Time for an appeal, here
If you've found this and it's not on the main page, can I ask a favour? Please submit a problem report to Blogger. Maybe adding some voices to my own may get their attention. You could also reference this thread on Google's Blogger Support Group.
A problem report should generate an emailed bot response within a couple of days, and Blogger then expects an emailed reply if the problem is persisting.
A problem report should generate an emailed bot response within a couple of days, and Blogger then expects an emailed reply if the problem is persisting.
Submittted. I hope this works out for you.
I'm certainly no expert, so I don't know, but neither of my computers bring up the latest posts at first--however, one of them won't even pick up the sidebar or headers and the other will. It clearly has to do with slightly different levels of security, since I get (incomprehensible) warnings. Maybe your blog provider is trying to download something my security objects to? Something new?
Blogger wants me to sign up for their service in order to file a report... Something I am certainly not going to do anyway.
If you need help putting together a blog at rigorousintuition.ca, feel free to email me at master (underscore) shuffler (at) yahoo (dot) com. I'll be happy to help.
"Maybe an example of exactly what we should say would be helpful."
It's a short response form, but I guess you could add a simple comment on the bottom that the main page isn't publishing.
"Blogger wants me to sign up for their service in order to file a report"
Ah, sorry; I didn't realize that. Thanks for your offer of help with a new site.
A week or so ago, when attempting to reach your website, all I was able to bring up was the top line heading. The rest of the page was blank. I made several attempts. Can't remember if I finally got your site the same evening or the next day.
You can push 'Skip Authentication' and it seems to let you proceed without logging int.
You don't have to be signed up to blogger just skip the authentification.
Ps I am having trouble posting comments now so we'll see what happens to this one.
I said this:
Jeff Wells is having serious problems with the front page of his HUGELY popular blog, Rigorous Intuition.
He claims to not be able to get your attention.
Thank You.
Wondered what was going on for the past two weeks. ;)
i dont think its anything malicious. blogger has been on a steady decline for a long time now. trying to get them to help you out is going to be like shouting into the wind i think. time to just import your posts into a snazzy new wordpress site i think. i will have to look into whether or not that also imports comments
All Done. Good luck! Great Blog
excellent post Tim.
keep up the research
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I just fought some enemy nutcases myself.
They all hate Satan and believe lies about him, so they are all fair
game. They have now shut down the blog to anonymous comments.
They now have a contolled forum, and are looking for new software to
lock out ip's.
That is no problem as I can us multiple ip addresses, but they can
only close down it down now to stop me.
The jews there really went berserk with any mention of them being the
root of the problem.
That really blew their minds.
Satan being real is also taboo, as they cursed him and denigrated him.
Here is a sample of the bullshit from enemy I was getting daily,
defending and explaining Satanism to the few who really wanted to learn.
The rest wanted war and got it right back in their faces.
I was getting to them and they were unable to stop it for over a
month. I began to think Jeff was himself might be a Satanist, for he
never stopped it for over a month,letting go on and on.
As of now I am not sure now, they know he needs money and support to
get published, he has two books, likes to qoute RAW and it is strange
as to why now he censored me, citing mefor inciting hate.
But their stopping at nothimg for the truth about them getting out is
what gets them really upset.
SATAN and his so called minions are no problem till write that he is a
ancient god, not an archtypes but a real being.
I told Jeff that I thought the real reason was that the disrespectful
jew boy brat, he flatly denies this to me though and now the blog is
dead in the water, so he loses.
Even though it happened DIRECTLY WITHIN MINUTES right after he wrote
in to Jeff to stop it.
He began pulling all my posts with no warning or explanation till what
he said after the fact, which I told him eas a lie.
It is not him or even me, but his ignorant readers who are the problem
they want war and start wars,allowing no free thought.
As I had made already my point and was winding up the operation
anyway, then this happened.
Then others were now beginning to attack me in intensity and with long
blank posts, ect.
So I slapped them back hard.
Perhaps he is just giving in to the whining jew boy who probally
already wrote to the adl and all the other front organizations for the
zionists. They no doubt threatened him in writing telling him how they
will only support him if he endorses their views ONLY and shitcans all
others against what their agenda is.
So I think yhet threatened to destroy him, so much for standing up for
freedom of expression.
My blog alias I used was mostly Sabina,
Oh, they just loved me there, but really I had a few fans who
supported me and learned too.
read on.......... ....
