
And it's hard times in the city,
Livin' down in New York town. - Bob Dylan
Remember, they only want you to think they're out of their heads.
And many people will be so inclined, and receive that lie's sad comfort, now the Department of Homeland Security has cut anti-terror funding to New York City and Washington DC by 40%, and slashed in half New Orleans' grants for security and disaster preparedness on the day that marked the beginning of hurricane season. (New York, according to the DHS risk assessment, boasts zero "national monuments and icons," and only four banking and finanacial assets.) Meanwhile, huge increases in DHS dollars were won by company towns such as Jacksonville, Florida, Charlotte, North Carolina and Omaha, Nebraska. (Omaha might be justified, if the money were to be spent to liberate Boys Town from black ops' sexual predation.)
Are these bizarre choices? Is it incompetence? We may think so, if we mistake Chertoff's Homeland for the United States. Even with holes punched in its skyline, New York City stubbornly retains its listing in the latter. To those tasked with securing the Homeland, which exists as a High Concept, self-regulating prison rather than as common real estate, New York and every high-value target with a disproportionate population of intellectuals, free thinkers and dark faces remain its greatest threat. So what's to be done with them?
Somewhere there are 10-year old photos of me atop the World Trade Center, looking scared shitless. I'm not making claims of premonition, but I had a horrible, irrational impression that the tower was insubstantial, almost like a ghost, and could collapse at any moment. I've never had such a feeling on any other structure, and I've been on taller. My then-girlfriend had to reassure me we were safe; that nothing bad was going to happen to us, and we weren't about to all fall down.
And now when so many of us feel as though everything's about to fall down, what are we to do with that? Especially now such impressions don't seem so irrational?
Americans should know by this late date that those allegedly charged with their security are meant to be their executioners, and that duck and cover won't be enough to save them. Such knowledge can be bracing.
NOTE: please change your bookmarks to
Anonymous One,is this a case of TMI-to much information? The shit for brains Mericans are topped out folks.The max-overdrive spin is on,and most of the populouse can't handle one more fuck up let alone the twenty from last week they are trying to forget.There just aren't enough NASCAR races to wash the facts away by monday,maybe fox can blend "american idiot"and the races together.But sad to say things are run a muck around here in the late great"land of the free". Jeff,I am headed north to Montreal for the F1 circus in a few weeks,if anything big happens I'm staying up there with you guys,later.
Jeff, does your picture have anything to do with this item from wayne madsen:
"June 1, 2006 -- Rocky shoals for Bush marriage? Informed sources Inside the Beltway report that First Lady Laura Bush has established temporary residence in the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC as a result of a tiff with President Bush over an extramarital relationship involving her husband. Mr. Bush's tryst is said to involve Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. It is not known how long Mrs. Bush plans to remain at the Mayflower, however, her security detail has been present at the hotel during hours when the First Lady would normally be residing in the White House. While she was National Security Adviser, Rice, who has never been married, referred to George W. Bush as "my husband" before she corrected herself and said, "the president." Rice was speaking at a dinner when she made her "husband" remarks.
WMR is tracking the Laura Bush story."
Bracing oneself is much easier if our structures for understanding conform more closely to reality.
Are we really to proud to admit to our ignorance? At all costs?!?
hard to keep focused...these days. i know but just a little bit longer something has to happen...right?
its not over yet...the propaganda must reach its crescendo...and in its wake is where we'll be. is when we'll strike. sorrow is their facilitator, so we'd do well not to pay it heed.
this is at the very base element now...its getting closer. don't get scared now because its just getting started. all empires fall but we then always ask 'how many will it take with it this time?'
how many more times can we do this to ourselves?...whats next?
Before Its Too Late
"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of asecret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002
Freewheelin in the spiral of galaxies we call cosmic consciousness drives the reality and the "centre will not hold". All that space and nowhere to go but back from whence we came.
Jeff, I had a similar "irrational" fear way back in the fifties. I remember being dragged to my first day of school. I never knew anything more fearful than that since then.
bush and condi sittin' in a tree...
As much as I hate the woman, you gotta admit condi has style. nobody can sport thigh-high leather boots and a dominatrix whip like her, eh george ;) maybe that's what she was really shopping for when she was acosted on 5th avenue during katrina?
this country needs a good'ol sex scandel to get the juices flowing again.
"A Barb in the hand
is worth two in the Bush"
kid asks his Dad "Dad whats a transexual? Dad says "Go ask your Mother..he'll tell you!
