"Never saw nothing at all"

Everybody wears a halo, never saw nothing at all
So who put that bullet hole in Peggy's kitchen wall? - Bruce Cockburn
I was in the middle of writing something else when I saw this. Read it fast, while it lasts, because it's the kind of discomforting story that disappears quickly with little follow-up and no national attention.
Two Houston men driving a tractor-trailer pulled up to the gate of Pennsylvania's Beaver Valley nuclear power station Tuesday afternoon. They said they'd arrived from Chicago with an empty flatbed to pick up a large tool container bound for Youngstown, Ohio.
There are at least a couple of accounts of what happened next. In one, the men drove away as soon as they were informed their vehicle would be subject to routine inspection, prompting the security guards to become suspicious and call police, "who pulled the truck over about a mile from the plant." In the sleeping compartment, more than half a million dollars in ten bundles of small bills wrapped in plastic and duct tape was found stuffed in a locked duffel bag. In another version the bag is found by security before the truckers drive off and the search warrant is executed. In both, the truckers claim they had no idea what was in the bag, and offer no persuasive explanation for how it got there. One trucker claimed it was for a truck his boss hoped to purchase, "but when the security workers called the truckers' boss in Houston, he also said he knew nothing about the money." In this account, it was the boss who instructed the drivers to back away from the plant and return to the road.
Three more things: A police dog sensed drug residue on the bills (Not necessarily exceptional, that: "The probability that every single person in the United States is carrying drug-tainted money is almost certain.") Though the truckers were said to be polite and cooperative, one of them wasn't carrying identification, and told the dog-ate-my-homework tale of it having been stolen from the truck the night before. (While a duffel bag of cash was left behind?) And the "truckers worked for a company hired by San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., which is performing construction work and replacing equipment at the plant."
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force was summoned and quickly sized up the situation. The truckers were released, the money seized and, as seen in this video, it was the reporters who were detained. The truckers were allowed to leave because authorities claimed there was no indication they had committed a crime. How quaint, and how selective the presumption of innocence. That the men were from Houston rather than, say, Bangla Desh, meant they didn't look like terrorists to the security guards, even though Michael Meiring also lived in Houston for a time.
So what is going on here? Because something just had its cover blown.
Could the intention have been to purchase nuclear material, perhaps for a dirty bomb to trigger the Iran war and make a US nuclear assault less objectionable? Could be, but I'd also say this scene appears too sloppy for such a task, and Bechtel wouldn't risk showing its hand so close to such action.
It strikes me, rather, as aspects of a covert drug routine so familiar that the players got lazy. Caught out, all they have to do is forfeit the money back to the government from which it probably came. In this old racket, Bechtel risks nothing.
On the other hand, terror and drugs are simply different manifestations of the same Will to Control. So whatever was intended will still endeavour to find its way, and the media will be looking somewhere else, comprehending nothing.
Just a quick note; While G>H>W> Bush was VP under REagan. He was in charge of two "TWIGs." One on drugs and the other on terrorism. Two "crisis" being used to dismantle our constituition and run roughshod over the world.
Kris Millegan
Anonymous One,they sure make this shit look easy,almost like waving a magick wand in front of us.I'm sorry but fiction is now reality folks,the Jedi masters a now in control.This bad movie that we all play a part in,is starting to look like "plan Chaos"is in effect."We make the reality,you are just left to react" they weren't kidding when they made that remark at the white house.Oh,the money came out of Chicago,isn't that where the dirty bomb is suppose to go off in early June?Later.
Other recent news about Beaver Valley:
The Beaver Valley 2 nuclear reactor at Shippingport, Beaver County, resumed producing electricity on Thursday (Apr. 6), following repair of an electrical malfunction, owner FirstEnergy Corp. said. The unit, which can produce enough power for 664,800 homes, shut down Sunday (Apr. 2). Unit 1, offline since February, remains shut down for refueling and equipment replacement.
From: here
I suppose nobody bothered to look through the 'tools?' At least we can trust the JTTF to be thorough and prompt. I always call them when i stumble onto a duffle bag full of cash in my sleeper cab, and they've always been there to relieve my burden of conscience.
But what about the other possability - that the money was the result of a sale and not for a purchase ?
While I was laying out the tinfoil argument to my wife about this incident, ("See? SEE!? Explain THAT, Mrs. "My-husband-is-a-kook"!) she came up with a semi-plausible legit explanation. It COULD be, she hypothesized, one of those homeland security exercises to test plant security.
"NO," I said, "if that were the case, they would have simply announced that the plant had successfully passed the test... 'HS is on the job, folks!'"
Then she popped back that perhaps it was less an exercise, and more a "sting" designed to catch out someone they had their eye on. In that case, when plant security botched it up, they would try and downplay the whole thing so as not to tip off the target.
Why, oh why does she reject the tinfoil so?
Half a million dollars in small bills seems an unlikely prop for a security sting. I would think, as with airport drills, that objects which could compromise physical safety would be more credible.
As fortune would have it, I happen to have a meeting scheduled with Mr. van Osdal tomorrow on another matter (concerning 9/11). I will ask him more about this situation and post any results.
Names released in an update from the Beaver County Times:
"The men, Donald R. Kingsby and William Lewis, were released Tuesday evening, though state police kept the money because they suspected there could be drug residue on it. The men denied the money belonged to them."
A quick search finds only one hit for "Donald Kingsby." Oddly enough, from a 1989 Australian case of trespassing at the NSA facility of Pine Gap. A Donald Kingsby is described as it's "new head."
