
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died - Leonard Cohen
A quick review of the teaser of the nuking of Iran before they roll out the feature presentation.
First of all, the target isn't Iran, though of course it will be Iranians who may die by the hundreds of thousands should nuclear weapons be greenlighted for Washington's latest McGuffin. But Iran is no more the target than Japan was for Fat Man and Little Boy.
The principal target demographic for the atrocity still on storyboards is Russia and China. The nuking of Iran will be a blockbuster remaking of the demonstration events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which announced to the Soviet Union and all comers that the American Aeon had arrived. At least that's how it will appear, and how it's being sold in the boardroom of America Inc. But the large stakeholders who are short-selling their shares in the Homeland, who supply sewage to its army for drinking water and whose loyalties are neither to that nor any other nation-state, may intend, rather, a windfall gotterdammerung that's more Springtime for Hitler.
The Council on Foreign Relations' Foreign Affairs primes the pump with triumphalist glitz in its March/April issue, confidently anticipating the coming end of the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction with the proclamation, "It will probably soon be possible for the United States to destroy the long-range nuclear arsenals of Russia or China with a first strike."
Ring them bells: some would have it that the new balance of terror has been wargamed, and the balance has so tipped that the United States can terrorize the world at will. On the irradiated soil of the simulated East, everything's coming up roses:
To determine how much the nuclear balance has changed since the Cold War, we ran a computer model of a hypothetical U.S. attack on Russia's nuclear arsenal using the standard unclassified formulas that defense analysts have used for decades. We assigned U.S. nuclear warheads to Russian targets on the basis of two criteria: the most accurate weapons were aimed at the hardest targets, and the fastest-arriving weapons at the Russian forces that can react most quickly. Because Russia is essentially blind to a submarine attack from the Pacific and would have great difficulty detecting the approach of low-flying stealthy nuclear-armed cruise missiles, we targeted each Russian weapon system with at least one submarine-based warhead or cruise missile. An attack organized in this manner would give Russian leaders virtually no warning.
This simple plan is presumably less effective than Washington's actual strategy, which the U.S. government has spent decades perfecting. The real U.S. war plan may call for first targeting Russia's command and control, sabotaging Russia's radar stations, or taking other preemptive measures - all of which would make the actual U.S. force far more lethal than our model assumes.
According to our model, such a simplified surprise attack would have a good chance of destroying every Russian bomber base, submarine, and ICBM. This finding is not based on best-case assumptions or an unrealistic scenario in which U.S. missiles perform perfectly and the warheads hit their targets without fail. Rather, we used standard assumptions to estimate the likely inaccuracy and unreliability of U.S. weapons systems. Moreover, our model indicates that all of Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal would still be destroyed even if U.S. weapons were 20 percent less accurate than we assumed, or if U.S. weapons were only 70 percent reliable, or if Russian ICBM silos were 50 percent "harder" (more reinforced, and hence more resistant to attack) than we expected. (Of course, the unclassified estimates we used may understate the capabilities of U.S. forces, making an attack even more likely to succeed.)
There's a secondary audience for this, and it's us. Going nuclear has long been unthinkable, and the Dark Powers consider the problem to be the prohibition of our ethical tripwire, not the weapons themselves. So leaks are leaked and denied and the media assets go to work. It's how the unthinkable enters thought.
And one more thought. If Iran is nuked, it doesn't mean we're suddenly in an End Game scenario. We're already in it. Except for the shadows beneath the mushroom cloud apocalypse doesn't come in an instant. The breaking of souls is incremental. We are meant to acclimatize ourselves to Hell, to raise our children in it, and teach them to expect worse to come.
J Robert Oppenheimer became Death, the destroyer of worlds. Since George W Bush's religious alter is Christian rather than Hindu, perhaps what he's becoming is contained in this packet of Revelation 9:11 Truth: "They had as king over them the Angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon." And in English, Destroyer.
We're ready for your close-up, Dr Oppenheimer.
Kissinger's PhD dissertation describes a revolution of a sort that Americans are not quite used to, but are seeing currently.
The premise is this: What happens if, in a society, a powerful group of people do not even acknowledge (much less obey) the current rule of law? What if this group of people behave as if they never heard of the laws that they are breaking... even the law that reads "ignorance of the law is no excuse..."? They act with impunity and unstoppable force.
This is the new form of revolution. A revolution without the pitchforks and torches.
That is what's happening here. We have been taken over by an elected and un-elected evil force that is hell-bent on nuclear war and destabilizing the planet. Kissenger saw this many years ago.
How do we look this evil in the eye and organize ourselves enough to expel it like the parasite that it is, before it is too late?
I wonder whether the Council on Foreign Relations sees the neocon's inability to get away with the White Hat Saving the World From Terrorism scam as the cue to incite resistance from within by underscoring the nuclear annihilation scenario.
In other words, is the 'shock and awe' tactic being used by the CFR to destabilize support for the current White House occupiers just as those occupiers are trying to destabilize Iran?
Or are those bastards really that crazy?
If they use nukes on Iran it will unleash a shitstorm of Muslim anger that will make the Mohammed cartoon incident look like a birthday party...and then what will we have?
According to L. Fletcher Prouty, the so-called 'Pentagon Papers,' which played a part in discrediting the already lost Vietnam War, were actually CIA papers used to shut down the disaster and hang the blame on others to protect the already damaged CIA control of the US government.
Perhaps the Council on Foreign Relations is trying to horrify insiders into derailing this White House before we go over the edge of no return.
I'm always trying to see events in both best-case and worst-case scenarios.
They look more the same with each passing day.
William Burroughs used to say that nuclear weapons destroyed both the corporeal human body and the soul. He said it was due to magnetic forces created in the blast and radiation.
Whatever, I remember reading it and being utterly terrified.
The Council of Foreign Relations already has an influence lock on this imperial presidency; if they're talking nuclear war, they mean war. They already had Bush integrate the U.S., Canadian and Mexican militaries into NORTHCOM. The world is already years behind the goals of the Club of Rome's depopulation schemes. This is just putting the extermination of human resistance on a fast track.