I think all this is cover for the rumor that Bush is:
A)Drinking again
B)had visits from Jeff Gannon
C)had Abramhoff male hookers
D)was a male cheerleader @ Yale
Meanwhile, huge increases in DHS dollars were won by company towns such as... Omaha, Nebraska. (Omaha might be justified, if the money were to be spent to liberate Boys Town from black ops' sexual predation.)
Let's not forget Offutt AFB in Omaha, where George Bush Sr. and Warren Buffett (the 2nd richest man on the planet at $41 Billion) met up on 9-11 after Buffett's Berkshire-Hathaway offices in New York took a direct hit...
Also arriveing at Offutt was Anne Tatlock, "just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower" between the 87th and 93rd floors--right where 650 of her employees worked. Tatlock ran Fiduciary-Franklin Resources, which today manages $44 Billion of securities.
Also in Omaha on 9-11:
Al Ueltschi, president of Flight-Safety International (lol!), one of Berkshire’s two flight service subsidiaries- which train most of the pilots now flying in the world.
Omaha is the U.S. Strategic Command headquarters, "providing worldwide reconnaissance, real-time intelligence, command and control, information warfare and combat support..."
And curiously, a few posts back on Rigorous Intuition there was mention of "Texas Ranger" Chuck Norris. (?) Well, old Chuck was at the SCH that morning too...
AWESOME photoshop Jeff. Best one you've done in recent memory.
As for WTC "premonitions", I remember in 1995 visiting NYC and refusing to go inside the WTC (of course, this was post-1993) but I did stand right up against the tower and look up and...almost fainted because the thing looked like it was falling down on me.
Timothy Speed Levitch had a more vivid experience like that, and it's immortalized in his "Cruise" movie.
That photo is goddamned hilarious. And I just want to add that the movie "Cruise" is also really excellent and worth watching.
What's the Fractile Equation for Corruption, Destruction and Violent Death?
I bet it's a Paisley Pattern that would go well with the Shrub's Blue Jeans.
This is The End, My Friend
My Only Friend, The End.
But.........what if there is no end?
i, too, recommend 'The Cruise'. :D
Bracing is a good word. And of course, you're right. They're not even hiding their plans anymore.
That's my van on fire. Bastards.
If the United States is to acheive and maintain global supremacy over it's enemies, then as the last remaining military world power, it must boldly commit to the policy of using strategic and tactical nuclear weapons in world-shocking first-strike surprise attacks against those enemy powers that pose the greatest threat to the acquistion of vital global strategic resources that without, would destablize national economic and state security.
The suprise use of nuclear weapony against any dissident enemy state would bring immediate and complete submission to the United States of America without the loss of a single American life while inflicting crippling paralysis and utter demoralization to the enemy, and therefore successfuly removing any remaining will to resist occupation by the enemy.
With the state of the art in performance delivery systems and warhead technologies, the United States of America boasts the most advanced and sophisticated nuclear arsenal on the planet, allowing for precision pinpoint obliteration and annhilation of enemy population centers without inflicting damage on vital enemy resource stockpiles and production centers.
Re "Holy Ghost" comment:
At last, a response from the Pentagon!
Mmm, submission... that's called Islam, isn't it?
Let's not forget Offutt AFB in Omaha, where George Bush Sr. and Warren Buffett (the 2nd richest man on the planet at $41 Billion) met up on 9-11 after Buffett's Berkshire-Hathaway offices in New York took a direct hit...
Do you have a source for this meeting?
If I recall, all reports have GHWB and his wife being grounded in Milwaukee.
(Good stuff Jeff -- also your DU post. They are not bumbling incompetents; in fact, most things are going exactly according to their plan.)
And don't forget, CIA Director George Tenet was "having a leisurely breakfast" with his mentor, OU Pres. and former Oklahoma Sen. David Boren on the morning of 9/11. Wonder what they were talking about? I wonder why Boren won't comment on the skull of Geronimo, spirited away into the catacombs in the Tomb.
"Holy Ghost said...
If the United States is to acheive and maintain global supremacy over it's enemies..."
It is precisely that delusional elitist mentality that has polluted the earth over the past half century with Depleted Uranium, nuclear waste, and a "pandora's box' full of exotic chemicals and electomagnetic effluvia!
As we increasingly elbow our way in on this finite planet to make more room for our cancerous species, and concomitant "ideologies", thousands of species are driven to extinction.