Extremely unlikely, of course, to be the same guy. Probably just one of life's little synchronicities.
as you said before jeff
"there seems less a regard on the side of the High Perps for maintaining appearances. The mask slips more readily, even proudly. And one of the things these days I'm not crazy about is the implication of that."
but i think there is great hope, this blog is indicative and evidentiary of it.
er rather, let's say a pandora's box the PTB can't easily close.
on a side note, any of you remember this?
Who shorted British pound? Currency fell 6% in 10 days before London terror attacks
this is also kind of..interesting:
CIA mines 'rich' content from blogs
i'll shut up, but this just occured to me..a reason many choose not to 'fight' because they assume they are alone, one of a very few and thusly impotent. but i assure you guys. we have some help.
now get movin.
"Now I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan"
- Warren Zevon
Perhaps these guys were supposed to be caught in order to create a diversion.
From the most recent update of the Beaver County Times:
"Davis said Kingsby and Lewis called their boss while state police were being notified, and their boss told the men to leave and he would send another truck to remove the tools."
i just found a diary post about this strange story in 3rd position on the 'Recommended Diaries' list on DailyKos. it has 47 comments as of 10:30 am CST. Cool beans eh?
$500K Seized; Strange Situation Reported At Nuclear Plant
by golly your famous Jeff! this blog is mentioned and excrpted in the 3rd comment!!
There's a good post on this mysterious coverup here.
hath the revolution began?
woohoo, we got some people thinking.
Well this made my day. I live about 3 miles from the plant in question. I know I'll sleep so much better knowing that PA's crack law enforcement team lets guys like this walk without much hassle.
1/2 million in cash, drug residue on cash or in cab, & they're appearing unannounced at a nuclear power plant.
But hey, they're from Houston & work for Bechtel, so I can see why there's no problem here. Nosirree bob. Nothing suspicious whatsoever.
& double fuck.
Maaan....that's some junk in the trunk!....
Hmmmm...seems like everything these days is a Houston conspiracy.
My guess is that this story has nothing whasoever to do with terrorism of any kind, and is not remotely connected to anything nuclear, except insofar as nuclear plants have very loose security checks at the entrance.
The guys driving forgot that, didn’t know it or ignored it as they were ordered to do a pickup there - they went, later they would do a delivery (the bag of money.) Routine. Boring.
Caught, they could only claim they knew nothing of the ‘special shipment’ they are used to ferrying about. The missing ID is also very common. Saying it was stolen is a good excuse. That the money tested positive for drugs means nothing. That is why they were let go - this was business as usual and not terrorism.
Nuclear plants are in fact very safe places. Not because they are so well guarded at their territorial perimeter - they are not - but because there is nothing much a determined sabotageur can do once he is inside it. The only thing that will create a nuclear explosion is incredibly powerful bombs, and it is impossible to approach the heart of the reaction - for anyone. The only way to do it is from the air, by plane, or to create an ‘accident’ (such as Tchernobyl, which was a real accident) but that would mean paying at least half the employees in the place (assuming they were willing to die years ahead and kept quiet during that time) millions over many years. Even then, it probably wouldn’t work.
‘Nukulear’ is a trigger scare word for people in the West. They automatically feel frightened. The media hype - orchestrated and sincere, after all journalists are idiots like anyone else - about terrorists setting off suitcase bombs, or entering nuclear plants, etc. has affected them. Rather than think about technology and security (that costs tax payer money and requires some thought) they prefer to turn their minds to men in vans wearing turbans or what not.
It is the same old, same old - trucks that are bio labs, aluminunim tubes that are part of lethal weapons, a tiny vial of dead botulin in a broken down fridge, duct tape that will keep you safe - etc. - designed to send Soccer Mom and Conspiracy Joe into a paranoid craze, vote for ‘fascists’ and be scared of going on the internet or borrowing books from the local library (not that they do that much anyway.)
The real danger is elsewhere.
Houston.....we have a problem....
oh, and here's another thing...what IS the deal with Ohio, Texas, and Florida? Seems like 90% of all of the crazymaking we talk about on these blogs comes out of those places?
The Ohio theft of the election for example?
Not even going to start on the craziness associated with Texas or Florida... could write a book on that...
What the *^&^ is going on?
have you heard the one about the Hunts, the Murchisons, and Carlos Marcello?
Texas seems to be something of a vortex for crazies of all sorts, but I think much of the coruption relevant to the current discussion has to do with, you guessed it, the oil industry, and Houson is at the black-gold diseased heart of it.
I am a born/raised Texan, by the way, so when I speak of crazies, it's based on experience.
The drug deal theory seems strange to me (you don't need a flat bed for 500K of drugs). Most likely in my view is that the money is a pay off for SOMETHING from inside the perimeter of the plant. A search of the 'equipment' that was to be picked up might prove interesting.
Dirty bomb myth:
JOHN ASHCROFT , ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES : Recent intelligence reports suggest that Al Qaeda leaders have emphasised planning for attacks on apartment buildings, hotels, and other soft or lightly-secured targets in the United States.
ASHCROFT : Terrorists are considering physical attacks against US financial institutions.
VO: And Abu Zubaydah also told his interrogators of a terrifying new weapon the Islamists intended to use: an explosive device that could spray radiation through cities, the “dirty bomb.”