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* *
the Lying Fool Sabina said... "Christian/s" is their code word for
Gentile/s in the protocols and in the talmud. The TALMUD was written
500+ years before the advent of Christianity, O forked-tongue devil.
Get thee behind me, and run the other way. I would say you are a liar
to the bone, but you are spineless.
6:31 AM
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musilman said... la ilaha illa llaharab ( islamic robotic nonsense)
6:33 AM
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D'oh said...Anonymous said...
Sabrina and company!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Please, what is the point??? What is
it that you all want from this virual spewing of hate and Why are you
being so so disrespectful to Jeff???? You all must be in a lot pain
and are not dealing very well with the HUMAN DILEMMA we are all
participating in. Evolution is upon us whether you like ot not. Go
play somewhere else. We WILL ignore you.
REDRUM!REDRUM! REDRUM!RED. . Ahhh.... Fuck it. My arthritis is acting
up.. 10:34 PM
************ ********* ********* ********* *******
First jewboy the disrespectful brat, posted this to let us know:
http://rigorousintu ition.blogspot. com/2005/ 08/nine-angles- of-separation. html
Rigorous Intuition: Nine Angles of Separation
Jeff Wells is coming across like any other website operator who
ignores the constructive criticism of the sincere while allowing the
trolls and disinfo agents to get away with whatever crap they want to
How is anyone supposed to post a meaningful comment when this is
taking place?
How long is one supposed to ignore the warning signs that the forum
operator might be a paid actor?
Whoever these people are, it is true that they steal others' writings.
Where are the links?
More important, why does Jeff Wells allow this to continue?
Why should I think you are for real Jeff Wells?
Why do you ignore the few left who actually do their own writing and
none of it is some type of cryptic mind game?
The thing about the Wizard of Oz was that when the curtain was finally
pulled back on the evil operator, there was actually nothing to be
afraid about.
It was all a scam. So Jeff Wells thinks it's wrong to think that
anybody posting might be a disinformation agent. Fine. Yet, your
inability or refusal to clean things up makes one wonder about what
you (they?) are really trying to accomplish with your blog and forum.
Would it be that difficult to have someone moderate this blog comment
section and start deleting and banning this crap?
You commented that you couldn't even get to the last 100 comments on
the previous thread.
It's because the spammer/disinfo jammed the pages, and here they seem
to be at it again. When are you going to address this? Are you? If you
are legit, then this must be what is bugging you. Maybe you figure if
you ban the trolls/disinfo spam, they will just come back through
proxies. But you simply ignore it and let it fester.
One might think that this place is all about making people feel that
nothing can ever be figured out, that we all need to be prepared for
waking up screaming more often.
I think people like myself are more likely to be banned than the
disinfo/spammer trolls.
All indications are that you are just another wizard of oz, with one
image on the surface with the reality being something quite different.
What did you write a few blogposts back, that your mother once saw
some half creature/half human form outside the window?
Wasn't it presented as if it really happened, and that it was
The more you let this section and your forum deteriorate, things like
what you say your mother witnesses and other things make one wonder
who the frick you really are, of what you really are tring to accomplish.
I'm starting to think Fintan Dunne was correct about internet fakes.
Unfortunately, he also appears to be a strawman for such a profound
and disturbing realisation, that the internet is overrun by disinfo
and mass psychological operations.
Maybe the thread running through all this misdirection and
conditioning is all about the more you know, the more danger you are
in, so just move along, nothing to see here, or if need be, go check
out Rense or any of the other "truth" websites for entertainment
purposes only.
You there Jeff Wells?
Are you going to at least tell these "satanists" and any other
spammers that this is not proper posting, and that if they want to
stay here, that this has to stop?
How long are people supposed to wait until like some above decide that
there really isn't much of value to be attained by visiting your
websites? Or is that the plan?
Are real people with real questions and comments the ones who are not
wanted on the internets? You are the decider, this is on you.
MORE of the disrespectful jewboy who now writes,
Sabina, your whole "enki as satan" thing had been tickling my memory
for a while now, as well as some of the loooong and uncalled for
cut'n'pastes. ..just something in my past that I could not put my
finger on... it finally hit me... you guys are cribbing from the Joy
of Satan ministries (yeah, i mentioned that before, but didn't realize
what i had stumbled across).
About 7-8 years ago when i was actively researching the occult I got
into satanism, from lavey to theistic, and came across a bunch of
xeroxes from the Joy of Satan.