The profound irony sadly overlooked by our "forward thinking" leaders is that we too will soon join the list of extinct species. ...and deservedly so!
Well Jeff...
From our own perspective all physical constructions look temporal, including the ones we somewhat erroneously think of as ourselves.
But the time and space that completely encompasses and preserves them all, from beginning to end, already and always exists.
That time does not pass, nor does the arrangement of space within it ever allow one moment to crowd out or displace the existence of any other or what it contains.
It is we that merely physically percieve our passage through it as having that particular appearance.
This, I think, you quite intuitively understand already, as well as the little fact that there is really no such thing as "coincidence".
Unfortunately for most of us, that intuitive knowing or feeling something to be of real significance or importance and actually being able to trust and believe in the truth of that faculty when it prompts us isn't necessarily the same thing.
You have, after all, dedicated this website towards the noble endeavor of exploring and overcoming the very fear that is normally associated with that...hmmm? LOL
Coincidence is merely a word for our inabilty,(or unwillingness), to find or accept the perspective that rationally explains the ways in which all events,(including those in our past, present, and future), are all intimately and inextricably connected and dependent on one another.
It can never exempt any events from being that way, for there is no way for them to be at all, otherwise. Just as all of them are the result of quite deliberate choices we make in regard to them whether we are aware of them as being such when we make them or not.
You are now through a sum total of choices the "future self" that has witnessed the shocking and violent act that has erased that same lofty tower that felt so terribly and even frighfully insubstantial to stand upon then. Sufficiently so to at least bring it to our attention.
I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that "what" created the very bones you felt those fearfull sensations in at that moment was also, from it's own standpoint, simultaneously forming them as you felt and impressed your shock and awe on it while seeing the same tower dissappear "later" from your own personal perspective.
The quantum reality is the only "reality" after all. We need only be aware of how it can make its presence felt.
The actualization of any particularly intense event, good or bad, can reverberate through time in ALL directions.
Were you to onsider your own two quite personal connections to the tower's own lifeline in light of the the actual "timeless" space where your own originates, you'd soon see how you were actually in both places. Still are, in fact, and in a quite a few others besides, including some that haven't happened yet by our reckoning.
I'm afraid you simply watched it unnaturally cut on one end while intuitively "tuning in" and feeling it go slack on the other.
It's not as preposterous an explanation as it sounds btw, it's simply physics!
Fondest Regards from the Fox
Redsock said:
"They are not bumbling incompetents; in fact, most things are going exactly according to their plan."
You are so right. That's the scariest part. I have taken the path of appreciating their ingenuity, creativity, longevity, etc. I appreciate that they are creating cool, coastal weather in the hot northern california valley. It's nice having cool, overcast temperatures in June when normal temperatures are around 100 degrees. I've observed massive aerosol spraying in the last few days. Secret planes flying back and forth spewing some sort of material. I say, "thank you for the earth shield." Often the spraying is directly between earth and the location of the sun in the sky -- the sun glimmers behind rainbow clouds. The spewed material creates blobs and halos of rainbows that our eyes perceive as the earth moves around the sun.
That's the secret. Acknowledge and appreciate. Take their power away from them by appreciating rather than "fighting against" them. They only have the power that we 'give' them. These are merely the early days of the future.
What we can try to do is accept people in our lives who trust in the concept of Homeland Security in the U.S. Accept them for who they are and learn how to educate them. Try not to blame others for traumas caused and try to rehabilitate with unusual responsibility. Putting negative events and traumas that have happened in our life on our own shoulders. We are the same person today that experienced the pain of past traumas. How I reacted to traumatic events in the past as an individual is who I am today. I am that person. It is up to me to be responsible for my actions today and to accept this same responsibility as a traumatized individual without blaming others.
The people who will trust on religious or governmental or whoever persons no matter if they are right or wrong are amongst us. This can be close family members, friends, work associates, and neighbors. We have to be wise enough to know how to avoid being stigmatized. To try to heal up old wounds and have the patience to bear with the repugnancy of nociassociation.
We understand that the illusiveness of U.S. Homeland Security being valuable is caused by manipulation of religious, governmental, corporate, and educational representatives. Let us shun these influences with tact and enjoy our lives as best as we can. It is going to take the collective effort of hundreds of thousands of armed Americans to put a stop to this. If it is bullets that makes it right, it will be another shock to our systems. This clearly being beyond the call of duty.