DAN RATHER : First, a CBS News exclusive about a captured Al Qaeda leader who says his fellow terrorists have the know-how to build a very dangerous weapon and get it to the United States.
VO: And the media took the bait. They portrayed the dirty bomb as an extraordinary weapon that would kill thousands of people, and, in the process, they made the hidden enemy even more terrifying. But, in reality, the threat of a dirty bomb is yet another illusion. Its aim is to spread radioactive material through a conventional explosion, but almost all studies of such a possible weapon have concluded that the radiation spread in this way would not kill anybody because the radioactive material would be so dispersed, and, providing the area was cleaned promptly, the long-term effects would be negligible. In the past, both the American army and the Iraqi military tested such devices and both concluded that they were completely ineffectual weapons for this very reason.
INTERVIEWER : How dangerous would a dirty bomb be?
DR THEODORE ROCKWELL , NUCLEAR SCIENTIST AND RADIATION RISK EXPERT : The deaths would be few, if any, and the answer is, probably none.
ROCKWELL : Yes. And that’s been said over and over again, but then people immediately say after that, “But, you know, people won’t believe that, and they’ll panic.” And then all the people working on this project, you know, the defence and so forth, breathe a big sigh of relief because they got their problem back: you know, we’re gonna all panic. I don’t think it would kill anybody and I think you’ll have trouble finding a serious report that would claim otherwise. The Department of Energy actually set up such a test and they actually measured what happened. And they—they—the measurements were extremely low. They calculated that the most exposed individual would get a fairly high dose—not life-threatening, but fairly high—and I checked into how the calculation was done, and they assume that after the attack, no one moves for one year. One year. Now, that’s ridiculous.
LEWIS Z KOCH , BULLETIN OF ATOMIC SCIENTISTS : The dirty bomb—the danger from radioactivity is basically next to nothing. The danger from panic, however, is horrendous. That’s where the irony comes. This—instead of the government saying, “Look, this is not a serious weapon; the serious danger of this is the panic that would ensue, and there is no reason for panic. Don’t panic.”
BRITISH NARRATOR : Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the end of our show; however, something very much like this could happen at any moment. We just thought we ought to prepare you and more or less put you in the mood. Thank you.
And now, back to our story.
A look at Bechtel and the privitazation of nuclear labs
Last year, the University of California, which has managed the lab for the Department of Energy since its inception, decided to put Los Alamos on the auction block. In December 2005, construction giant Bechtel won a $553 million yearly management contract to run the sprawling complex, which employs more than 13,000 people and has an estimated $2.2 billion annual budget.
At Los Alamos, the University of California has already been replaced by a "limited liability corporation," says Tyler Przybylek of the Department of Energy's Evaluation Board; and, more generally, the writing is on the containment wall. Nuclear laboratories are no longer to be intellectual institutions devoted to science but part of a corporate-business model where research, design, and ultimately the weapons themselves will become products to be marketed. The new dress code will be suits and ties, not lab coats and safety glasses. Under Bechtel, new management will lead to a "tightly structured organization" that will "drive efficiency," predicts John Browne, who directed the lab at Los Alamos from 1997-2003. "If there is a product the government wants," he concludes, "they will necessarily be focused on that. A lot more money will be at stake."
Los Alamos was the first to go. Now, the management contract for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is on the auction block as well.
During the Cold War, spending on nuclear weapons averaged $4.2 billion a year (in current dollars). Almost two decades after the "nuclear animosity" between the two great superpowers ended, the United States is spending one-and-a-half times the Cold War average on nuclear weapons. In 2001, the weapons-activities budget of the Department of Energy, which oversees the nuclear weapons complex through its "semi-autonomous" National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), totaled $5.19 billion; and a "revitalized nuclear weapons complex," ready to "design, develop, manufacture, and certify new warheads," means a more than billion-dollar jump in spending to $6.4 billion by fiscal year 2006.
And that's just the beginning. The NNSA's five-year "National Security Plan" calls for annual increases to reach $7.76 billion by 2009. David Hobson, Republican congressional representative from Ohio, calls this kind of budgeting "the ultimate white-collar welfare," saying that the weapons complex can be "viewed as a jobs program for PhDs."
He's right. That's a lot of money for a few labs and a few thousand scientists. And private military contractors large and small are all over it.
Anyone remember the news stories a couple of years ago when american automobiles were found to be used by the insurgents in Iraq? And the origin of the registration of those vehicles turned out to be Texan.
Houson is at the black-gold diseased heart of it.
1:43 PM
Ironically, once the ice caps start melting in earnest Houston will be under water. I'm looking forward to ocean front property in Austin.
The original Boston Globe story on this can be found at :
The following clip from that story sandwiches the names of four states as primary sources for the American VIN'd autos between some irrelevant statistics:
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than 1 million cars were stolen from US streets in 2003, the most recent statistics available. Government officials think the vehicles insurgents use were stolen from locations as varied as Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and Florida,. Arizona reported more than 56,000 vehicles stolen last year, the largest per-capita number of thefts in the country.
What better way to commence a career in black ops than a little live action GTA right off campus? And, if you want your company techs to wire them up for you, the kind of people that aren't likely to want to relocate to the ME, it almos makes sense...sort of. At least that's the best theory I've come up with so far.
Dick Durata,
Maybe the flatbed wasn't needed for carrying the product, but just to pick up some piece of equipment that formed the cover (and maybe the container) for the cross country drive. Such a thing could even double as a code name. Ex: a refurbished press could stand for cocaine, an HVAC unit could mean speed, etc. Everything from the phone calls to the log books would then seem legit.