They were everything I have been describing in my comments, basically
an idiotic mishmash of new-age bs.
I just ignored 'em outright as there were other, philosophically
sound, branches of satanism (no, really).
Then the news reports slowly trickled in over a the years. Ya see, the
other satanists where getting annoyed that this Joy of Satan bs were
tying themselves to a bunch of neo-nazi groups.
It came out that the founder of Joy of Satan, Maxine Dietrich (real
name: Andrea Herrington), is married to Cliff Herrington, founder of
the National Socialist Movement.
It was (or is) dogma of JoS that the jews are of a separate reptialian
race that are traitors to humanity and...well, a buch of other
anti-semetic shit I can't really remember off the top of my head.
Something about when satan returns the first thing he will do is wipe
out the jews...slimy shit.
Maxine would also routinely accuse people inside and outside of the
joy of Satan of being "dirty jews", etc.
Here's an anti-hate site discussing the National Socialist stuff
(scroll down to the very bottom to see the NSM ties to Joy of Satan):
http://www.johnnyle eclary.com/ nsm.htm
It turned out that Joy of Satan wasn't even welcome in the Neo-nazi
movement, once the association between JoS and NSM came out, both
satanists and neo-nazi's started blacklisting the Herringtons' groups.
Thats pretty bad when both satanists and hate-groups dislike your
company... for everyone else's information, JoS is apparently a
cultish satanist (in addtion to the racist) group that is set up to
make maxine money in "donations."
Most of the members seem to be teenagers rebelling against mommy's
Here's a website set up by an ex-member who was a high-priest in the
http://www.satans- powers.tk/
Here are some quotes about the JoS from an satanic discussion forum:
Naruthias: I have one word: bullshit. Why are we even bothering to
give such an in-depth examination to this bunch of misguided jokers? I
put them in line with the Heaven's Gate cult or the followers of
Charlie Manson. Just wackos looking for a place to fit in.
PieMan: I used to be a member of this cult, I was stupid to say the
least. Once I found out this was a nazi cult I quit though. After that
I dropped satanism all together. Reciently though ive gotten back into
the LaVey stuff.
virginmarydildo (great fucking name): had thought that the Joy of
Satan was a joke. Something put out there by a christian trying to
discredit satanists.
Are there really people out there who believe it? That is more absurd
than the christian bible.
According to this High Priest Dann, he joined when he was 15, and
wasted 3 years of his life with the group... so he was 18 when he left.
How can a group ran by kids be taken seriously?
Yes, I know Maxine is an adult... and finally,
RaveCorell: At JoS one of the names they use for Satan is Enki...a
supposed ancient Sumarian god, who also just happens to be an
alien...but what really captured my attention was the familiar style
of the writing and the terminology in general.
I would be willing to bet that it was Maxine Dietrich herself. I have
read most , if not all of writings, more than once, and it just seemed
way too familiar.
In fact a lot of what was posted seemed like it was right off the
pages of her website.
In the group they close their posts a lot with
Hail Enki
www.the600club. com forum, topic titled Satanism, Aliens & the Joy of Satan
So sabrina, please tell me, do you believe all this bs about the
jews...are you a neo-nazi...cause i'm sure the intelligent folk here
would like to know whether you are a racist or not...
And if you were truly suckered and had no idea, please check out Diane
Vera, she actually makes sense and doesn't make up shit about other
religions and history...an intelligent Satanist, if you will:
http://www.angelfir e.com/ny5/ dvera/
And if you are a racist fuck then just leave, we don't want none....
Again, to everyone, I am sorry this is so long...
"your friendly neighborhood disinfo agent"
aka the disrespectful brat writes for Jeff to censor me again,
"I'm not attacking Jeff Wells if he cleans it up."
Some one else then supports me and responds to his crap.
Telling the BRAT,
Nonsense. You'd attack anyone without provocation as we already have
seen. "Clean it up"? Censor? We like it dirty and real here. Or
rather, it's not that we like it, we would like to see it gets cleaned
up. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Go away paid censorship whore
or pimp, traitor to everything. Every topic you mentioned is as real
as it gets. Think for yourself and you'll be amazed how lovely it is.
************ ********* ********* ********* ****
Some crazy mullah,
Yeah, I think it's called "auto-eroticism. " ar Rashid ~ the Righteous
Teacher as Sabur ~ the Completely Patient One LA ILAHA ILLA LLAH 8:15 PM
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A servant of God said...