George Bush Sr. and Warren Buffett... met up on 9-11 (at Offutt).
redsock asked:
Do you have a source for this meeting?
If I recall, all reports have GHWB and his wife being grounded in Milwaukee.
Sorry. you're right. I still get George and George mixed up. W. was the George that hooked up with Buffett.
"The former President and First Lady had been at the White House the night before the terrorists struck. They were flying to St. Paul, Minn., when the first news was flashed to their Secret Service detail. Their plane was diverted to Milwaukee, Wis., and they were rushed off to a motel beyond the city limits." -Time (9/24/01)
(On 9-11)...Laura Bush also started the day early. In her husband's absence, the job of taking Spot the English springer spaniel and their frisky black Scottish terrier Barney for their morning walk had fallen to the First Lady. Afterward, Laura returned to the second-floor family quarters for a quick breakfast with her in-laws. George H. W. Bush and his wife Barbara had spent the night at the White House and were about to board a private jet bound for a speaking engagement in Minnesota.
I think the peckerhead bankers set up dupes like Georgie Boy to fail in life so as to make them look more human, which is a pure lie.
I want to let readers know, I've been unable to update the blog, at least the main page, since Friday. Blogger Support hasn't replied yet to tell me what's up. Or, I guess, down.
I'll try posting something new in a couple of hours, though it may not appear on the main page. If not, I'll post the link to it in this comments thread.
mummu i think i've been hacked and credit info was taken. it was in an encrypted file and the info was edited out. and i saw it was missing last nite and then today i look again and now its back. what do i do? am i being held hostage so that i shut up?
Blogger's still buggered here. I'll try later tonight.
"You are now through a sum total of choices the "future self" that has witnessed the shocking and violent act that has erased that same lofty tower that felt so terribly and even frighfully insubstantial to stand upon then."
"The actualization of any particularly intense event, good or bad, can reverberate through time in ALL directions."
Silverfox, I can think of so many examples of 911 having this effect. To people who have no connection with NY or anything. I can remember one particular apocalyptic dream, from the 80s, I used to dream of nuclear war alot, but this one wasn't, and 15 years later or there abouts, i recogised it.
A mate dreamt of planes for 3 nights running before the event.
Another friend went crazy 2 1/2 years earlier and foresaw the whole thing during her psychosis. It seemed like drivel at the time, but with the benefit of hindsight...
I went looking for the lyrics to scary mothers song - Ma laeo. They only link that came up was for a song off the same album, called looking down. But it was on a site called 911
So here they are, I can't find them on the net.
(After 911 this song suddenly made sense to everyone that heard it.)
Torn from my sleep again
Torn from the deeper end
Hanging for some guarantee
Am I awake
'Cause reality is lost in the dream
The sky opens up above my head and the dead fall on me.
Some day any day I'll look skywards
fire and people and chairs
Some big aeroplane falling toward the city by the sea.
Memory stares me blind
Wraps herself 'round my mind
Fucks with the dial
on my screen.
I know I'll see her as I've always seen her before.
The sky opens up above my head and the dead fall on me.
Some day any day I'll look skywards
fire and people and chairs
Some big aeroplane falling toward the city by the sea.
How can I save you?
I never met you
I'm leaving on a jet plane.
Don't know if I'll be back again.
Sky explodes
The sea's a blur
The air's alive with the death of her
there's a man on the shore
his jaw hits the floor
Could be dream
could be true
But I do believe its you
I'll miss the children
Ma Laeo.
from Tai laeo, by Scary Mother, 1994
I apologize, but I'm pissed off & ranting......
I'm sure you've seen this:
BRAMPTON, Ontario - Charges against 12 alleged al Qaeda sympathizers arrested at the weekend range from training terrorists to plotting to cause a fatal explosion, according to court documents filed on Monday. Police said they could not rule out additional arrests in what is already Canada's largest anti-terrorist operation.
So....I couldn't help wondering about when they're going to start construction on that northern border wall?
& since Bushiepoo likes to repeat over & over how 911 taught us that our oceans no longer protect us, I think we need an east & west coast wall too.
Then after they're done with those all we need is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig f*cking lid & we'll all sleep safe & secure like little bugs in a rug.
& then I read this:
It’s been a horrible day. We woke up to unbearable heat. Our area averages about 4 hours electricity daily and the rest is generator electricity, which means we can use our ceiling fans, but there’s no way we can use air conditioners.