On a mildly tangential sidenote, there's a new group called Zero To Ballistic that has a song with baroque stylings and apocalyptic lyrics called the 'Plains of Abaddon.' You might want to check it out at:
Sorry, blogger.com didn't like the HTML for that song 'The Plains of Abaddon.' Here's the plain links:
goddam...sometimes you have to hate this country to be able to live here. other times you simply go nuts like charleton heston and cry endlessly, "it's a madhouse!! a madhouse!!!" because it is. WE'RE the humans; the idiots running the show are the ANIMALS.
HMKGrey -- do you have a link or reference??
This morning, while getting my kids off to school, I saw Norman Mailer on some kind of ethics panel. He was asked if he thought 911 was a conspiracy. He replied, & I'm paraphrasing due to noisy kids in the room, that he didn't think Bush was behind 911 because 'Mr. Bush would have had too much to lose to risk something so outrageous.'
Now I have a great deal of respect for Mr, Mailer's intellect, but I'm afraid I can't follow this line of reasoning at all.
All crime is a gamble, & when you can stack the deck against discovery as well as a sitting president can, I doubt that hypothetical's like that would be much of a deterrent.
Since everyone in mainstream society approaches the phrase 'conspiracy' with such anathema maybe we should just strike it from our criminal code since conspiracies never seem to happen.
& since wealthy Americans have too much to lose by involving themselves in huge criminal endeavors we should probably free the Enron gang, among others, right now since they fit Mr. Mailer's criteria to a tee.
Will you present us with an answer jeff?
I believe I recall reading that as far back as late 2005, Israeli media and others were reporting a bloviating claim from the IDF that Iran had until March 28 to unilaterally abandon their nuclear ambitions and allow full inspections. This did not happen, but likewise, Israel did not launch airstrikes on Iran. Neither did the US, and in order to head off domestic disorder, I believe the US government would prefer that the IDF take actions against Iran with financial and materiel supplies from the US instead of direct action. That way the administration could say, "We didn't do it, but we fully support the actions of our ally who are acting in self-defense against a fascist enemy who does not even recognize their right to exist." Which to some extent is true. Of course, if Israel carried out the first strike, they would not use nuclear weapons--to do so would virtually guarantee yet another united offensive by their neighbors. Perhaps the election of Hamas destabilized the region and threw plans off-balance, although surely the Israelis already had a contingency plan for the results we saw.
In case of American nuclear first-strike, I anticipate large-scale demonstrations. Despite the alarmism, I do not buy the inevitability of a nuclear first strike.
".....Going nuclear has long been unthinkable, and the Dark Powers consider the problem to be the prohibition of our ethical tripwire, not the weapons themselves. So leaks are leaked and denied and the media assets go to work. It's how the unthinkable enters thought....."
Perfectly said.
Whenever I click the bookmark for this site, in my brain I usually hear the phrase "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." That's not a criticism, merely a statement.
The Sy Hersh article news sent major shivers down my spine but as you point out this news is not exactly new. At the latest AIPAC confab in Washington, D.C., where my "liberal" California representatives were featured speakers and panelists, there was supposedly an entire multimedia dog-and-pony show set up to show everyone why Iran needed to be attacked next.
C'mon, starroute, I need a pep talk. There has to be a direction for hope.
"How do we look this evil in the eye and organize ourselves enough to expel it like the parasite that it is, before it is too late?"
You dont. Youre...americans. You just talk big and whip up everyones sentiments and then go home to watch tv. Isnt it obvious?
Home of the brave, my ass.
Quit wimping out and stand up for the values you used to rely on as a people. That might be a start. It might start in one persons head and spread to make yourselves back into the noble people you once were.
I dont see much peace justice and goodwill for all mankind on the tip of a nuclear missile, do you?
As it is, I guess you got more important things to do than that.
23skidoo wrote:
In case of American nuclear first-strike, I anticipate large-scale demonstrations. Despite the alarmism, I do not buy the inevitability of a nuclear first strike.
What would be the point of large-scale demonstrations when the people who started a nuclear attack were still in control of the trigger when the demonstrators go home for dinner? In other words, demonstrations as the end result are not worth anything to get these people off the trigger.
More drastic measures will need to be accomplished.
"More drastic measures will need to be accomplished."
Think gandhi. Think Vietnam era. Think democracy. Nobody says you cant play dirty, but no violence.
These are industrial types your up against. Now how could american people stop industrialists? (Barring the suspicion that they dont really want to.) You are supposed to be civilized.
How about a nationwide strike? Nah - you dont have the gumption. You dont have a vision anymore, america.
Your Light of Freedom has become a missile. Your fear of failure will surely cause you to fail. I dont think you guys have what it takes to stand up to fear anymore.
Thats coming from a foreigner. Im proud to be a foreigner. You can categorically dismiss me now on those simple grounds. Nevermind reason.
Oh - have I just wounded some egos? Ask yourselves if you are made up of anything but ego.
Indeed, it tends to get a little demoralizing when you see the government taken over without the necessary definitive majority, but it has happened, and it has also erupted in almost underlying civil war between th 49% who feel they were cheated and the other 49% who don't care if cheating was involved because they were on the winning side. It's gotten very ugly and almost impossible to discuss politics here with someone from the other side of the political map - even now, with all that is coming to light about this administration, they have their die-hard fans that are tantamount to suicide bombers -just like the anti-abortionists who think it's okay to kill a doctor because he may kill a fetus - there's no reasoning or connection. Those are nice words, Braveanonymous, and I'd like to think we'd be able to do that as an entire country, but even within each of the bitterly divided halves, there is discord and infighting and disagreement. The climate here is might and money make right, all the rights have been afforded to the corporations, and they have the politicians in their pocket. The people have let this country devolve into the situation the Forefathers of America tried to keep from happening, but you can't prevent it if there is a public backing of deregulation (in the hopes that the small businessman can Enron his way to riches and power, at the cost of other Americans). That is the driving force of the republican party, support the rich & powerful that circumvent the laws so that if you can get your slice of the American Pie, you can participate and share the spoils of victory as well. It's the shortsighted, me first and the gimme-gimme approach, the bottom line. That's a hard mentality to combat. There are many of us trying, but the cards are stacked against us (money, power, media), as it is in so many other countries. It's actually the people that support this chicanary that are too self absorbed with reality tv and couch comfort food to wake up and smell what's cooking in this regime's little cauldron. It's like going into the Wabac machine and living in Germany just before WWII. Scary.