How to exorcise Sabrina and fight the New World Order with the same
fell swoop: W.C. Fields said, "Never give a sucker an even break" And
P.T. Barnum, the circus man, said, "No one has ever lost money
underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Whichever
one of these hucksters you may hew to, or not, it is clear that Bush,
Cheney, the Neocons, the CFR, FOX news, even a few people on this blog
like Sabrina, not to mention the ever elusive illuminati have taken
both their dicta well..., not to heart, but in hand, and to that cold
empty space from which their occult forebears must have ripped it out.
All disinformation must contain elements of truth in order to be
effective. Disinformation can be 85 or even 98 percent factual. It's
that last fifteen, or even two percent of lies cloaked in truth where
the fatal trap is set, where the dagger is poised to strike. If you
are going to be had, that is where it is gonna getcha. HOW to DISCERN
the disinformation and the bullshit from the truth: The relevant
question is CUI BONO? What is the disinfo suggesting that you do. And
if you were to do it,
WHO BENEFITS? Let's look at the current memes on Iran, which are the
same as Sabrina's exhortations to readers here to fight the NWO:
"Prepare yourself to fight."
Be afraid.
Get angry.
Arm yourselves.
Watch out for the December solstice in 2012.
That's the motto of the Kabbalist masons. That, along with BARI QVIPPE
BOVI, the Talmudic doctrine inscribed in marble over the fireplace in
the inner sanctum of the Skull and Bones tomb on High Street in New
Haven, Connecticut. They seek to foment chaos to strengthen their
rule. And they see us, the Barbarians, the "others" who are not they,
the "useless feeders" as Kissinger put it, as Indeed Cattle. Goyim =
cattle. Straight out of both the Babylonian Talmud and the Egyptian
Talmud, the two canons of Jewish law. To cheat, deceive, and even kill
the goyim is not merely permitted, it is a Talmudic obligation. A
promise to commit such deeds in the coming year is incorporated into
the men's prayers of Yom Kippur, the most sacred day of the Jewish
religious calendar, lest there be nothing to report on the next Day of
Atonement. So, regardless of whom you see as the arch-controllers,
their goal is all the same – to create chaos: to make people terrified
and full of hatred, and to get the maiming and killing going, big time.
They see it as their most "sacred" duty.
And that is basically the message being spread by Sabrina, who is
merely another whisperer of wiswas, a self-professed minion of the
pathetic one,
Satan, whose only power derives from what a human being willingly
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ***
sounder the xian fools turn,
Sabbateanism represents the negative polarity of the luciferic
impulse. It wants to tear down. (See end of comment section; last
thread for more perspective. ) It's really in league with fascism
because as anyone knows, if society is falling down, drastic measures
may be called for to control the situation. So sad that these types of
people get to do our thinking for us. Here's an idea, how bout we
learn to think better, so that we do not cede the field to dipshits.
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JBD said... You would think that an all-powerful deity could do a bit
better than allow itself to be represented by such a tiresome,
ineffectual, and annoying internet poster with dubious cognitive
abilities but I guess some deities go into battle with the army they
have, rather than the army they wish they had.... beggars having
little choice and all 12:53 PM
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Sounder said... Right on JBD Lucifer's minion; The desire for
destruction is the swan song for the passing of a poisoned
consciousness. May you rest in pieces. 1:14 PM
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Sounder said... Satanists seem as insecure about their beliefs as the
xians are. Birds of a feather is my guess. Silly beliefs, thinking
that is what makes them better than the rest of us, when really this
is the thing that allows parasitical elemental forces to suck their
vitality. 8:50 AM
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TooStoned said... I am not interested in your ILLusions. No obviously
not. But somehow you think we are interested in your illusions. If not
my intentions are far from ever having sex and meeting her in person
silly wabbit Funny, I didn't think I accuses you specifically of that.
Or are you saying you have syphyllis? Me think thou doth protest too
much. Guilty concience, perchance? We know Satan to be the True Father
and Creator God of humanity. Why would the "true god" use the name
created by false gods? Get ove the "need a daddy tri." It makes you
susceptible to suggestion. And like Terrance McKenna once said, "there
is no great trick to hearing voices, but there is to knowing what to
listen too" I'm serious about the counseling; or better yet (head
shrinkers are a problematic bunch) go get a good dose of ibogaine and
spend the next 36 hours delving into your subconcious, you've
obviously walled off a good portion of it along with your sense of
humor and a substatial portion of your reasoning facilities. I could
go on, but why? Its like shooting shitpiles with a shotgun. Fun, but
can get messy and loses its novelty rapidly. I issue mr. spiritual
satanist to send some whammy my way today. I offer my neck as the
scape goat. Prove your power and daddy Satan's. If I live I'll post
here about your power and Satan's Gospel. Or are all your mindgames
the fantasy I can tell they are? 11:38 PM
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Sabrina wrote,
You curse yourself. I have no time to waste on you. Your words have
power. Use them carefully.