Houston - problem solved
and thank you for smoking
Running a google search also reveals this probably unrelated information from the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the plant replacing a charcoal filter yesterday.
On another note, another big dot (in my opinion):
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today on a bizarre religious ritual being preformed by elements of the United States Military, including some of their top leaders, in the closed Military Zone of the ancient city of Babylon in the Iraqi War Zone.
Seen by Russian satellite photos taken of the areas around Babylon, these reports state that the Americans have constructed a nearly one kilometer circle around their massive excavation of Babylon of a ‘Feathered Serpent’ in an apparent ritual relating to the ‘ancient objects’ they are about to unearth and have stationed giant US Military Cargo aircraft to bring to the United States, and which they have apparently been waiting to do on the specific date of April 16th.
Check it out at raidersnewsupdate.com for April 16.
Let's see:
A flatbed carrying no cargo except $500k in small bills which was hired by a company that has contracts in Iraq; drivers and boss have no idea where the money came from and everyone goes home happy(except the money).
I don't see anything here.
Hey Tile Guy,
From Sorcha, who believes Pres. Bush is *really* a Christian?
silly me....
George W. Bush & his (G)ang (O)f (P)edophiles Rogues Gallery:
* Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.
* Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
* Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
* Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
* Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
* Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
* Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
* Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
* Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial.
* Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
* Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
* Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline was placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography.
* Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
* Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
* Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
* Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
* Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 ears in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attem pted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
* Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
* Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
* Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
* Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
* Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
* Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
* Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
* Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was found guilty of raping a 15-year old girl. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
Many more hear:
Two More Israelis In Van Arrested Near US Nuke Facility
By Daniel Hopsicker
For the second time in the past two weeks Israelis in a moving van have been detained near a U.S. nuclear facility, this time at the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base near St. Marys, GA.
"Security scare shuts Kings Bay" reported the Jacksonville Times-Union on Saturday. "Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base was locked down for security reasons Friday after two Israelis were detained for questioning."
Two Israeli men attempted to enter the base about 10:30 a.m., on the pretext that that had been hired by a moving-and-storage company to pick up household goods at an address on the base, the paper reported.
One occupant of the vehicle was unable to provide base security personnel with proper credentials, a base spokesman told reporters.
"Base personnel then inspected the van."
What the MP's found has no doubt since become highly classified. But before that could happen, a base spokesman had blurted this much of it out...
"A briefcase was removed from the vehicle with a remote control robot, but nothing was found in it."
Distraction, distraction, disctraction.
Does anybody think this story is at all seriously important?
Go ahead, take yer best shot.
What a waste of time!
Anonymous 2:05:
Yes, I do happen to think it's important. While I don't agree with a few proposed explanations here, I do agree with Jeff that this story gives us a rare glimpse at the belly of the beast and shows friction between the right and left hand. The sad part of it is, no matter which version of the story is more accurate, it's clear the act is so tight that even when caught red-handed by ignorant Johhny Law, they're still able to squeek past..
They got good game, but someone's reach one day will extend their grasp. I don't think for a minute that this is intentional news.
I agree that it doesn't seem intentional. If it we're I'd think it would have been on Fox or CNN (I guess you never know for sure, though). Like a few above have expressed, it loos to me like a pretty run-of-the-mill type thing, where the couriers got lazy, and slipped up. I think it's a pretty safe bet the the plastic and duct-tape wrapped half-million in small bills wasn't intended for anything even remotely legal, and that those two drivers, wether released from 'official' custody or not, are sweating bullets right about now.
hey Lux i need you to contact me.
Apologies for being off-topic, but here's another one under the radar that needs some introspection:
RIVERTON, Kansas (AP) -- Five teenage boys fully intended to go on a shooting spree at their high school but were stopped after one of them discussed the plot on a Web site, law enforcement and school officials said.
Teens accused of Columbine-style plot
Sheriff: 'They were actually going to do this'
RIVERTON, Kansas (AP) -- Five teenage boys fully intended to go on a shooting spree at their high school but were stopped after one of them discussed the plot on a Web site, law enforcement and school officials said.
The boys, ranging in age from 16 to 18, were arrested Thursday, the anniversary of the Columbine massacre, just hours before they planned to shoot fellow students and school employees, authorities said.
"What the resounding theme is: They were actually going to do this," Cherokee County Sheriff Steve Norman said.
The teens planned to wear black trench coats and disable the school's camera system before starting the attack between noon and 1 p.m. Thursday, Norman said. Sheriff's deputies found guns, ammunition, knives and coded messages in the bedroom of one suspect and documents about firearms and references to Armageddon in two suspects' school lockers.
Apparently, they had been plotting since the beginning of the school year. Norman said school officials began investigating Tuesday after learning a threatening message had been posted on MySpace.com.
"The message, it was brief, but it stated that there was going to be a shooting at the Riverton school and that people should wear bulletproof vests and flak jackets," Norman said.
It also discussed the significance of April 20 as Adolf Hitler's birthday and the anniversary of the 1999 Columbine High School attack in Colorado, in which two students wearing trench coats killed 13 people before committing suicide.
School officials identified the student who posted the message and talked to several of his friends, he said.
But Riverton school district Superintendent David Walters said the significance of the threat did not become clear until Wednesday night, after a woman in North Carolina who had chatted with one of the suspects on MySpace.com notified authorities there would be about a dozen potential victims, at least one of them a staff member.