We woke up to an ominous silence- an indicator that the generator isn’t working. E. went next door to check and got a confirmation. It might not work all day. The neighbor responsible for it was going to bring by the ‘generator doctor’ as soon as he was free.
The electricity came at 6 pm for only twenty minutes- as if to taunt us. The moment the lights flickered on, we were gathered in the kitchen and we could hear the neighborhood children began to hoot and holler with joy.
Before that, we heard the news about the dozens abducted from the Salhiya area in Baghdad. Salhiya is a busy area where many travel agencies have offices. It has been particularly busy since the war because people who want to leave to Jordan and Syria all make their reservations from one office or another in that area.
According to people working and living in the area, around 15 police cars pulled up to the area and uniformed men began pulling civilians off the streets and from cars, throwing bags over their heads and herding them into the cars. Anyone who tried to object was either beaten or pulled into a car. The total number of people taken away is estimated to be around 50.
This has been happening all over Iraq- mysterious men from the Ministry of Interior rounding up civilians and taking them away. It just hasn’t happened with this many people at once. The disturbing thing is that the Iraqi Ministry of Interior has denied that it had anything to do with this latest mass detention (which is the new trend with them- why get tangled up with human rights organizations about mass detentions, torture and assassinations- just deny it happened!). That isn’t a good sign- it means these people will probably be discovered dead in a matter of days. We pray they’ll be returned alive…
Another piece of particularly bad news came later during the day. Several students riding a bus to school were assassinated in Dora area. No one knows why- it isn’t clear. Were they Sunni? Were they Shia? Most likely they were a mix… Heading off for their end-of-year examination- having stayed up the night before to study in the heat. When they left their houses, they were probably only worried about whether they’d pass or fail- their parents sending them off with words of encouragement and prayer. Now they’ll never come home.
There’s an ethnic cleansing in progress and it’s impossible to deny. People are being killed according to their ID card. Extremists on both sides are making life impossible. Some of them work for ‘Zarqawi’, and the others work for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. We hear about Shia being killed in the ‘Sunni triangle’ and corpses of Sunnis named ‘Omar’ (a Sunni name) arriving by the dozen at the Baghdad morgue. I never thought I’d actually miss the car bombs. At least a car bomb is indiscriminate. It doesn’t seek you out because you’re Sunni or Shia.
We still don’t have ministers in the key ministries- defense and interior. Iraq is falling apart and Maliki and his team are still bickering over who should get more power- who is more qualified to oppress Iraqis with the help of foreign occupiers? On top of all of this, rumor has it that the Iraqi parliament have a ‘vacation’ coming up during July and August. They’re so exhausted with the arguing, and struggling for power, they need to take a couple of months off to rest. They’ll leave their well-guarded homes behind for a couple of months, and spend some time abroad with their families (who can’t live in Iraq anymore- they’re too precious for that).
Where does one go to avoid the death and destruction? Are the Americans happy with this progress? Does Bush still insist we’re progressing?
Emily Dickinson wrote, “hope is a thing with feathers”. If what she wrote is true, then hope has flown far- very far- from Iraq…
& then I started wondering about why everyone in this halfwit country is focusing on Haditha as if it's this shocking occurrence.
The Bushits announced they were going to do this. Announced it for Christ's sake. Remember:
"BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU SAY "DEATH SQUAD": Newsweek reports that the Pentagon has now developed a plan for Iraq described as "the Salvador option", which
Dates back to a still-secret strategy in the Reagan administration’s battle against the leftist guerrilla insurgency in El Salvador in the early 1980s. Then, faced with a losing war against Salvadoran rebels, the U.S. government funded or supported "nationalist" forces that allegedly included so-called death squads directed to hunt down and kill rebel leaders and sympathizers. Eventually the insurgency was quelled, and many U.S. conservatives consider the policy to have been a success—despite the deaths of innocent civilians and the subsequent Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages scandal."
Read the Baghdad Burning blog then dig up a good book on El Salvador.
Sound familiar?
Of course, y'all know that, but what's got my blood boiling is how llittle knowing this little all this typing & techno-bonding & Borg like cell phone text messaging email interconnection does to actually alter the actions of the real owners of this little American asylum.
Also, amidst all of his apparent fuck-ups, all of his shotgun blasts to America's foot, all Bush has to do to rally his base of narrow minded short-sighted homophobic dipshits is mention gay marriage.