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* ****
I denounce you as a whisperer of wiswas, one of the shayatin. Whoever
this jokester is, merely another dickless wonder in the legion of
trolls and yammering ghosts on this site, well, I don't want to leave
spouting obscenities, but you can use your own foul imagination to
fill in the blank, while you Analyse this: Since God works in
mysterious ways I will take this FINAL opportunity to correct one
other error in my last post and adieu, which was to have misplaced a
paragraph within the section quoted from the poster Free.
Many apologies to you, Miss or Ma'am (or Sir), for that error.
It was Free, who called Jeff out on repeatedly using the psyops
techniques of pederast perps in conflating satanic ritual abuse with
ufos and aliens, and who wrote so eloquently and straightforwardly.
Here is what Free said: I am a regular reader here and greatly
appreciate your articles and presence on the web but as an RA/MC
survivor I resent that you often talk about the UFO's and Ritual Abuse
in the same breath.
It's not that I have a hard time believing that there are UFO's or
life beyond our planet.
I would think it absurd for there not to be, but why do you continue
to mix us up with them? There are many "conspiracy" writers who do
this and I'm sick and tired of it.
What is the agenda here?
Discrediting survivors?
Programming or confusing the general public?
It really irks me because it is the same thing that the perps did to
us as part of their programming (theatrical and high tech torture).
To confuse us, discredit us in case we remembered and hide their true
identities - they are a league of psychopaths - they staged torture
scenarios where they appeared as or they told us that they were
reptillians or extra-terrestrials. Understanding what's really going
on is an important step to solving global problems and I feel that by
mixing these two topics you are muddying the waters and creating
confusion. Herewith following then is, for the very last time (third
time's the charm), my, the, final words from the poster who has been
BILL HICKS RESURRECTED, Ibn Sina / Avicenna, & Mojo Filter and his
acronyms, not some damned poseur who can go to hell, where he/she/it
came from, or back under its slimy rock.
It incorporates for accuracy the needed corrections of Free's writings.
Thanks for providing that opportunity to do this well-meaning person
justice, in spite of your provocations, whisperer ~ Iblis.
Your machinations are nothing but another way in which God may assist
us to do better, if we are blessed with the presence of mind and heart
to avail ourselves.
And one last parting goodbye to Iridescent
Cuts-like-a- dull-butterknife -fish, who even now doesn't display the
guts, no less the heart, to respond like an honest man to this one or
any of my posts ever, not one, when made under the original handle of
Mojo Filter ~ although you did converse for awhile with Mojo Workout.
You were the primary reason I used the extra handles. My mistake to
think you were actually capable of intellectual honesty. I thought
that maybe it would be possible to engage you without the Mojo
baggage, and on occasion it was, but only superficially, and only when
praising you and agreeing with you when you said something bordering
on the noble ~ which was/is all too rare.
Whatever your gig is, I.C., I wish God's grace in opening your eyes
and ears, because wittingly or not, you are often the biggest tool on
this site (and no, that's not a compliment), not to mention your being
an insufferable Jeffzebub sycophant.
Maybe that's why you respond so readily to flattery. So it goes. Peace
to you in either case, and may you someday, somehow, somewhere,
experience the simultaneous turning toward and turning away that is
the grace of tawba with respect to the Almighty. Peace to you on your
journey, you who fight against your own fitra like it was the enemy.
What follows is every bit as true now as it was yesterday.
I guess it's just my way of saying three times,
"Get thee behind me, Satan."
____________ ______
Funny how after three threads lasting a couple of weeks that covered
a wealth of stuff, much of which was spiritually and morally uplifting
and informative, we come to the new year and Jeffzebub offers what?
the Demon....... again.
No joke, when I saw the picture at the top of the post I thought it
must be "Mr. Wells" himself. How ironic it was when I read someone
refer to it as Charlie Manson.
Funny how Mr. Photoshopmeister Wells himself managed to make a serial
killer psychopath tool look nearly cheerful and almost handsome.