In most of the stories and reports that criticize the proposals for attacking Iran, bad case scenarios are presented that portray this or that cost to the US: from increased terror attacks, increased violence in Iraq and MidEast against US, condemnation and trade/ economic sanctions imposed by China/Russia et al, and the usual military issues. All of these read to me like a happy perfect Bushco outcome. Why?
Because then they could suspend the general election, retain power in all three branches, declare martial law in US, use strategic military power to terrorize other nations, demand all manner of concessions from other nations with threats, eventually suspend the next presidential election, and of course reduce world population thus freeing up all sorts of resources. Can we really afford, each and everyone of us, to not make our voices and dissent heard??
The drastic measures I spoke of before do not mean violence per se.
It means being yourself, and doing what you were born to do, regardless of what a politician or authority figure has to say about it.
Live the freedom you want. If more people understood that, then there would be more freedom.
If someone wants to stop you from living your freedom, then take whatever means are appropriate to not let them abridge your freedom.
Simple to say, hard to implement I assure you.
When people understand this, they will understand that they can walk into the White House and turn off the trigger. Or walk into the silo and disable the missile. Perhaps stand in front of the tank to stop it from going anywhere.
Who says there is violence in that?
Can one person alone do this? They would have to be very talented and extremely lucky.
What if 1 million or 10 million or 100 million people decide they can do this?
"...Those are nice words, Braveanonymous, and I'd like to think we'd be able to do that as an entire country..."
Then Evil wins.
Look at it any way you like. Twist it, turn it, rationalize it, you wont escape that fact.
I agree that the CFR report is probably aimed at introducing the idea of nuclear strikes to the public consciousness. It all reminds me of the outburst of discussion by the MSM about whether to cancel or postpone the '04 election. That was just a setup so the seed would be planted for '08 or '12 or whenever they needed it.
Re: the postings of "foreign anonymous": you're choosing this borad to talk about America's crumbling state why? You chastise us about it whay? Maybe next you should head over to the GOPUSA boards and yell at them for loving abortion and promoting homosexuality. And I'm SURE whatever nation you're from is above reproach as evidenced by your enilightened attitude.
Go post it for somone who knows LESS well than you how screwed America is.
sfmike -
So I'm pep talk lady now, am I?
Well, here's the best I've got to offer at the moment:
Problem #1 is that we're confronted with a small group of people who are set on global domination and who actively relish being as ruthless and destructive as possible in the attempt to achieve it.
Problem #2 is that so far that group (or maybe it isn't a group -- maybe it's all Dick Cheney) seems unstoppable. Their crimes can be exposed. Their future plans can be shouted to every wind. They can screw up totally, the way they did in Iraq in 2003 when they disbanded the Baathist army and scuttled negotiations with Iran, setting off the insurgency as a consequence. And nothing seems to matter. Like the Terminator, they just keep on going.
That's very scary. It's like the nightmare where you turn the radio off and it keeps on playing. And you unplug it and it still keeps playing. And you stomp it into little bits and it still keeps on . . .
But that's just nightmare. The nature of daylight reality is that eventually you find the turnoff switch and it works.
So what is the turnoff switch for these guys? Let's say, hypothetically, that they're aiming for an October Surprise -- get a war on right before the election, rally round the flag, all that. So what can we do between now and then to stop them?
One of the best things I can think of is to (1) convince people in general that they really do mean to attack Iran -- that they're not just trying to scare them into coming clean -- and (2) equally convince people that any "evidence" they may use to justify it is total crap.
(In the case of Iraq, the crap evidence was phony intel from Chalabi and the INC. On Iran, it's mostly coming from the MEK. Look them up. And while you're at it look up the MEK's supporters in the Iran Policy Committee -- notably Paul Vallely. Yeah, Aquino's old MindWar pal. This is psy-ops all the way down.)
And once you understand the facts behind this war push, the best way I know to convince people is not to argue about tthem, but to speak with absolute conviction -- as though they were as much established fact as the cooked Iraq intel. State with absolute certainty that we *are* going to war with Iran, that this *is* being done on the basis of phony intel, and that . . . well . . . "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, won't get fooled again." (Right?)
(I should add by the way, that there was a bee buzzing around my workroom just before I started this post. I have no idea how it got in, since the windows are still all shut, but there it was. Big one -- carpenter bee, most likely. My cat was far too interested in it, so I swatted it with my sandal before it could sting her on the nose. But in light of the previous thread, I did wonder about it.)
The world awaits Armageddon with anxious anticipation, like the intense interest the condemned man shows in waiting for the pull of the rope and the fall of the guillotine blade. Always a remote concern, somewhat quaint after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it has been returned front and center because of the madness of the neoconmen. Yet their puppets utter words of freedom, and the masses are placated.
The very idea of freedom has eluded us, so that now when asked to articulate what 'freedom' is most are left to stammer: freedom? Freedom to obey.
Mother Teresa once said that "the fruit of abortion is nuclear war."
"When mothers are driven to kill their own babies in the womb, what is there left to conserve in Western Society?" Harsh, yes, but she seemed to sense an equivalence between loss of the sense of human dignity and the unleashing of the human monster. We mouth words about "peace" and line up to watch horror films and buy murderous video games. We slap our heads in amazement at the absurd statements of our administration and the now-clear-to-all reality of our propaganda press (Washington Post: "A Good Leak"). And with anxiety we await the next reel. Hologram or no, it's bound to be a show-stopper. And best of all, shoppers, admission will be free.
I laugh at the pretences of foreigners (in a French accent), who imagine that they are not under the thrall of the same warped vision of reality that the Americans are under.
anonymous said: "Kissinger's PhD dissertation describes a revolution of a sort that Americans are not quite used to, but are seeing currently.
The premise is this: What happens if, in a society, a powerful group of people do not even acknowledge (much less obey) the current rule of law? What if this group of people behave as if they never heard of the laws that they are breaking... even the law that reads "ignorance of the law is no excuse..."? They act with impunity and unstoppable force."