This is quickly becoming the only song that's relevant to me anymore.
"Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call USA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Tiajuana bay.
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
It's a
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call USA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Tiajuana bay.
Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will cuz
I sure could use a vacation from this
Silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.
Learn to swim.
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.
Learn to swim.
Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.
Learn to swim.
Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.
Learn to swim.
Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.
Learn to swim.
Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna watch it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it all come down.
suck it down.
flush it down."
I live in Texas & I'm surrounded by staunch Republicans (whatever that means) and the gay marriage thing isn't helping Bush & company, at least as far as I can tell from talking to his (formerly) most enthusiastic supporters. The gay marriage thing is just a shiny object thrown on the lawn that's supposed to distract us from the real & important issues we face, namely the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, the war in Iran that we all know is coming, the inevitable draft that will be required, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, the creeping suspicion that the USA is tagged to slip into Third World status, etc. There's no wrath like that of a betrayed voter, especially people who bought hook, line & sinker into Bush/Cheney's subterfuge. There is a disgust across the board for the Republican party; some are vowing to vote Democrat, just to piss off the Republicans, others vowing to vote third party. I know it seems hopeless & for some it truly is, but if we can wade through this shit, maybe a viable third (or even fourth?) party could emerge that could provide some true leadership. But perhaps I'm being too optimistic. My fear is that a third party would be infested by rats who jumped ship from the DNC/GOP. Politicans are nothing if not opportunistic.
Still having trouble publishing to the main page, though there is a new post up:
Suspicious Minds
Until Blogger rights itself, I'll announce updates in the comments field.
You can also look for updates under the monthly archive for June 2006 on the sidebar.
You can also look for updates under the monthly archive for June 2006 on the sidebar.
Nothing points better to how totally fucking ludicrous it is than dichotomies. They are often, if not always, pure, unadulterated fodder for satire.
I was watching the weather channel this morning, and one of the commercials was for a product called Lamasil that targets foot fungus. Of course, it came with all the required disclaimers.....such as, if you are a living, breathing human being, you should not use this product because it can be dangerous to your health.....but use it any way, because nothing's worse than not looking your best at all times. The commercial features an interesting animated character referred to as Digger the Dermatidite.
Anyhow, it got me to thinking what a great country we live in. I mean, you know you have reaced the pinnacle of civilization when you have found the long sought after treatment for toenail fungus.
Hey, forget about the lowly and wayward innocent Iraqis being blown to bits, shot, or suffering from DU've got Lamisil, and if they would only learn to bend over and take it up the ass, they could have Lamisil, as well. In the meantime, their ignorance and obstinence will only bring them more bombs, bullets and DU Poisoning.'ve got to love em!!
Maybe when you have all stopped crying, Uncle Jeff can write you a sicknote so that you may be excused from the final innings
I love it when they resort to sports analogies. They're the same men who unconsciously, but homoerotically guzzle jizz juice from their Gatorade Bottles in machismo fashion. Sadistic nut bags such as Anon above are very reminiscent of the brutal tulip, Ernst Rohm. These Blackwater Mercenary types are nothing but pansies wrapped in an armor facade......and it shows.
Using your sports analogy, there are no final innings. The game never ends, even if we do. As Messala said to Judah, "the race is not over."
Hey Anon3:17--We're not here trolling for boys, pal! You're thinking ""...
(Or, is that *you*, Jeff?)
New post June 7: Mephistopheles.
New posts in June can also be accessed through the June, 2006 archive link.
I've still had no communication from Blogger about this problem.
That picture is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Some lyrics came to mind, and I threw it up on my blog.
Oh, where have you been my beady-eyed son
Oh, where have you been, my clueless young one
I've stumbled on the floor of five greasy barrooms
I've walked and I've crawled in six crooked strip-joints
I've stepped in the middle of seven steamin' cowpies
I've been 10,000 miles of watchin' NASCAR
And it's a hard
And it's a hard
And it's a hard
And it's a hard
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall
For more rapid results use your new D code on your Mercicontrol card.
Thank you.
You had a girlfriend when you were 10?
One of my only comforts these days is that this society allowed a political and general non-conformist like me to develop. If everybody were a free-thinking progressive-oriented pacificistic anarchist-fellow traveller, would it be as appealling to be one of that society's non-conformists who sat around in shirts and ties drinking Starbucks coffee and complaining about how people should be more like one another, worship the same vision of God, and have a more repressive government?