Some dark shit psyop that is, my friends. So then what? We have reams
and reams of fecal verbosity, coprologia from the re-appearing
Richard/Jon/ Shrub/Jules troll, the darkside's equivalent of sewer
sherbert to clear the pentacled palate for.....yet another anonymous
spouting Satanic dogma.
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* **** Anonymous said...
Hi Jeff, great post as usual , love to read you from the boreal forest
up north Québec... can you do something please about al this
"satanist" spam on your comments ? thx !
9:24 AM
************ ********* ********* ********* ********* **
End of the messages against Satanists.
Now do you see why i fought these assholes for a month?
I hate them and their lies.
I am not done yet either, and with help we can start taking down these
sites that hate us.
i dont think its anything malicious. blogger has been on a steady decline for a long time now. trying to get them to help you out is going to be like shouting into the wind i think. time to just import your posts into a snazzy new wordpress site i think. i will have to look into whether or not that also imports comments
Frankly I have no expertise in the field, so I don't know, but neither of my computers bring up the latest posts at first--however, one of them won't even pick up the sidebar or headers and the other will. It clearly has to do with slightly different levels of security like the one at web design company ( I know), since I get (incomprehensible) warnings. Maybe your blog provider is trying to download something my security objects to? Anything more different and new to say...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rest of the page was blank. I made several attempts. Can't remember if I finally got your site the same evening or the next day. O.k. if it doesn't works then better visit
aquabot here to have something more on the issue
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Présent sur le marcher depuis 1995, l'entreprise Best'Chauff prend en charge les travaux d'installations sanitaires neuves, leur rénovation, ainsi que les travaux de maintenance.
Le service de dépannage à toute heure du jour ou de la nuit permet à la société d'avoir une grande flexibilité par rapport aux besoin des clients.
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Présent sur le marcher depuis 1995, l'entreprise Best'Chauff prend en charge les travaux d'installations sanitaires neuves, leur rénovation, ainsi que les travaux de maintenance.
Le service de dépannage à toute heure du jour ou de la nuit permet à la société d'avoir une grande flexibilité par rapport aux besoin des clients.
L'équipe de Best'Chauff se compose d'une équipe de ferblantiers, d'installateurs sanitaires et de dépanneurs à votre service.
La chirurgie esthétique en Tunisie connait une évolution importante et ce grâce au développement de la notion du tourisme médical. En conséquence, l’agence chirurgie esthétique en Tunisie a vu le jour; elle organise un séjour esthétique complet.
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BATICOOL nettoie et rénove les façades à Waterloo depuis 1991. Le fondateur de l’entreprise a quant à lui plus de 40 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des façades. Sa maîtrise des techniques de nettoyage et rénovation de façades lui ont permis très rapidement de se créer une réputation à Waterloo et en Wallonie. A l’époque, les plus anciens chefs de chantiers ont été formés par le fondateur de l’entreprise.Depuis, les séniors les plus expérimentés transmettent en interne aux plus jeunes, leurs savoir-faire afin que ceux-ci maîtrisent l’art du ravalement de façades. BATICOOL Waterloo est avant tout une entreprise familiale, chaleureuse à votre service.
Devis & Contact : www.nettoyage-facade.be
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La clinique de L'espoir, ses chirurgiens et son personnel médical accueillent des patients étrangers pour des interventions de chirurgie esthetique Tunisie depuis 2004.
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La chirurgie de la sleeve gastrique est un type de chirurgie de perte de poids. La chirurgie de perte de poids est aussi appelée chirurgie bariatrique. Cette opération est également connue sous le nom de gastrectomie en manche ou de gastrectomie en manche vertical. La chirurgie de la sleeve gastrectomie limite votre consommation de nourriture, ce qui entraîne une perte de poids.
C'est une chirurgie laparoscopique, avec de petites incisions dans le haut de l'abdomen. La majeure partie de la partie gauche de l'estomac est enlevée. L'estomac restant est alors un tube étroit appelé manchon. La nourriture se vide du bas de l'estomac dans l'intestin grêle de la même manière qu'elle le faisait avant la chirurgie. L'intestin grêle n'est ni opéré ni modifié. Après la chirurgie, moins de nourriture vous rassasiera lorsque vous mangerez. avec sleeve gastrectomie en Tunisie.
website: https://www.tunisie-esthetic.com/sleeve-gastrique.html
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