* Could you please direct me to the text of this dissertation, or at least what it was called? The only thing I could find on a Kissingers dissertation was entitled: "A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812–22" which doesn't seem to be dealing with the subject matter you are referring to.
i'm pissed off, are you?
re: parenthetical thinker
3 months, maybe even 2 (6/6/06 anyone?)
what do you do? you know what you must do.
you get angry!!
and you must start to feel again. you must remove the addictive dependencies that you and i, and like most americans are in debt to metaphorically and mentally and physically.
the soma society predicted by huxley is already here. tv, caffeine, porn, whatever.
ok, you've stopped medicating yourself. now learn the fucking truth. and follow it everywhere.
disabuse your self of the notions of the left/right paradigm.
understand that neo-cons are one faction of many factions with agendas all vying for the subjugation and domination of people, and yes murder them too. the neo-cons are extremists, many other factions are using them to create immense chaos, to set forth events leading toward the greater goal of the solidification of a global hegemony. they are using the neo-cons, kind of like fueling the fire.
now are you mad yet?
what if i told you bush personally signed the dotted line to allow 9/11 to happen? he did.
pissed yet??
and so now you get up. yes you must go tell people the truth you never thought you would.
you will feel vulnerable. but that is the essence of TRUE freedom. freedom is not secure.
In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
it requires an understanding of personal responsibility as an essential foundation of freedom.
and you move from there.
you wanna know why they never ask us to sacrifice for the war on terra? because it empowers you, it makes you feel important and for them, that would be bad. it might make you think. you might analyze your current situation more clearly, be it personally or nationally.
look to the immigration protests today and of the anti-war protesters from february 15th, 2003 for guidance.
there is no sophisticated spontaneous collective without smart individuals first.
look at bush today and his rapid response to that college student asking about whether sy hersh's article about nuking is iran is true or not.
look at him, see him sweating so heavily.
"wILD speculation!"
yea i had this thought. oprah has a 911 special a full week....
let us pray oprah's 'living consciously' mantra leads her towards the current political situation, and to investigate on her own time.
So... What would happen if the USA bombed Iran, all the way up to the use of tactical ("bunker-buster") nuclear weapons?
The answer is really simple. Al-Qaeda would start recruiting people from all over the place. Muslims everywhere would start rioting and/or attack US citizens and corporations.
The fact that Iran is a Shia country would be forgotten and replaced with: 'They attacked and bombed another moslem country'. Iraq would probably become a living hell for US troops, since Shia and Sunni moslems would both rise against the occupiers.
More than that, many countries would simply sever all diplomatic and economic ties to the USA. Sure, it would be painful for them, but imagine the USA without easy access to the Nigerian and Saudi Arabian oil fields, both moslem countries... China would probably step right in and negotiate nice oil deals with these countries.
And one last thing: Pakistan has the bomb, and the least we can say about it is that it has been playing a very strange geopolitical game, indeed.
Remember: Pakistan's ISI was behind the Taliban in Afghanistan. Its militaro-industrial complex has proved quite willing to deal with other countries -- such as Libya and Iran -- to provide other moslem countries with The Bomb. Or, at least, technical assistance... And its ulemas (Teachers/Preachers of Islamic Law) are amongst the most fanatic of all moslems.
Osama Bin Laden -- if he is still alive -- is somewhere in the north-eastern part of Pakistan. At the very least, the ISI and/or the Pakistani military know how to contact him, or Al-Qaeda, or another crazy sob. Bomb Iran, and those fanatics will get an A-Bomb. Or enough material and technical assistance to build a dirty bomb.
So, here is my prediction: bomb Iran, and you will get a mushroom cloud over New York, Washington or Los Angeles. Of course, that may be a part of the plan all along... What better way to maintain power in the USA than to subject it to another horrible attack?
So, what should be done? Exactly what Jefferson said:
"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson.
I'll let you think about that.
osama didn't do it
And one more thing. Do you not think that the massive MK project underway in all NATO countries has something to do with the passivity to this? Think about the energy and activism of the Reagan era with regards to non-proliferation. Where is that zeal today? Things are much more volatile now than they were then. I point to the article by WIll Thomas and his documenation of ELF and HAARP technologies to passify the public. I think here lies the answer. And anyone who had dared to research this will soon find their suspicions validated when your CPU all of a sudden begins to receive massive hack attacks and visits from the likes of NASA, FEMA, Lockheed, Haliburton, DOD, etc.
See for yourself...
Here's the reality I live in: With exceptions I can count on one hand, no one I am acquinted with, is concerned that there is any problem. If they will listen to me at all, it is with a mixture of pity and contempt. (Poor fool, why doesn't he just stuff it.) If I wax on a little too persistently, I see the eyes start to glaze over. Their attention just simply SHUTS OFF. I am seriously beginning to think this is mass programmed mind control. For those of you out there who think you can still think, you better be thankful. "When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all."
Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning.
Some of you out there aren't going to like this, but for me the reason I don't (no longer) buy the 'American Dream' is because I quit watching TV, abandoned the conservative religious sect of my upbringing, and started reading and interpreting the Bible for myself.
The only hope is the Word. Without the Word is the void. The void. You know what I mean. You have all felt it. The empty darkness. The nothingness waiting to swallow you whole. No particular hurry. It is just a matter of time, although it gets closer with each day.
You think you can save the world. You think you can save America. And just what would you be saving anyway?
But go ahead. Do what you will.
I am afraid it is too late for America. Just as it becomes too late for any one or any group, or any race who no longer wants to hear. Any society that becomes so inured to its own malaise, and complacent in its own pride, will ultimately reap the consequences. "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Think Sodom, Jerusalem, Babylon. Think Persia, Greece and Rome. Spain, Germany. The pattern is irrevocable. The carnal mind is impervious to any suggestion that will disturb its securities and pleasures. No one will listen. Therefore it is over.
Those of you who realize the urgency of the situation, thank God for his mercy to give you such sensibilty. Now what?
It seems I have heard God quitely say, "trust me my son and I will lead you."
The pattern of God's way through all time, has been to lead the humble away from the impervious and doomed society.
"And then the end comes."
Think gandhi. Think Vietnam era. Think democracy. Nobody says you cant play dirty, but no violence.
Gandhi's dead. Burning ghettos ended Vietnam and got civil rights for black people (such as they may be).
And democracy, at least American democracy, came from the barrels of farmers' guns.
If I wax on a little too persistently, I see the eyes start to glaze over. Their attention just simply SHUTS OFF. I am seriously beginning to think this is mass programmed mind control.
The answer is probably simpler. Maybe you're just boring and/or annoying them.
"Noryungi said...
Osama Bin Laden -- if he is still alive -- is somewhere in the north-eastern part of Pakistan."