Riverton student Michaela Ferneau said Friday she had heard she was one of the targets.
Back in January, one of the teen suspects had talked about Columbine, but "we thought he was joking because he was always joking about stuff like that," Ferneau told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday.
"I guess I told on them, apparently, when I didn't know I did," she said. "It's kind of scary to know that people from a little town like this would even try anything like that."
Ferneau and other students described the teen as a class clown who was often in trouble with the teachers.
He was an "oddball," student Trenton Berry told ABC. "Everybody picked on him and everything."
Norman also mentioned bullying and said investigators had learned the suspects liked violent video games.
Four of the suspects were arrested at their homes Thursday; the fifth was taken into custody at the school.
The suspects, who were not immediately identified, were expected to appear in court Friday, when charges are likely to be announced, said Attorney General Phill Kline, whose office took over the prosecution at the request of the county attorney.
The four younger than 18 were being held Thursday at a juvenile detention center in Girard. The 18-year-old was in the Cherokee County Jail. No decision has been made on whether to charge the four juveniles as adults, Kline said.
Officials assured the community that the 270 or so students at Riverton High School were safe and school would continue as normal Friday.
MySpace.com -- a social networking hub with more 72 million members -- released a statement declining to discuss the case because of the investigation, adding that it has provided users with mechanisms to report inappropriate content.
Barbara Gibson, a 17-year-old junior at the high school, said her classmates didn't seem too bothered by the threat.
"A lot of people just talked about it," she said. "But there wasn't much reaction."
Riverton is a small community of about 600 people along what once was the famed Route 66 in southeast Kansas, near the Oklahoma and Missouri borders.
This definitely fits the category of synthetic terror black ops orchestrated by the crypto fascists. There's a definitive pattern that defies "isolated incident" and tracks in the following similarities:
- Satanic/Nazi connections.
- Remote organization with military cell structures.
- Access to high rate discharge auxilliary weaponry and explosives.
- Black Trench Coat identification.
- April 20th Hitler's Birthday ritual spree murder.
- Midwest locales (proximity to military bases).
Be aware of April 30th,(Walpurgisnacht) and of course June 6, 2006 (6/6/06) as well, as other possible "isolated incident days" they plan to inflict on the populace. The Illuminazis and their MK operatives are advancing their agendas. This op was foiled due to some law enforcement vigilance that worked out for once. You can bet there will be others that go unopposed as in the past, due to law enforcement complicity.
Apologies for being off-topic, but here's another one under the radar that needs some introspection:
RIVERTON, Kansas (AP) -- Five teenage boys fully intended to go on a shooting spree at their high school but were stopped after one of them discussed the plot on a Web site, law enforcement and school officials said.
Teens accused of Columbine-style plot
Sheriff: 'They were actually going to do this'
RIVERTON, Kansas (AP) -- Five teenage boys fully intended to go on a shooting spree at their high school but were stopped after one of them discussed the plot on a Web site, law enforcement and school officials said.
The boys, ranging in age from 16 to 18, were arrested Thursday, the anniversary of the Columbine massacre, just hours before they planned to shoot fellow students and school employees, authorities said.
"What the resounding theme is: They were actually going to do this," Cherokee County Sheriff Steve Norman said.
The teens planned to wear black trench coats and disable the school's camera system before starting the attack between noon and 1 p.m. Thursday, Norman said. Sheriff's deputies found guns, ammunition, knives and coded messages in the bedroom of one suspect and documents about firearms and references to Armageddon in two suspects' school lockers.
Apparently, they had been plotting since the beginning of the school year. Norman said school officials began investigating Tuesday after learning a threatening message had been posted on MySpace.com.
"The message, it was brief, but it stated that there was going to be a shooting at the Riverton school and that people should wear bulletproof vests and flak jackets," Norman said.
It also discussed the significance of April 20 as Adolf Hitler's birthday and the anniversary of the 1999 Columbine High School attack in Colorado, in which two students wearing trench coats killed 13 people before committing suicide.
School officials identified the student who posted the message and talked to several of his friends, he said.
But Riverton school district Superintendent David Walters said the significance of the threat did not become clear until Wednesday night, after a woman in North Carolina who had chatted with one of the suspects on MySpace.com notified authorities there would be about a dozen potential victims, at least one of them a staff member.
Riverton student Michaela Ferneau said Friday she had heard she was one of the targets.
Back in January, one of the teen suspects had talked about Columbine, but "we thought he was joking because he was always joking about stuff like that," Ferneau told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday.
"I guess I told on them, apparently, when I didn't know I did," she said. "It's kind of scary to know that people from a little town like this would even try anything like that."
Ferneau and other students described the teen as a class clown who was often in trouble with the teachers.
He was an "oddball," student Trenton Berry told ABC. "Everybody picked on him and everything."
Norman also mentioned bullying and said investigators had learned the suspects liked violent video games.
Four of the suspects were arrested at their homes Thursday; the fifth was taken into custody at the school.
The suspects, who were not immediately identified, were expected to appear in court Friday, when charges are likely to be announced, said Attorney General Phill Kline, whose office took over the prosecution at the request of the county attorney.
The four younger than 18 were being held Thursday at a juvenile detention center in Girard. The 18-year-old was in the Cherokee County Jail. No decision has been made on whether to charge the four juveniles as adults, Kline said.
Officials assured the community that the 270 or so students at Riverton High School were safe and school would continue as normal Friday.
