as they're laughing their asses off at just how stupid half your population is while American's other half are just sitting around waiting for the others to come out of it.
I can't wait to see what happens when mossad tries another 911, just watch Larry Silversteins bank account add on a few more zero's to keep his mouth shut.
to anon 10:15
I basically agree with everything Makow writes but I don't agree with this quote "We get our values, identity, meaning and love from our family roles". All 'roles' are created to fit the agenda. We are not born to live 'roles'. We are born to live with creativity and spontaneity until it's beaten out of us by society, schools, parents and workplace.
And it's no surprise the 9/11 movie is coming out. They need to reinforce the lie by playing on American's heartstrings - just like the Mossoui trial and all the taped phone calls, etc.
I wonder if the Iranian Government would consider hiring a PR firm in Washington? Since the U.S. has no sanctions in place against Iran at present, it's not out of the question.
I remember that the Serbian Govt. of Milosevic was not allowed to hire a PR firm in Washington because of sanctions against his country.
However, this did not prevent the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the parliamentary opposition in Kosovo from hiring Ruder Finn Global Public Affairs, a Washington DC-based public relations firm.
When interviewed in 1993, James Harff, Ruder Finn's director related how he used a file of several hundred journalists, politicians, representatives of humanitarian associations, and academics to manufacture public opinion against Serbia.
Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a False Prophet?
Irangate: The Israel Connection
I think perhaps most people fail to consider the obvious. Israel was and is a constuct of the West. Israel was brought into existence to destabilize the middle east because of their oil reserves. Globalization seeks unfettered access to the worlds resources. To do that,the globalist seek to undermine national sovereignty not only in the satellites of the former U.S.S.R,but in the middle east as well. Iraq and Iran are just small pieces in this very deadly conquest which is being run by the very old rule of divide and conquer. Of course a compliant and controlled media is being used to further these ends. One should not be surprised to find that being the case. It is not about building democracy in the middle east,it is about destroying nations that are in the way of controlling these very important resources.
Anonymous 5:20 PM said...
"We are not born to live 'roles" ...
You can thank your lucky stars you live this life without out that demand pressed upon you...
Everyone who is a prostitute or a slave is definately living a 'role' and its a life of servitude.
Alexander Franklin Mutter, a.k.a. Floyd Smoots said, too bad you kicked one of the better educated folks off your discussion board, Jeff. I have NO apologies to make to you. It's your little world-game here at R.I., and your quirky rules; but when you ban someone like me who actually means no harm, accusing me of being more heat than light, and continue to let a TOTAL FOOL like "professorpan" stay onboard to wash the soles of your feet with his lizard-like tongue, then both of us, Jeff and Alex are the Real Losers.
I would still like to know the why of "no one" on your board can "dis" Jews in any way (and I truly am NOT Anti-Semitic!), but it's just grand to let pagans, new-agers, et al, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, disparage the God of the Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all of us who believe in it.
However, very much like yourself, Jeff, I DO try to live in the real world, such as it is, so I already think I know the answers to my questions. Just wanted to let you know that I still read the "nuggets of gold" and the "Excrement" (professorpan comes to mind), so knowing what little of you that I do, I do not consider your blog a total loss.
While I would enjoy re-instatement, and I won't lie about that, I will NOT ask, nor BEG for same, unlike Thumperton, whomever he/she/it was or were. As Uncle Floyd might say, "jist so's ya know, ya know?".
Anonymous 8:50 said "...I will NOT ask, nor BEG for same..."
Louder! Ask! Beg!
Er, Floyd -
I would still like to know the why of "no one" on your board can "dis" Jews in any way (and I truly am NOT Anti-Semitic!), but it's just grand to let pagans, new-agers, et al, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, disparage the God of the Holy Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all of us who believe in it.
The difference, if you haven't noticed, is that people can get their feelings hurt, and gods can't. Gods are either non-existent, and therefore have no feelings to *be* hurt, or they're transcendent, and thus above it all. Either way, it turns out not to be a problem.