Astounding! I can't believe that their are people that read this column that actually believe that Osama Bin Laden actually exists!
People seem to forget that it is the U.S. that sold the Iranians their nuclear technology.
Even more astounding, I'm watching Anthony Bourdain on the Travel Channel, in Peru exploring their cuisine, and he will be partaking in an Ayahuasca ceremony!!!....
Nothing is sacred anymore!
AMEN brother; as a thief in the night.
He is risen!
As a citizen of a piss-ant country that has 290,000,000 muslims living to our north, I understand our reliance on the USA, from a strategic point of view. Unfortunately, by associating with the US we are tarred with the same brush; murder, torture, Depleted Uranium Particulates in Iraq that will kill 20,000,000 people in the next 20 years etc etc. So, morally, ethically, we are scum. I say bring it on. Latin America is turning Left, the US debt is staggering, a housing bubble burst looms and foriegn banks are readying to dump the US $. China and India are ramping up and US Housing is boosting whilst wages are plummeting. The entire world will turn their backs on this corrupt alliance. Then we collapse. Sometimes, I wish I was a cockroach...
In 1957, Kissinger published his doctoral dissertation, A World Restored. It was actually a book about the diplomatic efforts of Metternich and Castlereagh, which is relevant to US politics in the 21st century. Blah, blah.
But the first three pages are where I like to focus. In those first few pages, Kissinger describes the problems confronting an up-to-now stable nation-state which is faces diwht a "revolutionary power," or a power that does not accept that system's legitimacy. The book is about the reconstruction of Europe after the battle of Waterloo, the revolutionary power he had in mind was the France of Robespierre and Napoleon, though he clearly draws parallels with the failure of diplomacy to effectively confront totalitarian regimes in the 1930s. (His family fled from Nazi Germany, so he did have personal interest in this subject.)
From these passages, it seemed clear to me that we should regard America's right-wing movement, which now controls the entire US government and most of the media, as a revolutionary power in Kissinger's sense. That is, it is a movement whose leaders do not accept the legitimacy of our current political system.
There is ample evidence that key elements of the current regime believe that some long-established American political and social institutions should not, in principle, exist -- and do not accept the rules that the rest of us have taken for granted. The New Deal programs such as Social Security, for example. But it goes farther than that -- the Geneva Conventions are "quaint." International institutions such as the UN are "obsolete" and "worthless."
And now, we're talking about pre-emptive nuclear strike.
Please, enough of the Jesus Loves You theme song.
This overarching belief in the word of God -- as interpreted by everyone from Mother Theresa to Jerry Falwell -- has lead us by the nose into this horrible situation.
People are voting against their own (safety, economic, health) better interests, because Bush is "God's Candidate!"
How gulliable are we Americans? Such a simple thing leads to such a horrible result.
Right on, Anon 11:55!
Furthermore, are the peacenicks ("no violence") actually believing that these inhuman freaks about whom we are writing will EVER respond to "peaceful" demonstrations, negotiations, etc.?
They will mow you down like grass under a moving lawnmower. Nope- this will require the most bloody and violent rebellion imaginable and it still might not be winnable. But, I'd rather die trying than at a "peaceful demonstration".
As they have no compunction regarding the destruction and murder of the people, so we shall need the intestinal fortitude to return like in kind. Oh, I know that some of our friendly "leaders" will be hiding in their inpenetrable bunkers yada yada yada, but not all of their family and friends will be.... and they deserve to be slaughtered.
Reject this line of reasoning if you want to; you're already DEAD.
Gold is peaking at $605.00 Time to re-inflate the economy. Begat violence yada Love poised promised and delivered.
Just to pick up a few threads here:
Kissenger is one of the earlier architects in this game.
Mailer has always been a pseudo-intellect with delusions of Hemingway (himself grossly overinflated).
All talk of armageddon with biblical quotes just feeds the self fulfilling prophecy that these idiots are tinkering with.
Get them out of power.
That's just it... I don't think they will be leaving voluntarily.
The trouble with violent revolution is that the existing government does violence far better than you can. Are you really prepared to take on the U.S. Army?
Guns were a leveling technology in the 1700's. Not so today. I can't recall a low-tech revolution succeeding since Castro overthrew Battista. Fantasizing about it is a nostalgic dream at best, deliberate bafflement at worst.
One of the insistent messages of this blog is that it really is all Mindwar. Computers and blogs are having the same leveling effect now that guns did back when it was all flintlocks. You no longer need to own a printing press or a tv station to get the message out. The battle is over who gets to shape people's reality.
Mass protests -- whether peaceful or violent -- no longer cut it, because the iconic effect of images on television no longer has the power it did in the 60's. That was always a secondhand way of getting the message out, anyway, and depended on tv stations being more interested in ratings than in serving as tools of government propaganda.
Shape reality. That's the only way to go. The professional psy-ops guys may have a head start on us, but they also have the limitation that the reality they're trying to sell is totally lame. Ultimately, it will all boil down to who can tell better stories.
As a final thought on the above -- the real battles of the next few years will be over "intellectual property" and who controls the pipes of the Internet. They will be doing their best to keep subversive messages from being created or distributed. We have to make sure the flow of information remains unimpeded. It's that simple. All the rest -- even threats of atomic armageddon -- is just background noise.
We will be better able to shape our stories when we are more willing to examine the contexts of previous world shaping ideas. Namely, that the primary impulse of both the Consul of Nicea, and the Cartesian paradigm was to create authority structures that minimized “enthusiasm” or the individual creative impulse, or intuition. The answer then lies in efforts to create a story that validates rather than sublimating the creative impulse.
Unfortunately the ego defenses of both religionists and secularists will be threatened by any substantive new story because both factions have bought into the idea that being precedes consciousness. You are not 'tabla rassa', and the end does not justify the means.
Get real; as Vaslev Havel reportedly said when he spoke to our congress,’ The one thing that we learned from communism was that consciousness does indeed precede being'.
Anonymous One,order out of chaos,we are in the same boat the White Rose found it's self in around 1930's.With the 90% of Merican's to concerned about who's getting the boot on Merican Idiot,or who's in the lead to win NASCAR this year,I'm afraid our collective goose is cooked.When the wheels fall off this ride,it's not going to be preaty.If they can create the ultimate shit storm to effect the whole globe,then shove someone out on the stage who looks like a saviour,I think they will have a lot of takers.So sit back and enjoy the show this is going to get wild,later.