MySpace.com -- a social networking hub with more 72 million members -- released a statement declining to discuss the case because of the investigation, adding that it has provided users with mechanisms to report inappropriate content.
Barbara Gibson, a 17-year-old junior at the high school, said her classmates didn't seem too bothered by the threat.
"A lot of people just talked about it," she said. "But there wasn't much reaction."
Riverton is a small community of about 600 people along what once was the famed Route 66 in southeast Kansas, near the Oklahoma and Missouri borders.
This definitely fits the category of synthetic terror black ops orchestrated by the crypto fascists. There's a definitive pattern that defies "isolated incident" and tracks in the following similarities:
- Satanic/Nazi connections.
- Remote organization with military cell structures.
- Access to high rate discharge auxilliary weaponry and explosives.
- Black Trench Coat identification.
- April 20th Hitler's Birthday ritual spree murder.
- Midwest locales (proximity to military bases).
Be aware of April 30th,(Walpurgisnacht) and of course June 6, 2006 (6/6/06) as well, as other possible "isolated incident days" they plan to inflict on the populace. The Illuminazis and their MK operatives are advancing their agendas. This op was foiled due to some law enforcement vigilance that worked out for once. You can bet there will be others that go unopposed as in the past, due to law enforcement complicity.
Apologies for the inadvertent double post.
The travels of a small dufflebag of dirty money on it's way to some laundromat may have nothing at all to do with some assigned pick-up at a nuclear plant along the way.
It may not have anything to do with the truckers either, besides perhaps one or both of them simply doing a little favor, with no questions asked, for someone who has fixed or fotrgiven some little debt or indescretion either they or someone very close to them has gotten themselves tangled up in.
The fact that it was all in small bills, crudely packed, would tend to suggest that it's been scraped up from the streets through illegal gambling, drugs, prostitution, or possibly extortion. All well beaten paths with hidden and hazardous intersections on every trucker's road.
It may seem like a sizeable amount of money but certainly not enough to for anyone to risk their neck intercepting or diverting it or asking too many questions about it if that's indeed where it came from.
Now the truckers are most likely hapless runners who have something else far more embarrassing to conceal than any inconvenience of being tripped up on their trip.
Their real reasons for finding themselves caught carrying the bag in this case probably has nothing at all to do with the bag itself, where it came from, or where it was ultimately destined to go. It is entirely likely that they truly know nothing at all about that.
Now if we want to play policeman there's not much we can really do with any of this information or with the two dumb truckers themselves besides possibly letting them go and trying to keep an eye on them.
Of course whoever put them up to it is unlikely to have any futher contact with them or seek any form of reprisal. That person, no doubt, will most likely be too busy trying to explain how things went awry to whoever put them up to it...hmmm?
Now rocks can get inadvertently turned over in almost any place at all. That there are creeping and sordid little elements of life usually hiding under them really isn't all that strange.
Anonymous said...
oh, and here's another thing...what IS the deal with Ohio, Texas, and Florida? Seems like 90% of all of the crazymaking we talk about on these blogs comes out of those places?
The Ohio theft of the election for example?
Not even going to start on the craziness associated with Texas or Florida... could write a book on that...
What the *^&^ is going on?
Well, Texas and Flordia are big narcostates, which is very important to Bush and Co. Oi of course is big in Texas. And Bones has been big in oil since 1855.
Much of Ohio used to "belong" to Conneticutt, where Bones is based and was "sold" to investors, many with Bones-links. There are Rockefellers in all the Yale secret societies, including Bones. And many other Bones families, Tafts, Bushes, etc. have deep roots there.
Kris Millegan
April 21, 2006 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
"Nuclear unit back online
"Unit 1 at First Energy's Beaver Valley power station in Shippingport has returned to service after it was shut down in February for maintenance. The $250 million renovation included replacement of the unit's steam generators, reactor head and turbine rotor. The upgrade will allow the unit to operate for an additional 20 years beyond its current operating license, set to expire in 2016, the company said."
Went back online exactly one day after the whole unexplained $500K incident?
According to the Federal News Service, on April 19th, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission held a meeting in Rockville, MD of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Power Uprates Subcommittee, "to review the application by FirstEnergy for an 8% power uprate for the Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, April 25-26."
Almsot certainly unrelated, but interesting.
More likely scenario:
This money was graft sent from Houston HQ to pay off the inspectors for approving the plant upgrades. Business as usual.
I would start looking at the inspectors slated to review the upgrades as well as the plant manager.
Dust the bundled money wraps for fingerprints.........maybe just maybe there is a match.
Let's call it a 'slush' fund..HMMM?
Companies awarded $8 billion in contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan have been major campaign donors
Associated Press ^ | 10-30-03 | By LARRY MARGASAK
Posted on 10/30/2003 2:27:48 AM PST by Oldeconomybuyer
WASHINGTON, Oct 30, 2003 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Companies awarded $8 billion in contracts to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan have been major campaign donors to President George W. Bush, and their executives have had important political and military connections, according to a study released Thursday.
The study of more than 70 U.S. companies and individual contractors turned up more than $500,000 in donations to the president's 2000 election campaign, more than they gave collectively to any other politician over the past dozen years.
The report was released by the Center for Public Integrity, a Washington-based research organization that produces investigative articles on special interests and ethics in government. Its staff includes journalists and researchers.
The center concluded that most of the 10 largest contracts went to companies that employed former high-ranking government officials, or executives with close ties to members of Congress and even the agencies awarding their contracts.