People, on the other hand, are delicate and easily damaged and therefore you have to be very careful in what you say about them.
See the difference? foist lastus
re "roles"
Indeed, vast numbers of the population seem to have prostituted and enslaved themselves to the machinery of the consumer society. It's amazing how many people think they're
"well off" while living on mountains of debt and facing WWIII with warmongers in the White House.
And to Mr. Angry aka Mutter aka Smoots - anger, fear, depression, divide and conquer - they all feed the beast.
Perhaps I repeat the same idea that has been told numerous times before me, this is a deliberate attempt to collide to world's largest religions, initiated by some third force. And I will not be surprised if some time in the future it becomes clear that Ahmadinejad was another Osama Bin Laden carefully bred by America for its ominous interests.
Jeff who forms your opinions for you? My recently changed mind has to work in the ether to form an opinion. Recently being "at the moment" The "givens" we receive in forming an opinion have been dictated by a system. We suspect the "system" has an "agenda". Divide and conquer works because Remembrance Day is just around the corner and we must honour our veterans because they saved us from Hitler.
Hey, what do I read? Hitler lives? We haven't been saved? Then why do we celebrate the dead?
Maybe you could post your visitor ISP's and we could go from there?
Halacha and Agada
Law and Spontaneity
Order and Liberty
These three word pairs point to the same thing. All experience contains both elements. When unbalanced, negative expressions are more likely to occur. When one of the pair is denigrated in order for the other to be built up, both will hide substance.
Some seem to want to freeze the spiritual into the physical, that is order comes from the spiritual and should determine everything. Trouble is, what is the actual nature of that order, beyond ones pretentious conceptions (religion)? The polar mental type will claim that order comes from the material.
Both styles of mentality are uncomfortable with how the pre-manifest becomes manifest.
So all to often we focus on; which side of the coin should be facing up? Rather than the potentially more productive pursuit of figuring out what the coin is made of.
Terrorism lives and please ignore that man behind the curtain. The fact that Iraq has settled it's political squabbles and a leader has been chosen should defuse the sectarian violence. Well, not if "they" can help it. The agenda has a "plan" for all contingencies and "peace breaking out all over" requires a few more nails in the coffin.
Its obvious that the media, and the Bush administration, are actively distorting what Iran is saying and doing. Its absurd to believe that Iran, under any type of leadership, would do anything that would only lead to its assured destruction. What that means is that even if they get the bomb, thats all it will amount to, they will have the bomb.
Hey, this whole business about developing new languages or new vocabularies is, to quote Col. Potter, just horse cookies, and serves only to obfuscate. You just need to trust yourself.
Humans have developed in response to a variety of things but primarily what we are results from our social organization. To live as a social creature, we have developed the ability to lie and to detect lies.
You may not have any confidence in your ability to lie or detect lies, but you should, because other people do. Further, these other people know how to erode your confidence and belief in detecting lies.
If you can't get a bead on something, if you can't detect a lie, its probably because you don't have enough information or contact with the lier to make your determination. This is a serious issue because it is another way liers use to evade detection. That is why the media should really be called disinter-media-tion.
There may be shades of lies, subleties, or subject matter that keeps you from seeing a lie, but not other languages or vocabularies. Believe in what you see, what you hear and feel. Call it cognitive dissonance, bullshit detector, bad vibes, gut feelings or whatever - just listen to it. More often than not, when someone is lying to you, you will know.
So few are left who are interested in the truth... well done for telling how it is.
I'm searching for the image of a youth raising an illuminated globe or sphere from the last Ahmadinejad press conference. Did a fairly extensive search, but could not locate one. Found it very reminisent of old Soviet and National Socialist propaganda art.
blogbart said,
"You just need to trust yourself."
I don't trust myself and I do not trust you either. The reasons are several yet simple. I have no assurance that my perceptions and conceptions of reality actually correspond to that reality. Further, examination of past models for understanding reveals ridiculous assumptions and conclusions. Current assumptions and conclusions are largely just as ridiculous, obscured by the clever ego that convinced the shallow personality that appearances are reality itself.