The idea of nuclear conflict has shifted to the arena of Game Theory, I'm afraid.
John Nash(A Beautiful Mind)and his "Fuck You, Buddy" approach are apparently being put into play.
Full scale nuclear war probably isn't that bad a thing.
I don't agree with that depopulation by 2050 thingee, i think we should depopulate the earth by practising terraforming elsewhere, not here...
But as much as I hate to say it, our culture is unsustainable and if it doesn't change significantly by yesterday, all life on earth is in severe danger. All vertebrate life anyway.
I don't think a nuclear war would make life that much worse for a lot of life on earth, so long as it did bomb us back to the stoneage.
There are a lot of people in the world whose life wouldn't actually get worse, many whose life may get better.
It would be more inconveinient than the current ride down fascisms rocky shallow rapids. And you can bet that will be why it doesn't happen.
Think 1984, blocs in perpetual war, but perhaps at war with themselves. (There is only one bloc in 1984 btw, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are the one entity).
The greatest danger to the power of the state is large scale nuclear war, because the chaos and damage it will do will lessen the state's power.
Its too late for the US citizens I think. They probably know this deep down and are going to enjoy it while they can, cos the pain is coming anyway. Better pain tomorrow than today, if its unavoidable.
That Liberty or death thing just stops applying once a society starts thinking in terms of entertainment instead of developing culture. it means nothing and makes no sense. That what freedom really means, in the doublespeak of consumerist mind control. Freedom from care, from worry and from responsibility.
Jello summed up his culture when he said:
Give me conveinience or give me death.
I feel ya.
Sorry buddy, but you can't avoid the void.
The Russians developed a Tesla shield in the very early 60's. I have seen one. Many others have reported them. Nukes are not the weapon of choice. The U.S. has been using emp every time you hear of an earthquake in some far off place with a different religion. Even some private mafia types including Yakusa have been testing these weapons in farflung places like Austrailia for decades. Sleep well.
To the Us citizens who are concerned about the state of things - It may be to late for the US today, so think about what you will build from the ashes.
William Burroughs called the US the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams, back in the 80s, or early 90s.
So if it falls, rebuild what was good about it, your constitution isn't that bad, in places and is probably worth trawling thru for the best bits. And the drive to excess that has always been the US' most defining characteristic (not freedom, to anyone on the outside looking in), that is important, and so long as its channelled right.
I remember hearing activists from the former Soviet Union, and the Eastern bloc. They said the had laid plans well beforehand. Not plans to destroy the state, but how to keep as much of what was good about it as possible, and how to build a society they could be proud of in the chaos that followed.
It is probably bad luck for the balkans, and a few other places, that people were not thinking that way, or the people that were failed or didn't anticipate what would happen.
Put for some places, it really seemed to work. Plus the early 90s were an idealistic time (despite what you Yanks think). I cannot believe we are living in the same world.
My hindu ancestors have a version of Abaddon. Shiva.
Creation always follows destruction in Shiva's dance, and Shiva accepts all. Even the neocons, not out of bloodlust, but with a ... it remminds me of Jesus. Forgiveness etc etc. Shiva destroys us all, he's seen our worst and our best and knows all of our inner weaknesses - those fundamental human things that the neocons and the rest of the scumbags still have, buried under years of pain, dis appointment and savagery.
Little babies that all called out mummy, and cried, helpless...
Anyway Shiva or Jesus can forgive them, its not my job. Maybe when they are dead...
"What happens if, in a society, a powerful group of people do not even acknowledge (much less obey) the current rule of law?"
Unless he meant the real lore, er law...
The one that isn't written, in words on paper or stone. but it is written in the stars, the land the water and in life. in your DNA.
We all know it in our hearts.
I think Jeff is getting at this idea.
The written law is a scam. It is written and the interpreted and suddenly it means the opposite of what it did, cos of some smart arse lawyer.
But people who no longer heed the written law (ie ignore it, not employ lawyers to maintain the pretense of following it)..
Would those people have any recourse to the law of (for want of a better world, er word ... hows that for a freudian slip) God, not the one in some book somewhere, but the one we all know on our own in the dark. That if we have integrity the dark is not so dark.
The one that you obey cos to not obey it would be unthinkable. I have to face my ancestors when I die, and they know I know. I have no excuses.
The one that says.
Don't kill kids.
Dont rape babies.
Be responsible for your life and what you invoke.
and the rest. I am not writing it down cos you can't those sentances above are hopeless attempts at translation. They convey the idea in the same way saying cezanne liked blue sums up his painting.
Anyway when you rebuild the society, remember that the lore is there. writing it down diminishes it.
Showing your children that its written in their hearts enhances and enbiggens it.
Wow I am sure rambling some drivel tonight.
"Love is the unknowable. It can be realized only when the known is understood and transcended. Only when the mind is free of the known, then only there will be love. So, we must approach love negatively, not positively.
What is love to most of us? With us, when we love, in it there is possessiveness, dominance, or subservience. From this possession arises jealously and fear of loss, and we legalize this possessive instinct. From possessiveness arise jealousy and the innumerable conflicts with which each one is familiar. Possessiveness, then, is not love. Nor is love sentimental. To be sentimental, to be emotional, excludes love. Sensitivity and emotions are merely sensations.
. . . Love alone can transform insanity, confusion, and strife. No system, no theory of the left or of the right can bring peace and happiness to man. Where there is love, there is no possessiveness, no envy; there is mercy and compassion, not in theory, but actually-for your wife and for your children, for your neighbor and for your servant. . . . Love alone can bring about mercy and beauty, order and peace. There is love with its blessing when "you" cease to be."
J. Krishnamurti
way up thread Anonymous 2:39 said:
Quit wimping out and stand up for the values you used to rely on as a people. That might be a start. It might start in one persons head and spread to make yourselves back into the noble people you once were.
At exactly which point in American history was this wonderful time of nobility and peaceful values? I can't seem to pin it down.
That view of the USA has always been a mirage. It's just so much easier to see that nowadays.
Re the Kissinger quotes. They are also quoted in the intro to Paul Krugman's The Great Unravelling. Scary, scary stuff.