Most people seem to lack critical thinking skills. That includes many members of the left, or devotees of most any mainstream ideology. A knee-jerk reaction is usually a reflex, and therefore ill-planned.
New post here, June 9:
The Revolution Will Not Be Webcast.
Access June archive here.
Check forum for updates of blog status here.
Thank you for your patience.
love me tender ... love me true ... all my dreams fullfilled ... for my darling .. I love you .. and I always will
(clue: Fosdick ... (less so, or more if you investigate .. George R. Poultan)
the world now sits outside a "in dispute" pardigim (sorry "bout spellin') of ... give 'em to us ... no give 'em to us give 'em to us give 'em to us ... we want to believe in something but we dont know what's coming over the next tusimi wave ...could be (as a little boy's view) the next Beatle's ( whores cut me off
Please see this:
Time for an appeal, here
I'm still prevented from updating the main page. And I'm not sure whether I can further update June's archive.
Blogger still hasn't addressed this.
Not sure what the solution will be, but increasingly it looks unlikely that we can continue here.
Please check the RI forum and the most recent comments for updates.'s your datestamp for today.. It's 8 something.. June 12, 2006. Solve your problem...easy... move r.i. to a new r...i.. and put a link up's pretty simple and the software issues you are having will disappear. And when you start up a new blog "activate" the date stamp..
Jeff - Is the reason you can't post to the main page technical? or political?
Here's the new, temporary link for the blog.
Emergency Broadcast System?
Manhattan is a loud island. WTC plaza used to be its loudest point.
Your silence since June 2 has been deafening. I want-- no, I NEED-- to hear your wisdom now. If not your wisdom, at least your take. I have you on speed-dial for a reason, my man.
Your silence since June 2 has been deafening. I want-- no, I NEED-- to hear your wisdom now. If not your wisdom, at least your take. I have you on speed-dial for a reason, my man."
I'm sorry you've missed my comments here redirecting traffic because of Blogger's technical problems.
We're over here now, for the moment. Some June updates that haven't shown up on the front page can be accessed through the June archive.
it is now Thursday, June 15th
6:23 pm MST
I once said I would run to Canada, but I guess that would just be a waste of money. It gets to a certain point where you realize every single thing is against the exercise of free speech, free thought and free choice. Now the police can just enter our homes without even saying "hello" or "fuck you". It looks like the end of the republic is near, my friends. I guess America is even more like Rome than the Christian fundies cry about. Hopefully they will just crown Dubya, coronate him as Caesar and let have nice clean toga. It would be the first honest thing this government has done in many years.
Update, June 17:
I'm still unable to publish this blog. Blogger's only communication has been that they're aware of the problem and engineers are "actively" working on it.
We're over here now.
If you can edit this JPG you can send people to the new site
Hope that helps.
It was worth a try, but as with everything else, the edit doesn't show up on the main page; only on the permanent link and the June archive.
Again, for those just tuning in:
Update, June 22:
I'm still unable to publish this blog. Blogger's only communication has been that they're aware of the problem and engineers are "actively" working on it.
We're over here now. a blogger blog copy. The link to that will be through your profile. You can do it.
eric, good suggestion, but it doesn't work. No edits I can make are appearing on the main page.
Update, June 26:
I'm still unable to publish this blog. Blogger's only communication has been that they're aware of the problem and engineers are "actively" working on it.
We're over here now.
I can't beleive that you jus' disappeared without saying anything. I mean, no mention of why you left or where you're going. This is ridiculous. I thought you had artistic integrity, but now I see you jus' wanted us to buy your new book and then disappear on us. There is no other possible explanation. You are just like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Corn and "uri dowbenko".
Hey genius, check the post immediately above the one that you've written and you'll see that Jeff now has a new link.
Just checking if this comment will post
will this post?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
i tell you what we need another rucksack revolution to screw the bastards over. they only take poweref from us if we continue to support their systems by being consumers. i wish ginsberg was still alive to kick up a fuss. maybe wes headed for counterculture part two, sometink must change
The max-overdrive spin is on,and most of the populouse can't handle one more fuck up let alone the twenty from last week they are trying to forget.There just aren't enough NASCAR races to wash the facts away by monday;It's certainly a bizzare fact according to many of my friends here at web design company the latest functional greamings ,maybe fox can blend "american idiot"and the races together.But sad to say things are run a muck around here in the late great"land of the free".
yang komen diatas semoga masuk surga semua
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