Major contracts for Iraq and Afghanistan were awarded by the Bush administration without competitive bids, because agencies said competition would have taken too much time to meet urgent needs in both countries.
"No single agency supervised the contracting process for the government," center executive director Charles Lewis said. "This situation alone shows how susceptible the contracting system is to waste, fraud and cronyism."
The top contract recipient was the Halliburton subsidiary KBR, with more than $2.3 billion awarded to support the U.S. military and restore Iraq's oil industry.
Halliburton was headed by Vice President Dick Cheney before he resigned to run with Bush in 2000.
Halliburton's top executive, Dave Lesar, said Wednesday he was offended by criticism of the company's Iraq work but believed it was "less about Halliburton and more about external political issues."
"As a company uniquely qualified to take on this difficult assignment, we will continue to bring all of our global resources to bear at this critical time in the Middle East. We have served the military for over 50 years and have no intention of backing down at this point," he said.
Bechtel was second with a $1 billion capital construction contract involving Iraq's utilities, telecommunications, railroads, ports, schools, health care facilities, bridges, roads and airports.
The company's Internet site says, "We do engage in the political process, as do most companies in the United States. We have legitimate policy interests and positions on matters before Congress, and we express them in many ways, including support for elected officials who support those positions.
"We do not expect or receive political favors or government contracts as a result of those contributions."
The Center's analysis of contractor political donations showed:
-The top 10 contractors contributed $11 million to national political parties, candidates and political action committees since 1990.
-Fourteen of the companies won contracts in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Those companies, combined, have given more than $23 million in political contributions since 1990.
-Most contractors, their political action committees and their employees have contributed just under $49 million to national political campaigns and parties since that year.
-In the same time period, contractor donations to Republican Party committees outpaced contributions to the Democrats, $12.7 million to $7.1 million.
Many of the companies with large contracts have important political connections.
Former Secretary of State George Shultz is a member of Bechtel's board of directors, although he has no management role, according to the company's Web site.
Riley Bechtel, the chairman and chief executive officer, was named early this year to the President's Export Council, which advises the president on programs to improve U.S. trade.
Jack Sheehan, senior vice president in Bechtel's petroleum and chemicals business, served on the Defense Policy Board, which advises the defense secretary on a variety of issues.
Other contractors also had connections. Among those cited by the Center:
David Kay, head of the Bush administration's search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, is a former vice president of Science Applications International Corp. He left the company in October 2002.
Christopher "Ryan" Henry left the same company as a vice president in February 2003 to become principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy.
Scott Spangler, principal owner of Chemonics International, was a senior U.S. Agency for International Development official during the first Bush administration. The company receives 90 percent of its business from USAID.
Sullivan Haave Associates Inc. was founded by Carol Haave, currently the deputy assistant secretary of defense for security and information operations.
The center's findings are based, in part, on 73 Freedom of Information Act requests and an analysis of a federal contractor database.
I know.."A day late and a dollar short".. well, it is at the end of days isn't it?
George W. Bush, Barbara Bush, And Aleister Crowley
By Joseph Cannon
Few people understand that one of the most notorious individuals in British history may have contributed to the lineage of our current president. Aleister Crowley, a.k.a., "The Great Beast 666" -- the infamous practitioner of "sex magick" whose motto was "Do What Thou Wilt" -- came to know a great many remarkable people, including the maternal grandmother of George W. Bush. "Know," in this case, may be taken in the Biblical sense. Evidence points to the disturbing possibility that he was the true father of Barbara Bush, the former First Lady and mother to George W. Bush.
The story may seem difficult to believe at first, until one learns more about the social inter-relations that tied together these unlikely parties. Specifically, we must focus on a fascinating woman named Pauline Pierce, born Pauline Robinson -- whose third child was named Barbara.
Most sources divulge little about this woman. We learn more about her husband Marvin Pierce, the president of the McCall Corporation, which published McCall's magazine and Redbook. He married Pauline, a beautiful young socialite, in 1919. Their first child, Martha, was born the next year; the second, James, was born in 1921. At this time, Aleister Crowley inhabited what must have seemed a very different world, as he embarked upon the great communal experiment of the Abbey of Thelema in Italy.
Pauline, however, had a hidden side -- what we might call (without intending any judgment or insult) a wild side. We get a whiff of it from this Wikipedia entry:
W magazine once described her as "beautiful, fabulous, critical, and meddling" and "a former beauty from Ohio with extravagant tastes"...
Rumors that Pauline had an affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower have never been verified... Still, gossip tabloids from the '40s often associated her with prominent men in politics and film.
I have not yet been able to acquire independent confirmation of the Eisenhower liaison, although I personally see no reason to doubt that it existed. However, we may well have reason to believe that she began her "experimental" period before the 1940s.
A sixth-level initiate within the OTO (the Ordo Templi Orientis, the mystical society that Crowely came to head in the 1920s) first set me down this research path by revealing that Pauline Robinson had befriended an woman named Nellie O'Hara, an American adventuress who, at some point during her European travels, met the famed writer Frank Harris. Despite his advancing years, Harris still maintained a reputation for sexual excess that rivaled Crowley's. During this period (1919-1927), Nellie and Frank Harris lived as man and wife, although they could not actually wed because Harris' second wife was still alive and would not grant a divorce.
Harris and Crowley were good friends. Not only that: At this time, and not for the last time, Crowley was very much the proverbial "friend in need."