The most powerful weapon that those who helped to bring about lie of 911, the massacres in Iraq, the impending? radiation of Iran, have is their clearly stated objective and apparent capability to continue creating new realities, leaving the rest of us stumbling about in their wake, trying to catch up.
The ability to "create reality" is nothing new. You've all seen it before, for example, consider the obnoxious boor who yammers on while the rest of the party seems helpless to sidetrack him. An audience is by definition captive of someone else's "created reality". The effectiveness of the current bunch of obnoxious boors is that they have high level influence on the media, and the ability to sidetrack to spin, spool subterfuge, dis/mis-information, etc.
Clearly the only way to sidetrack the obnoxious boor in this case is to wrest back control of the conversation.
Rigorous Intuition is a fine example of a means of doing this. Lots of others Crooks & Liars, Buzzflash, etc. This does not have to be conducted in a peaceful frame of mind! Don't be the "audience". Speak up and out.
sounder -
I hear you about being and consciousness, but I think it's older than the Nicene Creed. It goes back to the idea of the Earth as a made thing. To the idea of Adam as something that was formed out of mud and then magically brought to life. To the idea of bodies and souls as distinct entities with different interests in life.
The real issue isn't a chicken-egg debate about which comes first -- it's the whole idea of dividing them at all. I could happily say either "All is being" or "All is consciousness." The important part is the "all" and not what name you put on it.
Dividing the interests of souls from the interests of bodies justified burning heretics at the stake. In a slightly less overt way, it justifies the endless series of Bush-wars. (*We'll force them to be free no matter how many of them we have to kill to do it.*)
We are all the fingertips of a sentient cosmos in the process of self-discovery, and we need to treat one another accordingly.
Here is a related audio file. Webster Tarpley on Jack Blood's radio show.
You can probably fast forward to around 8 minutes to avoid some chatter and local talk.
9.5 Megs in Quicktime format.
This is your best post yet! Too bad it's true.
Dugoboy said:
"you wanna know why they never ask us to sacrifice for the war on terra? because it empowers you, it makes you feel important and for them, that would be bad. it might make you think. you might analyze your current situation more clearly, be it personally or nationally."
They are not asking us to sacrifice anything, like we did in WWII, because any halting of commerce caused by "giving up" creature comforts (or some necessities) would stop our consumer-based economy dead in its tracks.
Buy, buy, buy! If you don't, the terrorists win!
(*We'll force them to be free no matter how many of them we have to kill to do it.*)
This makes absolute "government" sense. And with government's midas touch we are now less free and so is the world.
But now the tree of life will have another new branch, and a whole new "virus" of government can grow and evolve to fight the free that is not free problem.
It is hard to be motivated when what you think has no impact on your cultural superiors as in communism. It tried to formalize the notion that humans could create utopia through the intellect, perversely ignoring the pushback that is the natural result of being conscious.
The results were of course more base, in that the elites were able to scam from all activities rather than individual industries as in capitalism.
This kind of pondering has led me to a formal materialism where being may be seen as a more ‘congealed’ form of consciousness. So, if there is any all to it, it is that it is all essentially the same.
Where does the manifest expression of existence come from?
Our questions provide its shape, and if we are too ignorant, proud or distracted to ask the right questions then perhaps we deserve to live in our plastic prisons.
we don't ever, ever deserve to be imprisoned in prisons...
If ZPE is real and the surface of the sun is a vacuum, does it matter how far your planet is from the sun to sustain life?
"Hilda Martinez said...
Buy, buy, buy! If you don't, the terrorists win!"
Uh....what terrorists exactly Hilda?!
"The trouble with violent revolution is that the existing government does violence far better than you can. Are you really prepared..."
God love you, brother! Or should I say, may the first cause love you..?
Anyway, the answer to that is no. Obviously not.
But the alternative is marching us right down the rabbit hole.
Violence is the only thing "they" understand.
"Shape reality. That's the only way to go. The professional psy-ops guys may have a head start "
Rupert Murdoch Owns Your Soul -- The Evil Empire Buys MySpace
JEFF. When the FUCK are you going to WAKE UP to the FACT that These People are NOT Jews, but, thanks to your own deep research, have been Outed as People With JEWISH Names, who pretend to be Jewish!!! They ARE of the Synagogue of Satan, and They will not rest until every freedom-loving human is DEAD & BURIED in a Depleted Uranium Assisted GRAVE!!!!!!!!
For someone who purports to be so educated, aware, and On The Ball, you apppear to be one of the Blindest, most Self-Deceived persons whose otherwise well-thought-out prose I have ever read. My favourite example of Assholes whom you have allowed to control your GATE is the Nom De Guerre, Professor Pan, and, isn't is awfully interesting that we haven't heard a lot from him/her/YOU(?) lately???
You know what, it really doesn't matter, because You, and Yours just don't believe in the truth, even when it's STARING YOU IN THE FACE. Just forget all about this useless post, because, as we all know, God, Jesus, & the Holy Ghost do not really exist, EXCEPT in the minds of the NeoCon NAZIs who have taken over America, and SOON, Canada, Mexico, and the whole of South America. Just listen to the gospel according to "marykmusic" and her lover "dragon". They''ll take care of everything for us with their distance-vision/distance-war(?) WHATEVER!!! I really DO love the human being who calls himself Jeff Wels, but, alas, I fear for his very immortal soul. May you find, before your demise, the ONE who once said, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE!!!
God Bless You and All of Yours, Jeffrey!!!
Maybe Iran is gathering all the Middle East's Christians together in her country and will notify the US military on their exact whereabouts so they can be blown into bits. Less teaching of the Holy Gospel to bear with. More love for the hate of the doctrines of the NWO religion and secular domination. Who in their right mind appreciates the influences of passionless people? Especially if they are exposing the evils of the global management system and do not have a love for money like Ebeneazer Scrooge.
If Christ Jesus teaches us to keep all things in perspective, this harms the principles of deceiving men. Because they do not want anyone but their own clique to be able to do this. Keep things in perspective about their unrighteous behavior and thoughts. They love themselves and love each other in their self interest. If this angers us then we are lying to ourselves.
Deceiving men also get deceived as they seduce us more and more in their lust. Hating good people. Us Christians who primarily focus on Christ Jesus have found a contentmentness alive. If there is no God we are happy in this life trusting on the influences of Christ Jesus. When provoked in this simulated prison of this world we say "Yes boss." Instead of being thrown in solitary confinement.