Dualism also provides a convenient cover for dishonesty, and (disincentive for honesty). After all, everyone trusts those that share their own pretences before they trust someone that challenges those pretences.
For the record, I don’t like metaphysics either
I have no assurance that my perceptions and conceptions of reality actually correspond to that reality. Further, examination of past models for understanding reveals ridiculous assumptions and conclusions. Current assumptions and conclusions are largely just as ridiculous, obscured by the clever ego that convinced the shallow personality that appearances are reality itself.
Dualism also provides a convenient cover for dishonesty, and (disincentive for honesty). After all, everyone trusts those that share their own pretences before they trust someone that challenges those pretences.
When you feel the need for a bowel movement .. trust that feeling and go sit on a toilet.
Or, you could choose to believe that it is not real, and make a mess in your pants.
Your choice.
blogbart and sounder:
We simply must be able to trust ourselves or we're lost. In trusting ourselves we can begin trusting others. Discernment.
Alex Mutter says, no, Anonymous 12:34, In God We Trust, all others must pay in cash. Look at your money if you don't believe it. Live long and Prosper!!!
anon 12:34
We are lost and we best admit it so as to stop walking in circles.
Lost my responce to blogbart in the cut and paste,oh well, no loss.
America can stand in front of a 13 strip flag and still say, "In God We Trust" then blow away hundreds of thousands of people all over the world from Vietnam to Iraq and boast that you are doing the lords work, certainly must give God reason enough to wipe you off his good books. I think your founding fathers should have stuck with the original flag of the coiled up serpent over a black background forming a 666. Even the devil goes to church on Sunday in the good'ol U.S of A, takes christian money and hands it to fellow blood worshipping demon ridden lords in Washington to help expand the new world order.
The devils ultimate goal is to get American christians to knowingly destroy and abuse the holy spirit (which the bible say's is, "unforgivable", got that?) You may call it peace but it don't smell like it.
The anti-christ will arrive as a saviour and turn out to be nothing but a dictator, like demi-god Bush who should have been run out of the WhiteHouse long ago, yet American christians are silent. So this proves that American's love to, no, need to kill. You killed off the Indians,drove them out from their tee-pee's and promptly put up signs and flags that read, "don't tread on me,"
The black marble statue that sits way up there on your capital building, do you dorks even know who it is? It was put up there as a dedication to the god of war. Your true god. There are other countries whose rulers may have slaughtered millions more but at least they didn't claim to be born-again christians. America simply is not a christian nation. Pat Robertson is not a christian. He may call himself one, but you are and always will be American's first. Your lifestyles and blasphemous ways are proof enough to that fact. Any country who kills in the name of freedom and bares false witness against his neighbour so as to steal and covet their resources is anti-christ. Satans new world order is here and American christians made it happen.
It seems like masonic symbols are everywhere. The triangle of death was chosen for a reason and according to those who had near death experiences like a man by the name of Howard Storm, (who had no belief system until his,) was an artist turned minister and describes in detail and with paintings what hell is like and states that the gates to hell are white vortex triangles.
I wouldn't wish hell on anyone, but if today's christian won't stop living in denial when the facts are right there before our eye's and turn our faces because those who are in pain live in a different country then I have to ask myself what kind of souls go to heaven? I know the meek shall inherit the earth so that leaves America out. God will judge us accordingly so if folks think being born-again is a free pass while living in sin then they better get a good lawyer because Jesus said on judgment day many would say to him , 'did I not cast out evil spirits', and do good things in your name? Which Jesus would reply, "I never knew you!"
Like it or not, Judgment day is for all of us and with good reason. It'll keep lower class spirits from contaminating heavenly places. Even the Annunaki who we're the very children of God
got kicked out of the heavens.
Check out this thread on godlikeproductions:
it talks about how the media distorts the Iranian president's words.
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