During the Abbey period, a Crowley follower had accidentally died during a magickal ceremony. The incident created a firestorm of unwanted publicity (the sensationalist British press labeled Crowley "The Wickedest Man in the World"), which prompted Mussolini's government to expel Crowley and his followers from Italian soil. By 1924, he lived in poverty in France, where Frank Harris kindly took him under his roof. This arrangement inevitably brought Crowley into contact with Nellie. Crowley's diaries, to which I have been given access, clearly indicate that he depended on Harris for financial assistance:
January 3rd 1924 - "No luck about cash yet: but F.H. promises 500 fr to-morrow - so that I can bolt to Paris. One step onward to the Establishment of the Law of Thelema.
The money soon ran out, and AC (as his associates called him) soon had to ask his friend for further assistance. At this time, Harris was writing his multi-volume "erotic autobiography," My Life and Loves; he also purchased a newspaper, The Evening Telegram. But he lacked the resources and management skills to make the enterprise a success, and soon found himself in a financial position no better than Crowley's.
Despite his parlous economic circumstances, Crowley focused his attention on sex magick. Not many years previously, he and a follower named Jeanne Foster (a.k.a. Soror Hilarion) had conducted a sex-magickal rite designed to give birth to a child destined to carry on Crowley's work. I have not been able to determine whether he conducted similar experiments with Nellie, although given the polyamorous proclivities of all the parties involved, one should not discount the possibility.
Nellie's friend Pauline no doubt scandalized her social circle by traveling to France on her own and leaving two very young children in the care of nursemaids. However, her correspondence with her friend -- whose life in France with a famous literary figure must have seemed quite glamorous -- can only have inspired a sense of wanderlust. Her husband, increasingly bound to his duties with the McCall Corporation, did not share this spirit of adventure.
Thus it was that four individuals came together: Frank Harris, Nellie O'Hara, Pauline Pierce, and Aleister Crowley. Anyone who has studied Crowley's life will understand that what happened next was, in a sense, inevitable.
Crowley's diaries for this period record the initials "PVN," a cryptic reference to his favorite sexual position, which some of his partners found distasteful. (The letters derive from the Latin for "By way of the Infernal Entrance.") This is a common annotation in the records of Crowley's magical practices. We also find the strange initials "ECL." After researching the matter for some time, I have come to the conclusion that this is a reference to the practice known as "Eroto-Comotose Lucidity."
Before proceeding, I should emphasize that the year 1924 has a special significance in the Crowley chrnology. At this time, he is said to have undergone the "supreme ordeal" connected with his attainment of the Grade of Ipsissimus, the highest magickal achievement within his order. The exact nature of this ordeal remains mysterious. I believe that an important clue can be found in his description of the rite of Eroto-Comotose Lucidity:
The Candidate is made ready for the Ordeal by general athletic training, and by feasting. On the appointed day he is attended by one or more chosen and experienced attendants whose duty is (a) to exhaust him sexually by every known means (b) to rouse him sexually by every known means. Every device and artifice of the courtesan is to be employed, and every stimulant known to the physician. Nor should the attendants reck of danger, but hunt down ruthlessly their appointed prey.
Finally the Candidate will into a sleep of utter exhaustion, resembling coma, and it is now that delicacy and skill must be exquisite. Let him be roused from this sleep by stimulation of a definitely and exclusively sexual type. Yet if convenient, music wisely regulated will assist.
The attendants will watch with assiduity for signs of waking; and the moment these occur, all stimulation must cease instantly, and the Candidate be allowed to fall again into sleep; but no sooner has this happened than the former practice is resumed. This alteration is to continue indefinitely until the Candidate is in a state which is neither sleep nor waking, and in which his Spirit, set free by perfect exhaustion of the body, and yet prevented from entering the City of Sleep, communes with the Most High and the Most Holy Lord God of its being, maker of heaven and earth.
The Ordeal terminates by failure---the occurence of sleep invincible--- or by success, in which ultimate waking is followed by a final performance of the sexual act. The Initiate may then be allowed to sleep, or the practice may be renewed and persisted in until death ends all. The most favourable death is that occurring during the orgasm, and is called Mors Justi.
As it is written: Let me die the death of the Righteous, and let my last end be like his!
If he did undergo this "ordeal" in 1924, then we must presume that his key associates of that time -- including Nellie and Pauline -- functioned as his assistants.
Pauline returned to America in early October of 1924. On June 8, 1925, she gave birth to a girl named Barbara. Barbara Pierce married George H.W. Bush, who eventually became the 41st President of the United States.
But who was Barbara's father? The chronology indicates that it could have been Crowley, but it could just as easily have been Marvin Pierce. The truth regarding Crowlean sexual rituals is disclosed only to the highest initiates of the OTO, in a document misleadingly titled "Emblems and Modes of Use."
Is Aleister Crowley the father of Barbara Bush? Even she may not know for certain; indeed, I have no way of knowing whether she has ever been told that this possibility exists. However, more than one person has noted the resemblance -- and this resemblance is not just physical. Many will recall the former First Lady's haughty and thoughtless remarks in the aftermath of the Katrina disaster. Those "in the know" were reminded of Aleister Crowley's similar reaction to the loss of life which occurred during the ascent of Kangchanjunga, an expedition he commanded: "This is precisely the sort of thing with which I have no sympathy whatsoever."
I leave the matter for the reader to decide.
(c) 2006 Cannon Fire
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