Christ teaches us to be patient. Because the spirit of patience is better than the spirit of pride.
I ask anyone who is annoyed by this message to try not to respond in haste to me. I am a grown man very interested in theology. Please do not tell me about God if you are disinterested in the textual critism of the ancient manuscripts. Christianity is totally corrupted and has never been very popular since the very beginning of the early churches.
The NWO hierarchy is only too content with their Architect of the Universe. If you believe in this doctrine you should not be complaining because you have not been formally initiated into the brotherhood. If you have been then you are deceiving others into acting as brute beasts. I am defending other Christians and myself agaisnt this influence. We are targeted for extinction. The NWO servants should not allow Christians to share God's word. Christians do not fit in with this global management system unless they are arrogant and refuse to actually do what they have learned from the Holy Bible.
Whoa! So it's the FAKE Jews! And plenty of exclamation marks! Thanks Anonymous, thta was enlightening as usual. It just leaves the rest of us wondering how the fnck YOU figured all this out all by your lonesome! Or did you maybe have help from the Lord Jeesas Christ? How many question marks do I need?
Oh, and how did I miss this point where all of the sudden Kissinger is our seer and saviour?
"Christ Jesus"? Who dad? Jesus Christ's inverse twin? What's with you Christocrats on the board lately? Not enough perverts in the streets?
Yo nomo,
Just because someone thinks ( and not without reasons ) that the state of Israel and their religion have been hyjacked by the socalled Ashkenazi jews ( the former Khazars), does not imply that person is a Christian. But hey, the Jews killed Jesus so they they must be hated by all Christians,no ?
Read the talmud, it's very informing, regarding the views of Jews towards us goyims. All is allowed to deceive us, trick us into submission or even worse.
Other religios have been infiltrated, set up and used to as well in order to keep us dumb, small and without a sense of free will.
Keep an open mind please, the powers that be will go to EVERY end to see that their apocalyptic and messianistic endgame is played until we make the move they expect us to make. A forced check.. But checkmate ?
Anti- zionism is not the same as anti-semitism ! Check why the Americans entered WWI, read the Balfour Declaration, listen to Benjamin Freedman. That will slap you in the face but will open your eyes as well hopefully.
Cheers to you all,
martini and rossi said,
I am defending other Christians and myself against this influence. We are targeted for extinction. The NWO servants should not allow Christians to share God's word. Christians do not fit in with this global management system unless they are arrogant and refuse to actually do what they have learned from the Holy Bible.
The forms of the church have swamped out the substance of the Bible. Jesus is God? Please. Can you spell false agenda?
When Iraenius conned the church into accepting a common doctrine or dogma, the church was brought under the influence of the static principle or Ahriman. The spiritual and material have a dynamic relationship and as such the spiritual cannot be 'fixed' within the material through dogma. The secularists have the opposite problem in that their pretence still results from their discomfort at how the spiritual and the material interrelate.
As an outsider to both strains of cultural conformity enforcement, I see arrogance as the driving force in both cases. This is LOL rich; people that do not think like me should not exist. Blasphemy! You think you know better than G-d what should have existence?
At exactly which point in American history was this wonderful time of nobility and peaceful values? I can't seem to pin it down.
That view of the USA has always been a mirage. It's just so much easier to see that nowadays."
Thats not entirely true. When I lived in the US I met some excellent people - of a calibre that Id never met before. True brotherhood was one of your greatest strengths, and more reasily possible with americans than any other peoples Ive met. also you posessed amazing compassion and empathy, once. I think this is still there within all of you - the Gentle Giant type of benevolence - but its been subverted by fear. A very sad thing to see.
I am really not happy blogging away my time and peace of mind. I would prefer working in my organic garden. The decepticons are not as numerous as corrupted elections would have you believe. The class struggle with its 6,000 year agenda is not close to the fait de complet as you are lead to believe. We tried "ignore them and they will go away" by allowing our political institutions, churches, and community groups to be infiltrated and cordoned by the all seeing eye and the unseen hand. Exposure to the light of Truth will not reverse the tide. Only the gatekeeper stands in the path to Peace on Earth. Take a different Path.
Hey, "anonymous",
When I said "Buy! Buy! Buy! or the terrorists win" I was being sarcastic. I thought that was pretty evident given what I wrote in the previous paragraph. Gees...
Love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And loves dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure
Wow, we have a lot of anonymous experts on Judaism here! That really has a lot to do with this thread. If spelling is any indication, they must be pretty knowledgeable, with excellent sources, too. Yeah, I'm gonna go tell everyone about the false Jews who are actually Khazars. How about I summarize some portions of the Quran for you to tell you about how Muslims want to kill all the infidels? Think finding a few examples would be hard?
Maybe I'll tell you about the doctrine of hate that is Christianity and talk about the KKK, identity Church, Inquisition, etc.?
Seems to be there's a great deal more blood on the hands of "Christians" and "Muslims" than "Jews" if you take a long view, but who cares anyway? If you are a bigot, no argument is likely to change your narrow mind.
To paraphrase the wisdom of a bumper sticker I saw the other day 'I'm a militant Agnostic. I don't know, and you don't know either'. Danger lurks in the hearts and minds of those that believe they know the Truth. 'Reality' is at best a poetic interpretation of incomplete information. I think we all need to step back and take stock of our metaphors before we let them destroy us, literally.
I like the imagery on this post -- it makes me think immediately "As above, so below."
OK Ericswan,
What path do you suggest?
I'm a regular reader of this blog and it gives me comfort to know that there are athers who have seen some light an d see what the devils in power are doing with our world and also see a bit deeper than yer usual lefties.
How does one survive in this mad world surrounded by know nothings? I know nobody who thinks like me or sees what is really going on. A few, of course, march on demos and spout anti-Blair and Bush statements while they are driving down to the mall on the weekend to do what everybody else is doing. What do I do? Start buying survival gear? Join a miltia? None here in England. Get out of London to a small town in the hills? Join a hippy commune? Who can I talk to? I'm surrounded just like we all are. Help! Maybe if I could find a woman who reads Rigorous Intuition!
I'm cleaning up my act. Go to AA. Meditate. That works. Synchronisity in top gear. Intuition running smoothly.
Any other suggestions?
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